
Just when Xu Ran mustered up his courage and wanted to run for his life, a voice of curiosity suddenly sounded in his heart. He felt that the pair of ruby-like eyes of the White Snake were somewhat familiar, and he couldn't help but take a closer look.

This glance doesn't matter, there is a 'boom' in Xu Ran's mind, it seems that a lot of information is pouring in, this information is related to his identity, his purpose and so on. However, Xu Ran didn't have the time to pay attention to the content of those messages at the moment, his sight was already attracted by the eyes of the white snake, he seemed to see a deep starry sky in the eyes of the white snake, the stars are so wonderful.

The white snake regarded Xu Ran's gaze as a provocation, and angrily bit off Xu Ran's head.

Xu Ran died in the mysterious realm, and the whole person instantly became awake in the fairy formation, almost jumping up from the state of sitting cross-legged.

No time to think about how terrifying the feeling of death is, Xu Ran, who had just jumped up, immediately sat down cross-legged again, he still had the starry sky in the eyes of the white snake in his eyes, and he wanted to understand what was going on with that starry sky.

Xu Ran's state at this moment is the state Qiao Bai brought out after experiencing the mysterious realm last time.

The last time Qiao Bai ended the Mystic Realm due to time issues, but before the end of the Mystic Realm, he found the Thunder Lane that allowed him to comprehend, and finally opened the door to his Thunder Immortal Art, comprehending the Intermediate Thunder Immortal Art 'Five thunders strike the top'.

Xu Ran ended the Mystical Realm because he was bitten to death by a snake, but before he ended the Mystical Realm, he saw the starry sky from the eyes of the white snake, and whether he can finally comprehend something from that starry sky depends on his own good fortune up.

As soon as the mysterious realm was over, Gu Zheng felt a sense immediately.

"Fortunately, although I didn't comprehend it directly, at least I brought something from the mysterious realm."

Glancing at Xu Ran who was sitting there, Gu Zheng murmured in his heart.

Gu Zheng was already making space artifacts, but not the ones that were finally given to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran. He was making the lowest level of space artifacts like mustard pockets.

Space Immortal Artifacts are not easy to refine. Although Gu Zheng has a lot of theory in this area, the practice is very lacking. Therefore, before actually refining the space fairy artifact, Gu Zheng planned to make three common space fairy artifacts, ring pocket, storage belt and storage bracelet, and only after he gained enough experience would he dare Attempt to refine the final space fairy artifact. After all, there is only one material for refining that space fairy weapon, and if it fails, there is no chance to start all over again.

Gu Zheng is still sewing the mustard bag, but the vision of heaven and earth has appeared. It seems that he must have comprehended what he brought out from the mysterious realm.


Xu Ran, who walked out of the fairy formation, was surprised that Gu Zheng was on the Hanging Mountain, and he saluted Gu Zheng with joy on his face.

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Ran for a while, and said with a smile: "The opportunity you brought out from the mysterious realm is to make the 'eye of the false way' into the real eye of the way?"

The reason why Gu Zheng said that was because he had the eyes of Tao himself, and he could see some differences in Xu Ran's eyes now.

"That's right! I didn't expect that the things brought out from the mysterious realm this time would turn my 'eye of the false way' into a real eye of the way. I really don't know how to thank you, sir!"

Xu Ran was very excited, he finally obtained a mysterious power from the Snake Eye Starry Sky, that power turned his original "eye of false way" into the real eye of way!

Because of the 'Eye of the False Dao', Xu Ran has long been an existence between a high-level fairy chef and a super fairy chef, but this state is actually very embarrassing. Although he temporarily makes Qiao Bai and others look up to him, But Qiao Bai and others will have the opportunity to open the eyes of the Tao in the future and become a real super fairy chef! But if he wants to open the Eye of Dao, the chance is very slim.

Xu Ran originally thought that his realm in the way of eating and drinking in his life had already been settled at that embarrassing situation, but he did not expect that this time, by chance and coincidence, he possessed the real eye of the way.

