"Is there no difference? If there is no difference, why do you have to wash the ingredients? Wouldn't it be better to just cook them?"

Gu Zheng glanced at Huang Ying and continued: "Don't underestimate certain details. Sometimes the deliciousness of a dish is accumulated through some small details. Now you don't have to rush to question me. If you want your own Cooking skills have improved to a higher level, you just need to pay attention to what I do, whether I am bluffing, or I am really capable, let's wait and let the dishes do the talking!"

Tiexian only accepted a few direct apprentices, but he taught many people. Back then, he even talked about the way of food in Wanxian Square. Accepted registered disciples.

Gu Zheng is now experiencing all of this as a Tiexian, and he has to work hard on the way of eating, so he also has to go through what the Tiexian did back then, otherwise he doesn't want to talk to Huang Ying and others What.

Although it was enough for Gu Zheng to let Huang Ying and the others pay attention, Huang Ying and the others were obviously not so obedient. During the process of handling the ingredients, there were voices of doubt and surprise from time to time. After all, their understanding of ingredients is very low, and some of Gu Zheng's methods of handling ingredients are simply unnecessary things in their eyes.

Finally, Gu Zheng finished processing the ingredients, and among the four dishes and one soup, he had to cook mountain delicacy soup first.

"What a nonsense, God knows how the mountain soup tastes like this!"

"Who says it's not? Let's not talk about the good or bad taste, but the time it takes to process these ingredients is much longer than before!"

"Wait and watch, but don't make soup that makes you want to vomit."

Doubts and cynicism around him revived.

Regardless of how these noisy flies buzzed, Gu Zheng put the clay pot on the stove.

Shanzhen Soup uses a total of six kinds of ingredients, except for spring bamboo shoots and a hen, the remaining four are fungus, two kinds of ingredients are of average grade, and the remaining four are inferior.

Originally, when making Shanzhen soup, most of the cleaned ingredients were put into the pot at the same time. After boiling to a certain extent, the remaining ingredients were put in, and then salt and seasoning were added, and finally boiled out of the pot. . The difficulty of cooking Shanzhen soup in this way is just the timing of adding the ingredients and the control of the heat.

Gu Zheng is very particular about the processing of ingredients. He used four different processing methods for the four types of mushrooms, and adjusted the order of adding them to the soup. Other than that, all the rest are discarded.

With the continuation of the ancient soup making process, the voices of doubt and disdain disappeared. Even if Huang Ying and the others were unconvinced, the aroma wafting from the clay pot was beyond their imagination. This is what they remembered. It has a kind of fragrance that the mountain delicacy soup does not have, which makes people feel refreshed after smelling it.


Bai Li, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't help laughing. Even if he didn't have to taste it, the aroma alone proved Gu Zheng's cooking skills. How could he be unhappy? Anyway, Gu Zheng is also the chef he hired. When Gu Zheng was ridiculed by Huang Ying and others before, although he didn't say much, his face was also not very good-looking.

Compared to Bai Li's hearty laugh, Gu Zheng's brows were slightly frowned.

After thinking about improving his cooking skills today, there was a bang in his head, and the resulting feeling made him understand that it would not be an easy road to discover something through the way of diet.

Although he knew it in advance, when he actually started cooking, Gu Zheng realized that it was more difficult than he imagined to discover something through the way of diet!

First of all, Tiexian's body doesn't have the eyes of the Tao, and Gu Zheng can't see the substances that make up the ingredients. The reason why he can still make the mountain soup so delicious is entirely because in his own memory, he has a deep understanding of the ingredients. understanding of these ingredients.

Secondly, Tiexian is an innate spirit, even if he did not deliberately cultivate the five elements of immortality, he still has the "source of the five elements of life" in his body, but this "source of the five elements of life" is recessive, that is, inner A state that is not easy to find in the eyes. This special state of "the source of the five elements of life" can activate some five elements of immortality, and even the power is not bad! However, it is not particularly easy to use them to participate in the cooking of food. This feeling is like asking Gu Zheng to carve a five-inch-long radish with a three-foot-long carving knife.

Although it was a bit difficult, Gu Zheng didn't feel anxious about it. He found that Yi Tiexian's body didn't need any enlightenment and food cultivation to comprehend the Eye of Dao. It actually needed cooking of ingredients! That is to say, as long as Gu Zheng cooks enough ingredients, he will naturally open the eyes of the Tao, and as long as he opens the eyes of the Tao, he will be considered to have truly reached the state of "Dao Shengyi" in the way of eating.

As for the hidden sources of the five elements of natal life, Gu Zheng wanted to turn them into real sources of the five elements of natal life through practice, and only in this way could the five-element celestial arts such as 'Fire Control Jue' and 'Water Control Jue' be used in cooking. When it comes to improving the grade of ingredients, they should play their due role.

The aroma of the mountain delicacy soup became stronger and stronger, and some of the chefs couldn't help breathing hard.

Huang Ying looked at Gu Zheng who was concentrating on the clay pot, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"I said, you are not a fairy, are you?"

