In a house filled with red light.

The green light that was originally filling it gradually fell until it disappeared.

Gu Zheng saw that the green jade was consumed again and was absorbed by the two golden balls, so he grabbed it and left here.

Along the familiar and unfamiliar corridors, continue to advance to unknown places.

As he walked, he thought about the battle that just ended.

Fortunately, he walked quickly, because shortly after he left, several ghost girls and a meatball rushed over.

These ghosts are strange, ordinary methods cannot kill the opponent, but only by using the power in the gold and jade, which is also the unique power here, can they cause harm to the opponent.

Otherwise, it seems to hit the opponent, but in fact it is just the power contained in the strength that blows the opponent away, and the opponent is useless at all.

If it weren't for this gold jade, I'm afraid I would have fled in embarrassment, although I wouldn't have any trouble.

Putting the slightly pressed golden ball into the sleeve so that it can be taken out at any time, Gu Zheng took out the core gold jade in his hand.

I only have this thing in my hand, and I found it from the side of the mountain. I'm afraid that Black Cat and the others don't know about it.

This thing is very important, of course Gu Zheng knows this, but he doesn't know how to use it.

Holding the green jade that was found on the road without guards in his hand, the two came together and made a crisp impact sound, but there was no reaction at all, unlike gold and jade, which absorbed the energy of the green jade.

After fiddling for a long time, Gu Zheng put away the core gold jade, and then grabbed the green jade in his hand, letting the gold jade absorb the power inside.

He figured it out, it took a lot of energy to kill these ghosts by himself, the gold jade itself didn't store much, just needed a lot of green jade to replenish, and he also wanted to destroy all the green jade, and his Coincidentally.

"Boom boom boom"

There was the familiar running sound of Rouqiu in the distance, Gu Zheng didn't look worried at all, and walked according to his own route.

Even if the ghost he feared the most appeared in front of him, he would not be moved. It is not like he was powerless before.

"Another green jade. It seems that a lot of green crystals have been melted. In other words, why don't they condense and make them larger, so that we can search for less."

Gu Zheng turned around a corridor, and before he had time to open the flowers, a faint cry came from his ear. After activating the flowers in the corridor, he walked a few steps forward, and a familiar figure and a familiar green light appeared in front of him. In front of him, let him mutter in his heart.

Now he has another task, which is to collect all these green jades. Of course, he knows that it is impossible to collect them all, but the more the better.

You must know that on the road just now, there were three pieces of green jade that were not guarded, and he fed them gold jade to supplement them. It can be seen that there are definitely a lot of green jade here, and there are not enough ghosts to guard them.

Although it made Gu Zheng less troublesome, he still would rather the other party gather together so as to save the trouble of searching.

This time he just walked all the way, lighting up the flowers on the road casually, so that the surroundings would not be too dark, the ghost girl over there had already discovered Gu Zheng, her face suddenly became grim, and then she shouted, wanting to go to Gu Zheng Come here.


But the figure of the ghost girl just stood up, and with Gu Zheng's slight lift of her hand, a golden light in the air passed through the air, piercing into the crying girl's forehead instantly with a piercing sound.

The crying girl froze for a moment, then her eyes dimmed, and her body fell backwards, but she turned into ashes and disappeared before landing on the ground.

Gu Zheng's expression didn't change in the slightest. Although he fought the other party to death last time, after knowing the other party's weakness, the other party was like a target. The ghost girl didn't seem to be as powerful as the crying girl, but she had a different bell in her hand. It's just a little bit more work to annoy people.

He put away the green jade in front of him, and used it as nourishment for the golden jade without looking at it. He was about to leave here, his body froze, and then his eyes looked at the side.

The huge voice over there approached rumblingly, and the whole ground trembled slightly.

Meatballs are here!

The other party probably came over after hearing the cry of the crying girl.

Feeling the shock brought by the opponent, Gu Zheng is no longer as relaxed as before. This momentum does not seem weak.

Just thinking about it, Gu Zheng soon felt that the other party was approaching, and couldn't help but look into the darkness.

Although it was pitch black over there and he couldn't see anything at all, he could still feel that a huge thing was approaching here quickly.


When Gu Zheng looked at the past for the first time, there was a huge broken sound in the air, and then a dark shadow loomed from a distance. Before Gu Zheng could see clearly, he had already come to Gu Zheng in the next moment , ran towards him.

"I go!"

Gu Zheng almost exploded with foul language, and the attack methods that had been gathered in his hands immediately dispersed, and the whole person flew out to one side, avoiding the opponent's frontal collision.


The unabated meat ball directly crashed into the room next to Gu Zheng, directly hitting two huge holes in it, and the strong wind brought by the opponent caused debris flying all over the sky, like hidden weapons one by one, Flying indiscriminately towards the surroundings.

Even a flower pot next to it was smashed by the other party, but the flower still radiated light and was not affected at all.

While dodging, Gu Zheng clicked his tongue secretly. He really didn't expect that the opponent's impact at this time was so terrifying. You must know how hard this house is. He knew that it could not be damaged in the battle not long ago, but under the impact of the opponent , that is, a slightly harder block, but it cannot completely contain the opponent's speed.

