Qiao Bai spent two days recuperating from his injury. During these two days, he was recovering from his injury while laughing happily from time to time. He really never expected that he and Jin Huo would have the opportunity of "blessings and misfortunes depend on each other".

After Qiao Bai recovered from his injury, they didn't go to the center immediately, because Gu Zheng was still refining the storage bracelet.

After waiting for another ten days, Gu Zheng finally refined the first storage bracelet. Although this storage bracelet is only low-grade among similar spatial artifacts, its internal space is also higher than that of Qiao Bai and Xu. However, the storage belt used is larger.

He didn't give the refined storage bracelet to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, Gu Zheng was still planning to use it as a gift when he left the barrier.

Gu Zheng planned to refine another storage bracelet, so that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran could each have one.

However, Gu Zheng did not plan to continue refining on this hanging mountain. When he reached the center, he asked Qiao Bai and Xu Ran to practice, and it would not be too late for him to refine the storage bracelet.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran thought that the road to the center would be uneven, but in fact they did not encounter any attacks at all. According to Gu Zheng, they had already given all the phantom array attacks they should have experienced before. Experienced.

When Jin Huo was a part of this world, it had been to the center, so Qiao Bai knew what the center looked like.

The center is on the top of a suspended mountain, that huge fairy array, on the suspended mountain where the center is located, there are also monsters, and some of these monsters are the kind that Jinhuo can't match.

In addition, the hanging mountain where the center is located is different from the previous hanging mountains. The gathering of monsters on those hanging mountains in the past is divided into the bottom layer, the lower layer and the top layer, and the monsters basically live in groups. As for the Hanging Mountain where the center is located, except for some metal monsters in the lower level who are not as powerful as Jinhuo and live in groups, the monsters in the middle level are not the kind that live in groups. Moreover, on the hanging mountain where the center is located, there are no monsters at all except the center on the top floor.

After arriving at the Hanging Mountain where the center is located, Gu Zheng gave Qiao Bai and Xu Ran a choice.

It takes ten days to refine a storage bracelet. After the storage bracelet is refined, Gu Zheng will start refining the final space fairy artifact, and the refining of the final space fairy artifact will take a lot of time. It takes about three months! Therefore, Gu Zheng asked Qiao Bai and Xu Ran whether they should stay in the center for ten days, or stay in the center for more than three months.

As soon as they entered the enchantment, they were in this huge formation. Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were naturally yearning for the real enchantment, so they decided to only stay on this hanging mountain for ten days. In the end, the refining of the space fairy weapon was left after leaving the center.

Gu Zheng started refining storage bracelets, and Qiao Bai and Xu Ran also started their experience on this hanging mountain.

There is no air-forbidden restriction on this hanging mountain, and the low-level metallic monsters that couldn't even be dealt with by gold and fire, naturally couldn't deal with two people and one beast.

In the end, the metallic monster at the bottom of the Hanging Mountain donated thirty-eight metallic alchemy to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

"Master, the butterfly in the middle layer blames you to kill it for me?"

On the way to the middle level, Jin Huo spoke to Qiao Bai.

From Jinhuo's memory, Qiao Bai knew that the so-called 'Butterfly Monster' was a monster that looked like a butterfly. Reaching the level equivalent to the early stage of Jinxian, Jinhuo had fought against it several times before, but failed to get any advantage from it.

"You mean just the two of us working together to kill that butterfly monster?" Qiao Bai asked.

"Yes, the two of us are enough to solve it easily. If you add uncle, then the battle will not have any suspense, and it will be too boring!" Jin Huo said.

"Okay, since you two guys have pushed me out, I'll go find a monster to deal with it myself, and I'll go find that wolf-headed monster!"

Xu Ran shrugged his shoulders and smiled, he had already heard from Qiao Bai what kind of monsters and where the territory was in the sky.

"That wolf-head monster's strength is equivalent to the peak of Void Return, so be careful when you deal with it alone."

Qiao Bai gave Xu Ran a warning, and the two and the beast parted ways in the middle of the Hanging Mountain.