What is the difference between the "eye of the false way" and the real eye of the way? It's actually manifested now! The eye of the Tao is the real Tao, and the "eye of the false Tao" can only be said to be close to the Tao! It must be true that there was no blessing of heaven and earth when he opened the 'Eye of False Dao', but now that he has opened the eye of Dao, the blessing of heaven and earth is already in the making.


It was rare for Gu Zheng to pat Xu Ran on the shoulder. The excited Xu Ran was overwhelmed. This was the first time that Gu Zheng showed such love to him, and it made him feel like he was about to cry! It's like a student who didn't study well at first, but suddenly got a certificate of merit and was praised by the elders.

Although Xu Ran did not realize the Tao in the mysterious realm, and what he gained was only to turn the original "eye of false Tao" into the real eye of Tao, but for Gu Zheng, this is already really good. It will take his future achievements in diet to a higher level! It is even a miracle, because among all the precedents known by Gu Zheng, there is no fairy chef who has opened the "Eye of the False Way" and finally turned the "Eye of the False Way" into the real eye .

"Okay, let's concentrate on receiving your heaven and earth blessings!"

Gu Zheng patted Xu Ran on the shoulder again, this time he wanted to help Xu Ran deal with those monsters who wanted to take a share of his blessings.

Being patted on the shoulder again, Xu Ran was so excited that he almost fainted, but a sudden thought made his face turn into panic again.

"First, sir, will my heaven and earth blessing affect Qiao Bai?" Xu Ran asked.

"I'm here! Don't worry."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and the aura on his body suddenly dissipated.

Xu Ran's eyes widened, and he almost couldn't hold back and took a few steps back. He thought that Gu Zheng's cultivation should be very high, but he didn't expect it to reach this level.

Those who were not oppressed by Gu Zheng's aura almost retreated, and those monsters pointed at by Gu Zheng's aura immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

The auspicious clouds had already condensed above Xuran's head, the drizzle was falling on Xuran's body, and the south wind was blowing on Xuran's body, Xuran's face was full of enjoyment.

After a while, after the end of the heaven and earth blessing, I said happily: "Sir, I have improved my cultivation in this heaven and earth blessing. My original cultivation in the late stage of returning to the void has increased by about 30%!"

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded: "Blessings from heaven and earth can quickly improve your cultivation base, and the immortal essence here is stronger than that of Honghuang. It is normal to increase the 30% in the late stage of returning to the void. Well, go about your own business, I will continue Make fairy artifacts."

Before I knew it, more than half a month passed.

Qiao Bai who was in the Mystic Realm suddenly felt a rush of anxiety, and he knew it was because the Mystic Realm was about to end.

Qiao Bai was very helpless, he woke up very early after entering the Mystic Realm, he knew who he was, and he knew what he was going to do, but he had already killed all the snakes in the Mystic Realm, so far he still hasn't found one who can Something for him to comprehend.

Qiao Bai really regretted it. He regretted that sometimes he knew too much. When the snakes were not killed, he paid great attention to the eyes of those snakes, but none of the snakes could make him feel special. .

"Could it be that in this mysterious realm, it's really impossible to comprehend?"

Qiao Bai smiled wryly, he felt a kind of despair.

Qiao Bai in a waking state is in the same state as a person in the mysterious realm. No matter how high his cultivation level is in the real world, his cultivation level is also high in the mysterious realm. Kill all the snakes on Snake Island.

Last time in the mysterious realm, Qiao Bai chose to run crazily because he felt anxious. While running, he used his divine sense to detect suspicious things.

This time in the mysterious realm, Qiao Bai had done the same thing countless times, but he still didn't find anything.

Now that the feeling of anxiety was born again, Qiao Bai decided to try the old method again, if it really didn't work, he could only accept his fate.

However, the last time the mysterious realm was a boundless forest, this time the mysterious realm was just an island. It can be said that during this period of time, Qiao Bai has explored all the places he can explore with his divine sense, so he feels that this The second run is just a waste of effort.

Qiao Bai's running was indeed in vain. When he ran the entire island and returned to the original point again, he still got nothing, except that the sense of anxiety in his heart was stronger.

