Thunder Martial

Chapter 2213 The Demonic Forbidden Land

Latest website: Three people from the Mythical Alliance have left, leaving everyone looking at each other in shock.

This incident was planned by Zhenyaoshan, and several dragon-raising and demon-catching masters were lost.

Others are just helping out, wanting a piece of the pie, and have no real losses.

But this does not include the Terrain Sect!

Because the Terrain Sect lost a Zi Chen and a Sunset Bow.

Originally, they had the opportunity to form a good relationship with Zi Chen and help the Terraform Sect to form a good relationship, but in the end, they all had a bad look towards Zi Chen.

Even, deliberately targeted!

It's okay now, let's show off our cards and stop pretending.

He comes from the Mythical Alliance.

Masters the mythical spell!

As long as nothing happens along the way, he will be a strong man in the future!

But you can look down at this land where demons are sealed, and even look down at all the great forces!

Not only that, Zi Chen turned out to be the power of a dragon. Looking at the entire Terrain Sect, Zi Chen has not appeared for many, many years.

There are also few people who can match Zi Chen's understanding of the dragon-raising spell.

The Journey of the Dragon, Controlling the Dragon, and the Eight Heavenly Dragons, these powerful spells that have been lost for a long time, Zi Chen actually mastered them all.

That hatred in everyone’s heart.

"It seems that our Terrain Sect must reorganize the sect's style!"

Gu Zhiyi snorted coldly, turned and left.

In this competition, the Terrain Sect gained nothing and lost such a great talent. Someone had to stand up and take responsibility.

He Qingtian stood in the crowd and watched Zi Chen show off his power.

Only now did he realize that he was a joke.



After leaving the Terrain Sect, Zi Chen was silent all the way.

Don’t let happiness come too suddenly!

I had already accepted my fate, but I never expected that there would be a turn of events.

The law of the jungle is vividly displayed in this place.

As long as there is strength, even if the evil spirit is standing here, everyone will bow down.

If not, even if they are from the Mythical Alliance, their words will not have enough weight.

Zi Chen believed that if Mr. Mo had not appeared today, he would not have been able to protect himself with Wang Yiling.

Zi Chen didn't know how to express his gratitude, so he could only remain silent.

Suddenly thinking of what he said before, he immediately said: "Thank you, senior, for the rescue. Zi Chen will definitely swear allegiance to me from now on!"

This is gratitude from the heart!

It’s also an oath!

Wang Yiling looked at Zi Chen who was so serious and couldn't help but laugh, "Silly."

After leaving, she had been following Zi Chen, paying attention to his every move.

She saw how Zi Chen treated the two robbers, and even saw how quickly Zi Chen practiced his skills.

Then he followed Zi Chen to the Terrain Sect and saw him bending his bow to shoot peacocks.

Kill with arrows!

I also saw him quietly drawing the sunset bow in the room!

Yes, her power is invisibility.

Mo Ran smiled and said, "Don't be so solemn. With a mythical spell, you are a member of the Mythical Alliance. They won't deal with you openly, but they will make small moves in private. You have to pay attention. .”

Zi Chen nodded, he had already prepared for this.

He is not afraid of any challenge!

"Let's go back to the alliance first. You should familiarize yourself with the environment of the alliance first, and then go to the Demon Sealing Land."

Mr. Mo had said before that the place where demons were sealed had changed.

This was considered his first mission, Zi Chen nodded again.

Along the way, Zichen didn't talk much and practiced during his breaks.

And the so-called practice means eating money.

Spiritual money is made from a special material, which contains very pure spiritual power and can be traded or practiced.

The spiritual money given by Cao Tong this time was nearly one million, and Zi Chen used it to repair the cracks in the spring of heaven.

He no longer hid his clumsiness, and after repairing it, he also retained some remaining strength. He entered the spring of heaven, and his cultivation began to increase.

Three days later, Zi Chen reached the peak of spirit exploration.

This speed of cultivation shocked Wang Yiling.

She looked at Zi Chen and asked curiously: "Could it be that you can control your promotion time at will?"

In the past two years, she spent a large part of her time with Zi Chen, and even stayed in the same room with Zi Chen.

Zi Chen was quite diligent in his cultivation, but his strength had not increased. She had been very confused before about why a person who practiced diligently had not made any progress.

Until now, Zi Chen was promoted in just three days.

"I have been recovering from injuries before, and because I don't want to be in the limelight, I deliberately suppressed my level." Zi Chen said, "Now I have to improve my strength."

Ten days later, the three returned to the Mythical Alliance, and Zi Chen successfully broke through and was promoted to the spirit-seeking realm.

This surprised Wang Yiling again.

The Mythical Alliance is in the Alliance City. It is said that this is the first city after the establishment of the Demon Sealing Land, and it is very lively.

The Mythical Alliance occupies the core position of the City of Dreams, and covers a very wide area, with many people coming in and out.

Seeing this scene, Zi Chen's expression changed, and he secretly guessed that these people were all owners of mythical spells?

"These are non-staff personnel of the alliance. They are mainly responsible for various intelligence on the Demon Sealing Land and are not considered the core of the alliance."

Wang Yiling explained: "Only those who have mastered the mythical spell are the true core of the alliance."

"How many such people are there in the alliance now?"

"No more than ten people!"

This is understandable, after all, it is a mythical level, not something from the bad streets.

Zi Chen couldn't help but be curious anymore, "Can I ask, what kind of mythological spell do you have?"