He realized something was wrong right away, and originally wanted to force the other party to hold him back, but he was afraid that he would fly as soon as he made contact, so he flew aside without hesitation.

And the sound of the wind in the air weakened slightly, and the meat ball over there had already rushed over from there again.

But this time the opponent did not turn into a sphere, but stretched out his body, and walked towards Gu Zheng with a little bloat.

Although the opponent is huge and looks stupid, in fact, even if it is not a spherical speed, it is not slow.

Walking in two steps and three steps, he came to Gu Zheng from a distance, stretched out his fleshy palm, and slapped Gu Zheng directly. His expression was as casual as a slapping a fly.

Gu Zheng's eyes flashed sharply, and a wide long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed at the opponent's outstretched arm.


As the sparks shot out in a flash, the opponent's seemingly black arm was actually harder than gold steel. Under this blow, the opponent's skin was not even cut. Instead, he was shocked by the huge shock, making himself a little Can't hold the weapon in hand.

However, after missing a hit, Gu Zheng's figure quickly flashed aside, came to the opponent's side, and slashed towards the opponent's head.

The opponent's speed is very fast, but the attack speed is as Gu Zheng guessed, it is actually not fast, not as fast as the serial ghost claw of the crying girl, which gave Gu Zheng a lot of reaction time.

But what surprised him was that even though the force in his hand was increased, when the weapon hit the opponent's head, it was like hitting an iron bump, and his attack bounced off again, and the opponent didn't even have a single scar on his body. It's amazing.

Seeing that although the opponent didn't turn around, the arm on the other side had turned around strangely, and was pounding towards Gu Zheng's chest.

Although it seemed that there was no momentum at all, Gu Zheng still chose to retreat and did not resist the opponent head-on.

The meat ball that was shot in the air turned around and continued to attack Gu Zheng.

However, the other party didn't turn around like a ball of meat, because although the speed seemed to be very fast, it was too easy to dodge.


Gu Zheng took a deep breath, and the weapon in his hand suddenly transformed into a two-handed giant sword, which seemed to be nearly ten feet long, and the golden light on it was even more brilliant and glittering.

Watching the meat ball charge again, taking advantage of the opponent's attack again, he jumped into the air, injecting countless gold and jade power into it, and then exhausted all his strength to slash towards the meat ball below. , It is bound to split the opponent into two halves.


There was a huge explosion, mixed with a huge metal trembling sound, and a wave of air burst out in the middle, rushing towards the surroundings like a gust of wind and waves, causing the surrounding wooden boards to make a sound of being overwhelmed, as if they could explode at any time. Same as collapse.

Gu Zheng's figure flew out from the middle rapidly, and when it landed on the ground, the figure also stepped back a few steps back, leaving a series of sunken footprints on the ground.

"Hiss, it's too hard!"

The weapon in his palm had disappeared, and his arm was trembling even more. He looked at the front and said in disbelief.

As the air wave receded in the middle, the meat ball inside leaked out.

I saw that the lower legs of it had sunk deeply into the floor, and it was struggling to get out, but there was no injury on its body.

Yes, just now Gu Zheng's heavy blow hit the opponent's head completely, but the effect was still the same as before, and there was no progress at all.

The opponent is really a fortress, even Gu Zheng's current full blow can't hurt the opponent.

Gu Zheng glanced at the cuff with some distress. This blow cost a lot, and it felt like wasting at least half of the green jade's energy.

Somewhat unwilling, he shook his hand again, and four shining golden swords appeared in the air again. This time, each sword was very slender, and the sword head shone with a sharp cold light.

With Gu Zheng's swing, the upper and lower rows of the four flying swords flew towards the meat ball. This time, they aimed at the weak point of the opponent's eyelids. He still couldn't believe it. The opponent's defense in this place is still so strong.

In fact, facing such a rapid blow, the meat ball didn't even dodge, it was still struggling to get out, and it didn't even see Gu Zheng's attack, so there was no one else.

The four attacks were accurately shot at the eyes of the meat ball, but what stunned Gu Zheng was that the four golden lights flashed, and the opponent just stopped struggling and opened his mouth in demonstration to him, but he also didn't have his hands.

Shaking his head, Gu Zheng saw that the other party hadn't come out yet, and was about to leave here, so he didn't get entangled with the other party anymore. The key is that killing the other party is of no benefit, why bother with this invincible existence, and leave by himself.

The opponent's defense is not broken by him so far. If the Yunhuang sword is in his hand, it will be fine. If the opponent is tough, he is also confident that he can cut the opponent into seven or eight pieces, but there is no such thing.


Just as Gu Zheng was about to leave, a low laugh came into his ears, and he became alert instantly, wanting to quickly leave in the direction opposite to the sound.

But as soon as his figure moved, the world in front of him was already spinning, as if he was spinning in circles, and his figure was even more wobbly.

At this time, let alone leaving, it is difficult to control your own figure.

That damned ghost came and went silently. I didn't know how the other party approached. It was a little late when I realized it.

