Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3387 The scene is hot

Lucky Man couldn't wait to put the elixir into his mouth, and in full view of everyone, he sat cross-legged and began to refine the potency.

Everyone present watched intently. At a certain moment, they suddenly discovered that a light red halo enveloped the outside of the lucky man's body.

"Look, everyone, what is that?"

"It seems like his energy and blood are flowing out! It's amazing."

"Could it be that this elixir really has the effect of prolonging life?"

Seeing that the halo was getting thicker and thicker, changing from light red to deep red, the people around him were talking more and more, and everyone was surprised.

As the halo continued to grow stronger, the lucky man's body surface also began to change. All the visible skin on his face, neck, and hands began to appear cracks, peeling off piece by piece like a stone weathering over time, or like a tree shedding its skin.

And from those peeling skins boom!

Next, various impurities continued to emerge from the lucky man's pores and orifices, his white hair gradually turned black, his slightly hunched back became straight...a series of changes appeared on him at an alarming speed.

“It’s unbelievable, I’ve really become younger!”

"It's really amazing how long it can last."

"The Tong family's introduction of this kind of elixir really benefits everyone!"

"I support the Tong family to become the number one Jinying family!"

The crowd was excited, and all kinds of praise for the Tong family continued. But at this time, everyone felt that it was not so harsh in their ears.

Obviously, after witnessing the efficacy of the Life Extension Pill, everyone's impression of the Tong family has improved to a higher level, and some people who originally had a bad impression have become less disgusted.

"Hahaha, I never thought that I would be able to enjoy the feeling of being young again in my life. From now on, my life belongs to the Tong family. If anything happens to the Tong family, I will be the first to suffer!"

The lucky man shouted happily. At this moment, he no longer felt old as before. He was even taller and looked much more youthful and energetic.

With this look on his face, he could live another two to three hundred years and there would be nothing wrong with him at all.

This change also caused everyone at the scene to exclaim.

"Amazing, amazing!"

"Master Tong, there is still one spot left, let's continue drawing lots! The next spot must be mine!"

"Tch, when I was little, my grandma said that I would be a lucky person in the future. This second spot must be mine, and none of you can take it away!"

It has to be said that this marketing strategy of the Tong family is very successful.

Finding someone to test the medicine on site is more effective than any kind of sales promotion. After witnessing the miraculous effects of longevity pills, who wouldn’t want to buy one to keep as a treasure?

After all, there are only a few strong people above the Dong Mortal Realm. Most people are still below this, and it is difficult to reach above this in their lifetime.

Therefore, they will definitely be crazy about this longevity pill.

Both those who signed up to take the drug and those who didn’t sign up to take the drug.

People who have not signed up to take the pill do not mean that they do not desire the pill. It is just that their current age does not meet the requirements for the pill. However, they still have demand for the life-extending pill because one day they will be old.

Soon, the second trial medicine quota was also drawn.

This time, the lucky guy was much older than the last one. He looked like an old warrior who was about to give up his skills.

But this time, the Life-Extension Pill also showed its miraculous effect. An old man who stepped into the coffin with one foot regained his vitality in less than two quarters of an hour.

This scene once again shocked everyone present.

It was the first time that they had such an intuitive understanding of the efficacy of longevity pills!

Even Xiong Weishan cursed secretly in his heart: "Damn, where did this elixir come from, and why is it so magical? The Tong family has such elixirs, why don't they just lie down and make money in the future?"

Even Xiong Weishan couldn't help feeling some dissatisfaction and jealousy at this moment.

At this time, the two free trial medicine quotas have been distributed. However, there were countless hungry people at the scene, and they could only watch those two people getting lucky.

"There are no more free ones, but there are still ones that cost money, right? I'll pay. How much does this life-extending pill cost?"

"I'm also willing to pay, just for a life-extending pill?"

"Master Tong, is it on sale now? Do those of us who sign up for the trial have priority?"

"Master Tong..."

Regardless of those who signed up for the trial or those who did not, everyone was rushing forward, fearing that they would not be able to buy the elixir even with their money.

This fiery scene also made the head of the Tong family very happy.

At that moment, the head of the Tong family pressed down his hands: "Everyone, calm down. Let me say a few words first."

Everyone immediately fell silent, a pair of

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