There were more than 30 gargoyles that were carved out of white jade. They had dragon heads and human bodies, with bird wings growing on their backs. After Qiao Bai and Xu Ran saw their appearance, they came back to life very quickly.

The revived gargoyle quietly looked at the approaching two people and one beast, the expression in his eyes was cold and heartless.

"This gargoyle is different from the stone monster we saw last time! The stone monster is a stone monster, and this stone monster can even turn into a flesh!" Xu Ran said.

"It doesn't matter if they are the same or not, I will try them with my divine sense first!"

Qiao Bai separated the light spot of spiritual thoughts and flew towards the gargoyle, but the light spot of spiritual thought failed to get close to the gargoyle, and it encountered a colorless barrier on the way.

The invisible barrier was originally colorless, but after it was touched by the light of divine thoughts, it became like a piece of glass, which made it possible for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran to see it.

"It's weird, when did this five-color barrier appear!"

Not only Xu Ran was curious, but Qiao Bai was equally curious. If the colorless barrier was only a small piece, it would be fine if it hadn't been discovered in advance, but this colorless barrier is so large that it almost covers the entire mountain top.

"It seems that these stone monsters are not simple!"

Even though Qiao Bai was talking to Xu Ran, his divine sense was already attacking the colorless barrier.

It is true that the colorless barrier can block Qiao Bai's light spots of spiritual thoughts, but it is not impossible to be broken by the light spots of spiritual thoughts, it just takes some time for the process.

Looking at the light spots of divine thoughts attacking the colorless barrier, the gargoyle still didn't move, but the columnar white cloud hanging outside the mountain twisted like a white snake.

"I knew this thing was restless!"

Xu Ran looked at the columnar white cloud and gritted his teeth. This was not an afterthought, but the Hanging Mountain they had experienced so far. Only the Hanging Mountain where they first saw the goat and this Hanging Mountain had columnar white clouds. exist. And on the hanging mountain where the Goat Monster was first seen, the columnar white cloud was controlled by the flamingos on the upper layer of the hanging mountain, releasing many cloud monsters to attack him and Qiao Bai.

One after another cloud monsters began to emerge from the columnar white clouds. There were only three types of these cloud monsters, namely the armadillo monster at the lower level of the Hanging Mountain, the flying squirrel monster and the octopus monster at the middle level.

"The bodies of these monsters can't do anything to us, let alone you cloud monsters!"

Having said that, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran both accelerated towards the colorless barrier.

It was different from the last Hanging Mountain, when Gu Zheng helped them lift the air ban, both of them could fight against the air.

The cloud monsters are not as powerful as the main body, but they can not only control the sky, but also have a huge number. In just this moment, six cloud monsters have been born in the sky. If the color barrier eliminates the gargoyles, the number of cloud monsters will only increase. At that time, even if the strength of the cloud monsters is weak, they will still be a threat to them.

"No way!"

As soon as the colorless barrier was broken, Xu Ran couldn't help but let out an exclamation, because he quickly scanned the gargoyles with the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes', only to find that these gargoyles did not belong to the category that could be destroyed by the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes' ! In such a situation, the biggest possibility is that these gargoyles are all of the peak strength of returning to the void, and they are beyond the range that Xu Ran's 'Mysterious Eye Light' can deal with. The worst thing is that these gargoyles have some supernatural powers that can make them 'Light of Mysterious Eyes' does not take effect.

Qiao Bai's spiritual light spot was already very close to the gargoyle, but it couldn't hurt the gargoyle, because those gargoyle suddenly flapped their wings, and the resulting white storm actually blew Qiao Bai's spiritual light spot away out.

It was the first time for Qiao Bai to see the wind that could blow the light spots of spiritual thoughts away, but fortunately his light spots of spiritual thoughts were not injured by it, and it also made him understand that although these gargoyles have the ability to deal with spiritual thoughts The means of light spots, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of spiritual attacks, and spiritual attacks can still be used as a means of injuring the enemy at special times.

"Crazy Sword!"

The aura on Qiao Bai's body instantly released, and the sword energy like a rainstorm slashed at the gargoyles.

