A few days later, as a larger passage appeared on the sea again, Commander He immediately came to Gu Zheng's side.

"Master Gu, this side has already been fixed. I will guarantee it with my life. There must be no problem."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Gu Zheng said flatly that his complexion has not been good all the time, and now the only thing that can be confirmed is that Wan'er is not dead, and no other information can be obtained.

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work." Commander He said quickly, "Master Gu, the passage doesn't last long, so go ahead."

"This time, let's go first and wait for them below. Mengzhen, you are in charge of the others, and come down at the end,"

Gu Zheng ordered Meng Zhen behind him, and then took Xiong Lao and others to fly towards the passage.

Mengzhen also cheered up and began to direct the entry of Teng Snake and Gushu Clan.

Gu Zheng's side has already rushed down first, like passing through a layer of water curtain, and found that his feet landed on the ground as soon as his body was cold, and he came to a strange place.

The sun above the head is exactly the same as the outside, which is a common feature of the world attached to the prehistoric world. Under normal circumstances, the world connected to the prehistoric world basically has no big difference except for the different environment.

While still observing the surroundings, Lao Xiong and the others, as well as Bai Jiajia, appeared beside them once.

They left the spot directly to make room for the people behind.

"That's right, it's the most marginal place." Bai Jiajia also breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind them is a sky-reaching mountain wall, which blocks the edge and spreads all the way along the edge to prevent people from accidentally falling into the void.

Gu Zheng looked up at a strange aura, and it was this aura that made Wan'er disappear before.

"Old Xiong, take a look here, I'll go nearby to find out the news." Gu Zheng turned his gaze back and ordered to Elder Xiong.

"Take me, I know the general terrain nearby. There is only one village nearby, and it will take a long time to meet the second village." Bai Jiajia rushed to Gu Zheng and asked Ying.

The opponent is powerful, but she has not forgotten her mission. She must help Gu Zheng as much as possible. Maybe the opponent's favorability, since the battle can't help much, she can use other aspects.

Gu Zheng nodded, glanced at the subordinates who came in orderly from behind, and then flew forward.

"Is the purpose of that village here to monitor the entrance?" Middle Gu Zheng asked halfway.

"Almost yes, but the main purpose is to settle down some injured people. The spiritual energy here is the purest. That village has gathered a large area of ​​spiritual energy nearby, and the recovery effect is particularly good."

As soon as Bai Jiajia finished speaking, the figures of the two suddenly fell down, looking forward.

Although there is nothing in sight, there is a large village not far away. At this time, it is not as peaceful as imagined. The defense outside has been supported. There are many enemies outside who are besieging. Count them carefully. There are at least forty or fifty.

Although there are a large number of people in this village, their strength remains weak. Compared with the Jinxian Peaks who are all outside, they are not their opponents at all.

"The situation is so serious now? Are there even people coming from the rear?" Gu Zheng said with a frown.

He was pressing down on the opponent before, how could such a situation suddenly appear, even the enemy rushed over from the rear.

"I don't know. Normally speaking, the opponent's strength is not enough, unless something happens." Bai Jiajia also didn't understand.

"Leave a few alive and ask."

Gu Zheng is going to use simple and brutal methods. Once the opponent is arrested, he will know how rampant the opponent is. Could it be that the front has already fallen or been surrounded, and he has no time to take care of the back.

The two rushed over quickly, and the opponent did not escape after them, but instead attacked them one after another.

"Is this a puppet spell?"

Killing a few enemies casually, the opponent turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated. After a careful inspection, they were all there, and the breath outside was very strong, but in fact the combat power was very low, and there were no more survivors immediately. Kill all of them.

"The people inside are also very strange, why are they still like that?" Bai Jiajia said suddenly.

Gu Zheng looked intently, and found that the people inside were still the same as before, and even the defense in front of them was not attacked, and they looked precarious, which was too fake.

With a wave of his hand, an attack landed on it, and the outer defense immediately dissipated, and even his own people inside also disappeared, revealing the true appearance inside.

The whole village was dilapidated, as if it had been looted by someone, but there were no traces of battle. It seemed that the people here evacuated on their own initiative, and were subsequently destroyed by others.

"This is a bait." Bai Jiajia exclaimed from the side, "Our people have left long ago."

"Bait? I'll see if the other party can eat it." Gu Zheng sneered, "Let's go back first and show the other party a color to see who is so bold to play this."

He also figured out that the other party's play is like a round of reinforcements. If anyone comes over curiously, they will definitely be imprinted by the other party. However, this also shows that the situation on the Dragon King's side is really bad. Come out, let the opponent wreak havoc behind you, you can only passively set up an enchantment to prevent the opponent from casting.

Gu Zheng and Bai Jiajia went back quickly, but stopped halfway and looked aside silently.

There are large areas of battle traces over there. Even if it has been a long time, you can still feel the amazing battle at the beginning, as if after some kind of war, the surroundings are in a mess.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng and the two speeded back again, and when they got back and saw that everyone had come in, Gu Zheng was even more satisfied, and gave them orders immediately without giving them a chance to ask him.

