The extremely fragrant small building was very lively. While everyone was busy exchanging food, the dishes they ordered were brought up by the waiter one after another, and the compliments rang out from time to time as these dishes were tasted.

Compared with the bustle in the Jixiang Xiaozhu, the people waiting outside are very tormented. Although they can't enter the Jixiang Xiaozhu, they can hear the voice inside and smell the aroma of the dishes, which makes them anxious. Like ants on a hot pan.

As time went by, the diners who ate in Jixiang Xiaozhu left one after another, and Chef Deng finally entered Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Jixiang Xiaozhu is different from other restaurants. Its menu is not static, just like the menu written on the wall has changed. Many dishes that were originally served are no longer available. not much.

He is also a chef himself. Although he has not tasted the cooking skills of Jixiang Xiaozhu himself, Chef Deng is already very convinced. He has confirmed this when he smelled the fragrance outside. However, he was convinced, but Chef Deng did not forget his purpose of coming to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

After looking at the menu on the wall, Chef Deng said, "Let's have a stir-fried rabbit diced!"

"Chef Deng, do you want this dish?" Xiao Er smiled.

"Yes, this is the one!"

Chef Deng gave Xiao Er a blank look. Although Kong Fan gave him a lot of money, he came here just to find trouble, and he only needed one dish to order.

"Okay, then wait a moment!"

Xiao Er went to order the food, and Chef Deng looked at Jixiang Xiaozhu, which was thriving in business, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

A moment later, in the kitchen of Jixiang Xiaozhu.

"Chef Tie, this stewed diced rabbit is ordered by Chef Deng."

Seeing that Gu Zheng was going to make fried rabbit diced, Huang Ying couldn't help saying.

"Chef Deng? Which cook Deng?" Gu Zheng asked.

"A chef in Piaoxiang Building."

Huang Ying's voice paused, and then she said again: "This person is a distant relative with Kong Fan, and the so-called colleagues are enemies. I always feel a little bad about him coming here today."

"When a new restaurant opens, it's inevitable that someone will seek trouble. Soldiers will come and block it."

Gu Zheng said it calmly, but Huang Ying didn't see it that way in her heart, she was faintly worried.

After a while.

"Dry fried diced rabbit is here!"

Accompanied by Xiao Er's voice, the fried rabbit diced was placed on Chef Deng's table.

Jixiang Xiaozhu is like this. Whenever a dish ordered by a guest is served, this guest will also become the focus of the diners. .

"Stir-fried diced rabbit, good stuff! Chef Deng, are you sure you don't want to exchange it?"

A diner who proposed to exchange dishes when Deng Chef was ordering, asked Deng Chef again at this time.

"Chef Deng, I ordered squirrel mandarin fish. You haven't tried this dish, have you? How about we share it?" Another old acquaintance of Chef Deng said.

"If you don't want to change it, you can wait to eat what you ordered yourself. I want to enjoy this stir-fried rabbit diced exclusively!"

Chef Deng laughed, his dish was a dish to make trouble, how could he share it with others.



In the eyes of old acquaintances, Chef Deng lifted the lid covering the dry-stir-fried rabbit diced, and suddenly a strange fragrance wafted into his nostrils.


The moment he saw the fried rabbit diced, Chef Deng couldn't help but let out a secret cry.

Stir-fried diced rabbit is also available in Piaoxianglou, but before Chef Deng tries it, he has already found that the fried diced rabbit made by Piaoxianglou is inferior in terms of color and aroma.

First of all, the color of this dry-stir-fried rabbit diced by Jixiang Xiaozhu looks very beautiful. It obviously doesn’t smell the sauce, but it seems like it has been added with sauce. to make it.

Secondly, Jixiang Xiaozhu’s dry-stir-fried diced rabbit tastes really delicious. The charming fragrance is mouth-watering. Even if Deng Chef is also a blind cook, he has to admit that he never knew that rabbit meat can be so delicious .

"Smell, it's really fragrant!"

Chef Deng said intoxicatedly, picked up a piece of rabbit meat and began to feed it into his mouth.

Chef Deng wanted to find something to do when he ordered dry-stir-fried rabbit diced, but he didn't have to do it as if he was looking for something, so he did a lot of acting, as if he was conquered by Jixiang Xiaozhu's cooking skills.