Divine thoughts and the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes' are Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's current powerful attack methods. In the case that these two methods have no effect, Qiao Bai can only use his current strongest sword Skill 'Crazy Sword'. If the 'Crazy Sword' doesn't work, then Qiao Bai's only option is to activate the Immortal Realm.

The 'Crazy Sword' worked, those gargoyles were not so invincible, 'Crazy Sword' could split them in half.

Qiao Bai's 'Crazy Sword' was very effective against gargoyles, and Xu Ran and Jinhuo were able to deal with those cloud monsters. Hell, they fought Xu Ran and Jin Huo recklessly without knowing how to avoid them, this was right in the arms of Xu Ran and Jin Huo! After all, the strength of the cloud and mist monsters is not as good as the main body. When they fight against Xu Ran and Jin Huo head-on, they can only suffer.

The battle situation seems to be favorable for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, but the actual situation is not like this.

On the last hanging mountain with cloud monsters, as long as Qiao Bai and Xu Ran killed a fire crane that summoned cloud monsters, the number of cloud monsters summoned by the fire cranes would definitely decrease due to the death of the fire cranes. However, on this hanging mountain, half of the original gargoyles were killed by Qiao Bai in a very short period of time, but none of the cloud monsters disappeared because of this! Not only that, the cloud monsters produced in the columnar white clouds are still so endless!

"Qiao Bai, are those cloud monsters still alive?"

Thinking of the human-shaped skeletons he encountered on those hanging mountains before, Xu Ran suddenly exclaimed, those human-shaped skeletons will not die easily, and his 'Light of Profound Eyes' is also useless against human-shaped skeletons.

Although Qiao Bai was in a state of madness, he didn't lose his mind because of the madness, so he naturally heard what must be said.

Because of that, Qiao Bai also thought of those human-shaped skeletons. Although he didn't feel any vitality from the fragments of the gargoyle corpses, he still used his sword energy as much as possible to chop off the heads of those corpses.

After the head of the gargoyle corpse was chopped off, the brains flowed all over the ground, but nothing different happened.

"No way!"

Xu Ran's exclamation sounded for the third time, and Qiao Bai also felt an uncomfortable feeling.

Qiao Bai's discomfort was not because he was startled by Xu Ran's exclamation, but because he had a special feeling that something unusual appeared behind him.

Qiao Bai looked back, his eyes widened involuntarily, and he saw another columnar white cloud that he had just escaped from and was flying towards them.

The other Qiao Bai is also in the shape of a cloud and mist, and looks very spiritual, not comparable to the previous cloud and mist monsters.

"call out!"

Seeing that the cloud monster turned out to be in the form of Qiao Bai, Jin Huo was furious immediately, and the flame key passed through towards Yunwu Qiao Bai.

Facing the golden fire's flame key, Yunwu Qiaobai, who seemed very spiritual, should have dodged, but his mouth suddenly opened, as if he was making a mocking smile, and his body didn't dodge at all.

"don't want!"

Qiao Bai felt something was wrong, so he notified Jin Huo with his thoughts.

Jin Huo was startled, and the flame key immediately deviated and shot towards Yunwu Qiao Bai.

With a flash of Yunwu Qiaobai's body, it unexpectedly closed the door on its own initiative, causing the flame key, which was supposed to pass through the void, to pass through his left shoulder.

The flame key passed through Yunwu Qiao Bai's left shoulder. Yunwu Qiao Bai seemed to be fine, but there was a blood hole on the real Qiao Bai's left shoulder, as if penetrated by the flame key.


Qiao Bai roared, he already understood what was going on with this cloudy Qiao Bai.

During the experience in the middle level of Hanging Mountain half a year ago, Qiao Bai had a feeling when he killed the flying squirrel. He described Xu Ran afterwards as that his soul was drawn out, as if it was drifting towards the columnar white cloud. At that time, Qiao Bai didn't understand what was going on, but now it seems that this kind of him who is so weird that he attacks the cloud will suffer real damage. How similar is this to the legendary voodoo doll in the wild?