Wang Yiling smiled, and the room suddenly lit up, "Shen Yin."

"Is it a concealment technique?"

Zi Chen was startled. Many people knew about his concealment methods. How could he become a mythical person?

The next moment, Wang Yiling disappeared.

Zi Chen has unique soul power and can sense any abnormality around him.

But now, he couldn't find Wang Yiling.

"I've been with you for two years."

Wang Yiling's voice sounded from behind Zi Chen.

"What?" Zi Chen looked at Wang Yiling in shock.

"I have been following you since you left the tavern. Then I followed you into the Terrain Sect and saw you get the Taoist Spirit. I followed you into the Terrain Sect's treasure house and watched you take the Sunset Bow."


Zi Chen was shocked. For more than two years, there was a person following him, and he didn't notice it at all.

Now he finally understood why a concealment method could be rated as mythical.

This is clearly a born assassin.

Zi Chen asked again: "When you kill someone, will you show up on your own?"

"you guess."

Wang Yiling smiled mysteriously.

"I think it will happen." Zi Chen said, otherwise it would be too scary.

"How about giving it a try?" Wang Yiling's smile became even brighter.

Zi Chen felt a little cold on his neck and shook his head, not trying.

"Hey, Ling'er, I heard we have a new guy here, let me take a look." A voice sounded from behind.

A thin young man wearing Taoist robes walked in. He saw Zi Chen at a glance, "Is that you?"

Wang Yiling said: "His name is Wu Haoqi. He is a very out-of-touch guy. You should stay away from him from now on."

"Hey, Ling'er, even though I'm crazy about you, you can't slander me like this, right?" Wu Hao looked aggrieved, "I'm very reliable, okay?"

"Hello, my name is Wu Haoqi, and my ability is to spread the beans and make soldiers. Don't listen to Ling'er's nonsense, the two of us are flirting."

"Hello, my name is Zi Chen, a new member. My ability is the demon-killing arrow."

Wu Hao was startled and looked at Wang Yiling, "Demon-killing arrow? What kind of mythical level is that? Could it be a mistake?"

Wang Yiling said angrily, "Dayi destroys demons, do you think you made a mistake?"

"I'll go! So fierce?"

Wu Haoqi looked at Zi Chen again, "Da Yi, one of the ceilings of combat power in mythology, you can actually inherit such a spell, it's amazing, it's amazing!!!"

Wang Yiling was a little impatient, "Okay, is there anything you need? If you need something, please tell us quickly. If it's okay, we still have something to do."

"What can happen to you two?" Wu Hao stared at Zi Chen warily, mainly because this boy was too handsome and obviously posed a threat to him.

"We're going to eat."

"That's right. I'm hungry too. Come on, I'll treat you!"

Wu Haoqi grabbed Zi Chen's neck and took him away without any explanation.

Wang Yiling snorted.

The three of them came to a restaurant. The business here was very good, and the private rooms were full and they could only sit in the lobby.

Wang Yiling's appearance attracted a lot of attention.

"Have you heard? News just came that a sacred dragon has appeared in the Demon Sealing Land!"

"Holy Tianlong, can't you?"

"Why not? Many forces have already rushed over. It is said that it is a rare opportunity!"

As soon as he sat down, similar conversations started to sound.

Zi Chen suddenly remembered what Mr. Mo had said in the Terrain Sect, and it seemed that he also talked about the place where demons were sealed.

He couldn't help but look at Wang Yiling.

"Back then, the sacred dragon killed the great demon there. It is said that the great demon did not die, so he blessed the seal there. It was later called the Demon Sealed Forbidden Land, and it also became the Demon Forbidden Land!"

"Every hundred years or so, there will be strange movements in the demon-forbidden land. It is said that the big demon wakes up and wants to escape. Whenever this happens, the seal will be triggered and a sacred dragon will be born."

Wang Yiling looked at Zi Chen, "According to legend, as long as you get this sacred dragon, you can become a real dragon monster catcher! And the dragon monster catcher is said to be the strongest monster catcher in the world!"

"So, every time something unusual happens in the Demon Forbidden Land, it is a feast for the dragon-raising and demon-catching masters! Because even if you don't get the sacred dragon, even if you get a wisp of the power of the dragon, you can make your own dragon The power of the dragon evolves. Of course, the power of the heavenly dragon also has extraordinary effects on other people."

Zi Chen nodded, no wonder Mo Lao let him go.

Wu Haoqi was not surprised. He had obviously known about this for a long time, "When should we set off?"

"Who is following you and us?" Wang Yiling looked disgusted.

Two days later, the three of them set off together to the forbidden land of demons.

In the carriage, Wang Yiling carefully informed Zi Chen of the usefulness of his identity card.

With this identity, you can use all the information in this demon-sealed land, and you can also use this to sway people when necessary.

It can be said that in terms of status, the Mythical Alliance completely overpowers all sects.

As for the overall strength, it is difficult to say. After all, the sect is huge and has many disciples, while the Mythical Alliance only has many intelligence personnel.

But if you single out one person, everyone on this side of the Mythical Alliance is a top figure!

Outside the demon-sealed land, there is a demon-falling area. This was originally a gathering place for scavengers. Over time, it developed into a demon-falling area.

The outer buildings are all made of wood, and only deeper can you see the stone houses.

At this time, the place was already very lively.

"Zi Chen!"

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Luoyao District, Zi Chen heard a familiar voice.

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