The mud that flowed out of the mud pit was like a living thing, and it quickly rolled up the corpses of the pig demons on the ground.

Xiong San frowned, he didn't know what the mud was doing with the corpses of those pig monsters, but it definitely wouldn't be a good thing.

The natal true fire spirit in the body vibrated, and Xiong San launched the 'fire dragon technique' on the mud.

Everything was just a matter of an instant, but when the fire dragon rushed to the top of the mountain, at least half of the corpses of more than fifty pig demons on the ground had been wrapped in mud.

Facing the attacking fire dragon, the mud stopped enveloping the remaining corpses of the pig monsters, and it turned into a ball and stood motionless in place, as if it was a defensive posture.


There was a loud noise, and the fire dragon hit the mud ball, and the mud ball was directly knocked out, and a raging flame was ignited on it instantly. However, when the mud ball was hit by the fire dragon, there was a strange fluctuation on it, and the fluctuation instantly extinguished the two-foot-long fire dragon. The kind of fluctuation when the flame attacks.

A strange noise also rushed out from the mud pool, and the mud in the pool flew out, hugging the burning mud ball like a pair of big hands, and the flame on the mud ball immediately began to go out.

Xiong San's reaction was also very fast. When the flame on the mud ball went out, the 'Crazy Knife' he slashed had already slashed on the mud hugging the mud ball.


A cry like a monster came out of the mud, and the mud holding the mud ball was chopped off by Xiong San's 'Crazy Knife'.

At the same time, the mountain exploded, and a shadow surrounded by white flames rushed out of the mountain, and hit Xiong San in the air like a meteor. It was the pig demon king.

Although the Pig Demon King has a way to deal with the divine sense, it has already seen from Xiong San's previous exploration of the mountain's divine sense that Xiong San is not easy to mess with as an opponent.

The Pig Demon King is not afraid of Xiong San. Although its descendants are not strong enough, it already has the strength equivalent to the early stage of Jinxian, not to mention the existence of the "Spirit of the Mire" on the mountain where it lives. When Xiong San fought, it was not afraid at all.

However, the spirit of the quagmire cannot be invited out easily. To invite it out, you have to bribe it with the flesh and blood of your descendants! It is precisely because of this that the Pig Demon King allowed Xiong San to kill his descendants. This approach seems incomprehensible, but in fact the Pig Demon King is not stupid. He has some considerations about this matter. .

First of all, more than 50 descendants of the pig demon king were beheaded by Xiong San. At first glance, it seems that it is very serious to use such a loss to invite the mud spirits, but in fact, the mud spirits include the corpses of the pig demons. There is also the ability to regenerate! Therefore, after this battle is over, only one-third of the total number of pig monsters actually died, a result that the pig monster king can bear.

Although the Luming Fruit is not a natural treasure, it is also very important to the Pig King. Now it is the time when the Luming Fruit is about to mature, and the Pig Demon King does not really want to conflict with Xiong San, but if this conflict is not possible Avoid, and it's not scary at all.

The pig demon king had already fought with Xiong San, and the mud ball on the top of the mountain flew back to the ground again, and began to wrap the remaining corpses on the ground. After it wrapped all the pig demon corpses together, It can appear in combat form.

The pig demon king, who was fighting with Xiong San, has more than tripled in size. It was originally a humanoid monster, but the white hair on its body can't hide the bulging muscles at this moment.

The pig demon king is not fighting with Xiong San with bare hands, it holds a curled stick in its hand, this stick is very wonderful, in addition to being able to hit people, it can also be as soft as a rope, Xiong San just Almost got tied up by it.

"Can you communicate with me?"

Xiong San didn't go all out to fight the pig demon king, he felt that the pig demon king should have good intelligence, if he could communicate with the pig demon king, it would be good to know more about the secrets in the enchantment.

"You are very long-winded!"

The Pig Demon King finally responded to Xiong San's voice transmission.

"It's good if you can communicate, then we don't have to fight to solve the problem."

Xiong San dodged while speaking, dodging the stick swung at him by the Pig Demon King.

"Don't solve the problem through fighting? Is there any other way? You have killed all my descendants. If I don't kill you, it's hard to explain why I only hate you!" The sound transmission of the Pig Demon King gritted his teeth.