Huang Ying's words surprised everyone. Although they could occasionally see immortal cultivators flying in the sky in Qingfeng City, they were people from two worlds. Immortal cultivators were gods to them. Fighting to nest in the same kitchen with them like this.

"Why do you say that?" Gu Zheng asked.

"My master once saw the gods cooking food. He said that the process of cooking food is very complicated, but he didn't tell me how complicated it is, so I naturally don't know much about it. However, I The master told me that the god can control water and fire through spells. If he wants the water to roll, he will roll, and if he wants the fire to flourish, he will flourish. You have made the fire flourish before, and your handling of ingredients is also very complicated, so I will ..."

Huang Ying had a compensatory smile on her face, thinking that if Gu Zheng was really a god, she had been making offensive words just now, and she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Before Gu Zheng, it was true that the source of fire was used to make the fire stronger, but now the source of the natal five elements is hidden, and it is very troublesome to control, and without the cooperation of the eye of Tao, the five elements of immortality are also difficult to play in the way of diet The effect was so good that he didn't continue to use it. He never thought that Huang Ying would notice a difference.

"I'm not a fairy. I'm the same person as you. However, I have been in contact with some immortal cultivation techniques in the early years, so I am different from you ordinary people. I have energy in my body. The moment the fire became bigger just now , and it was indeed caused by me fueling the fire with qi."

Gu Zheng represents Tiexian. Before his way of eating and drinking has reached the "Tao Shengyi", he doesn't want people to know that he is a fairy chef, otherwise he will feel a little ashamed if others don't say anything.

"Well, that's how it is!" Huang Ying suddenly said.

Although immortal cultivators are difficult for mortals to come into contact with, immortal cultivators will also select disciples from the mortal world, so there are some people like Gu Zheng in the mortal world who have been exposed to some immortal skills.

"Hey, what happened before is so offending, don't take it to heart, after all, you are very young! If the four dishes and one soup you cook this time are really better than ours, the position of the chief chef is naturally I want you to sit down!"

At this time, the fragrance in the mountain delicacy soup can be said to have convinced Huang Ying. Even if she hasn't tasted it yet, she knows that the taste of the mountain delicacy soup must be the same. However, she has already done what she should do before, such as provoking and ridiculing. If she really wants to put down her face and apologize to Gu Zheng, she can't do it, so her words are relatively smooth.

"Yeah! It is very likely that we will do things together in the future, so don't appreciate what happened just now."

"We only serve those who are capable. If you really make the four dishes and one soup delicious, we will also serve you in the future!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Seeing that Huang Ying said that, the rest of the chefs expressed their opinions one after another.

"Okay, then you just wait to be convinced!" Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

It has to be said that Gu Zheng's cooking speed is now much slower than before. In the past, when he was making soup, he could cook other foods. Even if the soup needs to control the heat, this is the "fire control formula" in the silent Things that can be done without a break. But now, without the eye of Tao, he can't observe the changes of food in real time. He can only stay in front of the clay pot honestly, and control the heat through the comprehensive experience of smell, soup color, and the process will naturally be slow. a lot of.

Finally, the Guzheng clay pot was removed from the fire, and he sighed in his heart.

If it is Gu Zheng's real cooking skills, then this time the Shanzhen Soup must be extremely fragrant and transformed into form, but now he doesn't even have the eye of the Tao, it is very difficult to achieve the extremely fragrant and transformed form in the Shanzhen Soup easy. After all, even if he has some previous experience, these experiences have become blurred and incomplete, which is also a drawback that cannot be ignored.

"Smell, it's really fragrant!"

"This is not an ordinary fragrance, this is a different kind of fragrance, smelling this fragrance, I feel refreshed like never before!"

"It feels very comfortable, like entering a mountain forest after it has just rained."

Even though the delicacy soup made Gu Zheng dissatisfied, the fragrance it exuded still attracted Huang Ying and others' praise.

The mountain delicacy soup Guzheng has been prepared, and the next thing Guzheng will do is stewed pork ribs.

There are only two kinds of ingredients used in stewed ribs, ribs and yam.

The pork ribs were put together with unprocessed mountain delicacies before, so they were of inferior quality and thus became inferior. As for the quality of the yams, they were mediocre.

According to the practice of Piaoxianglou, the pork chops, spices and yam will be stewed together. The only thing that needs attention is a little control of the heat, skimming the foam in the soup midway, and the timing of adding salt.

Gu Zheng handled the ingredients more carefully. He had fried the yam beforehand. As for the downgraded pork chops, he roasted them over fire.

Watching Gu Zheng put the spices and pork ribs into the pot, Li Tong on the side couldn't help asking: "Tie Chef, this is the first time I've seen you cook pork ribs like this. This method may be more delicious, but this Or stewed ribs?”

Faced with Li Tong's doubts, Gu Zheng smiled slightly: "If I added a lot of other things to this dish, then it might not be called stewed pork ribs. However, I didn't add anything else, just processed the ingredients The method is different from the traditional stewed ribs, but the dish I make is still stewed ribs!"