The house leak coincided with the continuous night rain, and a cloud and mist Qiao Bai came out, making Xu Ran and Jin Huo feel helpless, and those gargoyles that had been hacked to death on the top of the mountain were revived in an instant!

"I don't believe in this evil!"

Xu Ran turned his head and roared at the columnar white cloud. The resurrection of the gargoyle was not without signs. The sign was a mysterious wave shot from the columnar white cloud. It was this mysterious wave that brought the dead gargoyle back to life.

"Come up!"

Until now, Qiao Bai didn't hold back anymore, he called Jin Huo and Xu Ran to go up to the top of the mountain as well.

Xu Ran and Jin Huo understood that Qiao Bai was going to activate the Immortal Realm, and they immediately ran towards the top of the mountain.

As soon as Jin Huo and Xu Ran left, all the cloud and mist monsters followed.

At a suitable distance, Qiao Bai activated his Immortal Realm, and in an instant, only Yunwu Qiao Bai was left on the top of the originally bustling Hanging Mountain.

More than thirty gargoyles, including more than twenty cloud monsters, plus Xu Ran and Jin Huo, were all taken into the Immortal Realm by Qiao Bai.

The fairyland is also divided into grades, grades, and grades, which are graded according to the degree of control that the immortal cultivator can obtain in the fairyland.

In the highest-level fairyland, the immortal cultivator is equivalent to the supreme existence in it. If he wants wind, there will be wind, and if he wants rain, there will be rain. He has 100% control over the energy of the fairyland. This kind of fairyland is undoubtedly extremely powerful That kind, unless the existence trapped in the fairyland is more than one level higher than the person who casts the fairyland, or he has some kind of avenue, or there is a fairy weapon that can break through the fairyland, otherwise it is simply There is no chance of a comeback!

Just like Qiao Bai, his current cultivation base is the late stage of returning to the void. If his fairyland is the top-level fairyland, let alone killing a late golden immortal cultivator by leapfrogging, even if he traps ten immortals at the same time. As long as those immortal cultivators in the later stage of Jinxian do not have the power to control the Dao and do not have any special means, then he can kill them one by one with the help of the fairyland.

In the age of Gu Zheng's body, his Immortal Realm was very powerful, and he was often able to leapfrog to kill people, but when it comes to the degree of control over the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng only had 70% of it.

Xu Ran's fairyland belongs to the relatively low-level ones. He only has 20% control over the fairyland. With 20% control, he can only do the most basic things in the fairyland, such as using the energy of the fairyland to interfere with the enemy. Or use the energy of the fairyland to strengthen yourself. At most, a fairyland of Qiao Bai's level has the possibility of leapfrogging and killing the mid-stage Golden Immortal cultivators! In addition, if you want to leapfrog to kill a mid-Golden Immortal cultivator, you must meet certain conditions. For example, the mid-Golden Immortal cultivator does not have a fairyland, for example, there is only one mid-Golden Immortal cultivator, and he has no mastery of any Taoism. The power, or something like a hidden fairy weapon.

However, although Qiao Bai's control over the fairyland is very low, his fairyland cannot be regarded as the worst among the basic fairylands. After all, there are some things in his fairyland, some things that can help him, and can also increase the power with the strength of his divine sense! This is better than the kind of fairyland that some immortals comprehend are bald and do not have a high degree of control over the fairyland.

Qiao Bai's fairyland looks like an island, and this island is also the snake island.

Snake Island is Qiao Bai's fairyland, so the things that can help Qiao Bai in the fairyland are the countless snakes.

However, the snakes in Qiao Bai's Immortal Realm were not as powerful as the Basilisks in the Triple Killing Formation, but they were also much stronger than ordinary snakes in the Mysterious Realm! The snakes in his fairyland all have the strength of the most elementary cultivator, and there are three giant pythons and a snake king among them. The strength of the giant python is equivalent to that of an immortal cultivator in the realm of transforming gods, and the strength of the snake king is equivalent to that of an immortal cultivator in the early stage of returning to the void.

There are a lot of snakes, but they are not enough for the things trapped in the fairyland. Although the strength of those cloud monsters is not as good as the main body, they also have the destructive power of the realm of transforming gods. As for the strength of the stone monsters, they are all gone. It is equivalent to the late stage of Void Return, so they kill snakes very fast.

