Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3386 Drawing Lots

The Tong family stood on the rostrum with great enthusiasm, and their voice was loud and clear, which directly enveloped the entire street.

"Here, I would also like to welcome all distinguished guests, especially the heads of the Jinying family. Your arrival will add more luster to the Immortal Pill Pavilion."

"Here, on behalf of the Immortal Pill Pavilion, I have good news to tell you all!"

"I believe that everyone has heard about the Life-Extension Pill. That's right, today our Immortal Pill Pavilion will launch the Life-Extension Pill!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd cheered!

Of course, most of the cheering people were invited by the Immortal Pavilion to heighten the atmosphere.

These people feel honored to be able to serve the Jinying family, so they shout very hard.

"Master Tong, it is said that the longevity pill is extremely miraculous and can rival the world in longevity. The effect is immediate. Is it true?"

"Master Tong, please give us a live demonstration!"

"That's right, seeing is believing, we haven't seen it with our own eyes yet!"

The voices of these people are louder than the others, and it would be difficult for those who don't know to tell that they are the agents invited by the Tong family.

The head of the Tong family smiled slightly: "I understand everyone's mood very well. Just like Tongdan, we will verify the effect for everyone on the spot. Moreover, the candidates for the test will be selected from the scene."

As soon as the head of the Tong family said these words, the scene exploded.

"What? Did I hear wrongly?"

"As expected of the Tong family, their craftsmanship is impressive. Does this mean that they are giving away two pills for free?"

"It's amazing. The Tong family is becoming more and more magnanimous as the No. 1 Jinying family."

"Two Life Extension Pills, worth hundreds of thousands of Saint Yuan Pills, are given away for nothing just to verify? It seems that the Tong family is really sincere!"

"Generous and magnanimous, if the No. 1 Jinying family is voting for the election, then I will vote for the Tong family!"

These Tong family's entrusters spared no effort to build momentum for the Tong family.

Xiong Weishan was mixed in the crowd, and when he heard the shouts of these people, he was so sick that he almost vomited. Others couldn't tell, but he knew very well that these people must have been hired by the Tong family.

The Tong family is generous and magnanimous? This is simply the funniest joke he has heard this year.

Who in the inner city doesn't know that the Tong family will retaliate and will do whatever it takes to get benefits?

However, these shouts still had a good effect. Many people who originally had unclear attitudes became somewhat interested after hearing these words.

Even some people who originally had a bad impression of the Tong family had a slightly improved impression after hearing these words. They felt that this time the Tong family finally looked like a top-notch Jinying family.

The head of the Tong family smiled and said: "Friends here, anyone who is below the advanced level of the Dongmort Realm and is old enough can sign up to try. Maybe today, good luck will fall on you."

The inner city is very large, and there are so many warriors below the high level of Dongfan Realm. Although these people did not have invitations to enter the Immortal Pill Pavilion, the head of the Tong family was speaking on a high platform outside the gate of the Immortal Pill Pavilion at the moment, which meant that all the people present who did not have invitations had a chance.

After hearing the words of the head of the Tong family, many young warriors pushed forward at the risk of their lives. Obviously, they don't want to miss this pie-in-the-sky opportunity.

After all, the longevity pill has set such a high tone, so the price will definitely not be cheap. Although it may not be as exaggerated as at auction, it is not something that ordinary people can afford.

What's more, even if you have enough money in your pocket, the elixirs are limited. Looking at the crowd, it may not be their turn to buy them.

In this case, there are two free opportunities, so naturally it will be a bloody battle!

As a result, the scene seemed a bit funny, with all the old men and women almost breaking their heads trying to sign up first.

Although warriors can maintain a fixed appearance for a long time, once they get old and are about to lose their skills, many people usually cannot maintain it and become gray-haired.

The guards at the scene also quickly intervened to maintain order. After a while of chaos, the situation at the scene was stabilized.

But even so, those who wanted the Life Extension Pill stared at each other, not wanting to give it to anyone.

The head of the Tong family seemed happy to see this scene, and said with a smile: "No need to fight, I have a proposal. Anyone who wants a free trial spot should sign up, and then we will draw lots on the spot, and whoever is drawn will be the winner. That's the only way , in order to ensure absolute fairness, what do you think?”

"Okay, draw lots!"

"Master Tong, we can trust you. Drawing lots cannot be done in secret."

"Yeah, I hope we can feel true fairness."

Those who want a free trial spot are shouting.

The head of the Tong family smiled and said: "I promise in the name of the Tong family that the drawing of lots will be absolutely fair, so everyone can rest assured."

After counting the number of applicants, there were over a thousand people. These more than 1,000 people drew lots to compete for two free trial spots.

"Now everyone

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