"Da da da"

The sound of crisp footsteps rose from the corridor, and a figure walked unhurriedly in the corridor.

As the figure passed by, streaks of red light lit up the dark corridor.

Seeing that the green jade in his hand had completely disappeared, Gu Zheng took out a green jade and grabbed it here, allowing Jin Yu to absorb the energy of power, and a green light appeared around his body.

This is the last piece of green jade in my hand, killing ghosts along the way consumes a lot, and more of them are absorbed by the gold jade.

Seeing some bright lights ahead, Gu Zheng slowed down his pace. After reaching the intersection, he thought about it carefully, then turned and walked towards the right hand side.

Although looking all the way here, they are all lit up flowers, but he knows that there is still no way to go in other places.

It has been a full month since he entered this place, and he is already familiar with how to avoid those ghosts.

In fact, he killed all the ghost girls and crying girls, and the number of meat balls and that silent creature was too small. Anyway, so far, he felt that there were at most two here, and he hadn't encountered them a few times.

Now I haven't seen any ghosts for three days, and of course, all the green jade has been put away.

After careful calculation, there are at least a few hundred green jades, all of which were swallowed by the gold and jade of these two bottomless pits, and it is not clear how much more can be swallowed.

This place is not very big, and there are fewer and fewer places that have not been explored. Although Gu Zheng has not found out how to leave here, and he has found the core gold jade of the other party, but it is not a few days before he can explore all the corners. If you search all over, you will naturally find the trace of the other party at that time.

Gu Zheng took the green jade in front of him and lit the flowers next to him. Just as he was about to leave, his ears moved suddenly, and he looked around in a daze.

At this moment, a beautiful and moving singing voice faintly entered the other party's ears, which made him feel an urge to get closer and listen.

Suppressing the sudden thought in his heart, Gu Zheng continued to search for the past in the dark area.

The voice was vague and indeterminate, and it was impossible to tell where the other party was coming from. Before, he also encountered this indescribably beautiful voice, but it disappeared quickly, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

In his opinion, it was almost the same as before, and it disappeared soon.

But this time he was wrong. After a long time, not only did the wonderful voice not disappear, but it felt like it was getting closer, which made Gu Zheng feel that something was wrong.

Gu Zheng looked around, trying hard to distinguish where the singing came from, but failed again, but a trace of uneasiness rose in his heart, as if there was an inexplicable danger hidden in the singing.

Looking at the dark area ahead, he hesitated, Gu Zheng turned around and left first.

In his opinion, there seems to be a risk of location here, even if there is a high possibility of core gold and jade here, but he still has to find out the other missing places, and it will not be too late to come back at the end.

But as he walked back, the voice did not weaken, but became louder and louder, as if he was heading towards the other party.

Gu Zheng frowned, then stopped, looking ahead with some hesitation.

There is the only way to leave here, and there seems to be no passage in other places.

He froze, the mysterious creature didn't froze, the singing voice was still approaching him unhurriedly.

Gu Zheng slowly pushed in the room next to him, and at the same time held a white spar, holding his breath and waiting for the other party to pass by.

He didn't go up, but stood in the middle of the room. Although he didn't know what the opponent was, if he could avoid it, he would avoid it. There was no benefit in fighting the opponent.

The voice was getting closer and closer, as if the other party had already approached here, and the voice became more and more beautiful, constantly attracting Gu Zheng to approach.

But that's all, it didn't confuse Gu Zheng and make him hallucinate.


Gu Zheng looked through the flower window, and under the shadow of the red light, a slender and long shadow had already appeared on the side wooden wall, allowing him to see clearly.

However, the somewhat disproportionate figure made him unable to distinguish the opponent's body, the obviously three times larger head, and the wriggling thing next to it, which was very strange.

The singing voice didn't change, and the other party didn't seem to notice him, Gu Zheng stood there silently, even the core gold and jade were pressed against his chest, just in case.

Time ticked by, and Gu Zheng found that the figure didn't move any more, it was always there, the sound kept wandering in all directions, and those solid wooden walls seemed unable to isolate the sound.

This made Gu Zheng a little strange, why did the other party stay here, why didn't he come in if he found out, and why didn't he leave if he didn't find out.

Doubts kept arising in his mind, but he didn't know what was going on, so he could only wait patiently, maybe the other party just stopped temporarily.


A tremor came from a distance, from far to near, and it was approaching here rapidly. The movement of the meat ball was very loud, and Gu Zheng could distinguish it in an instant.


Before he thought of how the meat ball would come over, a low chuckle suddenly came from his ear, which made Gu Zheng feel a little furious, and his eyes turned slightly, but the effect was extremely weak, as if he had just entered the edge of the other party's spellcasting.

"Could it be that the other party is using singing to attract ghosts?"

This idea suddenly appeared in Gu Zheng's mind, and after the familiar sound of a bell came from inside, he became more and more sure.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng no longer hesitated, directly opened the sliding door in front of him, and prepared to leave here, not allowing the other party to surround him.