The middle layer of this hanging mountain has many kinds of landforms, such as rocky land, forest, grassland, yellow sand land, and a sea of ​​flowers, and the area where the butterfly monster is located is the sea of ​​flowers.

The sea of ​​flowers is very beautiful, all kinds of flowers are dazzling, and the air is also occupied by the strong fragrance of flowers. It's a pity that these flowers are just ordinary flowers, and even if there are those that can be used as ingredients, the quality of the ingredients is very low.

Jinhuo didn't fly in the air. After several times of air restrictions, it likes to bounce around behind Qiao Bai. In its own words, it will become a down-to-earth eagle in the future.

The golden fire didn't fly in the air, so the person in charge of finding the way naturally became Qiao Bai's divine sense.

Jin Huo flicked the flowers beside him with his wings, and excitedly said to Qiao Bai: "We will soon arrive at the resting place of the Butterfly Monster. I wonder if the Butterfly Monster will be very surprised when he sees that I am not alone. ?”

"I don't know if the butterfly monster will be surprised, but I know you will be surprised."

What Qiao Bai let his divine sense detect directly appeared in Jin Huo's mind.

"The butterfly monster is so different from the last time I saw it!"

Jin Huo was really surprised. The butterfly monster he saw had some dots on its wings.

"The last time you saw it was two hundred years ago!"

Qiao Bai rolled his eyes at Jin Huo: "According to your understanding, the number of dots on the butterfly monster's wings represents its level of strength, and now it has a few more dots, which shows its current state. It should be equivalent to a cultivator in the early stage of Golden Immortal!"

"Yes, it seems that I made a wrong decision to let uncle go!"

Jin Huo covered his face with his wings, feeling like he was ashamed.

"It doesn't matter, the two of us join forces, a monster that is equivalent to the early stage of Jinxian is not impossible to deal with, but we must not underestimate the enemy!"

Qiao Bai's voice paused: "No, the Butterfly Monster has discovered my divine sense light spot, and it is desperately chasing it!"

The reason why Qiao Bai said 'not good' is because the Butterfly Monster has a way to deal with divine thoughts. The dots on its wings will emit a spiral wave. The speed has slowed down, and the butterfly monster is desperately chasing the light spot of spiritual thought, as if it wants to eat the light spot of spiritual thought. This is not a good thing. If the light spot of spiritual thought is eaten, Qiao Bai will It will not only be backlash, he will be affected when he activates the fairyland!

Qiao Bai's body rushed forward, he was going to meet the light spot of divine sense, so that the light spot of spiritual sense, which had slowed down, could quickly return to its position.

The golden fire has also flown up, and it is going to attack the butterfly monster from the air.

The flowers were trampled mercilessly by Qiao Bai's feet, and his divine thoughts finally returned to his body.

When the butterfly monster saw Qiao Bai's body, it stopped chasing Qiao Bai. It tilted its head and looked at Qiao Bai, as if it saw something new.

Qiao Bai couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart. He learned from Jin Huo's memory that when the butterfly monster looked at the metallic monsters at the foot of the mountain with this look, it was looking for a host suitable for laying eggs.

"My lord!"

Qiao Bai cursed inwardly, he launched the 'Fire Dragon Art' at the butterfly monster, and the golden fire in the air also sprayed out the flame key at the butterfly monster.

Qiao Bai wanted to use the Immortal Realm directly on the Butterfly Monster, but because of the distance, he could only use the Fire Dragon to clear the way, and then use the Immortal Realm to deal with the Butterfly Monster when the distance reached the requirement for the Immortal Realm to be cast.

As soon as the fire dragon appeared, the surrounding flowers and plants immediately burst into flames, and the butterfly monster also let out an angry cry, like a cicada, and its body also emitted a dazzling light at this moment.


The flapping of the wings caused a hurricane, one of which blew away the incoming flame key, and the other directly blew out Qiao Bai's fire dragon, causing Qiao Bai's eyes to widen in shock.

Qiao Bai knew that the Butterfly Monster was very powerful now, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful that it could blow out a fire dragon with a hurricane.

"Is this equivalent to the strength of Jinxian in the early stage?"