"This is really tormenting! If it's a normal Mystic Realm, the Mystic Realm will end soon after you feel this anxious feeling, but due to the abnormal flow of time here, there are at least three days before the Mystic Realm ends! "

Qiao Bai was really irritable. He felt that his state of mind was already stable enough. He didn't know that if he was an ordinary cultivator, he would think of the way he could think of during his four months of sobriety, and he would be able to walk. What kind of mentality will it be when there is still no harvest after the place is gone and what can be done is done! He only knew that he had changed from being full of longing at the beginning to going crazy now!

"This is not an ordinary thing. This is entering a mysterious realm that can't be met. Is it really necessary to waste precious opportunities in torture?"


The more he thought about it, the more angry Qiao Bai kicked on a tree beside him.


The tree kicked by Qiao Bai broke and fell down. It looked like a coconut tree, with several coconut-like fruits hanging from it.

Qiao Bai gets angry when he sees the coconut-like fruit, and he has studied this stuff more than once.

Still angry in his heart, Qiao Bai kicked a coconut-like fruit into pieces, and the white juice flowed out immediately.

Seeing the white juice, Qiao Bai froze for a moment, and then had the idea of ​​smashing the can.

"Anyway, I can't comprehend it, and I'm irritable when I stay there. How can I relieve my worries? Only immortal wine!"

Being in the mysterious realm, Qiao Bai misses the taste of immortal wine so much. The white fruit juice inspired him, and he wanted to brew some immortal wine.

As soon as he thought of it, Qiao Bai picked a few coconut-like fruits, and collected several wild fruits he had seen before on the island.

After making the wine pool, he did all the things that should be done, and Qiao Bai started brewing immortal wine to relieve his worries.

After spending most of the day, the strong aroma of wine was already wafting out from the wine pool. Even though Qiao Bai hadn't drunk it yet, his face was already full of intoxication. He felt that this was the happiest mood after he woke up in the mysterious realm. exciting moment.

The milky white fairy wine was caught by Qiao Bai with the shell of a coconut-like fruit, and he drank the full bottle of fairy wine in one gulp.

"Sweet! How can you relieve your worries, only immortal wine!"

Qiao Bai licked the wine from the corner of his mouth, took another husk, and drank it all in one gulp.

Qiao Bai wasn't tasting the celestial wine, he was seeking to get drunk, so he didn't need celestial power to suppress the wine power.

After drinking a full amount of Wuguoke's immortal wine, Qiao Bai fell to the ground drunk, snoring slightly.

Qiao Bai had a dream, in which he left the mysterious realm and saw Gu Zheng and Xu Ran.

Xu Ran realized the Tao in the mysterious realm, he comprehended the way of space, and asked him excitedly what he had comprehended.

Qiao Bai was full of bitterness, he didn't understand anything, so he had to comfort him, and Gu Zheng also smiled to comfort him, but his heart felt extremely uncomfortable.

When the dream reached here, I woke up, and the time in the mysterious realm had already passed one day.

Qiao Bai, who didn't want to get sober, continued to drink, and he passed out by the wine pool again.

Qiao Bai had a dream again, he dreamed of Qu Wanying, he told Qu Wanying that he was unhappy, that he failed to comprehend in the mysterious realm. Qu Wanying comforted him, saying that he had tried his best, even though he didn't understand anything, he was still so good.

After the dream, Qiao Bai couldn't remember clearly, he only remembered that he seemed to have a closer contact with Qu Wanying.

After waking up, another day passed in the mysterious realm.

Qiao Bai still didn't want to wake up, he passed out drunk by the wine pool again.

This time, Qiao Bai didn't have a dream. After waking up from the dream, there was only one day left before the end of the Mysterious Realm.

"How can I relieve my worries? Only immortal wine!"

Qiao Bai laughed and continued to drink heavily.

Two days ago, Qiao Bai fell asleep after drinking the fifth fruit shell wine. This time, when he was about to drink the fifth fruit shell wine, his hands stopped.

In the reflection of the fairy wine in the fruit shell, there is Qiao Bai's appearance. Qiao Bai has never noticed before that his reflection is so haggard.

Qiao Bai was already drunk, he felt that even his haggard reflection was mocking his incompetence!


Qiao Bai threw the fruit shell on the ground, and the fairy wine was also spilled all over the floor.