"Don't be too rigid in your mind. There are also many flexibility in the way of eating. It's okay if you say this to pick a problem, but if you don't want to improve your cooking skills, then such an idea is terrible. If you think like this If the food remains the same, then the food we eat will not be varied, and we will still be at the stage of raw food, or barbecue." Gu Zheng said again.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Li Tong nodded in embarrassment. Although he already had some recognition for Gu Zheng as the chef in his heart, the degree of recognition is definitely not high, so some doubts are inevitable. However, even if he was questioning, his attitude was much better than before.

"Tiechu, why don't you put the yams in together?" Huang Ying asked.

"I need pork rib soup to simmer the stewed boxing dishes waiting for me." Gu Zheng said.

Boxing dish is a kind of dry food, and it is better to use meat for stewing it. In the original dish, the meat used is rabbit meat.

"The ribs soup is used, but rabbit meat?" Huang Ying asked again.

"Use it! Rabbit stewed boxing dishes are delicious and the best match, but if you add the pork rib soup I made, and then stew it with rabbit meat, you will find that the taste will be greatly improved later. "Gu Zheng laughed.

Stewed pork ribs does not require too much heat. After Gu Zheng put the yam in, he didn't need to take care of it anymore, so he started cooking and stewing boxing dishes.

Gu Zheng thought that the ingredients had already been processed. For Gu Zheng, the stewed boxing dish, the only thing that needs attention is the heat. Through the fire, the boxing dish that was originally difficult to stew can be filled with soup.

"Smell, it's really fragrant!"

"How can boxed vegetables have such a scent?"

"After Tie Chef's hands, I feel that the fist dishes in the pot are not the ones in our kitchen at all."

The eyes of the chefs also widened as they watched the boxed vegetables in the pot swell twice as much as before under Gu Zheng's agitation.

"The boxing dish is full of soup, and the special substances in the two ingredients are combined with some special substances in the boxing dish. The hidden fragrance will naturally be forced out, and the taste will be improved a lot!"

Gu Zheng said with a little emotion, this was originally a change that could be easily seen through the eyes of the Tao, but now he can only use incomplete experience, carefully control the heat, and observe some simple details, so as to make this dish Taste as much as possible.

The boxing dishes have been stewed, and Gu Zheng starts to make the third dish of fried spring bamboo shoots.

Stir-fried bamboo shoots in spring is a vegetarian dish, and the only ingredients used are spring bamboo shoots. Apart from the fact that Piaoxianglou does not care about cooking, there is no major problem.

What Gu Zheng needs to do is to control the heat more perfectly, so as to make the spring bamboo shoots taste the best.

Gu Zheng had already processed the spring bamboo shoots before. After putting oil in the pot and heating it up, without any spices, Gu Zheng poured the chopped spring bamboo shoots into the pot. The fragrance also rises accordingly.

This is a quick dish, and it only takes a moment for Gu Zheng to cook it. The next thing Gu Zheng wants to do is the last dish - steamed grass carp.

Steamed grass carp is a relatively fast dish. The grass carp is steamed just right, and then the soup is poured out of the pan.

Gu Zheng wants to make this dish better, one is the control of the heat, and the other is the preparation of the soup.

Gu Zheng had already adjusted the soup, and the water in the pot was boiled in advance. Gu Zheng put the processed grass carp into the cage, and then noticed the change in the taste of the fish.

The reason why the steamed grass carp is put in the last one is because this dish cannot be kept for too long after it is out of the pan, otherwise it will affect the taste.

At this time, Huang Ying and the others couldn't wait anymore. The aroma of the previous dishes had been alluring their senses of smell and taste, so much so that their saliva was a little flooded.

Finally, in the hope of Huang Ying and others, when Gu Zheng's last dish came out of the pot, and the bright red soup was poured on the tender white fish, there were deep breathing sounds all around.

"It's never been like today, waiting for food is so unbearable, since brother Tie's food is ready, then I won't be polite!" Bai Li said.

"You're welcome, try them all, and then tell me how you feel!" Gu Zheng smiled.

For a while, the sound of chopsticks touching the plate and chewing food rang out.


"It's so fragrant!"

“I never knew this dish could be so delicious!”

"Brother Tie, I really admire you!"

"Tie Chef, we accept you too!"

Everyone praised Gu Zheng very quickly, because the praise would delay their time to taste the delicious food. Although the four dishes and one soup are not small, they still seem a bit insufficient in the face of a group of vicious wolves. Don't say a word They can eat one more bite of food, which makes them have to hurry up.

The four dishes and one soup, which were very generous, were swept away by the wind and clouds. Whether it was Bai Li or the chefs who were full of customers, they looked at the empty plates one by one, all looking unsatisfied.


Gu Zheng clapped his hands: "Now that I've eaten it, it's time to comment on what you ate!"

"Is everyone going to talk?" Li Tong asked.

"No need, just send two representatives from among you to speak." Gu Zheng said.

"I count as one." Bai Li said.

"Then I'll be one too!" Huang Ying said.

Gu Zheng nodded: "It's just right, one of you represents the diners, and the other represents the chef."

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