A monster floating in the air appeared in front of him. The body of an ordinary person was still wearing a simple blue shirt. If it wasn't for the several times larger head on top of his head, and the bright red eyes, densely packed it looked like a monster. Like thousands of eyes, there are also big mouths that open and close constantly, distributed irregularly on it, really like countless human faces put together.

The moment Gu Zheng came out, the monster also turned its body to him, and dozens of eyes stared straight at it, showing different deep meanings, which made his scalp tingle instantly.

However, this monster had no intention of attacking Gu Zheng, and just looked at him in place.

Seeing this, he immediately ran towards the passage leaving here. He didn't know if it was a dead end inside, but he couldn't come to this area from other places.


The dizziness in front of Gu Zheng's eyes became more serious, but at this moment, the core gold jade in his arms lit up again, and a warm current rushed up, touching his psychedelic.

Only then did Gu Zheng feel relieved. The core Jinyu didn't help just now, so he was still worried, but he thought that he was the last to appear before, so he bet that the other party would spontaneously appear when he was affected to a certain extent. It seems that he was right.

Taking advantage of this, his figure accelerated and rushed forward, wanting to leave here as quickly as possible.

However, just as his speed was raised, his figure suddenly stopped, and then he turned around and flew towards the inside.

Because the huge sound of the meat ball had already appeared in front of him, he didn't have time to go out, otherwise he could only confront the opponent head-on.

There was no need to think about the result, he had to be smashed to pieces by the other party.

Returning Gu Zheng ran across the hall quickly, looking at the thousand-eyed monster who was still facing him, he was really angry. He had been wandering here for so long, but he hadn't met the other party. Get blocked here.


When passing by, Gu Zheng waved his hand casually, and a golden shadow emerged from his hand in an instant, flying straight to the thousand-eyed monster not far away, and his figure kept moving forward, since he couldn't avoid these monsters , I searched the contents inside first, and tried to find a way to get out.

In this place, he didn't find too many high-level treasures, but there are still a few white crystals. Although they will not be affected so much, it is relatively easy to get rid of them after using them.

Even though he left quickly, Gu Zheng still turned his head slightly, wanting to see what defensive means the thousand-eyed monster with a little attacking intention would have under his own attack.

But what surprised him was that his attack went directly through the opponent's body, as if the opponent was just an illusion, and hit the wooden wall next to him without any injuries

All the eyes of the thousand-eyed monster narrowed, and at the same time all the mouths were opened, as if mocking Gu Zheng, but the singing voice still came from the other party's body, and he didn't know how the other party sang such a moving melody.


In front of Gu Zheng, a ghost girl in red has already pounced on her, and the bell in her hand turned into a copper sword, and there is a small string of bells hanging on the hilt of the sword, tinkling.

The bells in the hands of these ghost women are even more different, and the things they transform are also different, which is also surprising, but this kind of ghost women have met before, and the bells in the hands of the other party can cause a lot of obstacles.

Now with the core gold jade, completely ignoring the other party's interference, seeing the other party blocking the only passage, Gu Zheng stretched out his palm, emptied his nest, and slashed towards the other party fiercely.

Of course, the ghost girl refused to let go, and rushed directly to meet Gu Zheng's attack, seemingly wanting to beat Gu Zheng back.

It's a pity that it was also the first time it fought against Gu Zheng. It didn't know that all the companions who met him had passed away, and it didn't know how scary he was. The two weapons crossed in mid-air.

"Clang" sounded crisply.

The weapon in the ghost woman's hand snapped at the sound, just like a praying mantis blocking her arm. It didn't block the weapon above it, including itself. The golden light that followed directly cut it in half and turned into a cloud of black mist, following its companion. And go, until it dies, it doesn't know why the enemy is so powerful.

Gu Zheng didn't ask these questions, because the meat ball behind him had already rushed up, got into the corridor from the side, and quickly ran to the side.

Before he had run a few more steps, he felt a figure rushing behind him, directly rushing into the room in front of him without a moment's pause, and suddenly there was a broken sound from inside.

And Gu Zheng took the opportunity to run forward again, and several green jades in his hands had been lifted up, using the faint light to illuminate the road ahead.

The flowers that passed by also lit up without hesitation. As for not going smoothly, I don't pay attention anymore. There is only one passage inside, so there is no need to worry about running into a fork in the road.

Soon the familiar green jade appeared in front of him. He picked it up without hesitation, and then continued to move forward. A ghost girl appeared inside and was attracted. Under normal circumstances, there would be no other ghosts.

The weakening singing voice in his ear, weakening speed obviously slowed down, and the other party dared to come over, and the laughter of the silent ghost still sounded from time to time, but for him, it had no effect at all.

Here, Gu Zheng turned around again along the road, and his figure was also taken aback for a moment, but then he ran forward again, and there was a green jade placed in the room over there, the green light in the darkness was too conspicuous, thinking It is impossible for people not to know.

The reason why Gu Zheng was in a daze just now is that at the end of this road, there is a wide gate, which is about the size of a city gate, and it is dark above, and a lot of black mist can be vaguely seen outside, like A huge palace.

