At this time, on the other side of the basin, two people were sneakily looking at the carriage in the middle.

One was a former acquaintance, Miracle Physician Yan, and the other was a woman with heavy make-up, who couldn't conceal the aura of a prostitute.

"You're a fool, you won't have a chance if you don't do it." The woman looked at Miracle Doctor Yan who was still hesitating, and urged.

"I'm not afraid. Will we be chased and killed by the other party if we intercept the thing that the ghost king has planned so hard?" Miracle doctor Yan let out a breath, and then asked.

"How many times have I told you that now that the opponent's strength has been damaged, this little girl needs to take the initiative to come over. She cast a curse on the opponent three years ago, and then entrusted the two of us to do the work. At that time, I didn't know why it was so troublesome. Now that I know, it is naturally impossible to give it to him, if we intercept the other party, as long as we use her as a medicine, it will definitely let us break through to the peak." The woman said excitedly.

"As for the other party's curse, I can't get it out. Let me tell you again, I have developed an antidote for the bondage the other party has placed on us. As long as you do it, I will give you the antidote."

"Did the other party really replay us after he got better? It's not like you don't know the other party's character."

"Okay, I've made this vote!" Miracle Doctor Yan shook her teeth when she heard the last word and made a final decision.

"That's right. As long as we leave, everything will go according to my plan. The world is so big. Let's find a place to hide and make sure that no one will find us." The woman said happily.

The woman took Miracle Physician Yan with her, and with the help of the other party, she was able to escape from here completely. Alone, she was also afraid that the long-range doctor would cast an inexplicable curse on her.

After the two reached a consensus, they immediately walked out of the hiding place and walked over there.

Originally, their mission was completed, so they just escorted them all the way. In fact, when Ye Ying and the others were resting, some wild beasts naturally found them, but they were all solved by the two of them, and they walked all the way safely. At this point, they will not be responsible in the future, and they will have no chance even if they start.

After a few ups and downs, two people appeared in front of Steward Ye.

"Miraculous doctor Yan!" The housekeeper looked at the two of them in surprise.

"I was just worried about her situation, so I found my junior sister and sent you some insurance products. Although it won't be very effective, it's the only thing I can do. I just want peace of mind." Miracle doctor Yan smiled slightly, To explain, the woman next to him also put away the dusty look on her face, and smiled at him like a fairy who looked a little out of the dust.

"Thank you Miracle Doctor Yan, I will bring Miss back right away."

Butler Ye didn't doubt that he was there, and said emotionally, after he finished speaking, he rushed towards Ye Ying over there.

"I really don't know what's so special about that girl. She can't go against her wishes. Otherwise, she would have been arrested long ago, and it wouldn't have brought such a disaster to her family." The woman asked a little puzzled.

"You came a month later than me, so naturally you don't know what happened before. In short, the other party is evil and violates her own will. Then whoever moves will die. Otherwise, why would an adult do this? The other party is just a child, just coax it. Don't let the other party feel disgusted." Miracle Doctor Yan said softly.

The woman nodded, watching the butler bring Ye Ying back.

"You are Doctor Yan!" Ye Ying still knew about him, and he was the doctor who helped her treat her, so her attitude was very correct.

"This time I'm here mainly to help you. I have a talisman by my side. I can help you once when it's critical. I'll ask my sister next to you to bring it for you." Miracle Doctor Yan bent down and said kindly.

Ye Ying nodded without any precautions. After all, this is her doctor, and she is still trustworthy in her heart.

Doctor Yan nodded to the woman, who immediately took out a emerald green jade pendant. Although Ye Ying didn't know what the lifelike animal was, she looked very pretty and liked it very much, so she reached out to pick it up.

In the excited eyes of Doctor Yan and the girl, when Ye Ying was about to touch, a ray of light appeared on her fingertips, blocking her just in time.

"Who!" The woman frowned subconsciously and shouted.


An angry shout sounded from the void, and the two of them were suddenly shocked, their faces turned pale, and they spit out a mouthful of blood in an instant.

