The moonlight is like water, radiating on the earth, squandering its beautiful figure recklessly, in the silent night, occasionally there are a few unknown insects, the sound is long and empty.

In an ordinary village, a house that is obviously different from other houses, even though the outside is a little mottled, it can be seen that the owner has not taken care of it for many years, but it is also the most luxurious house here.

In the small courtyard deep in the courtyard, there were only two rooms in the courtyard. At this time, there were more than a dozen people standing in the courtyard, which was very crowded. Everyone looked inside anxiously, and everyone was full of worry.


The moonlight shifted, unknowingly it was already the second half of the month, and as a man who looked very strong pushed open the door, everyone could not help but squeeze in.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, a few people behind get out." An old man who looked old and suspected of being an official shouted loudly towards the back.

A few of them seemed to be members of other families, pulling a few young people to stand outside, which made the courtyard appear more spacious.

"Miraculous doctor Yan, how is my Yinger?"

The leader was a rich middle-aged man, and his wife was next to him. He went up immediately and asked anxiously.


Doctor Yan looked at the expressions of the two in front of him, as well as the expressions of other people, finally shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Yinger, Yinger!"

When the middle-aged man's wife saw it, she immediately burst into tears, shouted twice, and then fainted after staring at her eyes, so that the people around were in a hurry, and several people teamed up to send her down.

"Is there really no other way?" The middle-aged man looked at Miracle Doctor Yan expectantly.

"I know your situation. If I didn't have the heart, I wouldn't have come all the way here, but the woman's brows are blackened, and the ghost aura is looming on her body. Now she is even unconscious. Forgive me for not having enough mana to get rid of it. There are hidden dangers in her body." Miracle Doctor Yan sighed again, and then left here through a gap on the side.

Everyone gave way to him one after another, and when he was about to walk out of the yard, the man behind said loudly again.

"I also ask Miracle Physician Yan to give me a solution, any solution will do."

Miracle doctor Yan stopped, turned around and looked at the almost desperate middle-aged man, remembered their matter again, hesitated a few times, and said it out.

"After noon tomorrow, Lingnu should be back to normal, and she looks like she's getting better, but if there are no accidents, the other party will die at midnight. The only way is to go to the southeast during Haishi time. Ghost tomb, let's see if the ghost energy there can be suppressed, of course it is possible to die there directly."

"So far, how to choose is your business."

After finishing speaking, the figure of Miracle Physician Yan walked out quickly and left here.

"Ghost tomb, there really are ghosts over there. How can you let a four-year-old girl go there? Wouldn't that be death."

"That's right, even some high-ranking people dare not go there. Many of our villages want to move the remains of our ancestors out, and the few people who went in almost went crazy."

"In this situation, do you really want to wait at home to die? If you don't go, you will definitely die. If you go, there is still a chance of life."

"We made a good point, let's see how he chooses."

After hearing this, everyone exploded into discussion, and finally focused on the middle-aged man, wondering how he would choose.

"Gong Ye, don't be discouraged either. I believe that good people will be rewarded with good rewards." A man stopped abruptly when he said this, as if he had said something wrong.

Ye Gong's middle-aged man didn't say anything, but walked towards the inner room with a frustrated face.

"Don't talk nonsense, although Ye Gong is kind and generous, but fate is so difficult. One of the first two children died at birth, and the other just turned one year old, and died suddenly. This daughter who has grown up with great difficulty, Sudden contraction of a strange disease again, what a hardship for a kind person." A person next to him persuaded in a low voice, and sighed as he spoke.

"I hope his daughter will be well this time. You must know that he has no chance to ask for it anymore. The last time the unreasonable disaster also ruined him." Another person followed suit.

The few of them are from the village, and the rest are servants of the Ye family. Now there are only these loyal old housekeepers, and Mr. Ye and his wife. The others have already dispersed for fear of being infected. It's bad luck.

They also knew that the other party was worried about Ye Gong, so they didn't say anything, they just looked at the room in front of them worriedly. , You can only catch up if you start in the morning.

Worried on the outside, Ye Gong on the inside is also in tears, he wants to maintain his own appearance outside, and can't let others see his fragile appearance.

In this room, the decoration is very warm. There are cute toys on the side table, some of which have been taken apart. In the other cabinet, there are all kinds of beautiful clothes, but none of them have been worn. Neatly placed there, waiting for the master's luck.

Although the room was very cozy, on the window facing the bed, there was a piece of blood-red handwriting, emitting a faint light, which looked out of place.

On the only big bed, a pink and cute girl who was only about four years old was looking at Ye Gong dully, as if observing why he was crying like this.

"Don't cry...don't cry!" After a while, the little girl giggled, then waved her little hand, pointing at Ye Gong and shouted.

"Okay, okay, don't cry."

Ye Gong quickly picked up his sleeves, wiped the tears from his eyes, and showed an extremely ugly smile.

"Ugly ugly!"