Qiao Bai was shocked, the butterfly monster's body suddenly disappeared.

"Master beware!"

Qiao Bai sensed Jin Huo's reminder.

Both the Butterfly Monster and Jinhuo can perform teleportation, so they can both sense where the other party is going through teleportation.

Qiao Bai's spirit was highly concentrated. The reason why he couldn't beat the golden fire before was because of the instantaneous movement of the golden fire. After all, this is the way of space, the supreme avenue!

It's cool to watch Jin Huo kill the enemy with teleportation, but when you use this way of space to deal with yourself, you will know how terrible it is!

Qiao Bai didn't know where the Butterfly Monster would appear, the only thing he could do was to use his speed when the Butterfly Monster appeared.

The Butterfly Monster is very smart. Under normal circumstances, the prey would think that it will appear behind it, but it will do the opposite. Anyway, it doesn't pay attention to Qiao Bai. To it, Qiao Bai is just a product. The host of the eggs is no more powerful than the metallic monsters down the mountain.

Qiao Bai also really thought that the Butterfly Monster would appear from behind, but already in a state of high concentration, he felt that it didn't matter where the Butterfly Monster appeared. After all, he didn't intend to fight a protracted battle with the Butterfly Monster, so he didn't have to worry about surviving the first day of junior high school and not being able to avoid the problem of fifteenth.

The butterfly monster appeared in front of Qiao Bai, and the light spots on its wings gave off a black light.

Qiao Bai already knew through Jinhuo that the black light on the butterfly monster's wings has the ability to make people fall asleep temporarily. Jinhuo is not afraid of the butterfly monster's ability because of his special constitution, but he, Qiao Bai, had to Defend! Therefore, although his eyes are open, they have already been protected with celestial power, which is the same as if they were closed.

Qiao Bai didn't see the deadly black light, but he felt the fluctuation when the Butterfly Monster appeared, so he immediately used the word "Piao" in the "Ethereal Illusory Body Technique" to stab out along the mouthparts of the Butterfly Monster. The resulting strong wind floated backwards like a feather.

It failed to make the prey sleepy, and failed to paralyze the prey with its mouthparts. The prey actually floated backwards like feathers, which surprised the Butterfly Monster.

However, unexpectedly, the Butterfly Monster quickly launched an attack, and its tentacles grew longer in an instant, as if it was about to hug Qiao Bai into its arms.

It was impossible for Qiao Bai to be hugged by the Butterfly Monster. He had already locked onto the Butterfly Monster's aura while flying upside down, and he activated Immortal Realm on the Butterfly Monster.

The Butterfly Monster was taken into the Immortal Realm by Qiao Bai, but Qiao Bai hid in the void very wretchedly.

Through the simple confrontation with the Butterfly Monster, Qiao Bai felt that even if he had supernatural powers, it would still be difficult to kill the Butterfly Monster if he wasn't a little more wretched.

There was nothing wrong with Qiao Bai's wretchedness, and the Butterfly Monster was indeed very powerful. The panic of being suddenly taken into the Immortal Realm quickly turned into anger, and the light from the yellow spots on its wings immediately shot towards the void. shoot.

"I knew it!"

Even though Qiao Bai said that he knew it a long time ago, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, because the place where the butterfly monster's yellow light flew was the weak point in the space of his fairyland, attacking that place is also the fastest way to break through the fairy formation way. The reason why Qiao Bai was able to know in advance was naturally because the Butterfly Monster itself had mastered the way of space.

Qiao Bai mobilized the energy in the fairyland, like forming a colorless barrier, and successfully blocked the blow of the butterfly monster that was about to hit the weak point in the space. And this is also an important reason why Qiao Bai chose to be obscene, he must protect the weak points of Xianyu well.


The flame tornado burns towards the butterfly monster, this is the attack launched by the golden fire.

Just like the fire dragon that dealt with Qiao Bai, the Butterfly Monster is just a wing. Two hundred years ago, it was more afraid of the flame tornado, but now it can easily extinguish the flame tornado.

Countless snakes soared into the sky, and they also launched various attacks towards the butterfly monster.

