Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1919 Things are a bit troublesome


Su Chen's moves collided with that of the young man, and Su Chen's heart trembled. The opponent's strength was indeed very strong, and he was far from being able to match it at this stage.

Bang bang bang bang bang, the two of them fought, and dozens of moves passed in the blink of an eye. Although Su Chen was not at a disadvantage on the surface, only he knew that the other party was completely suppressing him, but the opponent was completely suppressing him. His strength was not fully displayed, but only part of it, so it didn't look too one-sided.

Su Chen was not discouraged. Although he didn't know why the other party didn't show his full strength, it was just right. He could take the opportunity to hone his own fighting power.

This young man is extremely powerful, and his moves are very pure. He doesn't attack secretly like some villains. He fights completely according to the rules of the ring, making him a perfect training partner.

In this way, after hundreds of moves, Su Chen was knocked out by the young man. He leaped backwards and landed lightly on the stage.

It looked as if Su Chen was knocked out of the ring by this young man, but as if the two of them had colluded long ago and Su Chen was deliberately acting.

"Brother, I accept it!"

The young man named Gu Ling smiled and raised his hand to Su Chen on the ring.

Su Chen also smiled and nodded, then immediately sat cross-legged and began to digest the experience of the previous battle.

For Su Chen, this opportunity to compete with a master is very precious, and the moves used by this young man are all very advanced, and their origins should be quite mysterious. You will benefit more from playing against him than against ordinary masters.

"Oh, a country man from a humble background can't do it after all!"

Below the ring, Hua Chengyan muttered that when he saw Su Chen defeat He Lianfeng, who had a king-level innate wood spirit body, his heart felt as if a vinegar jar had been overturned, and he was so sour.

He refused to accept why a country man should be more dazzling than a boy with a surname from the royal capital.

But now, seeing Su Chen lose to a pretty boy of unknown origin, Hua Chengyan felt more balanced.

"After all, the country man has little potential. Even if he can defeat the king-level innate wood spirit now, in the future, as time goes by, his strength will definitely be left behind by the king-level innate wood spirit."

This is not only the inner thought of Hua Chengyan, but also the inner thought of many viewers present.

However, ideas are ideas, and Hua Chengyan still won't challenge Su Chen, because he knows very well that his strength is not as good as He Lianfeng, and challenging Su Chen will probably just bring humiliation to himself.

There are all kinds of people in the world, but Hua Chengyan is the kind of person who talks a lot, but in fact, when you let him do it, he will never take action.

"Let me challenge you, little pretty boy!"

Another contestant couldn't wait and jumped onto the ring where the ancient spirit was.

When Gu Ling heard that he was called a pretty boy, he was not angry. He just smiled, fisted, and then attacked the challenger.


With just one move, the challenger was knocked off the ring by Gu Ling.


The audience gasped. The most important thing was that this challenger seemed to be stronger than Su Chen, but he was knocked off the ring with just one move. Unlike Su Chen, who persisted with hundreds of moves, it was simply incomprehensible.

The challenger was knocked off the ring by a move. Although he was not injured, he looked very embarrassed and lost his previous high-spirited attitude. He blended into the crowd in despair.

Soon, a third person came up to challenge Gu Ling.

At the same time, He Lianfeng also started fighting with others in other arenas.

Although He Lianfeng had lost to Su Chen before, he was still a king-level innate wood spirit, and his talent was there.

After re-selecting the arena, He Lianfeng also defeated several opponents in one breath and made great progress all the way.

After burning the incense, after digesting the experience of the battle with the ancient spirit, Su Chen also opened his eyes, jumped onto the ring again, and started fighting.

Of course, he did not choose the arena where Gu Ling was, but the arena where others were. Because he knew very well that with his current strength, he would definitely not be able to defeat that young man, so it would be better to avoid his edge.

Relying on the sword power of Ten Thousand Swords, Su Chen quickly established a foothold in another arena and won seven or eight consecutive games.

However, Su Chen also knew in his heart that with his current strength, he would still have little success in Tianyuan Capital. Even if the young man named Gu Ling hadn't interfered with the situation, I probably wouldn't have had any hope of winning the final victory in the martial arts competition.

Originally, Su Chen's plan was to try his best. If he could win the competition to find a bride, he could help Ruan Yanran out of the siege. He could tell that no matter what the reason was, Ruan Yanran was definitely resisting this competition in her heart.

However, if Su Chen fails to win, Ruan Yanran may be forced to marry someone she doesn't know. This is definitely unacceptable to Ruan Yanran.

"Things are a bit troublesome..."

Su Chen frowned slightly, feeling that it would be better if there wasn't this guy named Gu Ling. With this guy coming to disrupt the situation, the situation would be more complicated.

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