Tiancai Monopoly Of Hokage

Chapter 199 The Fight For The Village!

The old man continued to speak slowly.

"Kobayashi Muramasa is the son of the previous village chief. He represents the traditional craftsmen side of the village."

"Traditional craftsmen aim to forge famous knives and pay attention to craftsmanship. Their forging pays attention to meticulous craftsmanship and only produces high-quality famous knives."

"Masamune Kimura is the son of a businessman. He represents the new generation of craftsmen in the village."

“The new-style craftsmen focus on producing practical weapons and ninja tools, focus on expanding production, and focus on making money.

“Two groups of villagers and two groups of craftsmen spared no effort in quarreling and traditional Chinese medicine in order to overwhelm each other.

Bai didn't understand, he looked confused.

"Wouldn't it be better for both factions to live their own lives in their own way? Why do they have to overwhelm one side?"

The old man had a look of contempt on his face.

"Everyone lives his own life, how can it be so easy?"

"Forging famous swords is a long and tedious process. How can one blacksmith alone complete such a huge task.

"Whether it's casting famous swords or producing ninja tools, of course the more people, the better."

He explained slowly.

"Before this, the famous craftsmen of the traditional 04 school, relying on their superb casting technology, have always controlled the voice of the village."

"The young people in the Craftsman Village all work under the hands of famous craftsmen. They start as apprentices and hone their skills step by step. It will take many years before they can become masters and have the ability and permission to forge famous swords."

A look of contempt came over his face.

"Many of the new-school craftsmen who produce ninja tools are incompetent craftsmen. They have no devotion to casting, they have no talent in casting, and they are not liked by famous traditional craftsmen."

"Masamune Kimura is the son of a businessman. He has a lot of ideas since he was a kid. When he was an apprentice, he often cheated and played tricks and was not interested in casting."

"If we follow tradition, such a guy will soon be kicked out of the master craftsmanship and can only be a businessman for the rest of his life."

The old man frowned and sighed.

"Sadly, the war of ninjas created a large demand for ninja tools. Although Masamune Kimura didn't care about casting, he was indeed a smart businessman.

"Masamune Kimura seized the opportunity brought by the war. He summoned some equally incompetent craftsmen who adopted rough crafting methods and used various tools to produce ninja tools in batches.

The old man said angrily.

"Due to the needs of the war, this kind of thing that is simply not worthy of being called a weapon was quickly introduced to the market because of its convenient production and low cost."

"The ninjas don't care at all. What they use to kill is famous swords or hatchets. They are all executioners. They can tear people apart with their bare hands, and an iron rod will satisfy them."

"The cheap ninja tools produced by Kimura Masamune are naturally welcomed by ninjas."

The old man breathed hard, as if he was angry.

"Masamune Kimura, by making war fortune, went from being the son of a useless businessman to becoming a very important figure in the village."

"Behind him, there is an emerging force composed of many incompetent craftsmen.

It was at that time that the Craftsman Village split into two opposing forces. "

Tiancai nodded thoughtfully.

"A war changed the world, and the drastic changes of the times pushed the Craftsman Village to the forefront.

"The rise of new forces is naturally accompanied by a struggle for the right to speak, and the old forces are naturally unwilling to hand over control of the village easily."

The old man's face was filled with memories.

"Who says it's not the case? No one on either side looks down on the other."

"Craftsmen who are good at making famous swords. They accuse the new-style craftsmen of being self-degenerate, shameless and without the heart of craftsmen. They accuse them of destroying the foundation of the village. Those apprentices have become eager for quick success and no one is willing to specialize in craftsmanship. technology."

The old man's face was filled with various emotions.

“Because there are a lot of low-end jobs in the new-school craftsmen’s workshops, the workshops even provide wages to the apprentices.

"You must know that in traditional craftsmanship studies, apprentices have to work for a master who is a famous craftsman for several years. Only in this way will the famous craftsman teach his craftsmanship to the apprentices. Only in this way will the apprentices learn Cherish the craft you learned.”

"The new-school craftsmen's unconventional treatment immediately attracted the apprentices. Apprentices who were eager for quick success and quick profit no longer wanted to follow the tradition."

Tiancai smiled softly.

"The old-school famous craftsmen have been hit by the rise of ninjas and the decline in the status of famous craftsmen. Now the new-school craftsmen have risen and poached their apprentices. Without free apprentices, the old-school famous craftsmen have really reached a dead end."

The old man frowned.

"As a craftsman, you should aim to become a famous craftsman. Those apprentices who are eager for quick success may make money in a short period of time, but after they waste their craftsmanship, they will never have the opportunity to pick it up again."

You don't have to guess what will happen next.

Tiancai said in a calm tone.

"Old-school famous craftsmen cannot give in when faced with the impact of new-school craftsmen. Once they give in, without apprentices as free labor, the famous craftsmen will really be doomed."

"And the new sect of craftsmen will naturally not miss the opportunity to take control of the village."

"The new-style craftsmen who are good at making various weapons and ninja tools in large quantities have made some money because of the war. They have the strength and motivation to bribe apprentices. If they want to expand production, they also need to control the voice of the village."

"At this time, they will naturally blame the old-school craftsmen. They are not following the past, are stuck in their ways, and do not know how to follow the times, which is leading the village astray203."

Bai said with a sigh.

"I didn't expect that a village made up of craftsmen would have so many entangled interests. In a war, even villages that did not participate in the war would be affected by the war."

Tiancai's tone was a little more serious.

"The idea of ​​war will spread to the entire world in the age of war. Although the craftsmen village was only engaged in war business at the beginning, soon, the craftsmen who were doing business also brought the war back to their villages."

The old man's face looked a little more lonely and painful.

It was like recalling memories that were overwhelming.

He said with a trembling tone.

"In a village, everyone lives together day and night. Under the competition between the two factions, the conflict becomes more and more intense."

"No one on either side is convinced by the other. The old-school craftsmen were once respected famous craftsmen. It is difficult for them to accept that those incompetent apprentices suddenly became equal to themselves, or even richer."

"It's hard for them to accept that a useless businessman's son should become the head of a craftsman village."

"The new-style craftsmen are young and vigorous, and they made money during the war. They also look down on the old-school craftsmen, saying that they can't make money and that they have been eliminated by the times.

"They are eager to seize the right to speak in the village, and they are sarcastic and sarcastic at the old-school craftsmen."

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