As long as it is not at the level of a holy fairy, it can be said that everyone's fairyland has a lot of room for growth. The greater the growth space of the fairyland, the lower the control over the fairyland.

Nightmare is a very special fairyland, but as far as Xiong San's current control over this fairyland is, it is really very, very low. It is precisely because of insufficient control over the Immortal Realm that once Xiong San launched a nightmare attack on the people in the Immortal Realm, he had to pay a price to stop, and the price was directly the loss of cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, since Xiong San has been forced to use the hole card of Xianyu to solve the problem, there is naturally no need to stop the nightmare. But this time the situation is different, Xiong San wants to know more about the enchantment, he wants to search the soul of the pig demon king, so he can't let the pig demon king die.

The pig demon king in the dream can no longer move, the deer demon's absorption of the soul power has made his soul weak as if it will be extinguished at any time, and if the deer demon continues to absorb it, the pig demon king will naturally also Because of the death of his soul, Xiong San ended the nightmare of the Pig Demon King at this time, and this action also cost him 80 years of cultivation base.

The loss of 80 years of cultivation does not mean that Xiong San's cultivation has suddenly regressed to 80 years ago, this loss is only at the speed of a normal cultivator for 80 years. Because of this, Xiong San's cultivation base has not been downgraded. In Xiong San's view, this so-called loss can be made up for with a few top-grade energy-increasing food cultivations.

Although Xiong San trapped the Pig Demon King and Mire Spirit in the Immortal Realm at the same time, but because of his lack of control over the Immortal Realm, he couldn't make these two monsters enter a nightmare state at the same time. Therefore, after the problem of the Pig Demon King was 'solved', Xiong San freed his hand to let Mire Spirit enter a nightmare state.

The Mire Spirit has already fallen into a deep sleep. I don't know if it is dreaming or not, but whether it is dreaming or not, Xiong San will bring it a nightmare.

Unleashing the power of the Immortal Realm, Xiong San made the Mire Spirit enter a nightmare state, and he immediately saw what the Mire Spirit was afraid of.

When he saw the nightmare of the pig demon king before, Xiong San was surprised because he never thought that the nightmare of the pig demon king turned out to be a deer demon. This time when he saw what the mire spirit feared, Xiong San was even more surprised. Because the thing that scares Mire Spirit turned out to be the kind of octopus monster that can absorb the power of thunder disaster.

Xiong San was a little excited. They always thought that the octopus monster should be able to touch the core secret of the enchantment, but they didn't expect the Mire Spirit's nightmare to be it!

For a moment, Xiong San hesitated in his heart. He thought he should also leave Mire Spirit alive?

The hesitation was only for a moment, and Xiong San felt that it would be better if he didn't leave Mire Spirit behind! The Pig Demon King had been spared before. Based on this premise, if he wanted to end two nightmares in one fairyland, the price he would have to pay would be much higher, and it would no longer be eighty years. It was that simple, and he was unwilling to bear such a loss! Besides, the Mire Spirit stayed with the Pig Demon King, and the Pig Demon King should know a lot about what the Mire Spirit knew.

Xiong San's hesitation was only an instant, but the end of the nightmare was also an instant, the process was so fast that Xiong San was caught off guard.

The mire spirit trembled when it saw the octopus monster, and didn't dare to resist it at all. The octopus monster was also unambiguous, and each tentacle emitted an electric light, which instantly killed the mire spirit! The only thing Xiong San could tell was that the electric glow of the octopus monster was the power of thunder and calamity, and the octopus monster had the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian level!

Xiong San was able to see the strength of the octopus monster through the nightmare. This is a well-founded thing, because launching the power of thunder disaster itself is the real attack method of the octopus monster, and it is not something that Xiong San can illusory through the power of the fairyland.

When Xiong San fought against the Mire Spirit before, he already had a general understanding of the Mire Spirit's strength through the "Crazy Knife". Because of this, he knew that if he wanted to kill a monster like the Mire Spirit in an instant, the destructive power would not be enough. It is impossible to reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Although the Mire Spirit was killed in the nightmare, the strength of the Mire Spirit in the nightmare has not been weakened. Although the power of lightning of the octopus monster has been increased by the intervention of the power of the Xiong Sanxian, the power of the fairy realm is applied to the nightmare. Xiong San still has some idea of ​​how much power can be increased in the power of thunder calamity. Because of this, he feels that in reality, the octopus monster also has the power to instantly kill the mire spirit.