"Don't think that I can't see that all your descendants have not really died. In addition to the power of death, that mud ball also has the power of life!"

During the time when Xiong San was fighting with the pig demon king, he completed the mud ball that wrapped up all the pig demon corpses, and has turned into a huge monster! This monster is also in the shape of a human, but it doesn't have the facial features like ordinary monsters. Its whole body looks very soft. The corpse of the pig monster inside the body is like a fetus moving, making its 'skin' constantly bulge and sag.

The mud ball monster is also flying towards Xiong San, but its speed is not fast, and because Xiong San wants to communicate with the pig demon king, he deliberately takes the battlefield far away, so the mud ball monster is still far away from him. For a short distance, he has not been attacked by the mud ball monster for the time being.

"You know a lot!"

The pig demon king roared, and the sound transmission also became sullen: "Then do you know that I am very interested in your inner alchemy?"

Xiong San has always been gentle and gentle to the pig demon king, but as a demon cultivator, he also has a taboo that all demon cultivators have! That is, they can't hear someone making jokes about their inner alchemy, which will make them easily rage.

"I want to talk to you, I just want to know more things, and I will try to make up for the losses I have caused to you, but don't think that I am afraid of you and you want to be with you talk!"

Xiong San suppressed the anger in his heart, he was making the last effort for a peaceful settlement.

"I don't need any compensation from you, I just want to kill you, and getting your inner alchemy is compensation!"

Compared with Xiong San's suppression of anger, the Pig Demon King's anger has already soared, and now the Mire Spirit is not far away, he just wants to kill Xiong San to vent his anger, and doesn't even think about whether he can kill Xiong San at all.

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the pig demon king threw the stick in his hand at Xiong San.

The saber energy slashed by Xiong San hit the stick, but the stick softened when it collided with the saber energy, bypassing the saber energy like a spirit snake, and flew towards Xiong San at a faster speed.

Xiong San frowned, the pig demon king's stick was softened in this way, it can be regarded as a relatively difficult demon technique, the same demon technique almost failed to bind him before.

The softened stick has a strange fluctuation, this kind of fluctuation seems to block the space, so that it will become very difficult for Xiong San to move. However, just when the stick was about to touch Xiong San's body, there was a flash of light on Xiong San's body, and his whole body was divided into four, breaking through the influence of the stick's strange fluctuations, and flew in four directions.

The pig demon king's eyes widened. Xiong San used this method to escape the binding of his stick before, but at that time, Xiong San just divided into two and dodged in two directions. How could it be divided into four like now? Flying towards the distance, the other two raised their knives and flew towards it and Mire Spirit respectively.

Xiong San's 'separation technique' is a supernatural power obtained when he awakened the second inner alchemy in the early years. For this kind of strange technique, the Pig Demon King does not have the ability to see through it, so it doesn't know which one is it. Xiong San's real body.

The pig demon king's stick went to chase one of the fleeing clones, but the other fleeing pig demon king didn't care about it. It groaned at the clone that raised the knife at it, and the two flames shot out of its nostrils directly hit Piercing the body of the avatar, making the avatar fade and disappear, this is obviously not Xiong San's real body!

When the Pig Demon King scattered Xiong San's avatar, a muddy arm shot out from Mire Spirit's stomach, directly pinching Xiong San's other avatar to fade, obviously this is not Xiong San's real body .

The pig demon king thought that one of the two clones flying towards it and the spirit of the quagmire must be real, but he didn't expect that both of them were fake, which made him feel a bad feeling in his heart, and he hurriedly I want to recall the stick who is still chasing the three parts of the bear.

The power of the stick will become smaller as the distance from the pig demon king gets longer. This is what Xiong San has discovered during the fight with the pig demon king, so he also turned his head at this time and raised his hand towards the front The stick patted the past.

The stick had already been recalled by the pig demon king, and was flying towards the pig demon king's direction, but it was still a step too slow, and it was hit by Xiong San's palm.

There was no explosive sound, because Xiong San's palm was not an ordinary palm. When he slapped this palm, his palm had already turned into a bear's paw.

Xiong San's hand turned into a bear's paw, and immediately after hitting the stick, the softened state of the stick was broken up, and there seemed to be a huge suction force in the bear's paw, allowing the pig demon king to launch the most powerful recall on the stick, The stick can't break free from the bear's paw.