The little girl clapped her hands and said with a smile, she seemed to be alive and well, but as she spoke, her body tilted and she wanted to fall to the side.

Ye Gong rushed in and helped her up before her head touched the bedpost next to her.

Miracle doctor Yan just made her feel refreshed, but now her complexion is darkened, her expression is sluggish, her eyes are dull, and she has returned to her previous appearance, especially the cold body of the other party, as if what he is holding is not her own daughter, but a cold corpse .

"God, what evil did I do, why did you treat me like this?"

Thinking of what happened to him, Ye Gong finally couldn't help it, half kneeled on the ground, picked up his daughter, and cried out loudly.

Although he is rich, he has never done anything harmful to nature. Although he was a little unlucky before, he was always kind and generous, and never made things difficult for others. But why did he finally have a child in middle age a few years ago, but the bad news came one after another? One after another, and now his family is almost ruined, and he doesn't know what to do.

It is impossible for him to have any heirs now, and the existing daughter is his only flesh and blood. If he is losing it, he may feel that he will not be able to live.

The people outside heard Ye Gong's angry howl inside, especially the unwillingness and desolation in the tone, and they all fell silent, because they had nothing to do, they tried everything they could think of.

"If you really want our family to die, then let me die now, let me die, and stop torturing me." The sad Ye Gong roared again.


Just when he finished speaking, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, which made him tremble suddenly, and then there was a loud noise from the top of his head, and a big hole appeared out of nowhere on the top of his head, as if something fell from it, subconsciously From this small damaged hole, Ye Gong vaguely saw a strange round hole, and there seemed to be a fleeting human face in it.

He just blinked his eyes, and found that there was nothing in the air, as if he was hallucinating, but the big damaged hole on the top of his head told him that something seemed to have smashed in, but there was nothing around him, which made him a little dazed, and the anger in his heart Under such a celestial phenomenon, she suddenly disappeared, even thinking about her daughter's current situation, but her heart was very calm, as if the heaven didn't want her to give up.

"God is angry."

A scream sounded from outside, and everyone outside was shocked. Some gravel fell on them, making them panic. Soon they ran towards the outside, and the sound of messy footsteps gradually disappeared. Reasonably, many people were so frightened that they fled here directly. In a blink of an eye, the entire house was emptied, and even those who stayed outside were scared away.

"Master, are you okay?" The butler outside broke in and said in a panic.

Through the opened door, you can see that there is no one outside, Ye Gong laughed at himself, feeling in his heart that he was extremely calm, he hugged his woman even tighter, and then said.

"Go and see if Ma'am is watching? If not, see if you can find some people to help send it back to the room. Don't bother me now."

Hearing the tone like breaking a pot and throwing a bowl, the butler felt extremely bitter in his heart, but he still nodded, and when he left, he closed the door again.

"Brother, brother!"

Suddenly at this time, Ye Ying, who was supposed to be quiet or make strange noises, suddenly became a little angry, pointing her small finger at the open space beside her, and shouted suddenly.

"Brother what, Yinger is good, let's go to bed first and go to see a doctor tomorrow, this time will definitely help you get well, and you can play with other children in the future." Ye Gong hugged Ye Ying on the bed, and carefully let her sit down , just said.

In fact, he has already made a decision in his heart. Since there is only one choice, he should try it. Even if the hope is slim, it is better than no hope.

"Okay, goodbye, Brother Ye Tian!" Ye Ying responded obediently, not knowing whether to respond to his words, or to say to the air, and at the same time waved her little hand to the side, because of weakness, she just raised and waved twice symbolically. Down, it drooped feebly.

Ye Gong looked at her, although she was still sluggish and physically weak, but her eyes were much clearer, and she felt even more distressed, because Ye Tian was his second child and also Ye Ying's brother, and now she looked like this, thinking that her condition was worse. It's serious, just like what Miraculous Doctor Yan said.

He has seen it several times, there is no one at all, and he glanced at the top of his head again. He also felt a little afraid of the appearance of that big hole. He didn't know how such a thing happened. He closed his eyes and fell into sleep. His daughter, he sat directly next to her and guarded her until dawn.

As a ray of sunlight pierced the darkness, the earth began to glow with vitality, and a new day had just begun. At the gate of Ye Gong, a carriage was ready.

The carriage was very broken, and the wooden paint had peeled off in some places, and it seemed that it had not been maintained for some years. The horse was also an old horse, no longer the heroic appearance of the past.

Beside the carriage, several people were already gathered there. Ye Gong's wife didn't come out. She really couldn't bear the pain of separation. She just hid at the door and watched this side secretly. Sleepy Ye Ying, she slept too late yesterday, Ye Ying is still dozing off at this time, she can fall asleep anytime.

"Ye Guan's family, you have worked hard all night, go to rest, and everyone else too." Ye Gong's spirit is surprisingly good, and he is not tired after a night at all.

"Grand Ye, this time it's up to you. I'm old and I have a grandson. I don't regret any accidents." The others dispersed after hearing the words, and the fear in their hearts had not dissipated. Only the housekeeper stood still and shook. Shaking his head, he said firmly.