The result of the matter was not what Xiong San originally imagined, the Mire Spirit just died in the nightmare, Xiong San could only comfort himself in his heart, it doesn't matter if the Mire Spirit died, he can still search for the soul of the Pig Demon King , and have the opportunity to obtain information about Octopus monsters. However, Xiong San has always been unsure in his heart, whether he can know about the octopus monster through the soul search of the Pig Demon King! After all, Xiong San's nightmare is not an octopus monster.

Xiong San had no way to search for the soul of the pig demon king in the fairyland, he could only do such things in reality.

After ending the Immortal Realm, the figures of Xiong San, Pig Demon King and Mire Spirit appeared in the void again, but because of the pig demon king and Mire Spirit, one comatose and the other dead, they appeared in the void. After being in the void, it immediately fell to the bottom.

Xiong Sanyi waved his hand to stop the falling bodies of the Pig Demon King and Mire Spirit, but his brows also frowned.

Xiong San originally thought that he could harvest something from the corpse of the Mire Spirit, but now it seems that this is impossible, because the huge body of the Mire Spirit decomposes as quickly as rotten, almost in two breaths. In time, they turned into a pair of muddy meat, which made Xiong San feel disgusted.

The mud is the Mire Spirit itself, and the minced meat is the corpses of the pig demons wrapped in it. The corpses of these pig demons are in a symbiotic state with the Mire Spirit. If the Mire Spirit can kill Xiong San, it will He can use his own life force to give new life to those pig monsters who died, so that the number of pig monsters who died in the end is only one-third of the original number. However, when the Mire Spirit died in the nightmare, the corpses of the pig demons would naturally not be able to come back to life, and because they were the ones that gave the Mire Spirit the power to move, not only were their corpses no longer complete, Even their inner alchemy melted due to the collapse of Mire Spirit, turning into a pile of filth that was of no use to Xiong San.

Xiong San absorbed the immortal power to prevent the mire spirit from sinking, and a disgusting 'mudslide' immediately fell from the sky.

Bringing the unconscious pig demon king back to the top of the mountain, Xiong San put his hand on the pig demon king's head and started searching for the soul of the pig demon king.

Through the soul search of the pig demon king, Xiong San learned that the life span of the pig demon king has been more than two thousand years, but the memory of these two thousand years is indeed pitiful.

The first memory of the pig demon king was on this mountain. It was an ordinary pig demon, but by chance, it was endowed with wisdom by the mire spirit.

After gaining spiritual wisdom, the originally ordinary pig demon became the king of the population. It spent most of its life in its own territory, never been to places that were too far away. Things are naturally poor.

Three hundred years ago, the deer demon once set foot in the territory of the pig demon king. Just as the pig demon king wanted to attack the deer demon, the patterns on the deer demon's body spun, and it experienced the feeling of being sucked into the soul. However, the Mire Spirit took the initiative to attack at that time, and the deer demon left without further entanglement, so the deer demon became the nightmare of the pig demon king.

The pig demon king has never seen the octopus monster, and the mire spirit who has seen the octopus monster has died. Xiong San's idea of ​​getting more information about the octopus monster is naturally in vain.

Although he didn't get the answer to what he wanted to know, Xiong San's trip was worthwhile. In addition to the earth attribute inner alchemy of the pig demon king, he also got the pig demon king's stick.

The pig demon king's stick is very special. It is a withered vine whose growth year is unknown. , it did not receive any serious damage due to the death of the Pig Demon King. In Xiong San's opinion, it should be able to become a good refining material.

The Luming fruit tree was moved to a cave in the mountain by the pig demon king with the earth magic, and Xiong San found it easily.

When Xiong San found the Luming Fruit, the Luming Fruit was already ripe, and Xiong San didn't know much about its characteristics, but he could tell that its grade was high.

The Luming Fruit was an item that Xiong San wanted to hand over to the Deer Demon, and Xiong San, who had no idea about it, took it to find the Deer Demon.

After seeing the deer demon, Xiong San didn't say much, and threw the Luming fruit directly to the other party.

The deer demon also didn't say much. After receiving the Luming fruit, he immediately presented the map in the void.

"When you enter this valley, you should be able to get what you want to know."

With the voice of the deer demon, the map in the void is enlarged, and a plain looking valley is seen by Xiong San.

"What's in the valley?"

Although he didn't say much before, Xiong San still wanted to ask about the key things.

"Entering the valley is going to another place, and there are things in that place that involve the secrets of this world."

The deer demon paused, and then said: "Don't ask me too many things, I don't know too many things, I just heard about this from another monster back then, so I went to ask you out of curiosity. into the valley, but I did not go into it."

The deer demon's heart was beating a little. It was afraid that Xiong San would attack it. It knew that it would not be Xiong San's opponent. If Xiong San really wanted to kill it, it had no intention of fighting Xiong San at all. It would only pay a lot. A big price to escape.