"let's go!"

Doctor Yan couldn't help saying, pulled the woman and ran away quickly, and disappeared here in a blink of an eye, leaving behind two people who were at a loss.

"Grandpa Ye, what's wrong with them." Ye Ying asked puzzled.

The voice was inaudible to the two of them at all, and they didn't know what happened, but they ran away in panic when they saw Miracle Doctor Yan.

"I don't know." Butler Ye shook his head and glanced at the sky, "It's getting late, we should go."

The carriage moved slowly again, and the surroundings became a little gloomy since they left here. It was only after noon, and the surrounding people felt as if it was evening, especially the gloomy cold air, although it did not give them The two feel nothing, but just looking at it makes my heart feel cold.

The butler gritted his teeth and continued to drive the old horse forward, but he didn't know that when he came in, the old horse had already lost signs of life, and it was only a mysterious force that kept it going.

Not long after, you can see many tombs as tall as half a person, scattered on the ground, combined with the faint sound of wind around, and a faint gray mist that does not know when it will rise. It was as if he had come to a ghost.

At this time, the old horse also shook twice, and fell down directly, completely dead.

The butler hurriedly got out of the car and hugged Ye Ying. Ye Ying looked around with a look of fear on her face, and when she held the butler tightly.

"Don't be afraid!"

The butler comforted Ye Ying twice, and then wanted to take her to move on, but before taking a few more steps, she felt her chest being pushed two steps, and she took two steps back.

He tried twice, and found that he was unable to move forward, as if a pair of invisible hands were holding him down. Once he passed, he was pushed out. He didn't have any fear in his heart, but he was happier. There is also kindness, it seems that the last method of Doctor Yan may really cure Ye Ying's illness, but it is strange why they left suddenly.

"Miss, it's up to you from now on. I'll wait for you to come out outside. There are immortals inside. If you say something nice, maybe your illness will be cured." The butler squatted down and said to Ye Ying.

"Grandpa Ye, I'm afraid!" Ye Ying said timidly, with her head lowered.

"Don't be afraid, you have to be brave. When you get better, you can go out with everyone. Don't you really want to go out to play? When you get better, you don't have to stay at home every day, and Ye Gong and the others won't be sad all day long." The butler said earnestly.

"I want to cure my illness, and I don't want my parents and elders to worry about me. I will go in now, and I will definitely get better." Ye Ying thought for a while, and her face became serious.

"Alright, I'll wait outside for you to come out." The butler said with a smile.

Ye Ying nodded heavily, then turned her head and ran in, and quickly disappeared into the gray mist.

"anyone there?"

Ye Ying soon discovered that there was a passage in front of her that cleared the gray mist, which seemed to be specially prepared for her. Along this road, she soon came to a wide place, surrounded by several dark stone pillars, and the ground had She had some gaps where it was difficult to walk, and when she saw that there was no road ahead, she shouted loudly.

There was silence around her, and she was still a little scared. Just as she was about to shout, a figure floated from the sky in the distance, which made her startled and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. Speaking of which, you are still my descendant." The figure floated from a distance, stopped not far away, and said very gently.

"Are you my ancestor?" Xiaoying looked at the human-shaped mist in the air, and when she heard the other party say this, she felt a little comforted in her heart, racked her brains for a while, and then asked.

"Well, I knew it when you came here, but it's a pity that everyone here is afraid. If you had come earlier, you would have been fine." Human Shadow said with emotion.

"Then do you know the names of my parents? Others say that there are ghosts everywhere." Xiaoying is not stupid, she will not believe what the other party says.

"Of course I know."

Renying quickly told her about her situation, which was completely correct, which made Xiaoying believe her.

"Time is running out. You need treatment before dark. If it's too late, I won't be able to suppress your condition." Seeing that the time was ripe, the figure said directly.

"What should I do." The naive Xiaoying didn't think there was any problem at all, and asked foolishly.