"Delicious, so delicious!"

Chef Deng's eyes widened after eating a piece of rabbit meat. The reason why he wanted to use dry-stir-fried rabbit meat was because he was allergic to rabbit meat. It even foams at the mouth.

Originally, Chef Deng ate the first piece of rabbit meat with the mentality of trying to test the poison, but when he put the rabbit meat in his mouth and chewed, he realized that tasting the delicacy of Jixiang Xiaozhu would really make people give up Many things, even if he is allergic to eating rabbit meat, he is not willing to let go of this delicacy that people can't stop.

"How can there be such delicious rabbit meat?"

"How can this rabbit meat be so fragrant, how can it be so tasty?"

Chef Deng devoured the rabbit meat one by one.

It may be because of eating too fast. When Chef Deng finished eating a plate of rabbit meat, red bumps began to appear from his body.

The red pimples were on the body at first, and in a very short time, Deng Chu's face was covered.


A painful voice came out of Chef Deng's mouth. He stood up unsteadily, and then fell to the ground suddenly.

The diners who were immersed in the delicious food were immediately attracted by the sound made by Chef Deng. When they saw Chef Deng staggeringly standing up again, they were all taken aback! I saw that Deng Chu's face was crowded with dense red bumps, which looked like the skin of a toad.

"Chef Deng, what's wrong with you?" Surprised all around.


Chef Deng seemed speechless. He covered his throat with his hands, and stared angrily at the plate of stir-fried rabbit meat on the table.

Although Chef Deng didn't say it clearly, the gesture in his eyes clearly indicated that his abnormality had something to do with the dry-stir-fried rabbit meat.

"Chef Deng, what's going on with you?"

Xiao Er sneered, of course he believed that there could be no problem with Jixiang Xiaozhu's food, so the only explanation was that the problem was with Chef Deng.


Chef Deng was in great pain, as if he couldn't speak, he overturned the dining table, and the plates and bowls were smashed to the ground, while he himself was lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching , behaved as if poisoned.

"I want to see what tricks you can pull off!"

Xiao Er didn't care about Deng's chef on the ground. Before the opening of Jixiang Xiaozhu, Bai Li had said something about how to deal with the trouble, and now Xiao Er has gone to inform Huang Ying.

At the same time, a young man from outside Jixiang Xiaozhu rushed in. This young man has a swollen face. He is the helper that Deng Chu asked for in advance, not from Qingfeng City.

"How is this going?"

After the young man rushed in, he looked at Chef Deng on the ground and said in surprise.

No one paid attention to him. Although some diners felt that he was poisoned, they should not talk nonsense.

"It should be poisoned, don't your people care about it?" the young man said angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Huang Ying has already come from the back kitchen. Bai Li has a lot of property and he can't be here all the time. When he is not around, Huang Ying is the person in charge here.

After glaring at the young man, Huang Ying couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Deng Chu's appearance. He really looked like a poisoned man.

"Human life is at stake, is this how you Jixiang Xiaozhu do business? Get out of the way!"

The young man carried Chef Deng on his back, as if he was about to be sent to a doctor.

Huang Ying was a little confused. Although Bai Li had mentioned some possible disturbances before the opening, he didn't mention this situation. Even Huang Ying felt that Chef Deng was looking for trouble, but his appearance was so scary that it turned the situation into a dilemma! Let the young man send Deng Chu to see a doctor, then as long as Deng Chu leaves Jixiang Xiaozhu, he has the final say on everything. He can say that he has something wrong with eating in Jixiang Xiaozhu, and he can even say that Jixiang Xiaozhu wanted to poison him! But if Deng Chu was not allowed to seek medical treatment, then if Deng Chu really died in Jixiang Xiaozhu, it would be even more unclear.

"what to do?"

Seeing that the young man was about to leave with Deng Chu on his back, Jixiang Xiaozhu's staff looked anxiously at Huang Ying. If someone is fighting and making trouble, then they are not afraid. Anyway, Bai Li has already explained that if someone injured or killed someone because of making trouble, Bai Li will come forward to settle the matter, but if Chef Deng looks dangerous, they will also don't know what to do.