"Okay then, but I believe there will be no problem this time." Seeing the butler's firm eyes, Ye Gong said confidently without insisting.

He didn't know why, after the shock, he was inexplicably full of himself. Others thought it was a warning of his bad words, but in his opinion, it was just a comfort to himself, and this time the suffering will surely come to an end.

"Time is running out, let's hurry up Qichen."

Talked to Ye Ying for a while, but finally put her on the carriage reluctantly. Seeing that the other party just whispered a few words, she lay down on the prepared position and fell asleep, and said to the housekeeper after she came out.

"Gong Ye, I will definitely send Miss to the place, and when she comes back, I will come back together." The housekeeper nodded at Ye Gong, then lightly shook the rein, and the old horse started to drive forward automatically.

Watching the carriage leave here slowly, the mother who hid behind the door couldn't help it anymore, and wept aloud.

"Don't be sad, I think we should renovate the house, and when Yinger comes back, you will see a perfect new home." Ye Gong held his wife in his arms, looked at the carriage going away, and patted her with the palm of his hand said the back.


His wife just nodded vigorously, but tears had already stained his chest.

A little bit of time passed, and the sun gradually rose in mid-air, dispelling the chill of the morning. An old carriage was parked in a small forest. The old horse was leisurely gnawing on the young grass. The housekeeper sat beside him, vigilant about his surroundings , to prevent some dangerous animals.

It's not that he's tired, it's that the old horse lacks physical strength and must rest. This is the only horse they have here.

"Um ha ha"

At this time, there were a few strange sounds from inside the carriage. He opened the curtain outside and found that Ye Ying was already awake and was studying the edge of the carriage. When he saw him looking over, he smiled and waved at him. .

The butler forced a smile, then put down the curtain and sighed. Even he could see the blackness of her face now, and her physical condition was getting worse. It seemed that if there was no other way, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to make it through tonight. See Seeing that the time was almost up, he drove the old horse and continued on his way, and there were at least two rests before arriving.

The sun gradually climbed to the highest peak. At this time, the steward had also arrived at a small basin. At this time, the people and horses were a little out of breath. There was a stream passing by here, which was also the place where he rested. Fortunately, it was not far from the final destination. There's only one hour left, enough time.

"Grandpa Ye, are we here?" A childish voice came from the carriage, and then a head protruded from it, with clear eyes, but its face was about to turn completely black, and it looked very scary.

"Ye Ying, we haven't arrived yet, there is still some time to go there, how do you feel now." The butler said with a smile, a hint of distress flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Ye Ying has come to her senses, and she has become a girl that everyone loves again. With her mind, she still can't perceive anything about what happened before, and she thinks that it is herself.

"My body is very uncomfortable, and my hands and feet are a little out of control, but my father said that today, the illness will be cured." Ye Ying said truthfully.

"Yes, now is the place to take you to see a doctor. By tomorrow, you will be fully recovered." The butler still smiled and sincerely congratulated her.

"Great, it's finally ready." Ye Ying cheered, then lowered her head and said embarrassedly, "Grandpa Ye, can I go down and play for a while? I haven't seen such a beautiful place for a long time."

The housekeeper was stunned, remembering that she had been locked in the room all day, and then glanced at the open space around, nodded, "We'll rest here for a while, so don't run away."

"Thank you, Grandpa Ye."

Ye Ying smiled until her eyes turned into crescents, and then carefully supported the handle next to her, looking cautious. Seeing her struggling, the housekeeper went up and gently hugged her, and put her on the ground next to her.

Ye Ying took small steps happily, and walked towards a nearby flower, with a very happy smile on her face, as if she hadn't come out for a long time, she was very surprised to see everything.

When the butler saw Ye Ying's appearance, his heart ached even more, his eyes became slightly moist, so he didn't look at her at all, and picked up dry food from the side and started eating to replenish his energy.

He also wants to go with him, if he wants to live together, if he wants to die together, he will die together. Anyway, his life is given by the Ye family, and he has no regrets when he dies now.

They didn't know that they were in another place, and a figure was looking at this side not far away. It was Ye Tian who came here.

Ye Ying is still called Ye Ying, and she even looks similar to when she was a child, except that there is a terrible curse on her body, which can kill people.

Even he couldn't solve the curse. When he found out, he almost went crazy. Later, he thought that if there was no way to save him, Master Gu would not let him come here, so he stabilized his mind and observed quietly.

Soon he knew that Ye Ying had to be sent to this place in order to be completely cured. Although it was hard to believe, at this moment, perhaps this was the only turning point. Even if the time passed by a little bit, I was extremely anxious , he is also waiting.

As long as it is before midnight, if you enter inside smoothly, there is still hope. Before that, you must ensure Xiaoying's safety.

He wanted to see who put a curse on him and her, implicated everyone in her family like this, and finally tricked her there, what was the purpose.

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