Hearing Gu Zheng's order, everyone started to act without any hesitation.

All the subordinates whose cultivation base was lower than Da Luo's all left here, receded towards the distance, and stopped at a place far enough away. With the help of Lin Tie, they directly covered their figures to prevent them from being affected.

Mu Lian quickly moved forward and began to lay an ambush. At the same time, a vine was connected to Gu Zheng in the void to prevent the opponent from attacking suddenly.

Elder Xiong and the others changed their bodies one after another, and their cultivation bases were only at the peak of Jinxian, but the Gushu clan did not hide outside, encircling Gu Zheng in the middle and heading forward.

It seems that the entire team, that is, a dozen big Luos, and some Jinxian peaks, are far away from the access point, and continue to move forward according to the original route. At the same time, everyone is on alert, as if they have discovered the opponent's trap .

Gu Zheng also had his own considerations in doing this. The opponent set up such an obvious ambush, so the strength must not be weak, and it seems to be specially designed to stop the reinforcements. I couldn't see the specific strength of the opponent before, but it is definitely not weak. With my current lineup, It is very reasonable, it is the front troops that are supporting, and it depends on whether the other party is fooled.

If you can't even bear this disguise, the other party really doesn't have to worry about it.

At the moment when Gu Zheng broke the camouflage, far away from here, a hidden Baimeng team, the leader also got the news at the same time, instantly sensed the opponent's position, and immediately walked out from his resting point , looked at most of the people outside who were resting or practicing, nodded in satisfaction, and then coughed heavily to make everyone pay attention to themselves.

Everyone woke up with a start, turned their gazes to the leader, and their eyes showed excitement. One of his beloved generals stood up at this moment, and couldn't help but say.

"Master Dong, has our trap worked?"

"That's right, after the last battle with the opponent, we hid XZ for such a long time, making the opponent think that we have gone back, just to find an opportunity. The opponent can't keep guarding us all the time, and now the opportunity has come." Master Dong said with satisfaction. Said.

"Could it be the opponent's trap?" Another subordinate said with some uncertainty.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely not. This is the picture at that time." Master Dong actually didn't want to explain so much, but many people below are not his own people, so it can be said that they are people who are patchwork, so naturally they have to explain in detail.

The scene of Gu Zheng and Bai Jiajia suddenly appearing in the sky and killing the Quartet, and leaving immediately after discovering the village.

"At the peak of Da Luo and in the late stage of Da Luo, there is still aura of prehistoric people on his body. Obviously, this should be the vanguard of the opponent. He just came in to investigate. Besides, what about the bait? As for the results of the battle, I was avoiding the other party's search at other times, and I went back if I really had no chance. Everyone has things to go back, so what are you afraid of?"

While talking, Mr. Dong became a little impatient.

When everyone comes here, they have life-saving things in their hands. If there is any danger, they can be sent back directly. This is the confidence for everyone to come here. Of course, they are not just a team here, everyone has this thing in their hands. .

But what they don't know is that some time ago, the whole world here has been re-laid with a layer of defense measures. Even Gu Zheng suffered a big loss. Even if they wanted to leave, they couldn't do it.

In the early stage, they relied on the defensive loopholes here, and indeed caused a lot of damage here, but after so long, they have been secretly blocked, and some people in the front have already known about it, while the back is almost isolated from the world, and they want to ambush Naturally, they don't know what's going on outside when the reinforcements are making a big deal.

"We have been worried for a long time, and our bones are rusted. This time we can finally act." Another person said loudly.

"With me here, there must be no problem." Master Dong said with satisfaction, "Get ready to go, follow me."

A group of people is as powerful as a rainbow. Although there are only more than 50 people in total, each of them is an elite among the elites, and the minimum cultivation level is at the peak of Jinxian. He is one of the only two quasi-sages. In order to hold back the opponent, he has spent a lot of money here, and the lineup can be described as very strong.

After wasting a lot of time, they headed towards the goal they felt in their hearts.

Both Gu Zheng and this side are already standing in ambush, but the other party has not come yet. Not far away at this time, a person pretending to be injured is being rescued urgently, and he still wonders why the other party has not come for so long.

"Gu Zheng, we have to leave, or the other party will find out some clues." Meng Zhen whispered from the side.

"Could it be that the opponent's strength is really poor, and I'm overthinking it?" Gu Zheng's thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he ordered to set off immediately.

Everyone took action one after another, and they were still the same as before, with a high degree of concentration. Under such circumstances, any sneak attack was impossible.

"Master Dong, the other party got up and was about to leave, and the surrounding investigations came back, and there was nothing unusual." Not far away, a group of people stayed in place silently, like dead bodies, they could not detect any breath at all, and they were very careful when they moved alone. The person who came to Master Dong said through a voice transmission.

"Command, act immediately, it's a pity that there is only so much." Master Dong ordered immediately.

"It's already a lot. If you eat these people, all the results will be better than others." This subordinate flattered him.

