Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 655: Grandfather and Grandson

"Don't be so self-righteous!"

A steward of the Immortal Pavilion nearby couldn't bear it and scolded, "The Immortal Pavilion is not a place for you to be arrogant, get out!"

"How dare a mere little person tell me to get out?"

Lin Hui finally spoke, his face extremely cold, "Slap me!"

Following Lin Hui's words, a strong follower immediately rushed to the steward's side and slapped the steward in the face.

"Steward Wang!" Murong Shan exclaimed, her face immediately darkening, "I'm warning you, stop immediately, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences."

"Haha, what are the consequences that we can't bear?"

Zhou Yi sneered, "Miss Murong, Master Lin didn't let anyone slap your mouth for the sake of your heavenly beauty. Otherwise, you will definitely end up with the steward now."

With that said, Zhou Yi walked up to Murong Shan: "Now I'll give you a chance. As long as you go out for a drink with Master Lin and me, I can help you plead with Master Lin and ask him to spare the steward. "

"Otherwise, with Master Lin's temper, everyone in your store will not be able to escape the fate of being slapped today!"

Zhou Yi didn't mention the ownership of Xianren Pavilion at all, because he knew that as long as Lin Hui took action, Xianren Pavilion would definitely be able to capture him. There was no need to doubt this.

As for letting Murong Shan go drinking with the two of them, in fact, anyone with any brains would know that it is drinking on the surface, but what it actually is... it is self-evident!

"Okay, I can promise you." Murong Shan said suddenly.

Zhou Yi was overjoyed. He didn't expect that this beauty, who was as cold and indifferent as an iceberg, would agree so easily. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "Ms. Murong is indeed a smart person. I believe that Young Master Lin will be sympathetic to her!"

With that said, Zhou Yi leaned forward, stretched out a wretched arm, and was about to put his arm around Murong Shan's neck.

Murong Shan suddenly opened the mouth of the cherry and "spit", spitting on Zhou Yi's face impartially.

"Damn it! Looking for death!" Zhou Yi wiped it with his hand and became furious.

"Come here, arrest this little bitch!" Zhou Yi completely lost his patience and ordered. Anyway, he asked people to arrest Murong Shan so that Lin Hui could enjoy it first. I believe Lin Hui would not blame him for overstepping his authority. .

However, at this moment, an old voice suddenly rang angrily: "Who is making a noise in the lobby? Stop it!"

"Which bastard grandson dares to meddle in my business?" Zhou Yi was also really angry and shouted impatiently.

However, at this moment, Lin Hui, who was listening to the side, suddenly trembled: "Grandpa...Grandpa!"


Zhou Yi was confused, what grandfather?

Wasn't he scolding his bastard grandson when Lin Hui suddenly called out "Grandpa"? What happened?

"Master Lin, what grandfather?" Zhou Yi asked subconsciously.

As a result, he didn't hear Lin Hui's answer. When he turned around, he saw Lin Hui staring nervously in one direction.

And in that direction, an old man strode towards them at this moment, his eyes staring at them like fire, full of anger!


At this time, Zhou Yi finally came to his senses. Did Mr. Lin really call him grandpa just now?

So who is Lin Hui’s grandfather?

It’s none other than King Lin Dan!

At that moment, Zhou Yi felt as if a basin of cold water was poured from his head. That was King Lin Dan!

His entire Zhou family relied on the breath of King Lindan to gain a foothold in Donglin City, let alone him!

In fact, until now, he has not had the opportunity to see King Lindan several times. Every time he saw him, he was at the Zhou family's banquet. He just felt that he was aloof and superior. Even the head of the Zhou family did not dare to show his arrogance in front of him.

And just now he actually called the other person a bastard. This alone was enough for him to be skinned and cramped by the owner of the family ten times!


Zhou Yi only felt his legs trembling for a while, and immediately knelt down, his whole body shaking like chaff, and said in a trembling voice: "Master Lin, I didn't mean it just now, please forgive me, Master Lin!"

However, King Lin Dan ignored him. At this moment, King Lin Dan just stared at Lin Hui with disappointment and anger, and said: "How could it be you?"

King Lin Dan never expected that the person who made noise and disturbed him from listening to Su Chen's explanation of Dan Dao was actually his grandson!

This made him furious and very disappointed. He had always been proud of his grandson, but he never expected that his grandson would actually come to Su Chen's shop to cause trouble!

You know, he already regarded Su Chen as his mentor, and he was extremely respectful in every word and deed. However, his grandson came to Su Chen's shop to act wild. Where could he put his old face?

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Lin Hui was also very depressed. He didn't really want to come to Xianren Pavilion at first. He came mainly because he was attracted by Zhou Yi's words. But he didn't expect to meet his grandfather here!

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