"Go away, dead people, are you drunk?"

The young man yelled at the waiter, and the diners at this time couldn't stand it anymore, and they spoke one after another.

"Get out of the way!"

"That's right, human life is a matter of heaven and earth, let people go to the doctor first!"

"You people are serious, no matter whether Deng Chu is poisoned or not, at least let him see a doctor!"

Facing the accusations from the diners, Huang Ying was reluctant, but still signaled the waiter to get out of the way.

Seeing the guy of Jixiang Xiaozhu step aside, the young man who was carrying Deng Chu was overjoyed. As long as he took Deng Chu and left Jixiang Xiaozhu, he could get the money from Deng Chu.


Just as the young man walked out of the crowd, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and everyone saw Gu Zheng at this moment.

If it was a general disturbance, Gu Zheng would ignore it, but since someone wanted to pin the cause of the disturbance on food, then he had to take care of it.

"This is the squirrel mandarin fish you ordered."

Gu Zheng personally handed the freshly prepared dish to the diner who wanted to use the squirrel mandarin fish to make a deal with Deng Chu. If it wasn’t for the fact that the dish that was cooking just now was about to be ready, when Deng Chu fell to the ground, he would It's time to come out.

"Who are you?"

Although Gu Zheng was wearing an apron, he still had an indescribable aura, which made the diners who ordered the squirrel mandarin fish ask subconsciously.

"I am the chief chef of Jixiang Xiaozhu, you can call me the chef."

Gu Zheng hadn't shown up in front of the diners before, so he just took the opportunity to introduce to those curious diners.

"So you are the head chef of Jixiang Xiaozhu!"

"The dishes we ordered are all made by him!"

"So young!"


The amazed voices of the diners were interrupted by angry shouts from the young men.

"Are you the chief chef? Human life is at stake now. If he really dies, let alone you as the chief chef, even the owner of this restaurant can't afford to suffer..."

"You can shut up now!"

Gu Zheng interrupted the young man's words without saying a word. He really didn't want to shut up obediently, but Gu Zheng's words made his brain buzz, as if he had been hit by a stick.

"Don't worry everyone, this Chef Deng is not poisoned!"

Gu Zheng walked over to Deng Chu, and took out a handful of peppercorns from his apron pocket.

"Chef Tie, what is he not being poisoned? Why does he look so similar to being poisoned!"

"Yeah, it looks scary!"

Although this is the first time I have seen Gu Zheng, the diners have already been conquered by Gu Zheng's cooking skills. They have a good impression of Gu Zheng, and now that Gu Zheng has said so, they are naturally more willing to believe what Gu Zheng said .

"This kind of situation is called 'allergy' in my hometown. He ate something he couldn't eat!"

There is no such thing as allergies in this world, and Gu Zheng is too lazy to explain it tediously.

"Yes, it should be like this. I heard from the old people that some people can't eat certain things, or they will have pimples on their bodies and feel uncomfortable, as if they have a fever. I heard that Chef Deng has pimples on his face. Somewhat similar to his, except that his symptoms look more frightening." Someone said.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, this is life and death!"

The young man who had been a little confused woke up at this time. He wanted to run with Deng Chu on his back, but Gu Zheng kicked Deng Chu on his body, so that they both fell to the ground.

"You hit someone!"

The young man got up angrily, but what greeted him was Gu Zheng's cold eyes.

"Don't think that I don't know that you and Deng Chu are in the same group. Jixiang Xiaozhu has just opened, and we are in a better mood. If you insist on finding it hard, then I don't think you will be happy again in the future. " Gu Zheng said indifferently.

The young man was still full of dissatisfaction at first, but looking at Gu Zheng's eyes, he was frightened for no reason, and immediately he didn't dare to say anything more.

"To treat this disease, you can use peppercorns!"

Gu Zheng stuffed a handful of peppercorns into Chef Deng's mouth seriously.

Of course, peppercorns can’t cure allergies. The reason why Gu Zheng asked Deng Chu to eat peppercorns was to cure Deng Chu, and he used Xianli to cure Deng Chu’s allergies.

"Woo woo woo..."

