
Chapter 1164 The legal network is restored

Three thousand troops surrounded Fuxi Manor. Peng Haiyan personally led the team. Hundreds of soldiers broke into the manor. The owner Li Kuo, holding a spear in hand, rushed out on horseback and shouted: "This is a private manor, get out of here." go out!"

Peng Haiyan immediately ordered: "Shoot the horse and arrest him!"

Dense arrows were fired at the war horse. The war horse was hit by dozens of arrows. It hissed miserably and fell heavily, throwing Li Kuo more than ten feet away. Before Li Kuo could get up, the soldiers swarmed up and pushed Li Kuo down. Bound and gagged.

Li Kuo whined and cursed angrily. Finally, the soldiers covered his head with a black bag and he could no longer speak.

Then a comprehensive search began. Peng Haiyan personally searched the inner house and led a dozen of his men to search the study. Peng Haiyan squatted on the ground and took a closer look. He found rice particles and oil stains next to the bookcase. These were things that should not appear in the study. He I began to look at the bookcase suspiciously.

Out of experience, Peng Haiyan reached out and groped behind him, and sure enough he found a wrench. He pulled it hard and heard a click. More than a dozen of his men were alerted and gathered around him.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be something wrong with the bookcase!"

Peng Haiyan pointed to the bookcase and said, "Push it away!"

One of the strongest men pushed hard, and the bookcase was slowly pushed open, revealing an iron door at the back, which was locked from the inside.

"Kick the door open!"

Several of his men kicked the door, "Bang! Bang!"

Although his men kicked the door violently, the iron door could not be kicked open. Peng Haiyan immediately ordered: "Go find Chuangmu!"

Twenty soldiers also arrived, and together with a dozen of their subordinates, more than thirty people gathered in the study. They hugged a ten-foot-long beam and slammed into the iron door.


There was a loud muffled sound, and dust fell.

"Come again!" Peng Haiyan ordered sharply.

The soldier shouted, took a few steps back, and then slammed into him, "Boom——"

The iron door burst open, revealing a dark room. The soldiers lit torches and went in. The ventilation was very good.

"There!" A soldier discovered.

Everyone saw that there was a person lying on the ground in the corner, twitching violently and huddled up.

Peng Haiyan reacted immediately and ordered: "He has taken poison, take him out quickly."

The soldiers hurriedly carried the man to the yard, but he was already dying. They saw the man wearing gray clothes and a mask on his face. Blood seeped out from the gaps in the mask. The soldiers took off his mask and all the people saw him. They exclaimed and backed away.

Peng Haiyan saw it clearly and was shocked. What an ugly face it was. It was covered with large and small black pockmarks. A large amount of blood flowed from the facial features. If he touched his nose again, he would be dead.

Peng Haiyan said coldly: "Everyone, come and take a look. This is Li Fuguo, who brought disaster to the country and the people!"

Hundreds of soldiers came forward to see Li Fuguo's true face, and they were all shocked.

Peng Haiyan clapped his hands and said loudly: "Let's continue searching, his wealth must be hidden in this manor."

The soldiers began to search separately. Although it was not a pity that the eunuchs died, finding their wealth was the key.

Peng Haiyan searched Li Fuguo's body personally and soon found a thin chain around his neck, with a large copper key hanging on the end of the chain.

The entrance to the treasure cave was extremely secret, and the soldiers could not find it. In the end, Li Kuo couldn't bear the severe punishment.

The entrance was in the dark room where Li Fuguo was hiding. The entrance was under the bed. The soldiers dug a foot into the ground and found the entrance. It was a large copper door with an iron lock on it. The key around Li Fuguo's neck was the key to unlocking the iron lock. .

The soldiers opened the copper door, revealing a large hole with steps inside. Soon, the soldiers lifted out countless boxes from inside.

In the temporary official room of the palace, Li Ye opened the box, looked at the head inside, nodded and said: "This is Li Fuguo. I will say that he has a wide network of explanations and no leaks. He wants to hide the truth, but he will always reveal some flaws and be exposed by others." Discover."

Peng Haiyan smiled and said: "Li Fuguo never dreamed that his flawless plan would be discovered by a young man who dug out bird eggs."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "Do you know where the loophole is?"