Grabbing the pig demon king's stick in the bear's paw is not Xiong San's ultimate goal. His ultimate goal is to seal the pig demon king's stick, so his other hand quickly planted the ban on the pig. On the stick of the demon king, the connection between the pig demon king and the stick was blocked, and the stick was put into the storage belt.

Xiong San hates the pig demon king's stick, its softening power has already forced Xiong San to use the "separation technique" twice, and although Xiong San's "separation technique" is miraculous, it can only be used twice That's why Xiong San wanted to take away the Pig Demon King's stick after performing the 'Clone Technique' for the second time.

It took Xiong San a little time to take away the pig demon king's stick. At this time, the pig demon king and the mire spirit also narrowed the distance with him again.

Without saying anything else, after Xiong San launched the 'Fire Dragon Technique' on the Pig Demon King, he then slashed out the 'Crazy Demon Knife' at the Mire Spirit.

For Xiong San, there is no need for him to negotiate peace with the Pig Demon King anymore. Now that the Pig Demon King has awakened, he can also find out what he wants to know through soul searching.

Facing the roaring fire dragon, without the pig demon king with the stick in his hand, he immediately lost the calmness he had when facing Xiong San's "Fire Dragon Art". It opened its mouth wide and gave off a great suction.

The suction force from the pig demon king's mouth was not intended to suck the flying fire dragon into its belly, but it just sucked in a lot of air in an instant, so that its body swelled as if it was inflated, and then it directed the inhaled air towards the fire dragon Blow it out.

What the pig demon king inhales is air, but the airflow produced when it is blown out is like adding diluted flames. When the fire dragon encounters this weird airflow, it appears in a state like a sand sculpture in a strong wind. A very quick 'waste' disintegration.

The pig demon king blew a strong wind and extinguished the fire dragon, but it didn't disappear. Under the control of the pig demon king, it turned into a huge white pig and ran towards Xiong San.

The 'Fire Dragon Art' did not cause any damage to the Pig Demon King, and Xiong San's 'Magic Sealing Knife', which he slashed at the Mire Spirit, also did not have much impact on the Mire Spirit. It is like mud, and has a super high ability to absorb damage. The damage caused by the 'Crazy Knife' slashing on it is really like an ordinary person's knife slashing on the mud.

'Fire Dragon Art' and 'Crazy Knife' are both Xiong San's big moves, and one is more powerful than the other, but neither of the two big moves did any good damage, so Xiong San directly attacked the Pig Demon King and Mire Spirit used his final hole card.

Xiong San's final trump card was the Immortal Domain, through which he absorbed the Pig Demon King and Mire Spirit, and escaped their attacks.

Xiong San is a strange demon cultivator with two inner alchemy, and his fairyland is also unusual because of the second inner alchemy.

A normal immortal cultivator only has one immortal domain, and generally can only cast it once a day.

Xiong San's Immortal Domain can be used twice a day, and his Immortal Domain is not single, there are two different styles, he can display two different styles of Immortal Domain in one day, or he can display the same one in one day. Xianyu twice.

Xiong San had comprehended the first kind of fairyland a long time ago, and this fairyland created by the way of dreams was called 'Nightmare' by him.

The birth of Xiong San's second fairyland was thanks to Jiang Ru's mistake when he was in Pinxianju! This is a pink fairyland, Xiong San of later generations often used it when attacking female cultivators, but for now, Xiong San, who inherited Gu Zheng's characteristic of not being good at naming things, has not yet figured out what his fairyland will be What is the right name.

However, what Xiong San had to deal with this time were two monsters, so it was naturally impossible for him to activate the second type of Immortal Domain on them.

The nightmare realm is also very peculiar. It is not like the fairyland of ordinary cultivators. After the enemy is taken into it, there will be a vigorous head-to-head confrontation. It is a fairyland similar to illusion. Xiong San is in this fairyland He doesn't have the ability to directly attack the enemy, the only way he can attack the enemy is through the nightmare in the enemy's heart.

Whether it is a human or a demon, every creature has their fear in their hearts, but the degree of this fear is different.

