Tiancai Monopoly Of Hokage

Chapter 200 Above Power!

Listening to the old man's story, Tiancai sighed.

What happens next is very simple. Interests cannot be reconciled and will eventually lead to war.

The old man continued to speak slowly.

“The old-school craftsmen are afraid of losing their dominance in the village, and the new-school craftsmen don’t want to be controlled by the old-school craftsmen.

"In order to compete with each other for the position of village chief and for control of the craftsman village, the supporters of the two factions became increasingly fierce. 11

There was a look of horror on his face.

“Later, I don’t know who launched the attack first, and the conflict turned into a war. The two groups fought and many villagers died.

"At this point, after seeing dead people and seeing bloody lessons, the villagers finally had no intention of arguing about which side was right and which side was wrong."

"Everyone doesn't want to continue fighting. Everyone is clamoring to punish the murderer."

"Facing the threat of life and death, everyone finally sat down and started negotiations."

The old man sighed.

"After all, the largest number of people in the village are ordinary craftsmen and ordinary apprentices."

"Although the old-school famous craftsmen have the support of the former village chief and traditional support, they have no choice but to surrender when facing those young people who have been incited.

"The old-school famous craftsmen lost their dominance in the village. Kimura Masamune, the representative of the new-school craftsmen, became the village chief."

"Several of Kobayashi Muramasa's subordinates testified that Kobayashi Muramasa took the initiative to provoke the fight. Although Kobayashi Muramasa tried his best to defend himself, saying that Kimura Masamune bribed his subordinates."

"But at this time, the new-style craftsmen, relying on their numerical advantage and force advantage, have completely controlled the craftsman village."

"The old-school craftsmen lost their former rule. Kimura Masamune and the new-school craftsmen took control of the village.

"As the leader of the opposition, Kobayashi Muramasa had his tendons broken and was driven out of the village."

"It's actually like this, both sides are telling lies.

After hearing the whole story, Bai had an unimaginable look on his face. He didn't expect that the villagers in the village were telling lies on both sides.

The villagers had never told these hidden details about the news he had heard in the village before.

The villagers only mentioned the power struggle between Kobayashi Muramasa and Kimura Masamune, and they completely ignored their own role in it.

Tiancai smiled softly.

"It's not surprising. Everyone will try to cover up the bad things they have done. When the villagers tell stories, they will cover up the things that are not good for them and only choose the parts that are good for them.

"There are always prejudices and concealments in people's mouths."

Bai looked at Tiancai with admiration.

"Lord Tianming, did you guess from the beginning that all the villagers were lying?"

Tiancai looked indifferent and said lightly, "I just didn't believe what the villagers said in the beginning.

"The client's words may not necessarily be credible. Sometimes, the enemy of the ninja is even the client."

Tiancai is not a ninja in the conventional sense. He has the power of a ninja, but is not bound by the rules of a ninja.

He never did commissioned tasks in the first place.

Not like other ninjas, they would not regard the mission as their life, and even have the consciousness to complete the mission even if they die.

To put it bluntly, Tiancai is more like a practitioner who has mastered power, pursued eternity, and pursued immortality.

To some extent, there is a certain similarity between him and others.

This kind of mentality prevents Tiancai from being bound by the rules of the Ninja Village and his status as a ninja.

For Tiancai, the mission is far less important than his own goal.

So, when he needs to accomplish a goal. Ninja rules and ninja taboos did not apply to him at all.

Not believing the client's words, or even taking action against the client, is something that is absolutely taboo for ninjas. For Tiancai, there will be no worries.

"Sometimes, the enemy of the ninja is the client."

Bai nodded thoughtfully.

He is a rebellious ninja. Compared with the ninjas in the serious ninja village, he is more able to accept these concepts. For ninjas, they are shocking concepts.

Tiancai looked at Bai with gentle eyes.

"This time, I will take you to find the truth. I hope you understand that the power of ninja is not just for fighting enemies."

"Anything a ninja wants to do, you can use ninja power and ninja methods to achieve your goal. Whether it's asking for information, wanting to know the truth, or other things

. "Affection

There is a confident power hidden in his words.

"We are strong, unless we are willing. Otherwise, ordinary people's rules will not work for us."

Thinking of the meaning behind Tiancai's words, Bai took a breath.

"To ordinary people, ninjas look like monsters."

With some pity in his eyes, he looked at the old man controlled by the illusion.

"The secrets he wanted to hide all his life, the good and bad, noble and despicable, secrets that he would rather die than tell. To a ninja, they are not called secrets at all."

Tiancai said casually.

~The world is different in the eyes of different people. "

"A strong person with power has higher authority in this world. Ordinary people have no secrets, no privacy, and no way in front of the strong."

"Their lifelong struggles, lifelong secrets, and lifelong pursuits are all so fragile.

Bai sighed, with a hint of reluctance in his tone.

"It is really a cruel world. The reason why ordinary people can live happily and peacefully is just because they have never aroused the hostility of the powerful.

Tiancai said calmly.

“An overly powerful individual is itself a moving natural disaster.

"Ordinary people's morality and ordinary people's laws cannot restrain the strong."

"If you are a strong person but regard yourself as an ordinary person, you will end up like an elephant squeezing into an ant nest. Every move you make will be a devastating disaster for the ants.

Thinking of the current situation of the ninja world, Tiancai felt emotional.

Everything he said is happening right now.

Countries control ninjas to launch wars, and sooner or later (Nord Zhao) will cause a backlash from ninjas.

Even if there was no Uchiha Madara, no Akatsuki, there would be someone else.

Those ninjas with power will wake up from the nightmare of killing sooner or later.

The ninjas who were forced to wake up by the war could not find a way to change everything, and in the end they could only destroy everything.

Bai said with emotion, "Power is really a weapon that makes people yearn for and scare people. Guy."

Seeing Bai Ruo's thoughtful look.

Tiancai reminded, "Power is always a good thing. Power can be used to achieve our goals, just like we want to know the truth, so there is the truth."

"Reasonable use of force can make everything easier."

"Even in front of the client?"

Bai asked cautiously.

Tiancai said calmly, "Even in front of the client."

"The lives of ninjas are precious and should not be put in danger because of the client's concealment."

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