Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1920 Choosing a Husband

Especially when the three dynasties are fighting fiercely among themselves, it is not certain whether this ancient spirit is a spy sent by the other two dynasties, so the princess cannot be married to him.

"Go and check, which family sent this ancient spirit and what is its origin?"

Manager Gao ordered his confidants to investigate the origin of Gu Ling.

At the same time, a servant from Ruan Yanran's side approached her and whispered in her ear: "Princess, Manager Gao asked me to tell you that if you want to choose a consort later, don't choose that one." A man named Gu Ling.”

"I know." Ruan Yanran said calmly.

At the same time, Ruan Yanran's eyes were also looking in the direction of the ring.

The young man named Gu Ling was not the object of her attention.

In fact, the object of her attention was Su Chen from the beginning to the end.

To be honest, when she first discovered that Su Chen was among the contestants in this competition to find a bride, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was such a coincidence. It was like a plot arranged by God. Su Chen was God. Arrangements were made to save her.

Especially after Su Chen saw her, he immediately got on the ring and started fighting without saying a word. This behavior hit Ruan Yanran's heart hard.

However, when Ruan Yanran sobered up slightly from the excitement, she realized that she could not completely count on Su Chen to save her.

First, Su Chen's current strength may not be enough to sweep the entire field and win first place.

Secondly, and most importantly, she wanted Su Chen to win the martial arts competition to find a bride so that she could be rescued from her predicament. This was simply her own wishful thinking. In fact, it is unknown whether Su Chen wants to marry her or not.

Ruan Yanran is not that shameless, thinking that someone will definitely want to marry her.

If Su Chen didn't have this idea, but had to win the competition for marriage out of moral reasons, and then marry himself, wouldn't he become the culprit of destroying other people's happiness?

Because of this thought, Ruan Yanran was also very confused in her heart.

Amidst Ruan Yanran's entanglement, time passed slowly, and the day was quickly coming to an end.

When the time was about to reach dusk, there was only one warrior left in each of the six arenas. They were all people who had withstood the test in the arena and had won at least dozens of games in a row.

Among these six people, there was Gu Ling, Su Chen, He Lianfeng, and three others.

Except for Gu Ling, Su Chen, and He Lianfeng, the other three were all from families with big surnames in the capital, and Hua Chengyan was not among them.

According to the rules of the contest, if the princess wants to choose a husband, she can start to choose from these six people at this time.

Of course, if the princess feels that she still needs to refer to it, she can also order these six people to continue fighting so that she can continue to observe and choose from them.

Manager Gao and several other royal members present looked at each other, and Manager Gao said: "Princess, do you want to choose your favorite person now? Or let them continue the competition?"

This is the question, but in fact, Manager Gao has already set the tone in his heart. Whether he chooses now or competes again, the final prince-in-law must not be an ancient spirit.

As for the other five people, the final prince-in-law only needs to be the one with the strongest talent among them.

Under the public gaze, everyone looked at Ruan Yanran, waiting for the princess to make a decision.

Ruan Yanran glanced at Manager Gao with her beautiful eyes, and said calmly: "No more competition, let me choose."

Ruan Yanran was so happy that Manager Gao was slightly taken aback. He had known before that the princess was somewhat resistant to the idea of ​​seeking a bride through martial arts, and he thought that the princess would not make her own choice so quickly. She might delay the decision and let the six people compete for another round or two.

But she didn't expect that the princess would start choosing a husband so happily.

For a moment, Manager Gao almost thought that the previous resistance was because the princess was showing off.

"The attitude has changed so quickly. Could it be that she has fallen in love with one of these six people?"

Manager Gao made an inner guess. At present, the possibility of this guess is quite high.

I just don’t know which one of these six candidates the princess has chosen?

Manager Gao's eyes seemed to sweep across the six candidates on the stage inadvertently. After all, he is a powerful confidant around the king, and he has a good eye for observing people. He can notice many small details that others cannot notice.

He had long noticed that although Gu Ling had a handsome appearance and looked like the type that his daughter's family would like, in fact, the princess's eyes never stopped on him at all.

Instead, the princess's eyes were frequently cast in a fixed direction. In that direction, there were two arenas, one was where Su Chen was, and the other was where He Lianfeng was.

In other words, the object of the princess's attention is most likely one of Su Chen and He Lianfeng.

Compared with other candidates, except for the unknown origin of Gu Ling, the other three candidates are all from famous families and have prominent status, but the princess just doesn't pay attention to them. Instead, are you interested in Su Chen and He Lianfeng, two candidates from grassroots backgrounds?

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