The finger of Haiyang's giant arm is very fast, and Gu Zheng is in a state of being backlashed by the crazy sword, and there is not much immortal power to dispatch.

However, Gu Zheng's reaction is fast enough, and among the immortal skills he has mastered, there are also supernatural powers that can be displayed without much immortal power, such as Piao Miao illusion.

The Piao Miao illusion body technique was activated by Gu Zheng. He used the word "piao" in this fairy skill, so the fingers of Hai Hai's giant arm didn't touch him at all, and the strength on it alone made him His body swung out in the sea water.

"The response was very unpleasant, and the means were very good. You have my approval."

Ocean Giant Arm Chonggu Zheng said this, and then asked: "Are you curious about what my real body looks like?"

Gu Zheng didn't expect that the giant ocean arm would ask this question, but Gu Zheng didn't care much about this question. He didn't want to care what the giant ocean arm's real body looked like, as long as the giant ocean arm could give him strength.

However, since the giant arm of the ocean asked this question, even if it is cooperation, Gu Zheng also needs to cooperate.

"Of course I'm curious!" Gu Zheng said.

"If you want to see my real body, you need to get me something back. Only when you get that thing can I recover my real body, and only when I recover my real body can I be able to tell you what to do with me." My sister teamed up to create a duel space. You are still in a state of backlash. I can give you time to recover. After you recover, I will open a special space for you to enter. As for what is in that special space, I don’t know. I don't know, and what you need to do is to get back the arm statue in the special space!"

The voice of the giant ocean arm fell to the ground, and the eyes in its palm shone with light. The light shone in the sea water to form a light curtain, and a statue of an arm appeared on the light curtain, and that arm statue was exactly like the giant ocean arm.

"This arm statue is big enough. I think it shouldn't be particularly difficult for you to find it when you enter that space. I will give you a drop of my blood now. When you find the statue, put this drop of blood on the statue. The statue will become smaller, and you will be squeezed out of that special space, remember to bring the statue back, and another thing to note is that you only have one day to bring the statue back!"

Hearing what Hai Yangjuan said, Gu Zheng nodded to express his understanding, and then took the time to rest in the heart magic bead.


Seeing that Gu Zheng had finally returned to the Heart Demon Orb, monk Hantan and his son immediately surrounded him.

"Master, have you made an agreement with them?"

Brother Hantan and his son can also see and hear what happened outside before, but since they are not Gu Zheng, they have already made an agreement with Haiyang Giant Arm to be protected by the power of law. People don't know.

"Yes, an agreement has been made."

Gu Zheng nodded, and when he accepted the ocean giant arm approval test, there was already an agreement between them.

"Master, how about the task of repairing the space world at the current stage?"

Brother Hantan's son also asked. This is a question that everyone cares about. After all, if the space world at the current stage is not repaired, the road ahead will be difficult or even impossible.

"Actually, the task of repairing the current space world has changed, and it can be said that it has been completed, but now I don't want the Conch Banshee to use her special ability immediately, because once the current stage of the space world is repaired, the Void Monarch will If you know, you may start to scare the snake because of this, which is not conducive to future actions." Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then said: "After I have adjusted my breath, we will enter the special space opened by the giant arm of the ocean together. A whole day of mission time, which shows that the area of ​​that special space may be relatively large, and then we will look for that sculpture together."

After briefly chatting with the monk Hantan and his son, Gu Zheng began to adjust his breath with his eyes closed.

A cup of tea passed, and Gu Zheng opened his eyes. Since he is now in the middle stage of returning to the void, even if he is backlashed by the mad knife, it will not take so long for Gu Zheng to adjust his breath.

After leaving the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng reappeared next to the giant arm of Haiyang.

"Are you ready?" Ocean Giant Arm asked.

"Ready!" Gu Zheng said.

The giant ocean arm didn't touch its body anymore. Its mouth in the palm opened, and a very dazzling beam of light shot out from the mouth. After hitting the sea water, it opened a dark opening in the sea water.

Gu Zheng didn't say much, and immediately flew into the dark opening.

The sight in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng appeared in a brand new space.

This is the top of a mountain. Looking down from a height, all Gu Zheng can see is the endless forest.

Apart from the endless forest, Gu Zheng also felt two things.

The first thing is that in this special space, the richness of the immortal essence is stronger than that in the four-way space, and the immortal essence is rich, and the time is one day, and there is never a shortage of ingredients in places like forests, so Gu Zheng Therefore, the extended reverie is that if the statue of the giant arm of the ocean is found early, then he can cook delicious food or even food repair here.

The second thing is that this space is limited by the power of law to the treasure. The heart magic orb and magic crystal have lost some functions here, and their ability is only able to take things out of it.

Carefully observing the surroundings, Gu Zheng's eyes opened wider and wider, and he couldn't help murmuring: "No way!"

"What's wrong master?"

Brother Hantan and his son hadn't been released from the Heart Demon Orb by Gu Zheng, and now they heard Gu Zheng's gaffe, and hurriedly asked.