However, the difference in strength was there, and the butterfly monster flashed its wings again, and countless snakes were blown away, and even the attacks they launched disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Bai mobilized the energy of the fairyland to press towards the butterfly monster, and the butterfly monster's body sank immediately, but its resistance was also very strong. With Qiao Bai's control over the fairyland, it still couldn't make it look like a piece of wood falling from the sky. A stone can only make it look like a leaf falling from the sky.

However, it is not Qiao Bai's real purpose to make the Butterfly Monster sink. His real purpose is to use pressure to affect the space structure around the Butterfly Monster, so that it is not so easy for the Butterfly Monster to use teleportation.

The Butterfly Monster can't easily use teleportation, but Qiao Bai will open the door for Jinhuo. When Jinhuo wants to use teleportation to deal with the Butterfly Monster, Qiao Bai will relieve the pressure. The Butterfly Monster didn't have time to react, after all, it was so short of time!

Jin Huo appeared beside the Butterfly Monster through teleportation, and its sharp claws grabbed the Butterfly Monster's body.

Although the butterfly monster is powerful, it is not without weaknesses. Its physical body is not strong enough, which can be regarded as its flaw.

Under normal circumstances, the Butterfly Monster could escape Jinhuo's claw, but the space structure changed due to pressure, which affected its judgment, causing Jinhuo's claw to grab its stomach, leaving Three deep marks were left.

Not entangled with Jin Huo, the space has become normal because of Qiao Bai's release, and the butterfly monster immediately launched teleportation.

Qiao Bai's heart trembled. If it was the right situation, he wouldn't know where the Butterfly Monster was going in this teleportation, but this is his fairyland, and he could still feel the special fluctuations in space. Because of this, Qiao Bai knew that the Butterfly Monster was coming towards him, so he dispatched the energy of the Immortal Realm to oppress the space again, forcing the Butterfly Monster out halfway.

As soon as the Butterfly monster appeared, the golden fire that moved in a flash had already arrived beside it, and its sharp claws not only slashed across its body, but also precisely scratched the wound last time.

Whether it is one plus one equals two, or one plus one does not equal two, the wound is attacked again and the damage is very serious. The stomach of the butterfly monster was almost not torn apart by the golden fire, leaving only a layer of film to protect it. The film can see the colorful internal organs inside.

The Butterfly Monster didn't pay attention to Qiao Bai and Jin Huo at first, but now that Jin Huo has suffered so much damage from two consecutive attacks, it is so afraid that it also messed up its rules, and just wants to distance itself from Jin Huo.

The butterfly monster moved again in a flash, but was forced out by Qiao Bai in an instant, and the golden fire appeared beside it again, and its sharp claws landed on it again. This time, Jin Huo's claws, even though they still couldn't accurately scratch the wound left by the previous two times, they were still scratched at the edge of the wound, so that the scratch on the butterfly monster's stomach was shocking.

At a disadvantage again, the Butterfly could no longer teleport, and it flapped its wings towards Qiao Bai's hiding place.

The blue dots on the butterfly monster's wings flashed, and two blue rays of light shot towards Qiao Bai.

A sense of danger appeared in Qiao Bai's heart. He had no doubt that if he was hit by these two blue rays of light, he would at least end up seriously injured.

Qiao Bai hurriedly appeared, using the energy of the fairyland to escape at the fastest speed, but the butterfly monster flapped its wings very fast, that is, after it shot out the blue light, it also shot out the yellow light that could break the fairyland .

Qiao Bai lost sight of the other. If he wanted to protect himself, he could only give up protecting the weak point in the fairyland's space. Therefore, the yellow light released by the butterfly monster hit the place it wanted to hit.

The whole fairyland trembled from the blow of the Butterfly monster. If the same attack happened again, Qiao Bai's fairyland would be broken by the Butterfly monster.

However, the Butterfly Monster would attack, and so would the Golden Fire. Its claws also scratched the Butterfly Monster's stomach again. Although it still failed to land on the same scars, but because of the existence of those scars, this time Jin Huo's claws literally tore off a large piece of skin from the Butterfly Monster's stomach.

