
Chapter 1163: Overwhelming wealth

Since the official salaries were paid and the court began to operate normally, Luoyang began to become lively. More importantly, without the plum blossom guards who were always extorting money, the merchants dared to shout at the top of their lungs.

In the Beishi area, various shouts and shouts were heard one after another. In front of the Baolin Restaurant, a waiter was shouting loudly, and the shopkeeper stood aside, smiling to welcome the guests.

"Authentic Yellow River carp, specially cooked by the imperial chef, the best in Luoyang!"

At this time, two countrymen, an old man and a young man, came over. The old man was about fifty years old, and the young man was only about ten years old. They seemed to be grandfather and grandson.

The old man walked up to the shopkeeper, glanced at the sign, swallowed his saliva and said, "Thirty years have passed by. I really miss it!"

The young man tugged at his grandfather's lapel and whispered, "Grandpa, it's very expensive, and we definitely can't afford it!"

"Don't you like to eat fish the most? Their roasted fish is the best in Luoyang. It was number one thirty years ago. It's much better than the roasted fish at Yichun Restaurant across the street."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he gave a thumbs up and praised: "The old man has good eyesight, our roast fish is better than First Spring, you are a local of Luoyang, right?"

The old man smiled and nodded, "I am from Fuchang County. I joined the army in Luoyang thirty years ago. I tasted thickly roasted carp in your restaurant. I have been recalling it for thirty years!"

"Thank you for your compliment. How about I try it again?"

The old man shook his head, "It's too expensive, I'm afraid I can't afford it."

The shopkeeper laughed and said, "Our store will have a discount every day. A thick roasted carp weighs two pounds. The normal price is the same, but I will only charge you a hundred yuan and give you a bowl of rice. But I want to make it clear that this dish It’s made from dead fish. The fish just died this morning. How about it?”

One hundred pennies was enough to afford the meal. The old man was moved and asked, "Is it okay if I don't order other dishes?"

"Of course. Just as you said, Baolin's roasted fish surpassed First Spring thirty years ago, so I will give you two plates of side dishes and a bowl of rice."

The old man grinned and said, "Then I'll trouble the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper led the grandfather and grandson to sit down at the table on the first floor, and then went to the kitchen to give instructions. The grandson whispered: "Grandpa, didn't you say that you have only eaten the roasted fish from the First Spring Restaurant?"

"Hush!" The old man raised his finger and shushed, then smiled in a low voice and said to his grandson: "When you go out, keep your eyes open. The shopkeeper of First Spring is not standing outside. Since his shopkeeper is standing outside, let's say Two good words, no, you can eat roasted fish for one hundred pennies."

At this time, the shopkeeper asked the bartender to serve a piece of roasted fish with sauce, two bowls of rice and two plates of delicious side dishes.

The old man took out a hundred coins, and the shopkeeper waved his hand cheerfully, "It's rare that you still remember the shop after thirty years. This meal will be considered as the shop's treat for you and your grandson."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The old man put the hundred coins back into his pocket, and the grandfather and grandson began to eat.

While eating, the old man listened to the conversations of the drinkers around him.

"I heard that Xu Si's Jiedu envoy Wang Zhongsheng's 30,000 troops occupied Songzhou. Is it true or false?"

"Of course it's true. Wang Sili lost his foundation and took Li Rong, the king of Yun, to defect to Guo Ziyi. What's funny is that the king of Shu, Li Tan, took a thousand troops to defect to Guo Ziyi. As a result, he happened to meet Wang Zhongsheng. In the end, he became Wang Zhongsheng and supported Li Tan in his fight for the throne. ”

"Guo Ziyi won't go against the court, right?"

"The old general certainly won't. Didn't he kill the eunuch supervisor? This shows his attitude and completely separates him from the eunuch."

"It's hard to say. If Guo Ziyi supports King Yun, he will also kill the eunuch supervisors. It does not necessarily mean that he supports the imperial court."

"The imperial court is not a Shence Army. Now it has a half million Guanlong Army. All the feudal vassals and towns are no match for each other!"

The old man was confused and turned his attention to the conversation at another table.

"I heard that Li Fuguo's reward has been raised to 10,000 yuan. Hey! What an opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune! Why can't I meet it?"

