Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 656 The Zhou family is finished

When Lin Hui saw Su Chen, he was about to get up from the ground and rush forward, but then he was slapped to the ground by King Lin Dan: "Who gave your dog the courage to come here to cause trouble? Don't you know that Mr. Chen is a member of the Jiuxing Dan Society?" Reserve member?"

"Mr. Chen? A preliminary member of the Nine Star Pill Association?"

Lin Hui covered his face and froze in place. He knew that he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended. The boss of the Immortal Pavilion turned out to be a preparatory member of the Jiuxing Dan Society!

It's ridiculous that I was so proud of the prospect of becoming a preparatory member of the Jiu Xing Dan Society, but in the blink of an eye, I was actually destroying the store of a preparatory member of the Nine Star Dan Society?

Lin Huizheng was so shocked that he couldn't believe it, and received another hot slap on the face from King Lin Dan: "Call me Master!"

Master, master?

Lin Hui was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. Even if Su Chen was a preparatory member of the Jiuxing Dan Society, wasn't he a young man? Even younger than me, my grandfather actually asked me to call him Master?

Lin Hui was stunned, and King Lin Dan slapped him again: "Why don't you scream!"

"Master!" Lin Hui shouted unwillingly.

He actually felt uncomfortable thinking about calling a young master who was younger than him. But this was his grandfather's order, and he had no choice but to obey it.

Su Chen ignored Lin Hui at all. He looked at Murong Shan and asked, "Shan'er, what's going on?"

Murong Shan quickly explained the matter briefly, especially pointing at the Immortal Pavilion steward who was slapped, and talked about Lin Hui and Zhou Yi sending their men to slap him.

After hearing this, Su Chen looked at King Lindan and said, "King Lindan, I originally wanted to let it go for your sake, but your grandson is a little too arrogant."

King Lin Dan said yes again and again, turned around and slapped Lin Hui several times, turning Lin Hui into a pig's head. He looked much worse than the steward.

It was not until Lin Hui was beaten to death by King Lin Dan that Su Chen stopped King Lin Dan and said: "King Lin Dan, after all, he is your grandson, so he cannot be beaten to death."

King Lin Dan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "I will thank Mr. Chen on his behalf!"

King Lin was really lucky. If Su Chen really held a grudge about what happened today, not only would he have lost the opportunity to go further in the alchemy path, but with Su Chen's talent in the alchemy path, his future achievements would definitely be higher than his own. , then the Lin family will be in dire straits.

Murong Shan interrupted and said, "Master, there is another person here!"

After Zhou Yi heard this, he was so frightened that he almost jumped up, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat. Even Lin Hui, the grandson of King Lin Dan, was beaten so badly, let alone himself?

Su Chen looked over indifferently, and he naturally knew that Zhou Yi started the whole thing.

"Spare your life! Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, I really didn't know that you are a preparatory member of the Nine Star Pill Association. You have a lot of them, please spare me!" Zhou Yi said urgently, his voice trembling like a fallen leaf in the wind.

He knew why Su Chen was so confident since the last time he came here to make trouble. At that time, he thought it was because Su Chen and Ren Xiaozhou knew each other. But only now did he realize that Su Chen's confidence did not come from Ren Xiaozhou at all!

Not only is he a preparatory member of the Jiuxing Dan Society, but King Lin Dan also respects him so much. Could such a person have a simple background?

For a moment, Zhou Yi regretted so much that he wanted to beat himself to death. What on earth had gone into his head to come against Su Chen, and after being defeated the first time, he actually did it again.

At this moment, Zhou Yi desperately hoped that he could turn back time, but unfortunately that was impossible, and there was no regret medicine in the world.

"Mr. Chen, please leave this person to me."

King Lin Dan said with a gloomy face. In his opinion, his grandson was led astray by Zhou Yi. Otherwise, how could his good and good grandson do such domineering things?

What's more, this matter must come to an end, especially when the steward of the Immortal Pavilion was beaten, and someone must be found to deal with it. King Lindan would not really want to deal with his own grandson, so he would be the best scapegoat. It’s Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi saw the coldness in King Lindan's eyes, and couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. He knew that King Lindan's expression meant that he was finished, and so was the Zhou family!

The Zhou family was indeed doomed. Even though King Lindan was lying low in front of Su Chen, in fact he was not a good person, and could even be said to be a ruthless person.

Not only was Zhou Yi's legs broken by people sent by King Lindan, and he would never be able to stand up again, but the entire Zhou family was also driven out of Donglin City by King Lindan, and their family property was confiscated. .

It would be difficult for the Zhou family to continue to gain a foothold after losing their wealth, let alone being driven out of Winterland City. It could be said that the whole group would be wiped out in minutes. In fact, not long after the Zhou family was driven out of Winterland City, news came that the Zhou family was attacked by former enemies outside the city, killing most of them.

When the news reached Su Chen's ears, Su Chen didn't feel any sympathy at all. In the world of martial arts, to sympathize with the enemy is to seek death. What's more, if Zhou Yi hadn't been so mindless and arrogant, the Zhou family would not have ended up like this.

As for the Immortal Pavilion, although many people still don’t know that the Immortal Pavilion is opened by a preparatory member of the Nine-Star Alchemy Society, everyone knows that the Immortal Pavilion is guarded by the Lin Dan King, plus the former Ren Xiaozhou , the current Immortal Pavilion can be said to have a very strong background, and you won’t be afraid of it at all in Winterland City.

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