Xiong San didn't speak immediately, he just looked at the deer demon quietly. In fact, he knew from the deer demon's speaking style from the very beginning that he shouldn't get too much from the deer demon. A clue to the purpose of one step of action is already reasonable to him.

"You'd better not lie to me, or..."

Xiong San stretched his voice, the meaning of the warning was obvious, he didn't know the strength of the deer demon, but no one likes to be cheated, if the deer demon cheated him, he would definitely make the deer demon pay the price.

"Don't worry, you brought back the Luming fruit for me, I don't have any reason to lie to you, not to mention I don't like to lie." Deer Demon said.

From the eyes of the deer demon, Xiong San saw only sincerity, and without saying anything, he immediately flew towards the valley.

As soon as Xiong San walked away, the deer demon couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and the heartbeat sounded like a drum again in the canyon.

Regardless of whether there is any follow-up with Xiong San, the deer demon is ready to change places to live, and it doesn't want outsiders to know where it exists.

Before changing places to continue living, the deer demon still has one more thing to do, and this matter has something to do with Xiong San.

"I hope the rock vines are not obtained by that bear demon!"

The bear demon who appeared in the deer demon's prayer was Xiong San. The reason why it knew that Xiong San was a bear demon was that it had the ability to see through Xiong San's body. And the 'rock vine' it was praying for was naturally the stick that Xiong San got from the pig demon.

The rock vine is also useful to the deer demon, and it is more useful than the deer fruit.

The rock vine was originally a strange thing that grew in the deer demon's territory, and the deer demon had already planted a mark on it. Once it grew to a certain age, the deer demon would harvest it.

What happened later was a bit of a coincidence, the deer demon entered a special state due to cultivation, but the pig demon king set foot on its territory during that time and took away the growing rock vines. It cannot stop the pig demon king from plundering what it belongs to.

More than three hundred years ago, the territory of the deer demon was not in this place. At that time, this area belonged to the territory of a snake demon, so Xiong San, who had searched for the soul of the pig demon king, did not know that the rock vine had something to do with the deer demon.

The deer demon who ended the special state knew the location of the rock vine through the imprint planted in the rock vine, so there was the incident that it became the nightmare of the pig demon king.

The pig demon king didn't know why the deer demon went to its territory at that time, and in that incident, the deer demon also had two surprises.

First, the deer demon did not expect to see the fruit it called the 'Luming Fruit' in the territory of the Pig Demon King.

Second, the deer demon failed to discover the existence of the mire spirit in advance, and had to choose to escape under the intervention of the mire spirit.

After fleeing, the deer demon was not reconciled, the rock vine was so important to it, it must get the rock vine! After that incident, the deer demon conquered the territory of the snake demon, and it was closer to the territory of the pig demon king. It was always working hard to take away the rock vine in the future.

The deer demon didn't mention the rock vine in front of Xiong San, because it still had a fantasy in its heart, imagining that the rock vine was useless to Xiong San, and Xiong San didn't take the rock vine away after killing the pig demon king. In this way, it can easily get back the long-awaited rock vine. But if it asked Xiong San about the rock vine, even if Xiong San didn't take the rock vine, he would think that the rock vine was useful to him, so he might have some ideas.

The deer demon has already planted a mark on the rock vine, and the deer demon can know its location as long as it casts a spell, but this time the deer demon did not sense the location of the rock vine after casting the spell.

"It seems that the rock vine was taken away by the bear demon, and we still need to find the bear demon again!"

Unable to sense the location of the rock vine, the only possibility that the deer demon thought was that it had been put into the storage belt by Xiong San, because it was no longer in the same space, so it naturally lost its sense of the rock vine.

The deer demon has seen two groups of outsiders in his life, and Xiong San doesn't try to trick him as cunningly as the first wave of outsiders, so he feels pretty good about Xiong San. However, feeling good doesn't mean anything. Before Lu Yao was ready to contact Xiong San, he still made a lot of preparations carefully.

After the preparations were finished, the deer demon contacted Xiong San with a thought. When its voice suddenly appeared in Xiong San's mind, Xiong San was really taken aback.

It's not surprising to hear voices from spiritual thoughts, but it's common sense to be able to know the location of the other party through the voice transmission of spiritual thoughts. Even if you don't know the location, you can know the general direction. However, this time the deer demon transmitted Xiong San's spiritual thoughts to Xiong San, so Xiong San didn't know where it was hiding at all.

According to Xiong San's cognition, unless his cultivation reached the level of Gu Zheng, the sound transmission would be so unusual.