"See the middle? There is a pool of blood grass essence in there. Only soaking in it for an hour can completely cure your illness. I have been preparing for this day for a long time, and finally I am waiting for you."

As the figure's words fell, in the middle, accompanied by a slight vibration, a small blood-colored pool rose from below, and it was also filled with red blood. It looked very disgusting, but there was no unpleasant smell. Taste, even some herbal fragrance.

"Hurry up and go in, it's already dark, go back early and tell your parents to come and see me when you have time." The figure was full of flaws, so Xiaoying walked inside without any hesitation.


Just outside, Ye Tian with a serious face was hurrying to attack the reluctant shield. Not far from him, Butler Ye, who was completely useless and passed out, was lying on the ground, protected by him, and it was a step late may die.

He wasted some time outside and was interrogating the two escaped people. Knowing everything about the matter, he rushed back immediately and almost stopped the other party, but now he can only be blocked by the other party.

The opponent's strength is about the same as his own, and he is still weak. Even if this is the opponent's territory, he is not afraid. Now he is only worried about Xiaoying's situation inside, but now he is blocked by this defense. Seeing himself attacking so Many times, with almost no help to the opponent, after going on like this, it was only then that he remembered the weapon that Gu Zheng gave him, and drew it out without hesitation.

The branch in his hand changed quickly with his thoughts, and the outer bark quickly fell off, turning into what he imagined. This is a combination of two thin swords. When they are combined, Another weapon, very peculiar.

After having the magical weapon of branch transformation, he immediately felt different. At this time, the weapon was not separated. After he chopped it heavily, large ripples appeared around him, which made him overjoyed. After several blows, the originally extremely strong defense burst It was broken, and the next moment he broke into it directly.

Although the inside was filled with fog and it was almost impossible to see what was three feet away, but relying on the faint feeling in his heart, he could easily know Xiaoying's location, and broke into it within a few breaths.


Ye Tian, ​​who broke in, immediately saw Xiaoying lying unconscious inside, her whole body was almost soaked in blood, the situation was not good.

"I really didn't expect that I would meet troublemakers here. If I was really afraid of other people, I might turn around and leave immediately. But since you are here, don't leave. Just let me do the same." Ghost Xiu, let's get to know you." The man also saw Ye Tian, ​​not only did he not have any fear, but he laughed instead.

Ye Fei didn't talk nonsense with him at all, he jumped straight down, wanting to rescue Xiaoying first, but when he was still in mid-air, ghosts flew out of the ground, screaming and rushing towards him Go, barred his way.

He didn't pay attention to these ghosts, but when he fought against each other, he realized that the opponent was difficult to deal with. It seemed that he could not cause damage to the opponent when he attacked, but the opponent could hurt himself, especially the scream in the opponent's mouth, as if The magic sound was mediocre, making it difficult for him to concentrate.

"Do you know? I haven't met the same ghost cultivator for a long time, because I have refined all of them into subordinates, and you are no exception."

The figure in the distance looked at Ye Tian, ​​surrounded by dozens of ghosts in mid-air, unable to move at all, every time the ghost hit the opponent, it would make the opponent's mind confused, seeing the opponent fall into a disadvantage, haha laughed.

He felt that he was lucky. He was taking risks at first, and he was always afraid that someone would pay attention to him. In the end, a person came, who turned out to be a ghost cultivator. He was probably attracted by the special terrain here, but it was a pity that everything belonged to him. There is only one dead end when you come, whoever makes the other party a ghost cultivator.

To put it in a self-deprecating way, he is even better at dealing with ghost cultivators, and there is not much he can do to deal with other immortal cultivators.

At this moment, an extreme danger suddenly appeared from midair. Following a phoenix cry, a fiery red figure exploded in the air, and a red flame turned into a shock wave, rushing wildly towards the surroundings. Everywhere, everything is dyed red.

The ghosts who bear the brunt almost melted into the red light without any struggle, and at the same time, the figures disappeared into a plume of black smoke.