The Butterfly Monster made a cicada-like cry again, but this time the cry was not anger, but panic! Its stomach no longer has any protective power, as long as the golden fire hits its stomach again, it will definitely give it a gut break, which is a fatal injury!

Even though he knew he was about to suffer fatal damage, the Butterfly Monster couldn't do anything about it. Its light attack was very powerful, but it wasn't the kind that could be launched continuously. But Qiao Bai wanted to escape through teleportation, and Qiao Bai was watching over there.

No way, the butterfly monster launched teleportation when Jinhuo swung its claws at it again.

The futile teleportation was broken by Qiao Bai, and the Butterfly Monster who appeared halfway was caught by Jin Huo, who followed closely behind, on his stomach.


Colorful liquid and internal organs flowed out of the stomach, and the body of the butterfly monster also fell downward.

Taking advantage of the fact that its illness is killing it, Qiao Bai has already used it very well. When the butterfly monster fell, its divine sense light spot hit the butterfly monster's stomach.

The Butterfly Monster was afraid of Divine Sense, so it launched an attack on Divine Sense before, but now that Divine Sense has begun to disintegrate its body, all it can do is make a cry like a cicada.

Qiao Bai used his spiritual thoughts to disintegrate the Butterfly Monster's body, and Jin Huo took the opportunity to make up for it. The Butterfly Monster, who had no room for a comeback, soon died in Qiao Bai's fairyland.

"Hey, I really don't want to kill this kind of monster. It's a loss-making business with nothing to gain!"

Qiao Bai shook his head, he said it easily, but in fact his tense nerves just relaxed. This butterfly monster is the strongest monster he has killed so far. I don't think he can kill the Butterfly Monster.

It didn't take much time for Qiao Bai to kill the Butterfly Monster with the golden fire. According to the estimates of the two of them, it must be fighting the Wolf-head Monster at this time. However, the fact is not like this, Xu Ran has already killed the wolf head monster and is walking towards them.

Although Xu Ran killed the wolf head monster, judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to be injured.

Xu Ran was indeed injured, the wolf-headed monster was much more powerful than he expected, and he felt that it was impossible to be the wolf-headed monster's opponent after a few fights, so he decisively beheaded the wolf-headed monster with the domineering 'Mad Demon Knife', and he himself Was backlashed.

"Damn the wolf-headed monster, its strength has reached the point where it forces me to use the 'Crazy Demon Knife'. When I go back, I must ask that stupid bird when it saw the wolf-headed monster last time." Xu Ran gritted his teeth.

"Although I was injured a little bit, it was a good harvest. I found the last ingredient needed to cook the spiritual food for that silly bird."

Xu Ran glanced at the red 'transparent flower' in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face again.

The two of them and the beast met quickly, and after knowing what had happened to both of them, they both felt that they were deceived by Jin Huo's outdated information.

Jin Huo expressed helplessness, but it was also very happy, and finally got together the ingredients for cooking the transformation food cultivation.

After resting for a while, after Xu Ran's backlash injury healed, the two and one beast continued to practice.

After this round of experience, the two and one beast never separated again, and later killed a few powerful monsters, but there were no more powerful monsters like the Butterfly Monster, so they didn't encounter any danger anymore.

When Qiao Bai and Xu Ran came to the top of the mountain, Gu Zheng was still refining storage bracelets. After they told Gu Zheng what happened along the way, they began to practice separately.

After waiting for a few days, Gu Zheng's storage bracelet was successfully refined.

It was about to leave this fairy formation, Gu Zheng and the others cooked a few dishes and drank some fairy wine to celebrate.

Gu Zheng hasn't turned the source of natal true gold into the spirit of natal true gold, but he already needs enough inner alchemy for this.

Recently, a lot of metallic alchemy has been harvested. After the meal, Gu Zheng cooked food for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran that could help them produce 'golden seeds'.

Gu Zheng will cook for them food repairs that can produce 'golden species'. This is something Qiao Bai and Xu Ran have already guessed, but they are not as happy as they imagined, because they all know that when Gu Zheng After giving everything that should be given, it was time for them to part.

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