Thunder Martial

Chapter 2212 Dayi destroys demons

Latest website: This voice was very abrupt. Everyone looked at it and saw a woman in a red dress walking out of the crowd.

Everyone's eyes lit up and some were shocked.

The expressions of the elders changed slightly after seeing the woman.

"Zhenyao Mountain, you say Zi Chen is an evil spirit, do you have any evidence?"

The visitor is Wang Yiling.

Wang Yichen's sister.

The elders of Zhenyao Mountain knew about Wang Yiling and couldn't help but frown.

"I am the proof!"

Liu Xihuo stood up and said, "I was on guard in Bu Laolin that day. I found him and never wanted him to escape. Moreover, Wang Yichen can also testify!"

Wang Yiling glanced at Liu Xihuo, "Get out!"

Although Liu Xihuo and Wang Yichen were kids, he didn't know Wang Yiling, and he didn't know at that time that this was the incredibly talented sister that Wang Yichen said.

"How did you speak? Are you polite?" Liu Xihuo was irritated.

"Otherwise, die?" Wang Yiling had murderous intent in his eyes.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and everyone felt a chill.

The dragon-raising and demon-catching masters felt it most clearly. It was like encountering a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Their expressions changed drastically. It was hard to imagine that this young and beautiful woman could possess such terrifying murderous intent.

Wang Yiling continued to question, "Based on his words, you concluded that Zi Chen is an evil spirit. Isn't it too arbitrary?"

The elder of Demon Suppression Mountain said: "We are just taking him back. If he is not an evil spirit, we will send him back."

Wang Yiling sneered and said, "Do you believe this? You don't know what you have done in Demon Mountain for so many years?"

"Wang Yiling, I think of the relationship between your family and Zhenyao Mountain, so be careful what you say!" The elder frowned.

Liu Xihuo's face changed drastically when he heard this. He looked at Wang Yiling in shock, and then looked at Wang Yichen aside.

Wang Yichen was silent and guilty.

"I don't know about others, but Zi Chen is definitely not an evil spirit. You would rather kill by mistake than let go of your ideas. Use it on others."

Zi Chen was surprised. He didn't expect Wang Yiling to speak for him.

The elder of Zhenyao Mountain smiled and said, "You don't have to say anything about this matter."

Wang Yiling took out a token, looked at Zi Chen and said solemnly: "Zi Chen, you have passed the test and the trial ended early. This is your identity card!"

Zi Chen took the token and found that his name was engraved on it, and the other side was a complicated pattern.

Everyone is confused.

The expressions of the elders all changed.

"Wang Yiling, what do you mean?" The elder of Zhenyao Mountain turned gloomy.

"Zi Chen passed the trial ahead of schedule. From now on, he is a member of the Mythical Alliance!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar!

It turns out that it is the identity token of the Mythical Alliance!

Two mountains, three sects, four tribes, and five cities, these are the recognized forces in the Demon Sealing Land.

However, above this, there is a very mysterious alliance, which is the Mythical Alliance.

Their number is very small, but each of them possesses the ultimate combat power, because to join the alliance, you must master at least one mythical spell.

And this kind of spell is inherited from ancient times.


"Nonsense, just nonsense!"

The elder of the Demon-Suppressing Mountain was so angry that he trembled all over, "You actually let an evil spirit join the Mythical Alliance. Do you know what disaster this will bring to the people of the world?"

"I'd like to reiterate, Zi Chen is not an evil spirit. He went to the Everlasting Forest just to undergo a trial!" Wang Yiling responded coldly, "It's just that you have evil intentions, so you think he is an evil spirit."

"Okay, since you said he would go to the trial, does he have a mythical spell?" The elder of Yaozhen Mountain said: "If he doesn't have a mythical spell, he is not qualified to join the Mythical Alliance, and you are even less qualified to accept him. !”

"Want to see it? Then I'll let you guys understand clearly!"

Wang Yiling looked at Zi Chen and said, "Zi Chen, show me your mythical spell."

Zi Chen was a little confused. Where did he have the mythical spell?

Unexpectedly, Wang Yiling laughed and said, "You do, but you don't know it yet."

Zi Chen's expression changed, and his eyes widened.

Could it be...

Wang Yiling nodded.

Zi Chen spread his hands, light flowed between his palms, and his spiritual power turned into a long bow, slowly emerging from his hands.

A powerful breath was released.

"This is a mythical spell, it's simply ridiculous!"

The elder of the Demon Suppressing Mountain said: "Any disciple of my Demon Suppressing Sect can do this move."


Wang Yiling snorted and said, "You can try to touch that elder and let him feel it."

Zi Chen faced the elder, and with the surge of spiritual power, an arrow appeared.

The elder felt the crisis, but the arrow could not threaten him at all, and his expression remained disdainful, "That's it? A mythical level? Wang Yiling, since you are a member of the Wang family and have a deep connection with our Demon Suppressing Sect, I will not pursue it. You defend the sins of evil spirits."

Wang Yiling was too lazy to look at the elder. She looked at Zi Chen and said, "Zi Chen, feel it with your heart, and then say the word 'Dayi'."

This may be Zi Chen's only chance of survival.

He closed his eyes and recalled the grace of the arrow in his mind.

Opening his eyes again, he seemed to have a clear understanding of destroying demons, "Da Yi destroys demons!"


The spring of heavenly law in his dantian began to tremble violently, and his spiritual power surged like boiling water.

A tall figure appeared from behind Zi Chen.

The atmosphere of ancient mythology swept across.

In ancient mythology, Dayi destroys demons and shoots the sun, possessing supreme combat power!