"Haha, what I'm talking about is, what's the use of killing those ordinary humans, the roots are not in them, and they are growing so fast, I have set off more and more human races, next time I will definitely propose to drive them all to After a few days, maybe it will be clean." Master Dong laughed haha, as if he had seen the result of victory.

"It's not necessarily all bad. Those chores, dangerous things, and even some sacrifices are suitable candidates, let alone some cultivation speeds. Where can I find such a perfect person." The subordinate nodded and said. .

But Master Dong will not respond to him anymore, because they have already come around the enemy and surrounded them.

"You wait for everyone, I'll give you a chance, if you surrender to us now, you can still avoid death, otherwise, hehe." Master Dong stood in front of him carelessly, threatening Gu Zheng in front of him, as if they were already on the chopping board meat, harvested at will.

In his opinion, the strength of these enemies is really good. If you exclude yourself, the overall strength is stronger than your own. It is a pity that you met him.

If they really surrendered, he would naturally accept it, and then control them to go to the suicide attack side. Unfortunately, he also knew what he said, and the other party would definitely not listen.

Sure enough, no one stood up and surrendered even though his face was pale from the shock of his aura, but it just made him a little strange. Killing is really beyond one's capabilities.

"go to hell!"

Seeing the encirclement of your own people for a long time, make sure that none of them will try to escape, and they will not be in the ink marks. When you get up, you will deal with them, set a speed with yourself, and put them all down with the effort of a cup of tea.

But just when his figure was about to move, a ripple flashed on the ground instantly, and countless vines the size of a baby's arm appeared from below, rushing directly towards Master Dong at a very fast speed, some forming a barrier in front, The other side entangled directly towards the opponent.

"It's useless."

Master Dong stretched out his grasp, and he grabbed the vines in front of him. He was about to snatch them off, but found that the other party was still in his hand. Some small vines even branched out from the side, and ran along his palm toward the vines. Grab it from above.

Originally thought that the strength he used was too small, but when he tried again, he found that the opponent was still motionless, and the other ones had already wrapped around his ankles, and the others continued to wrap around him. At this time, he realized that something was wrong. Strength seems to be on the same level as him.

More vines continued to rush towards this side from the outside, and the previous blocking rise also flew towards this side, and soon surrounded Mr. Dong into a green ball.

"Haha, my lord has become more playful."

"Yeah, the other party thought they could get rid of their fate with some resistance? It's just the last struggle."

"After holding back for so long, adults also want to have fun with them."

The people around Baimeng didn't realize what was going on at this moment, they were still laughing and discussing with each other, not worried at all.

"It's time to teach them a lesson." Gu Zheng looked at Baimeng who didn't know that these catastrophes were approaching, and said directly to the side.

The people who were pretending to be little white rabbits tore off their camouflage one after another at this time, and suddenly a strong momentum rose into the sky.

The changes on Gu Zheng's side startled them, their strength was several times that of theirs, but they still didn't worry too much, and some even shouted out of joy.

"Master Dong, this time we picked up a treasure. We didn't expect such a powerful enemy. Come out quickly and stop playing."

But their wish for the green ball to explode did not come true. There were only a few muffled sounds from inside the green ball, and the green ball swelled a little bit.

"Your Master Dong can't protect himself, and you still expect them to save you. Don't even think about running away." Gu Zheng snorted coldly, "Just deal with them and leave a few alive."

Gu Zheng didn't take any action at all. The people behind him rushed out immediately, and the people from Baimeng tried to resist. It was just a photo, and seven or eight companions died. After that, without hesitation, they immediately took out strawberry-sized The black pills are crushed directly.

"bang bang bang"

A burst of black smoke exploded, startling this side, and soon discovered that, except for a louder sound, it had no lethality at all.

"How can it be?"

"Why did it fail? Doesn't it mean that there is no problem 100%?"

"Who did it? Could it be that they want us to die here!"

People from Baimeng wailed one after another, and some people ran outside immediately because they were wrong.

In line with the principle of not getting hurt if they don’t get hurt, we didn’t force them too hard here. If one of them died together, the gain would not be worth the loss. There are two great gods who are quasi-sages. Victory will belong to them sooner or later. There is no need to work hard. This is an ancient struggle. Tell them exactly what they said.

That's why they had the opportunity to take out their things and escape, but what made them desperate was that at some point outside, a defense was raised and they were imprisoned inside. The men caught up and were forced to fight again.

"Gu Zheng, why don't we take them captive and control them, what do you think?" At this time, Meng Zhen put forward her own idea.

"It's not necessary. The troubles in case of failure are much more troublesome than the benefits they bring. We only need the other party's information." Gu Zheng shook his head and said.

The control of reinsurance may be cracked by others, unless you have the strength to crush everyone, you can truly insure.

As time goes by, the opponent will die soon, and the captured prisoner will end the war. There are almost three of them fighting each other one by one. It's not too easy.

The only one now is Master Dong who is still struggling inside the green ball.

"Try to capture the other party alive, the value in the other party's mouth is greater."

Gu Zheng ordered to the sky, he believed that Lin Tie and the others would try their best to do it.

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