Because the gate was not closed, the inside was brightly lit and golden, and in a slightly higher place in the middle, there was a huge jade platform on it, and there was only one thing on it.

A gold jade!

Even if Gu Zheng couldn't see clearly whether the gold jade on it was the core gold jade, he believed that it must be, after all, there was no gold jade outside, so it was hidden in this place.

The only pity is that those lingering ghosts behind him are still following him, otherwise he can slowly test whether there are guards inside.

After opening the room and taking out the green jade inside, he let the gold jade continue to absorb it, and he ran directly towards the main hall inside.

Now that you are here, let's go in and have a look. If you can easily take away the gold and jade, it will save trouble. Even if you have a protection, you can't open it for a while, you have to gather all the ghosts behind you, so that the white The crystal stones are maximized. If you use them one by one, it will be more troublesome if you encounter something outside.

Soon Gu Zheng rushed into the main hall, the whole hall was very empty, with a glance, except for the jade platform in the middle and a few stone pillars, there was nothing inside, and no enemies could be seen.

Even the golden light was emitted from the gold leaf-like walls of the main hall.

However, he didn't walk towards the golden jade in the middle, but turned around and waved, clusters of golden light continuously condensed out of his hands, turning into wisps of thick fog, drifting towards the gate in front of him.

In just a few breaths, the figure of the meat ball just appeared at the end, and the golden mist has completely covered the gate with a thin layer of golden mist, like a layer of tulle covering it.

Through the faint golden mist, one can even see the outside scenery, and the outside can also see the inside.

Gu Zheng also had no choice. Who knew that the gate was so big. At first, he thought that after reaching the end, he would find a house to block the other party out, but now it seems that it is not certain.

But my biggest danger is this fleshy ball, if I can't do it, just dodge him, the thousand-eyed monster won't attack me, so the confusion of the silent ghost is useless to me now, it's just that the other party doesn't have more means.

Glancing at Jin Yu behind him, I feel a little pity, it seems that I don't have time to take a look first, after I leave here, after all these ghosts leave, come here by myself.

Determined to pay attention, Gu Zheng pays attention to the meat ball over there, and at the same time, prepares to go out from here at any time, and also pays attention to the surroundings of the hall, so as not to know where an enemy pops out.

Be careful!

Gu Zheng saw that the meat ball over there had already accelerated towards this side, and his body tensed up, so he had better be ready at any time.


When the meatball was about to approach this side, he abruptly stopped his fast figure, stumbled and knocked the next room away, and rushed over directly.

This made Gu Zheng puzzled. He didn't know why the other party was like this. He took a quick look around and found that there were no enemies in the hall. Could it be that the other party didn't dare to approach here?

Along with Gu Zheng's doubts, the figure of the thousand-eyed monster also appeared at the end of the corridor, walking towards this side with a beautiful singing voice.

Behind it is a monster he saw for the first time, a silent ghost. He can't help but look at it curiously. Although he has met it before, he stays away from him whenever there is an ancient conflict. In fact, he has never seen him before. .

The figure of the opponent is like a half-hunched old man, but it has to be enlarged at least twice. The soles of the feet are like toes on the ground, and the slender upper limbs are drooping in the air, swinging from side to side, looking like they have no strength at all.

The most peculiar thing is that the opponent's neck has been stretched two feet high. Although Gu Zheng said that the opponent is a faceless ghost, but he has never seen the opponent. In fact, the opponent still has a nose and a face, but it looks a little strange.

Two pairs of bright silver pupils stood out against the dark skin, weakly following the thousand-eyed monster, looking like a follower, or more like a weirdo with a stretched neck.

However, as the other party opened his mouth, shallow whispers reappeared in Gu Zheng's ears, but they couldn't affect Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng had already looked at them, and felt that the meat ball next to him was about to struggle out, and was ready to go out.

But contrary to his expectations, the thousand-eyed monster and the hunchback stopped halfway and stopped moving forward, and the meat ball crawled out of the house, and under Gu Zheng's surprised eyes, moved towards the thousand-eyed monster behind Walk over there and stay there soon.

The three ghosts stared at Gu Zheng inside without moving, just looking at him like this, but Gu Zheng seemed a little afraid of this place from the other party's somewhat jealous eyes.

"Are you afraid of this place?"

Gu Zheng looked back at the hall again, there was no danger at all, it seemed that there was only the golden jade in the middle, maybe the other party was afraid of it, after all, that thing was evolved by the power that belonged here.

Gu Zheng turned his head and looked towards Rouqiu, only to find that the opponent started to leave towards the back, quickly turned the corner and disappeared from his eyes.

Although he was surprised that the other party left on his own initiative, Gu Zheng would not go out foolishly. No matter what, at least he didn't have to dodge them so desperately. Now he had to wait for a while until the other party left before going out by himself.

However, before that, Gu Zheng had one more thing to do.

Gu Zheng turned around and looked at the jade platform in the middle, the golden jade suspended in mid-air.

It was like a flawless girl, appearing in front of him without any enemies or any protection, as if she could easily grab her with just one hand.

What I have to do now is to take this gold and jade away, which is also one of my goals.

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