However, these snakes in Qiao Bai's illusion will not really die. Even if they are killed in this fairyland, they will still appear in the next fairyland.

This was a scuffle, the sky was densely packed with snakes, but the snakes kept falling down like dumplings, and the cloud monsters were also killed by Xu Ran and Jin Huo, but so far none of the gargoyles remained. did not die.

It stands to reason that since Qiao Bai launched the Immortal Realm to capture all the monsters in, he should kill all directions and end the battle soon, but as soon as Qiao Bai entered the Immortal Realm, he disappeared, leaving only Xu Ran Fighting with Jin Huo and his snake soldiers and snake generals.

At this time, Qiao Bai was vomiting blood, hiding in the void, fighting against a strange energy in his body.

Qiao Bai felt that although he hadn't taken Yunwu Qiaobai into the Immortal Realm, that Yunwu Qiaobai should have hurt him outside by means similar to self-mutilation, and the connection between him and Yunwu Qiaobai was the inner body. A strange energy! He had to get rid of this energy from his body as soon as possible, otherwise, let alone dispatching the energy of the Immortal Realm to help Xu Ran and Jin Huo, he himself might be played to death!

However, Qiao Bai, who tried to eliminate it, was desperate. He would not be able to eliminate this mysterious energy for a while. If he made unnecessary attempts to waste precious time, his own situation would be even worse.

Although it cannot be ruled out, Qiao Bai still has the ability to temporarily suppress him, but this temporary suppression will also take some time.

Xu Ran and Jin Huo were not in any danger, no matter how many snakes were helping them, they were just worried about Qiao Bai's safety.


Qiao Bai, who finally suppressed the mysterious energy, opened his mouth to spit out a stream of blood.

Even without wiping the blood off his mouth, Qiao Bai only bought ten seconds for himself.

"I let the gate of the fairyland open beside you. After you go out, kill that cloud monster as quickly as possible. I only have ten seconds!"

Qiao Bai immediately handed over the task to Jinhuo with his thoughts. Fortunately, the intentions that can be expressed with a single thought do not need to waste much time.

When Qiao Bai said to let the "gate of the fairyland open beside you", Jin Huo immediately left the battlefield in a teleportation, and a black crack also appeared beside it. The gargoyle, too, tried to fly out through the crack, but the crack closed immediately after it got out.

The golden fire appeared on the top of the mountain again. Qiao Bai, who was standing in the untouched cloud, immediately ran away to the distance after seeing the golden fire appear. The connection between it and Qiao Bai had been suppressed by Qiao Bai. At this time Whether it is injured or dead, it will not affect Qiao Bai.

The flame key shot out and passed through Yunwu Qiaobai's heart, but Yunwu Qiaobai was not a real person. Even if the heart was penetrated, it did not die because of it, but the flying speed was a bit slower.

The flame key shuttled back and forth four times in a short period of time like a flying sword, and Yunwu Qiaobai's body finally turned into a cloud of mist, and drifted towards the columnar white cloud again.

Jin Huo was also frightened by the cloud and mist Qiaobai. It didn't know if there would be a new cloud and mist Qiaobai after the cloud flew back to the columnar white cloud. However, Jinhuo has no good way to deal with this kind of cloud that cannot be dispersed. It can only swallow the cloud into its belly and refine it with demonic power.

After Yunwu Qiaobai was killed by Jin Huo, Qiaobai in the Immortal Realm immediately had a sense, so he no longer had to worry about being backlashed by him appearing from the void.

Although only 20% of the energy of the fairyland can be dispatched, 20% of the energy of the fairyland is enough for Qiao Bai to deal with these cloud monsters and stone monsters.

"Let you also taste what it's like to be forbidden!"

Qiao Bai roared, what he activated was not the real forbidden air, but the pressure of the fairyland energy to act on the cloud monsters and stone monsters, but the effect produced by this technique was similar to the forbidden air. The cloud monsters and gargoyles in the air immediately fell downwards.