"hoo hoo"

Relying on Gu Zheng to give him the last strength to defend himself, he finally wiped out these ghosts. As for the figure, the opponent ran fast, but he also saw the red light sweeping across the opponent's body, so it should not appear again.

After taking a few breaths, he immediately went down and directly hugged Xiaoying out of the bloody water. Seeing that the curse in the opponent's body was gone, he was even more relieved. Those two people were right. When trying to completely corrupt her, the curse in the body will also be eliminated, and it can only be successful during today's Haishi.

"We should go back."

Without the soaking in blood, the blood on Xiaoying's body began to fade slowly, perhaps this was the best result.

When he was about to leave, suddenly behind him, the figure that had disappeared before appeared silently behind him, and a black lacquered stone emerged from his hand, smashing towards Ye Tian's back in an instant.

Ye Tian, ​​who didn't expect the other party to appear again, realized that something was wrong behind him, and was hit hard by the other party. He immediately protected Xiaoying in his arms to prevent her from getting any harm, and he flew away the next moment. Going out, she fell heavily on the ground in the distance. Even so, Xiaoying did not suffer any injuries, lying on the ground still unconscious.

"That magic weapon of yours is really good. It destroyed all my slave ghosts, but it's a pity that it didn't hurt me." Before Ye Tian got up, several black mist rushed out from the side quickly, covering Ye Tian. Heaven is bound.

"I like nonsense, but when facing the enemy, I don't give too many opportunities."

The figure stretched out a hand, and a sharp spear condensed with ghost energy appeared in his hand. The next moment, when he was about to completely kill the opponent, Xiaoying next to him woke up. Seeing the spear in front of him, he subconsciously shouted road.

"don't want!"


A white ray of light erupted from Xiaoying's body in an instant, and the surrounding cold and icy atmosphere, as well as the gray mist that shrouded the surrounding area again, dissipated in an instant, and the figure was affected by the light, and black smoke rose from his body.

"let's go!"

Ye Tian on the side was not affected in any way, and even the restraints on his body disappeared. He hugged Xiaoying and ran towards the outside, leaving the opponent's territory first to ensure Xiaoying's safety.

"I want to leave! Impossible!"

The figure roared in the distance, and suddenly streaks of blood light flashed rapidly above the ground, and the formation that had been prepared soared into the sky, covering dozens of miles around in the blood light.

Suddenly Ye Tian felt that his body became extremely sluggish, as if every movement of his had slowed down, and a dangerous warning frantically burst out in his heart, but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Ye Ying staring blankly at his chest.

A very ordinary necklace hangs there.

"Brother, I know you will come to save me in the end." Ye Ying's pupils suddenly shrank and became extremely deep, as if she was a different person.

Ye Tian was also shocked. Only his sister called him so intimately.

"I will not give up on me, I will take you out, get out of here, trust me."

The sword in Ye Tian's hand quickly split into two pieces, and he was not affected by this place in the air, blocking the blood rain falling towards this side.

"I know, I've always believed."

Ye Ying slowly raised her hand, and a similar necklace slowly appeared in the void, which she held in her hand.

"It's great to see my brother. I don't regret it at all, it's just a pity."

When Ye Ying was speaking, her eyes were also slowly closing, two crystal clear teardrops dripped down, her arms drooped weakly, and the illusory necklace disappeared.

"Xiaoying, Xiaoying!"

Ye Tian yelled twice, but there was no response, his body was burning with black flames, one of the tears in the air flew automatically and merged into his body, and the other one merged into his necklace.

"Damn you!"

With a roar, several black lightning flashed vaguely in the sky, the black formation below broke in response, and a figure rushed up.

Two days later, under the eyes of Ye Gong and the others, the butler appeared in the distance with Xiaoying on his back.

"Father, mother!"

Xiaoying took off the ring from her finger and put it in her arms, jumped off the butler's back, and rushed towards them.

"My illness is cured."

"Master, the other party gave me a lot of things. In the future, I will cultivate to become a fairy and go find the master!"

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