Gu Zheng's immortal power had just entered his body, and Deng Chu, who was not sober at first, immediately regained consciousness. He wanted to say something, but under the urging of Gu Zheng's immortal power, the kind of numbness produced by Huajiao was indescribable. Strong, his tongue doesn't work at all.

"Shut up, I'm treating you!"

Gu Zheng smiled coldly, the numbness of the pepper continued to release, Deng Chu's tongue hurt like a knife, and his body was paralyzed because of it, and he couldn't feel the activities of Gu Zheng's immortal power in his body at all.

"It's amazing! Zanthoxylum bungeanum can cure such a disease!"

"As the saying goes, one thing lowers one thing, today can be regarded as a long experience!"

Amid the exclamation of everyone, the pimple on Chef Deng's face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes couldn't be normal anymore. It's just that Deng Chu's normal eyes are full of pain, and the numbing smell of pepper is really too exciting.

"Okay, he's fine now, all he needs is a basin of ice water."

Everyone could see that Chu Deng was in pain, and he was indeed in extreme pain. If Gu Zheng didn't use his celestial power to save him, he would be paralyzed to death. However, it is necessary to do a full set of acting. Since Gu Zheng has created a hometown where peppercorns can cure allergies, it is reasonable to use a basin of ice water to relieve numbness in this special situation.

Under Gu Zheng's signal, Huang Ying brought out a basin of ice water and poured it on Deng Chu's body. Gu Zheng's celestial power also entered his body at this time, relieving him of the painful numbness that made him want to die.

"Ah Qiu!"

Chef Deng sneezed loudly. Just after the pain and numbness ended, his body felt an unbearable coldness again.

"You, Ah Qiu!"

Deng Chu looked at Gu Zheng and wanted to say something, but he sneezed again.

"What's wrong? Do you want to thank me for saving you?" Gu Zheng laughed mockingly.

Of course, Chef Deng wanted to pour dirty water on Jixiang Xiaozhu, but when he saw Gu Zheng's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Why don't you talk anymore? You should be very clear about whether you were poisoned in Jixiang Xiaozhu?" Gu Zheng stared into Deng Chu's eyes.


Deng Chu was horrified to find that Gu Zheng seemed to be able to see into his heart, which made the sophistry he wanted to complete, but he couldn't continue after just one word.

"What's going on, please give everyone an explanation!"

Deng Chu is just a mortal, and Gu Zheng doesn't want to be as knowledgeable as him.

"I, I don't know, I just felt very uncomfortable and thought I was poisoned!"

Faced with Gu Zheng's gaze, Deng Chu dared not insist that he was poisoned, but he also didn't want to admit his purpose, so he could only say so when he had an idea.

"Then do you think there is something wrong with Jixiang Xiaozhu's dishes?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"No problem, Ji Xiang Xiao Zhu's dishes are fine, the problem should be my own, if the misunderstanding has been resolved now, then I want to find a place to be warm, Ah Qiu!" Chef Deng begged.

"Do you really think that there is no problem with Jixiang Xiaozhu's dishes? If you think there is a problem, we can solve it. There are so many diners here, so everyone can be a witness. But if you think there is no problem, if you leave this door, I will I don't want to hear someone say that you have said bad things about Jixiang Xiaozhu." Gu Zheng said slowly.

"Yeah, so many people are watching here, if you have any questions, please speak up!"

"I don't think there is any problem, but..."

"Hey, everyone knows it, so there's no need to explain it!"

As the saying goes, it’s not a big deal to watch the excitement. Some people really want to solve the problem, while others just watch the excitement. However, discerning people have already guessed what is going on, and they don't believe what Chef Deng said. He is a chef, and rabbit meat is something that he can often come into contact with. If this is the first time for him to eat rabbit meat, then It is a strange thing!

"Ah Qiu! It's really all right, this time it's just a misunderstanding, let me go quickly!"

Chef Deng was about to cry, let alone the torment of the cold, he had to be sick this time to leave.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, then you can go and bring me a message to Piaoxianglou. If people there are willing to come and taste the delicious food, then I welcome it very much. Easy to talk about!"

Gu Zheng patted Chef Deng on the shoulder, then looked at the diners and said, "Since the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will excuse you guys, and I will cook the dishes you ordered."

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