The cloud monsters were originally light, so falling from a high altitude was not a problem, but the stone monsters were different. The impact generated by their fall from a high altitude almost smashed through the Snake Island, and they all fell half to death.

"get out!"

Qiao Bai mobilized the energy of the fairyland, and a gargoyle in the deep pit was forced to rise up. He stabbed the heart of the gargoyle with a single sword, and the light spot of divine sense that had been prepared for a long time also hit the gargoyle immediately. The gargoyle's body began to disintegrate.

Qiao Bai didn't believe that he had disassembled the bodies of these gargoyles, so there was no way for the columnar white cloud to revive them.

"get out!"

Another gargoyle was forced to rise up, and Qiao Bai was struck by another sword qi and divine sense, causing its body to disintegrate.

The other gargoyles wanted to come out, but they were already half dead, Qiao Bai only needed to allocate 10% of the energy of the fairyland, and they could be crushed out of the pit.

"get out!"

The third gargoyle was forced to rise up, Qiao Bai was like a butcher killing a chicken, and dealt with it neatly.

In the end, Qiao Bai raised his divine sense and beheaded all the thirty-two gargoyles left.

When Qiao Bai was beheading the gargoyle, Xu Ran was not idle. He not only killed the remaining cloud monsters, but also used his divine sense to decompose the two gargoyles that died before. There is no longer any enemy.

Qiao Bai took over the Immortal Domain, and he and Xu Ran appeared on the top of the mountain again.

Gu Zheng said that columnar white clouds are just a special kind of energy.

Gargoyles can use special energy, so only cloud monsters appear in the columnar white clouds, and they have the ability to revive gargoyles. However, the gargoyle had all been disintegrated in Qiao Bai's fairyland, and the columnar white cloud was no longer a threat.

"I thought the experience on the top of the mountain was a bit difficult, but it wouldn't be too high. I never thought it would hurt me so much, ahem..."

Before Qiao could finish speaking, he couldn't help coughing, and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

When he was in the Immortal Domain before, Qiao Bai could still use the energy of the Immortal Domain to suppress internal injuries, but now the injuries have also started to make trouble.

"The key is that you were overwhelmed by those flying squirrels. Otherwise, even if the stone monsters are difficult to deal with, you would not be hurt to this extent. Fortunately, you have the fairyland, and we have completed this experience!"

Xu Ran smiled wryly, and then said: "Let's go, get to the foot of the mountain and adjust your breathing."

Going back to the foot of the mountain and seeing Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng asked Qiao Bai to adjust his breath first, and asked Xu Ran to tell what happened.

After hearing what Xu Ran said, Gu Zheng called Jin Huo to come to him.

After examining Jin Huo's body, a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face.

"Sir, what are you laughing at?" Xu Ran hurriedly asked.

"I'm laughing that misfortune and good fortune depend on each other! Although Qiao Bai was plotted against by the flying squirrel, Jin Huo swallowed the cloud and mist that plotted against Qiao Bai under the helpless circumstances. opportunity!"

Gu Zheng patted Jinhuo's wings: "Now I will teach you a secret method, you use this secret method to refine the cloud and mist in your body, after you completely refine the cloud and mist, both you and Qiao Bai can get Great benefit!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xu Ran's eyes widened. He remembered something that Gu Zheng had told him once. There is a very special and rare relationship between the master and the spirit beast! Being able to have this special relationship with spirit beasts, no matter what level of immortality they are in, will feel that they have earned it, because the benefits brought by this relationship are too powerful.

"First, sir, Qiao, Qiao Bai, and Jin Huo must have gotten the opportunity of 'good fortune and misfortune depend on each other'?"

Xu Ran stuttered a little, if Qiao Bai and Jin Huo really got the "blessings and misfortunes", then this time he and Jin Huo really made a lot of money.

"That's right!"

Gu Zheng laughed: "So it's hard to talk about chance! The enviable 'blessing and misfortune', they just got it!"

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart that the reason why his cultivation progressed so fast in the age of his body was inseparable from the relationship between Die Ling, Meow Meow, and Angry Man who had "blessings and misfortunes" with him. Now Qiao Bai and Jin Huo To have such a 'relationship', this opportunity is really too great.

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