"Da da da"

"Hi, is anyone there?"

In an abandoned city, Wan'er knocked on a relatively clean door. After waiting for a long time, seeing no one responded, she pushed the door open and entered.

"No one, what a pity, is this city too dilapidated, no one is here anymore." Wan'er wandered around inside, then said regretfully.

"I'm not sure about this, but even if there are people, it's impossible to be in this seemingly intact building. Why don't you tell others that I'm here and come and kill me quickly." Lin Yi had long known that there was no one inside, only Wan'er He knocked on the door foolishly and didn't even search for it.

"That's right, since the other party has been hunted down, it won't be so easy to find him, but we believe that we will find him soon." Wan'er said suddenly, and then touched the recovered deer.

"You're not leaving either. Have you forgotten your home? Follow me first."

"It's getting dark, and the other party likes to appear at night, so that they can quietly look for the enemy. In order to avoid trouble, shall we take a rest here?" Lin Yi continued to ask.

In the past few days, I was almost found by the opponent a few times. Although I am not afraid of the opponent, but attracting more people will make them troublesome. You must know that the people who sit in that city only know that they are the three peaks , not to mention that the other party can call for rescue at any time, so they will not conflict with them until there is no safe place.

It is very simple to know that the other party distinguishes between the enemy and the enemy, that is, whether there is a mark of the Baimeng, which can only be marked in the opponent's city, and everything else is an enemy, either killed or taken back.

Most of these executioners were those who surrendered to the past. Although they saved their lives, they had to obey their orders.

At the beginning, there were still some pretense, saying that it was all one world, and they were all a family. They joined Baimeng to start a new life, and deceived many people who didn't know. Surrender, and this side also keeps doing nothing, directly excluding the former people and chasing and killing them.

As for why these people were eliminated, those little soldiers didn't know, but their intuition told Lin Feng and the two of them that these must have affected their plans.

"Rest, where are we going?" Wan'er glanced at the sky and knew the danger, so she asked.

"Just here." Lin Yi pointed in front of her and smiled.

"No way? It's so obvious here, but it's still here." Wan'er looked at me like I'm easy to bully even though I'm young.

Just now he clearly said that this place is too conspicuous, but now he wants to live here again.

Lin Yi looked at Wan'er, who was slightly puffed up, with a feeling of depression that she didn't understand, and she couldn't help laughing, "Although I said that, but after such a long time, the other party must have checked this place repeatedly, even inside I have noticed some hidden detection circles, as long as we avoid them, the other party will probably not check, even if they come, they will be swept away, as long as we hide, we can avoid the other party."

"If what you said makes sense, then do this." Wan'er understood as soon as she heard it, and nodded immediately, acting like a leader, as if the anger just now didn't exist.

Lin Feng was also amused by the other party's appearance. He also knew that the other party just had too little experience and didn't know many things. It will be better slowly, and the other party is also very smart. Basically, he didn't explain the things that were entrusted to her. Second time.

The three pushed the door open and quickly found a suitable and clean place. After hiding them, they rested quietly.

They don't know how long they will stay here, but they know that if they want to go out, there is basically no possibility. There are quasi-sages sitting outside, and they can only go out when Gu Zheng and the others come in, so they must hide their own. figure.

As for whether Gu Zheng can come here, no one doubts it. If it is only Lin Tie and Lin Yi, maybe they won't come, but Wan'er is here, and she will definitely come all the way. No one is in the way. use.

They also had a general understanding of the strength here before, and naturally they also know how difficult it is to come here, at least there is hope, all they have to do is to persevere.

As the night darkened, there were no ordinary things in this fantasy world. Those creatures had long been unable to survive in the cruel and declining world, so in normal times, there was a disturbing silence outside. enemies, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at them coldly.

Except for Wan'er who fell asleep heartlessly, Lin Tie and Lin Xin were vigilant. For them, rest was actually a little relaxation, even if they hadn't slept for tens of thousands of years.

The situation is similar to what they said, the other party here will not come to check at all, even for the other party to notice, the two of them did not release their consciousness to go out to investigate, but just felt that there were people from Baimeng passing by, but they did not come in. At most, they were swept away without noticing them at all.

The first half of the night has passed, and there is no movement outside, and the people of Baimeng have no movement. In fact, it has been extremely difficult for them to find rebels outside for so many years, but they have to do so, even more than during the day. And more often.

Because night is also the way the other party eliminates hidden dangers in the body, and it is also a method often used by the other party, but the effect is not as good as devouring, but it greatly relieves the other party's needs, plus some things they need will appear in other places from time to time, Let the rebels have sufficient confidence, so that they will not be driven crazy by the body.

Just as the night would pass so peacefully, there was a slight movement outside, even though he was very careful, but under the amazing ear power here, it was still very clear.