As long as there is fear in his heart, as long as he can be absorbed by Xiong San's fairyland, then he is someone Xiong San can use fear to deal with.

Gray mountains and rivers, gray sky and earth, the scene in the fairyland of Nightmare is like dusk.

Whether it was the Mire Spirit or the Pig Demon King, after entering the Xiong Sanxian's realm, they all fell into a drowsiness uncontrollably.

As if he was too sleepy, the pig demon king's eyelids started to fight, and he didn't fall asleep immediately, which also showed that his own strength was similar to that of Xiong San, and he had a certain ability to resist Xiong San's fairyland. However, as long as it falls into a deep sleep, it is very difficult for it to wake up again.

The Mire Spirit has no five sense organs, and it can't be seen from its appearance that it is about to fall asleep. Its feeling of lethargy only exists in Xiong San's perception.

Compared with the pig demon king, the spirit of the mire is more resistant to the influence of the fairyland. The pig demon king has fallen into a coma, and it is still shaking like a drunk. However, for Xiong San, the spirit of the Mire is just struggling for a while at most, and it is inevitable that it will fall into a deep sleep under the influence of the power of the fairyland.

Xiong San's body does not exist in the Immortal Realm, his consciousness merged with the Immortal Realm, and he easily knew what the sleeping Pig Demon King feared the most in his heart.

"It turned out to be it!"

Seeing what the pig demon king feared the most, Xiong San couldn't help thinking to himself, he never thought that the thing the pig demon king feared the most would be the deer demon.

However, the fairyland is the fairyland, no matter how strange it is, it is not a soul search, Xiong San can't know more things.

Now that he knows that the thing that the pig demon king fears most is the deer demon, Xiong San uses the power of the fairyland to make the deer demon appear in the dream of the pig demon king, and then like a bystander, he appreciates what happens next everything.

The pig demon king is very fierce, even though the deer demon is the existence it fears, it still launched the first attack.

What kind of attack method does the deer demon have? This point will be based on the fear of the pig demon king, and it will be the same as the pig demon king's impression! But because of the power of the fairyland, the fact that Xiong San would make the Pig Demon King fearful was magnified to a certain extent.

Facing the pig demon king's attack, the patterns on the deer demon's body that Xiong San had seen before radiated light while spinning.

The swirling patterns are like vortexes, the pig demon king in the dream immediately screamed, and Xiong San could see the figure of another pig demon king, who was being captured by the deer demon's body in the form of brilliance. The patterns are sucked out one by one.

"What is this? Soul absorption?"

Dreams come from the heart, this is the dream of the pig demon king, the way the deer demons attack in the dream is the same as the attacking methods of the deer demons in the real world, this also allows Xiong San to learn some methods of the deer demons from the side.


Faced with the deer demon's attack, the pig demon king's mouth and nose made a loud noise, and countless blood foam sprayed out from its mouth and nose, which looked very much like a scene of killing a pig in the real world.

However, the seemingly pig-killing scene is actually a means for the pig demon king to get rid of the attack of the deer demon. Things are presented on it, and it looks even more shocking.

Blood foam spewed out from the pig demon king's mouth and nose, and the rotating patterns on the deer demon's body stopped, and the flames that had been torn from the pig demon king's body returned to its body again.

Although the deer demon is transformed by the fear of the pig demon king, it will also follow the reality in some places. This is related to Xiong San's control over the fairyland. Just as his control over the fairyland is stronger, then the pig demon king Spraying the true blood of life, can't escape the fate of being sucked by the rotating pattern.

However, after all, this is an illusion rather than reality. If the deer demon in reality is sprayed with the true blood of the pig demon king, it may be broken to the point where it cannot perform the same supernatural power again, but in the dream, it is not true. This happens!

The pattern on the deer demon's body that had just stopped spinning began to rotate again, and the pig demon king who escaped not far away screamed again because his soul was absorbed.

The pig demon king with his back facing the deer demon, because the soul was absorbed by the deer demon, his body was so weak that he couldn't even turn around. Once the soul was completely absorbed, it would naturally be lost. Moreover, because it is in the fairyland, once the pig demon king dies in the dream, he will end up in the same way in the real world.

"You still have to pay a price!"

Looking at the dying Pig Demon King, Xiong San couldn't help but sigh.

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