"This is not a special space at all, but a space world at all!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the father and son of the monk Hantan in the Heart Demon Orb looked at each other in dismay. Couldn't the special space also be called the space world? They didn't understand what Gu Zheng was trying to express!

As if knowing the doubts of the father and son of the monk Hantan, Gu Zheng said again: "This is one of the many space worlds inside the fairy-level space fairy, and we have been to this space world before, that is, before entering the four-way space. That space world!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the father and son of the monk Hantan in the Heart Demon Orb all widened their eyes, and the same voice came out of their mouths.

"No way?"

Brother Hantan and his son were shocked. They had already entered several space worlds with Gu Zheng, but they had never encountered a situation where they could re-enter a space world that had already been cleared.

"That's right, it's the space world. It's just that this space world has become a little different after we cleared the level."

The reason why Gu Zheng said that it has become different is not only the fact that the treasure is restricted, but also the feeling.

"Master, what shall we do next! There is only one day, and this place is very big!"

After the shock, Brother Hantan was very anxious. He had no reason not to be in a hurry. This space world is too big! The forest is huge and boundless. In the forest is the one they have been to, which is also a very large enchantment. Outside the forest, there is also a large and endless desert. If you want to go to the desert, you have to wait until night. Find your way to the desert in the forest.

"Don't think about it if it's far away, I want to confirm one thing first."

Gu Zheng is also a bit big-headed, and he doesn't know where the statue of the giant arm of the sea will be, so he can only take a step to see.

Gu Zheng became agitated, and he quickly descended the mountain with the Heart Demon Orb. The last time he appeared in this place, he had no cultivation base. The process of going down the mountain was to control the Heart Demon Orb. Of course, efficiency is not good, but this time is different. Yes, he is already an immortal cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, and he is going down the mountain very fast.

What Gu Zheng wants to verify is that when he went down the mountain last time, he entered a cave halfway up the mountain. He met a monster in that cave, and also harvested a treasure of heaven and earth. Now he wants to go to that cave Let's see if there is any difference from the last time I left this space world.

Gu Zheng has come to the outside of the cave, but he did not enter it himself but went in to investigate with his divine sense.

There are monsters in the cave, but it’s not the one that Gu Zheng met last time. It’s a wolf monster. Its strength is like the one in the early stage of returning to the void. It’s stronger than the one that Gu Zheng encountered last time. I don’t know. How many times powerful.

The wolf demon in the early stage of returning to the void was not enlightened, and when he saw Gu Zheng's divine sense entering the cave, he foolishly attacked the divine sense.

What the wolf demon's attack spit out was a ball of light, and Gu Zheng's divine sense was a spot of light, but the effect of the collision between the two was that the huge ball of light was instantly disintegrated.

Seeing that the ball of light it spit out was disintegrated by the light spots entering the cave, the wolf demon felt that something was wrong, so it ran towards the depths of the cave.

However, the speed of the wolf demon was not as fast as the light of the divine sense, and it was not as fast as the divine sense that turned into a bird. It was hit by the divine sense bird, and the lower body immediately began to disintegrate, and soon the whole body turned into nothingness.

Controlling the bird of divine thought to circle around the cave, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. There were no natural treasures here, and according to the strength of the wolf demon, he had already seen that this re-entered space world was more difficult than before. higher.

"Where do you think we should go next? Or where do you think the statue of the giant arm of the ocean will be?" Gu Zheng suddenly asked the father and son of the monk Hantan.

"I think the statue of the giant arm of the ocean is more likely to be in the tribes in the desert. After all, it is normal for statues to appear in tribes." Brother Hantan said.

"I think the statue of the giant arm of the ocean will be in the original enchantment, because that enchantment is dangerous enough!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

After hearing what Brother Hantan and his son said, Gu Zheng didn't speak immediately, and Brother Hantan and his son all looked at him quietly, but their eyes were waiting for his reply.

"Let's talk in the forest first!"

Gu Zheng is not sure now, where the sculpture of the giant ocean arm will be, but it is his best choice to go to the forest. After all, there may be monsters with relatively high spiritual intelligence in the forest. After catching such monsters, obtaining some information through soul searching is the best choice at the moment.

The speed of traveling now is much faster than when he entered this space world last time, anyway, Gu Zheng can fly now.

During the flight, Gu Zheng still has a good observation ability for the forest below, because his divine sense is exploring in the forest below.

Gu Zheng is a little unhappy, because not only are there no monsters in the forest below, but there are also no ingredients!

When I first entered the space, no matter how many worries I had, there was still a trace of attraction in the midst of those worries, that is, there is no shortage of ingredients in the forest in common sense! However, this common sense is broken here. It is not true that there are no ingredients in the forest, but the grades of those ingredients are all below ordinary quality. For the current stage of Gu Zheng, there is no doubt that the ingredients of this quality are of no use. ingredients used.

"It seems that this space world has changed a lot, but I don't know whether the door leading to the enchantment and the method leading to the desert will work." Gu Zhengxin said.

Since there are no ingredients in the forest, Gu Zheng no longer distracts himself from the search for ingredients. He wants to go to the door leading to the enchantment first. If the door is gone, then the changes in this space world Even if it is really big, the melancholy of the ancient struggle will surely become more.