Zi Chen's aura changed. After this phantom appeared, he felt like he was looking down on the world.

Let you have all the creatures in the world, let you have monsters and ghosts, I only have one arrow.

One arrow can destroy the sky, destroy the earth, kill monsters, slay demons, and command gods!

In the spring of heaven, spiritual power is like boiling water, which will surge out at any time.

Zi Chen has a feeling that he can kill the elder with one arrow!

The elder of the Demon-Suppressing Mountain was instantly shrouded in death, and the fatal sense of crisis made him feel as if he was on the cliff of death.

At this moment, no one doubted the power of Zi Chen's arrow.

This is definitely a mythical spell!

"Do you still insist that Zi Chen is an evil spirit?"

Wang Yiling smiled sarcastically, "This was originally a trial for Zi Chen, and we sent him to the Forest of Eternal Life. His identity should not have been revealed before the trial was over. However, you have evil intentions, so I can only terminate the trial early." Refining.”

Wang Yiling looked at everyone in the Terrain Sect again, "Do you think it's a coincidence that Zi Chen appears here?"

Then Wang Yiling reminded again: "Zi Chen, take the Sunset Bow and use Dayi to destroy demons, it will be more powerful. Next, if anyone dares to stop you, you will kill them! No need to worry, you have the power of life and death, really come out If it’s over, someone will come to settle the matter for you. From the moment you take over the token, you will be a part of the Mythical Alliance!”

Zi Chen had already let go of his hand, the energy in his palm dissipated, and the shadow of Dayi behind him also disappeared.

He was confident of killing the elder with one arrow, but not confident of surviving.

Because spiritual power is not enough, life is needed to make up for it.

He has a deeper understanding of the power of the demon-killing arrow.

"The trial is over, it's time for us to leave." Wang Yiling looked at Zi Chen.

Zi Chen nodded.

"Don't leave, he is an evil spirit!" said the elder of Zhenyao Mountain.

The disciples from Zhenyao Mountain also stopped the two of them.

"Ge Hongtao, are you mentally ill? You are still cultivating demonic barriers. Have you ever seen evil spirits mastering mythical spells?"

An old voice sounded, and then an old man appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this old man, everyone's expressions changed, and they all saluted to him.

Including the leader of the Terrain Sect and Liang Baibai of Zhenyao Mountain!

"Mr. Mo, why are you here?" Gu Zhiyi looked respectful.

The other disciples looked confused. Obviously this old man was very strange, but his status was not low.

No radon!

The great elder of the Mythical Alliance, an old monster who was famous two thousand years ago!

The old man said: "I put Zi Chen into the Immortal Forest. He was originally supposed to undergo a ten-year assessment before deciding whether to accept him as a closed disciple."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

"Closed disciple!"

This is amazing.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Zi Chen.

"Originally, no matter what happened in the middle, I didn't intend to interfere."

Mo Ruo glanced at Liang Baibai, "But you guys caused an accident. Liang Baibai, tell me, if Zi Chen went to Zhenyao Mountain, could he still come out alive?"

Liang Baibai remained silent.

The intelligence of the Mythical Alliance is extraordinary, and they naturally know what they are doing.

Mo Radon looked at Zi Chen, "From the current point of view, your performance is pretty good. The trip to the Immortal Forest barely qualifies you to join the Mythical Alliance."

Zi Chen quickly saluted Mr. Mo and said guiltily: "I really didn't know that the archery skills I realized were actually mythical spells."

Mo Lao smiled and said: "If you knew, you would be inferior. This is God's will. Unfortunately, they misled you with information. If you continue to stay in the Old Forest, you might be able to give me a bigger surprise."

Many people were confused by the conversation between the two.

But the elders of Zhenyao Mountain and Liang Baibai were like mirrors in their hearts.

Zi Chen's mythical spell comes from the Immortal Forest.

There have always been rumors that there are ancient inheritances in the Forest of Ages, but very few have actually been obtained.

The other elders also intentionally looked in the direction of Demon Suppression Mountain.

Mr. Mo looked at Liang Baibai, "You guys have a lot of ideas, but are unwilling to put in the effort. You just want to take shortcuts. However, there are no shortcuts on the road to spiritual practice? You don't want to take a good treasure mountain, but you choose to ponder evil ways. As long as you use some snacks , Zhenyao Mountain is no longer what it used to be."

"Follow Mr. Mo's teachings!"

Liang Baibai bowed deeply, and the others followed suit.

Mr. Mo looked in the direction of the people in Maoshan again. The elder who had spoken for Zichen before saluted Mr. Mo again.

"For many years, the only thing that has remained consistent is Maoshan. Unfortunately, if the Demon Sealed Land is in chaos, it will be difficult for a single Maoshan to support itself. This time, you must inspect carefully to prevent any accidents there."

Mr. Mo finally looked at Zi Chen and said, "Boy, let's go."

Zi Chen nodded, but after taking a few steps, he turned back and walked towards Cao Tong.

Cao Tong looked excited.

He didn't expect that Zi Chen was actually a big boss!

Mythical Alliance!

Zi Chen stretched out his hand, "Don't be stunned, take it out quickly."

I made a lot of money this time, and Zi Chen needed the money very much.

Cao Tong took out all the spiritual money this time, and Zi Chen was not polite. After taking it all, he said: "I will find you after I finish my work. I am in Yulongshou, Babu Tianlong, Dragon Journey." , it’s a little bit of experience, let’s discuss it when the time comes, and the reward given by Wang Xie will be yours.”

Zi Chen leaves.

Looking at Zi Chen's back, Cao Tong was extremely grateful. He knew that Zi Chen left these words because he wanted to help him protect himself in the Terrain Sect.

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