"Are you even laughing at me?"

Qiao Bai roared, and a fire dragon slammed into the wet marks on the ground.

The fire dragon was used to deal with the wet marks, which shows how angry Qiao Bai is at the moment!

Before the fire dragon touched the wet marks, the wet marks had already evaporated, and the surrounding plants also ignited flames due to the high temperature of the fire dragon.

The island was originally a place with lush vegetation, and the fire spread quickly.

Looking at the raging flames all around, Qiao Bai burst out laughing.

"Anyway, if you can't comprehend anything, then burn it, the brighter the burn, the better!"

Having said that, the anger in Qiao Bai's heart did not diminish. Since he wanted these things to disappear, let them disappear completely!

The light spot of spiritual thought was separated by Qiao Bai, and it hit the ground.

The powerful disintegration ability was immediately displayed, and wherever the divine thoughts passed, whether it was mountains, rocks or trees, they all turned into nothingness.

Like a lunatic, Qiao Bai wantonly destroyed the mysterious realm, enjoying the pleasure of decomposing everything with his divine thoughts.

More and more places turned into nothingness due to the decomposition of divine thoughts, and Qiao Bai, who had fallen into madness, became more and more sober during this process, until he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

The mysterious realm finally came to an end, and Qiao Bai also walked out of the fairy formation.

After feeling Qiao Bai walking out of the fairy formation, Xu Ran, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, immediately opened his eyes.

He didn't know how to comfort Qiao Bai, seeing Qiao Bai haggard, Xu Ran felt uncomfortable, so he could only give Qiao Bai a wry smile.

Without the blessing of heaven and earth, and Qiao Bai came out after entering the mysterious realm for five months, Xu Ran felt that he should have gained nothing this time.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qiao Bai laughed suddenly: "Why are you smiling wryly at me?"

Xu Ran's eyes widened in an instant, and he felt that Qiao Bai was not forcing a smile.

"Could it be that you have gained something in the mysterious realm?" Xu Ran said happily.

"Of course there is, how could there be no harvest!"

Qiao Bai laughed again: "What about you? Have you gained anything in the mysterious realm?"

"Yes, my 'Eye of False Dao' has become a real eye of Dao because of the harvest in the mysterious realm!"

Mentioning this matter, Xu Ran was still very excited.

Qiao Bai's eyes widened: "You, you make me not know what to say!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Ran was stunned.

"I want to open the eye of the Tao in the mysterious realm, but unfortunately I don't have that blessing! However, you, who already have the 'Eye of the False Way', actually let the 'Eye of the False Way' because of the mysterious realm. Eye' has become the real eye of Dao, is there any reason? Even if I have the "Eye of False Dao"! The way of eating and drinking is my first way!"

Qiao Bai beat his chest, stamped his feet, and gnashed his teeth, he really wanted to bite Xu Ran hard.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xu Ran laughed out loud, Qiao Bai's reaction made him feel very happy and proud.

"Then what have you gained?" Xu Ran asked curiously.

Without the blessings of heaven and earth, even if Qiao Bai gained something, it would not be enlightenment. Xu Ran was really curious about what his gain was.

"Want to know?" Qiao Bai put it off.

"Want to know!"

There was no hesitation in Xu Ran's words, and he even had a feeling that Qiao Bai seemed to have realized something extraordinary.

"Immortal Domain!"

Qiao Bai's faint words made Xu Ran's eyes widen instantly.


Xu Ran couldn't believe his ears.

"I comprehended Immortal Realm! Hahahaha..."

This time it was Qiao Bai's turn to laugh wildly.


Xu Ran gritted her teeth and looked at Qiao Bai, wishing to bite him.

At first, Xu Ran thought that even if Qiao Bai gained something, it would not be a big gain, but who would have thought that he would actually comprehend the fairyland that would make people envious to death! What is Xianyu? That's a killer move! Even if Qiao Bai is only in the late stage of returning to the void now, he who owns the fairyland has a certain possibility of killing the middle-stage Jinxian who has not comprehended the fairyland. This is the strength of the fairyland!