Flying in the direction he wanted in his heart, Gu Zheng's divine sense finally found a monster in the forest below, but the wild boar-like monster's eyes were full of chaos, and it looked like a fierce beast.

In fact, this space world is not without some benefits, just like the wolf monster that Gu Zheng encountered before, or the wild boar-like monsters now, they actually have inner alchemy in their bodies! However, Gu Zheng has no intention of hunting Neidan at all now. At first, he thought that helping Hai Yangjuan to find the sculpture would take a lot of time, but now he feels that a whole day is not enough, so naturally I don't want to waste time on collecting inner alchemy anymore, even if it doesn't take much time to do it! Therefore, Gu Zheng's divine sense didn't do anything to the wild boar monster found.

Sensing the seriousness of the ancient dispute, Brother Hantan and his son didn't say much, and this kind of test that made people clueless naturally made the atmosphere between the three very dignified.

As he got closer to the original gate, Gu Zheng's mood became worse and worse, because along the way, he encountered as many as fifteen monsters, but it is a pity that these Not a single one of the monsters is intelligent, and their eyes are full of chaos!

"If I encounter a monster again, even if it is without wisdom, I don't want to let it go."

Gu Zheng is a little annoyed, and his temper has become aggravated because of this. Anyway, the matter is now clueless, and he doesn't want to be too depressed and save time. If there are monsters who are on the way, then collect the inner alchemy of those monsters It's done, it's a bit of a gain, it's better than nothing from the beginning to the end.

Just as Gu Zheng made such a decision in his mind, the trees in the forest below shook for a while, and a mammoth-like monster appeared within the scope of Gu Zheng's spiritual detection.

Gu Zheng's divine sense flew towards the place where the mammoth monster was. When it was about to approach the mammoth drug, a skunk-like monster suddenly jumped out of the ground, and a pair of claws pointed towards the divine sense light spot above its head. hug.

The investigation of the divine sense does not even let go of the ground. In fact, Gu Zheng knew that there was a skunk monster below, but he knew that the skunk monster that was ready to attack would definitely attack his divine sense, so he also I didn't take the initiative to find it. Anyway, as long as it dares to touch the light spot of divine sense, its body is waiting to be disintegrated!

When the skunk monster encountered Gu Zheng's divine sense, it immediately let out a scream. It was not strong in the first place, and its claws were broken down by Gu Zheng's divine sense in an instant.

Gu Zheng's divine thoughts were not polite, and hit the skunk monster's body again, and then flew towards the mammoth monster without looking back.

It seemed a simple bump, but Gu Zheng knew that the skunk monster was dead, and its inner alchemy would not be broken down, this was the control of the divine mind.

Sure enough, the body of the skunk monster was disassembled, but when the divine sense was about to touch its inner alchemy, it automatically avoided it, so that its inner alchemy rolled out, and was absorbed by the Gu Zheng felt later. In the heart magic bead.

On Gu Zheng's side, he had just collected the inner alchemy of the skunk monster into the Heart Magic Orb, and on the other side, his divine sense had already hit the mammoth monster.

The strength of the mammoth monster is equivalent to the peak of returning to the void. This is the monster with the highest cultivation level that Gu Zheng has encountered after entering this space world, so when the divine sense attacked it, it had already turned into the state of the divine sense flying bird.

Although the mammoth monster has good strength, it can't withstand the successive impacts of the Guzheng Divine Mind Bird. It wants to fight back, but its attack methods don't work against the Divine Mind Bird. It wants to escape, but the speed is not as fast as the Divine Mind Bird. So fast, that in just a moment, when Gu Zheng's main body rushed over, it had been completely decomposed by the divine sense, leaving only the inner alchemy still on the ground.

Neidan put away the mammoth monster, and Gu Zheng felt better. This is not just because of the harvest of Neidan, but because his divine sense has detected that the old tree like an arch is still there. And as long as you pass through the old tree like an arch at night, you can enter the enchantment that Gu Zheng entered.

Gu Zheng flew in another direction without staying at the old tree of the arch. He has now decided that if he still does not encounter a wise monster along the way, then he will wait at the destination and wait until At night, he wants to see if he can enter the desert from there. If he can enter the desert, he wants to go to the desert to have a look first! After all, the first human tribe that entered the desert, when Gu Zheng left last time, there were still many prophets and villagers in the tribe. The prophet's divination skills are still a bit powerful. If the prophet is still there, Gu Zheng thinks He may be a breakthrough in this search for sculpture.

On the way to the destination, Gu Zheng encountered more than a dozen monsters. Besides running on the ground, some of these monsters also flew in the sky, and some even crawled on the ground. But it is a pity that all of these monsters There is no wisdom, and apart from providing inner alchemy to Gu Zheng, nothing else can be provided to Gu Zheng.

Returning to the place where he entered the desert once again, Gu Zheng was overwhelmed with emotion. He never expected that before he became the master of the fairy-level space artifact, he would enter the space world that he had cleared again, and still In order to complete such a task.

"They come, the security!"

Gu Zheng sneered, he landed on the ground from the air, and decided to do something meaningful.

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