Wan'er, who was sleeping soundly, also got up quickly, and Xiaolu, who had been feigning sleep, also stood up and said in a very low voice at the same time.

"Miss Gu, you are a rebel. It seems that the other party is avoiding the enemy. It seems that he has been discovered." Lin Feng said with a frown.

"To save the other party, it's hard to meet one, and we must not let it go, otherwise we will spend a lot of time wandering outside in fear." Wan'er said immediately.

"But it will expose us, which is not good."


While Lin Feng was still hesitating, Lin Yi agreed without hesitation.

Then Lin Yi's figure flashed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already holding a younger-looking woman in his arms, but she was unconscious.

"In order to prevent the other party from making a sound, we can only knock the other party unconscious first. After all, we are meeting for the first time. If we don't cooperate, we will definitely attract enemies." Lin Yi explained.

Wan'er nodded, and then looked at the door. She knew that the other party would definitely look through it, but she didn't know if this place could be discovered by the other party.

The same is true for Lin Tie and Lin Yi, who have already prepared for battle. Once the opponent finds them, they should immediately get rid of them and leave here. It would be a bad time to send out reinforcements.

"What about the other party?"

"Why didn't I see you suddenly, the other party definitely didn't leave here."

"Search them all, the other party is injured and can't run away."

There was a clear conversation outside, and soon there was more movement around. They had already started to search carefully. The house itself was not big, so the two came here after a while, and looked around. past.

The room they were in was a side room with several big holes in the roof, like the traces left by previous battles. There was nothing inside except for a broken stone bed at the edge, and Wan'er and the others leaned against the On a gravel not far away, after covering it up, people can't see it at all, especially if the opponent's cultivation base is Jinxian, even if the opponent walks over, it is impossible to find the trace.

The other party just inspected every corner carefully, and didn't even touch it with his own hands. After finding nothing abnormal, he stomped his feet directly towards the ground, and a layer of black light suddenly rose and spread rapidly towards the surroundings. , Seeing the light disappear smoothly into the room, the two of them left.

Soon five or six people outside turned this upside down, but found no trace of the enemy, only thought that she had escaped with other secret methods, and then continued to chase in the distance.

Hearing the opponent's departure, here is also a sigh of relief. The opponent's detection method really has no dead ends. If it is not crushed by strength, it will definitely be discovered by the opponent.

It's not that the other party doesn't have Da Luo's masters, but they can't come out. On the one hand, it needs their strict maintenance here, and on the other hand, the outside world will also affect them after a long time. This is also a flaw in the fantasy world. They will do the same before the transformation is completed, but it has little effect on Da Luo, so their people are everywhere outside.

"They're gone, you wake her up." Wan'er said softly.

Without her ordering, Lin Yi has already started to treat the other party's injuries. Fortunately, most of them are traumatic, so just wait for a while, and wake up when the other party wakes up.

The sky gradually became clear, and the stunned rebel also woke up slowly, opened his eyes and looked at the big hole in the top of his head, as if he hadn't fully woken up yet, and then suddenly got a jolt, turned over and was about to run away. As a result, as soon as he stood up, his arm was grabbed by a person.

"My friend, don't get excited, we saved you yesterday, there is no danger."

The face is like pliers, firmly confining one's own arm, just break free a little bit, feel the opponent's motionless, and know that the gap between the two is very big, besides, the other party let me go like this, it is obvious that I am safe for the time being.

Looking back at the three people who seemed like a family, she sat aside, feeling that her injuries had completely healed, and then said, "Thank you three for helping me out, otherwise I'm afraid I can't imagine what will happen to me, I don't know what's going on I can help."

"Sister, what's your name? Are you a rebel here?" Wan'er was also sitting on the side, asking curiously.

"You don't even know who I am, so you saved me? It's unreasonable!" The woman smiled sarcastically, as if she had seen through their identities.

"We just came here, and this is the first time we've seen you, and we still know your names from each other." Wan'er said curiously.

"Can't you have some training before you come here for the first time?" At this time, anyone could hear the sarcasm in the woman's mouth.

"Wait, buddy, did you misunderstand something, and you took us as people who wanted to lurk you in?" Lin Yi who was next to him suddenly interrupted.

"Isn't it? Don't think that if you save me, you can reveal something." The woman said disdainfully, "Besides, you came out without training, are you stupid or am I?"

They are not afraid that the other party will catch them and search for their own memory, because every rebel has already set a restriction, once they touch it, they will directly explode and die. Only in this way can they really join the core of the rebels, or they are just peripheral members , can't access any core information at all.

"You really misunderstood, we really are not, we came here somehow, we were teleported here, and we want to go out too." Wan'er quickly waved up her little hands and explained, with a worried look on her face, which seemed to be heart-warming. pity.

"Although you say no, you are not?" The woman didn't believe it at all.