"I didn't expect this from my humble position!"

Li Ye smiled faintly and said: "The flaw is that Li Kuo thought that the two guards would die at the same time, but he did not expect that the poison will not attack at the same time because of the speed of eating and the slowness of eating. The person who suffers the attack later will definitely have to escape in order to survive. This As soon as he ran away, he escaped from Li Kuo's control for a short time, and ended up encountering a child who was digging out bird eggs.

You can say it was a mistake, but if there was no premise of misjudgment, the mistake would not have happened. "

"Your Highness is right. The onset of toxicity comes first and then later. Li Kuo really didn't expect this."

"Did you give me a reward?" Li Ye asked again.

"Not yet. The other party is an ordinary rural tenant farmer. Is ten thousand guan too much for them?"

Li Ye's face sank, "The first time I offer a reward, you're going to lose my credibility?"

Peng Haiyan was startled and quickly explained: "Being humble doesn't mean that. Being humble is worried that the common man is not guilty and guilty of carrying a jade. If they can't hold on to the ten thousand guan, they will be spied on by villains with ulterior motives and be killed. Full of doors.”

Li Ye's face turned slightly bright, but this explanation was enough. He pondered for a moment and asked, "How much does a two-acre yard in Luoyang City cost?"

"It used to be very expensive, but it became cheaper after An Lushan's rebellion. Now the average price only costs one thousand guan per acre, maybe two thousand guan at most!"

"Where is the farmland outside the city?"

"Outside the city, the upper field has ten acres per acre, the middle field has seven acres, and the lower field has five acres."

Li Ye nodded, "Let's do this! Give them a two-acre house in Luoyang City, give them another five hundred acres of farmland, and give them three thousand guan of Baoji banknotes, and let them withdraw and deposit money in the locker room. Then move their household registration to Luoyang and change their names, and be sure to keep it secret for them, do you understand? "

"I understand, Your Highness, please rest assured that I will handle it properly."

"Go! Take care of the heads as well."

Peng Haiyan carried the head box, bowed and left.

At this time, it became lively outside, and officials walked out one after another. Li Ye walked out and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

The soldier bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, it seems that all the eunuch's wealth has arrived."

Li Ye nodded, "Let's take a look!"

In front of Yingtian Gate, soldiers unloaded mountains of boxes from carts one after another. These were the wealth seized from the eunuchs. There were a total of 3,400 large boxes, including gold, silver, jewelry, Li Fuguo and Yu Chaoen alone accounted for more than 60% of the jade and precious porcelain items.

Officials from the Ministry of Revenue roughly estimated that the value was nearly 20 million guan, equivalent to two years of Datang's tax revenue. Of course, it was not directly embezzling Datang's tax revenue. It mainly came from the accumulation of the Tang Dynasty for a hundred years, and most of it was collected through bribery. .

For example, in order to capture Bashu, Li Ye gave Li Fuguo 100,000 taels of gold at one time, which converted into money, which was 3 million taels, and now he has returned.

Hundreds of officials stood outside, pointing to the mountain-like wealth and talking about it. Li Dai and his ministers excitedly checked the boxes. They were really scared of poverty. With this wealth, their finances could be comfortable for a year or two.

"The supervisor is here!"

Everyone moved out of the way, and Li Ye walked quickly.

Li Dai smiled and asked: "With so much wealth, what do the supervisors plan to do with it?"

Although they are father and son, in formal occasions, they are still addressed by their official positions and there is no father-son relationship.

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "Of course it will be sent to the Zuozang warehouse in Chang'an. I will show it to everyone today. It will be loaded on the ship in the evening. Dear ministers, don't care about these boxes now. Go back and pack your own boxes. We will be there in ten days. The first fleet is about to set off."

Everyone laughed, and Wei Jiansu said: "Your Highness, don't worry, the big boxes we shipped from Chang'an haven't been unpacked yet! Just transport them back."

Everyone laughed, and at this moment, a soldier came over and whispered something to Li Ye.

Li Ye nodded and said to everyone: "As expected, Tian Shengong sent an envoy."

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