For the deer demon, Xiong San was unwilling to speculate too much, anyway, he didn't want to make enemies with the deer demon.

"What does this mean, to scare me? Or is it so alert that you don't want me to know where it is?"

The deer demon's voice transmission was unusual, but Xiong San who calmed down didn't feel that the deer demon's cultivation had reached the level of Gu Zheng. Only when you leave there will you say that kind of warning.

In Xiong San's mind, the strength of the deer demon is at most similar to his, only possessing some special means. If the strength is higher than him, why don't you go get the Luming Fruit yourself? If the strength is higher than him, why didn't he attack him? In the nightmare, the deer demon has the means of soul absorption, which is not a supernatural power that a good person can master.

After stabilizing his frightened mind just now, Xiong San said, "Is there anything else that made me stop?"

The deer demon's divine thoughts were indistinct, Xiong San had no way to communicate with him through sound transmission, he could only transmit sound through the air, but he thought the deer demon should be able to hear it.

"Did the stick of the pig demon king be taken away by a fellow daoist?"

The deer demon heard Xiong San's sound transmission to the air, and its sound transmission also revealed a message to Xiong San. It had never called Xiong San a Taoist friend before, and this time it also began to have this dissatisfaction with Xiong San. Too cold to call.

"It is indeed with me." Xiong San said.

"Fellow Daoist, can you give me the stick?" the deer demon asked again.

Xiong San smiled: "This is my harvest, I can't give it to you!"

As for the deer demon, although Xiong San didn't want to make enemies with it, he still had some displeasure with it. When Xiong San called it a fellow daoist before, he didn't get the title he has now. Moreover, the stick is what Xiong San tentatively assigns to Gu Zheng, and he has no reason to change his mind just because of what the deer demon said.

The deer demon was silent for a while, and then said again via voice transmission: "How can fellow Taoist give me the stick?"

Although the conversation between the two was short, when things got to this point, Xiong San was 100% sure that the strength of the deer demon was not high. If its strength was high enough, big fists would be the last word.

"I won't give you the stick because the stick is also useful to me, but it's not impossible to change things, unless you can come up with something that satisfies me." Xiong San said seriously.

"I saw fellow daoists collect some things before, and I have some similar things here. I want to exchange them for sticks."

When Xiong San set foot on the territory of the Deer Demon, the Deer Demon had already appeared, and at that time it already had an understanding of Xiong San's strength. If it wasn't for Xiong San to pick off the patterns on its body, its original intention was not to compete with Xiong San. Three meet.

It is precisely because he knows that Xiong San collects ingredients that the deer demon wants to impress Xiong San with the things it said.

After the deer demon's words fell to the ground, a picture appeared in Xiong San's mind. It was a pile of high-grade ingredients, with a total of fifteen pieces.

Fifteen pieces of high-grade ingredients are not many for Xiong San, but for the deer demon who usually doesn't care about these ingredients, there are only so many that can be collected in a hurry.

"Do you want to exchange these things for sticks? Don't be kidding, there are a lot of such things in your world. If I want to look for them, I can find so many in one day." Xiong San said.

"Fellow Daoist, can you give me time, and I will find more of these things for you." The deer demon transmitted the voice again.

"I don't think you understand what I mean!"

Xiong San paused, and then continued: "Although these things are useful to me, but if I want to exchange these things for sticks, what I want is a qualitative change, not a quantitative change! The so-called qualitative change is an ingredient with traces of Taoism." , or ingredients of the heavenly and earthly treasures!"

The deer demon was silent. The reason why heaven, material and earth treasures are guarded by spirits is because any creature, even if it has not opened its spiritual wisdom, can know the extraordinaryness of heaven, materials and earth treasures, and there is an instinctive desire to Dominate them to obtain natural treasures. Because of this, the road of Tiancai Dibao's maturity can also be said to be the road of "Blood Sea of ​​Corpse Mountains". Within a certain range where Tiancai Dibao grows, it can be said that there is not even a single ant.

Immortal food ingredients are good, which requires a spiritual creature that has been in contact with cultivation and has a certain level of Taoism to know. It may not be guarded by spiritual creatures, but because it will not emit strange fluctuations during the growth process, It's the kind of thing that can't be met.

"Luming fruit is neither a celestial ingredient nor a treasure of heaven and earth. It is already very necessary for me. Do you think I have the two things you want in my hands?" wry smile.

"It doesn't have to be those two things, it's fine if you have something else that can impress me!" Xiong San laughed.

"It's a pity that I don't have one! Can't Fellow Daoist sell me some face?" the deer demon begged.

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