"What is there to be envious of? I still envy you for having the Eye of Dao! And I want to open the Eye of Dao, God knows when it will happen! But the supernatural power of Xianyu, even if you can't do it in the process of cultivation In order to comprehend the realm of immortality, as long as one is promoted to Daluo Jinxian, the realm of immortality is definitely one of the supernatural powers that one must have! For ordinary cultivators, Daluo Jinxian may be an untouchable realm, but we are fairy cooks, Daluo Jinxian is just It's just a matter of time." Qiao Bai sighed.

"Having said that, the Immortal Realm is still very powerful! You can own the Immortal Realm in the Void Return Realm, which is already a very remarkable thing. Moreover, the strength of your divine sense is different from that of ordinary people. In the same realm, your Immortal Domain is naturally more powerful."

There was a pause in Xu Ran's voice, and then he said: "Mr. has already returned!"

"Oh? Master has come back? When did he come back? Where is he now?"

Qiao Bai immediately became happy. Although the harvest in the mysterious realm was not as good as it should be, he was able to proudly tell Gu Zheng that he had gained in the mysterious realm and lived up to the snake eye.

"Mr. has just been out for two hours. It seems that he has encountered difficulties in refining weapons. He said that he wants to go out to relax and find inspiration. He will probably come back soon." Xu Ran said.

"What kind of spatial artifact is refined by Master? Is it the one that rewards us in the end?" Xu Ran asked.

"No, Master is currently practicing making the storage belt, and will try to refine the final fairy weapon after accumulating enough experience." Xu Ran said.

"When the master comes back, shall we go and finish the experience on this Hanging Mountain?" Qiao Baiyi asked emotionally.

"Okay! Then I will see your fairyland!" Xu Ran said excitedly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qiao Bai smiled: "Since both of us have gained something in the mysterious realm, why don't we celebrate with a drink first?"

"I'm just waiting for your words!" Xu Ran said happily.

While Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were cooking delicious food, Gu Zheng also returned to the Hanging Mountain. After a brief chat with Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, Gu Zheng devoted himself to making the storage belt again.

Before Gu Zheng left Hanging Mountain, he was indeed looking for inspiration. Now that he has found the inspiration, he naturally quickly devoted himself to the production of the storage belt.

After Qiao Bai and Xu Ran put the food and wine on the table, Gu Zheng finally succeeded in making a storage belt.

After drinking with Qiao Bai and the others, Gu Zheng took advantage of feeling good and put himself into refining the fairy artifact again. This time he was going to refine the storage bracelet. Once he could successfully refine the storage bracelet, he would They will find time to refine the space fairy artifact that will eventually be given to Qiao Bai.

Gu Zheng went to refine weapons, and Qiao Bai and Xu Ran also started to climb the mountain. They were going to complete their last experience on this hanging mountain.

"Uncle, I have to say that you are really amazing after opening the Eye of Dao!"

Following Qiao Bai and Xu Ran up the mountain, Jin Huo looked at Xu Ran with admiration in his eyes.


Xu Ran was very proud and asked knowingly.

"Yes! The dishes made this time taste better than last time, isn't it because of the Eye of Dao?" Jin Huo said again.


Xu Ran smiled happily, he patted Jin Huo's feathers and said: "If you want to eat some food in the future, and it happens that your master is not convenient to cook, you can just find me!"

"Thank you uncle!" Jin Huo thanked.

"Let me tell you first, you are Jin Huo's uncle, if Jin Huo asks you to cook, I will not be responsible for providing the ingredients!" Qiao Bai joked.

"Do not worry!"

Xu Ran patted his chest: "As long as I have it, I will never be stingy!"

Talking and laughing along the way, and harvesting a lot of ingredients in the middle of the Hanging Mountain, the two of them finally arrived at the top of the Hanging Mountain.

"It's this kind of thing again?"

Standing on the top of the Hanging Mountain, Xu Ran couldn't help frowning.

On a hanging mountain before, Xu Ran and Qiao Bai once encountered a group of stone monsters, and those group of stone monsters were not easy to deal with, killing them wasted Xu Ran and Qiao Bai's efforts. The things Xu Ran sees now are all stone monsters like the stone monsters back then, but unlike the roughness of the stone monsters back then, these stone monsters look lifelike.

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