Feeling the dizziness coming from his head, Gu Zheng obviously felt that the opponent was approaching here, but under his gaze, there was no opponent's figure, and now he could not perceive the opponent's figure.

Not to mention now, even if you are intact, you can't perceive the other party's figure, you can only rely on the naked eye and the whispers used by the other party to control, but generally when you hear it, you have already been disturbed by the other party, and unless you want to find the other party in an open place. The opponent's body is even more difficult, and the opponent will not foolishly reveal his body.

The meat ball over there also let out a roar of excitement at this time. At this time, he had already broken free from below. Looking at the drunk Gu Zheng not far away, he shrunk all over excitedly, turned into a ball, and accelerated towards Go over there.

But at this time, Gu Zheng felt warm again in his arms, and the same warm current that was different from before appeared again. Even if the whispering sound appeared, it could not make him fall into the previous state, as if under the supply of warm current, he had completely Immune to the opponent's mental attack.

However, before completely getting rid of the opponent's interference, Gu Zheng leaped and fell to the ground next to him in some embarrassment. As he left, a black shadow rushed over like a whirlwind and slammed into the wooden wall behind him.

Without charging, the meat ball couldn't smash through the wooden wall, and the huge impact force made him fall to the ground in a bit of embarrassment.

Here, with the help of the warm current, Gu Zheng has already controlled most of his body, not looking for the hidden ghost at all, and stumbles towards the passage away from this side, which is also the way he came here before and returned the same way.

When he was about the same distance away, he felt that he was completely away from the detection range of the ghost, so Gu Zheng hid directly in a room.

After closing the door, Gu Zheng felt a little unsafe, then looked around, and found that there was no place to hide, then raised his head, a smile appeared on his face.

Above the head, there is a beam that spans the room. If you hide on it, the other party can easily ignore it. Of course, you can't be approached by that silent ghost.

When I looked through the flower window before, I also found it, but I didn't care about it, and I didn't think that this time it was a help to myself.

But this place is already far away from there, the chance of the other party approaching is not high, but Meatball will definitely chase after the remaining voice, as long as you don't hide it from the other party and slip away quietly, that's fine.

In the previous Meatball Gu Zheng, there was information hidden from the opponent, as long as he stayed in the room, the strength of the meatball has increased. At this time, whether he can underestimate the opponent, he may come here at any time.

Gu Zheng quickly climbed up, sat quietly on it, and adjusted his breathing. There was not much space on it, so he could barely sit down.

Gu Zheng sat down on it for less than five breaths, and when the door was violently smashed in by a monster, he even stopped breathing subconsciously, thanking himself for being careful.

Rouqiu stood in the middle of the room and looked around, patrolling carefully, as if trying to find Gu Zheng, but this small place could be seen through at a glance.

Gu Zheng was not found, and Rouqiu was a little anxious, walking around the room anxiously, and even smashed the only bed in a manic manner.

In its induction, Gu Zheng finally came here, how could he not find it.

After the silly meat ball tossed and swung, it almost tore down the room, leaving several big holes on the ground, and then left here without saying a word, and soon there was news that it was gone.

But Gu Zheng didn't come down directly. After waiting for a long time, he was sure that all the ghosts had left, so he came down from above.

After looking at the left and right sides, he hesitated for a moment, Gu Zheng left from the side road, looking for another road that he hadn't taken.

He doesn't have a good way to deal with the meat ball, he still can't break through the opponent's defense, and there is no good way to deal with that silent ghost, unless he happens to meet the opponent, but the biggest chance is that he will be attacked by the opponent before he touches the opponent. interference.

If the two are alone, Gu Zheng is really not afraid. If you can't kill the meat ball, you can't run, and if you can't stop the opponent's interference, why can't you run at the first time?

But when the two are together, it's a headache.

In other words, if any ghosts were with them, it would be a headache.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng's confidence in his self-confidence was a little hit. He thought that his strength had recovered so much, and he could say that he could go smoothly, but as the opponent's strength also increased, he realized that he could only deal with the ghost girl and the crying girl. I am afraid that the rest will be helpless against the opponent.

But fortunately, I still have the core gold jade. Thinking of this, Gu Zheng took out the core gold jade again, looked at it carefully, and continued to try to activate the opponent.

I didn't expect that the other party could dispel the illusion of the other party, but that's all. When everything calmed down, it also calmed down, and it seemed to return to its previous state.

No matter how Gu Zheng fiddles with him now, he can't appear as before. It seems that he can only appear passively. Although he doesn't need the core gold and jade to help him at all, once he helps himself, he will definitely encounter the threat of the silent ghost again.

Soon, Gu Zheng put away the core gold and jade in his hand. He just didn't know how to control the other party. The key is that he didn't have time to study, otherwise he would be able to figure out one or two.

In any case, at least for now, I can only put this down and wait until I have a chance to talk about it.

Gu Zheng ignited the flowers next to him, looked at the dark area in the distance, and understood that he had to put away his previous contempt, or else he would really capsize in the gutter.

Now, the primary goal is to collect as much green jade as possible, or absorb it, and the next thing will be discussed next.

As Gu Zheng went deeper into the darkness, the red flowers lit up again.

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