The old man felt a little excited, so he urged his grandson: "Eat quickly, we have something to do!"

The grandfather and grandson ate the food thoroughly, wiped their mouths, got up and went out.

"Axing, is the roasted fish delicious?" the old man asked his grandson with a smile.

"Delicious!" said the grandson, licking his lips.

"From now on, let's buy a small courtyard in Luoyang and come here to eat every day!"

The old man was full of pride. He touched his grandson's head lovingly, called an ox cart, and drove all the way to Tianjin Bridge. After passing Tianjin Bridge, he reached the magnificent palace.

There is a huge notice board next to Tianjin Bridge. Among them, the notice offering a reward for Li Fuguo is the most eye-catching. There are two soldiers standing guard next to it.

The old man held his grandson in front of the notice and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the notice away.

The two soldiers were shocked, "What are you doing?"

The old man shook his head and announced: "Aren't you offering a reward for Li Fuguo's capture? I'm here to receive the reward."

The two soldiers looked at each other, and one soldier said: "Look at them, I'll report it!"

The soldiers rushed away, and not long after, a carriage drove out of the imperial city. The carriage stopped in front of the bulletin board, and an official got out. It was Peng Haiyan. It was a coincidence that he happened to be leaving the palace and heard the soldiers say, someone When Li Fuguo's wanted list was revealed, he hurried over.

"Your Majesty, it's the two of them!"

The soldier whispered to his grandfather and grandson: "This is the Minister of Dali Temple, please bow quickly!"

The old man quickly pulled his grandson to kneel down, bowed and paid homage, "Young King Fu pays homage to the Minister of Dali Temple!"

Peng Haiyan looked them over and asked, "You did meet Li Fuguo. Isn't this a lie?"

The old man nodded, "We are from Fuchang County. We came to Luoyang by car yesterday and we would never dare to cheat."

Peng Haiyan's heart moved. His Highness said that Li Fuguo was hiding in Luoyang County. They came from Fuchang County, and there might be something interesting.

Peng Haiyan smiled and said: "Get in the car! Let's go in and talk."

The grandfather and grandson got on the carriage, which turned around and drove towards the East City. The official office of Dali Temple was on the side street of the East City.

Peng Haiyan took his grandfather and grandson into the official office of Dali Temple, went directly to the inner hall, and sent for several important officials.

Then someone set up two stools for the grandfather and grandson and asked them to sit down. Then Peng Haiyan asked, "Tell me, where is Li Fuguo?"

The old man bowed and said: "Let me ask first, please tell me the truth. How much reward can I get in the end?"

Peng Haiyan laughed and said, "This is the reward offered by His Highness King Qi himself. It has been raised to ten thousand guan, and it will not be less than a penny. No one dares to take advantage of King Qi's reward for personal gain."

The old man was relieved and said: "We are tenant farmers of Fuxi Manor in Fuxing County. More than ten days ago, my grandson witnessed a murder."

"Wait a minute, why don't you go to Fuxing County to report to the official?"

The old man said with some embarrassment: "I'm afraid that if we report it to the local county government, we will be deducted step by step, and our reward will be gone."

This is true, Peng Haiyan smiled and said: "You continue to talk!"

The old man said to his grandson: "As for you, don't be afraid and tell me the details."

The young man said tremblingly: "That day I was touching bird eggs on the big tree in the manor. Suddenly I saw a man running out and falling in front of the tree. I jumped off the tree and was about to run away. The man stopped me and said, Li Fuguo was hiding in the manor. He said this twice in a row, and then I saw someone riding a horse, so I hid behind a big tree and saw the horseman stabbing the man on the ground to death with a spear and taking his body away. "

"Who is the horseman?" Peng Haiyan asked.

"It's Master Li!"

Peng Haiyan thought for a while and asked: "How old is the man who fell to the ground, and what does he look like specifically?"

The young man scratched his head and said, "Probably in his twenties! He was tall and strong. His eyes, ears, and nose were all bleeding, and he curled up in a ball."

Peng Haiyan believed that the person who fell to the ground must be a guard, and was silenced by Li Fuguo. It was the effect of Li Fuguo's poison. This kid couldn't make it up.

He was overjoyed and immediately said to his confidant officials: "Take good care of their grandfather and grandson. I will report to His Highness now!"

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