"I know it's normal if you don't believe it, and we don't believe it, but we came from the prehistoric to support the battle ahead, but we fell into a trap and came here out of nowhere, the three of us wouldn't deceive you, right? " Lin Feng suddenly spoke from the side, and at the same time let out a breath of himself.

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then understood his thoughts. She also revealed her aura slightly, and at the same time gestured to Wan'er with her eyes. Seeing that the other party met her eyes in a daze, she seemed not quite understanding and said directly, "You show some Breath, let the other party see our strength."

Wan'er let go of it quickly, which made the woman's eyes widen immediately. In front of her, there were three giants, two peaks, and one late stage. It is reasonable to say that the two adults are powerful, but this one looks extremely naive How can the child still have such high strength? Could it be a fake?

"But it doesn't look like it!" The woman finally murmured.

"What did you say?" Wan'er raised her head and was looking at Lin Yi, did she let herself put it away? In fact, the woman in front of her was pale, she couldn't hear clearly, she turned her head and asked in doubt.


The woman came back to her senses, at this moment she believed in what the other party said. After all, even if they hadn't been drawn in, they knew about the previous things, but from some gossips from the other party, they also knew that an attack was launched here. The result was good, and the strength of the opponent was placed here, much like the people who came to support.

Of course, I just believed in a little bit, and I should observe it first, but when I thought about my own affairs, my heart trembled again, so I said.

"For the time being, I trust you. My name is Feng Jing. What do you want to do?"

"Do you still need to ask? Wait until my father saves me and takes me out." Wan'er's mouth curled up, as if the woman's question was too simple.

"We and Baimeng are enemies. The so-called enemy's enemy is a friend. We want to find a temporary shelter with you for the time being. Any place will do. As long as you don't usually be disturbed by the other party, in return, the two of us can help you Do something, but our Miss Gu must not have any problems." Lin Yi said seriously.

No matter what the identity of the other party is, they will definitely be called out to ask when they go back, and they must speak out their bottom line first, so as not to lose face. You must know that the rebels are not alone, as many small thousand worlds are swallowed, there are as many Organizations, although they each have their own leaders, in case they are destroyed by the other party, except for the basic information, no one else knows the specific information about the other party, such as the strength of the stronghold.

Of course, the biggest threat to them is the restless people inside. Some of them have changed their minds over the long years and are willing to lurk to inform them. Fortunately, most of them appear on the periphery. If they want to really enter the core, they must go through inspection. Consent stays on the periphery, no one forces them to do it.

The final internal is reviewed every year,

From those people on the other side, they got a lot of information, otherwise some things were really unclear.

"How about this, you follow me to a place first, there is an elder who is in charge of reviewing, how about you follow me?" Feng Jing said at this time.

"Yes." Lin Yi also directly agreed.

Wan'er didn't object either, although she said so much, but she knew that she didn't know much, so she let her father protect her to make a decision, and the other party would never harm her.

"Then shall we leave now?" Feng Jing said anxiously.

"You come to lead the way, don't worry about encountering any danger." Lin Tie gave him a promise.

Feng Jing didn't doubt this at all, and immediately set off to take them out of here.

Along the way of Lin Tie and the others, avoiding the people of Baimeng along the way, they traveled during the day and found a place to rest at night. After three days of traveling, they finally came to a wild place.

It's just that before getting close, you can see the changes in this place. It looks like it has gone through a fierce battle. Not far away, there is a resting point hidden inside a hillside that is only as high as two people. There are figures walking around inside.

"Elder Feng!"

Here Feng Jing looked anxious, and even accelerated and rushed towards the inside.

Wan'er and the three of them stayed outside to prevent trouble, but Wan'er stretched her head and looked inside curiously. There was constant noise inside, as if someone was injured.

Without waiting for much time, Feng Jing, who seemed to have cried, came out from inside and invited them to go in first, because the concealment formation outside had been repaired, and it could also interfere with the opponent's precise teleportation.

The three of them walked in, only to find that there was a cave inside, and the hillside in front of them was almost hollowed out.

"This is Gu Wan'er." Feng Jing brought them to a middle-aged woman and introduced them one by one.

Wan'er's attention was not on the other party, but she looked behind curiously. A middle-aged man with red eyes, his body was bound by a special layer of rope, and there were people around him holding him down, but the other party's words instantly attracted her attention. Take it back.

"Miss Wan'er."

"No, please call me Miss Gu." Wan'er said quickly and dissatisfied.

"Miss Gu, thank you for escorting Feng Jing back this time, but now that Elder Feng is ill, we can only ask you to wait a little longer."

"Let me go!"

Before the middle-aged woman finished speaking, Elder Feng roared wildly behind him, flying all around, and ran straight to Wan'er, because she occupied the best entrance nearby and was about to leave through the gap next to her.

On the other hand, Wan'er was taken aback by the other party's ferocious appearance at this time, subconsciously raised her hand, and slapped her!


Everyone was stunned!

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