The meaningful thing that Gu Zheng wants to do is cooking. Anyway, he has already decided to wait for the night to come here, so it would be too bad not to take the opportunity to do something that can make people relax.

However, there is one more thing to do before cooking, and this thing is to refine the inner alchemy of metal.

The metal inner alchemy that Gu Zheng is currently refining is the fourth one. Anyway, as long as he has time now, he will refine it as soon as the time comes. He also really wants to have the source of the real gold, or even the spirit of the real gold. Even if the metallic fairy art cannot shine as brilliantly as Honghuang in the space world, it is still a good thing to have such a powerful attacking fairy art.

When Gu Zheng was refining the metal inner alchemy, he also released the father and son of the Hantan monk. Now the father and son are wreaking havoc on the forest. After all, cooking needs a place later.

The time of a stick of incense passed unknowingly, and Gu Zheng also ended the refining of the metallic inner alchemy. Now the natal real gold cyclone in his dantian is very stable, and the speed of refining the metallic inner alchemy is also faster .

The venue has been set up, and Gu Zheng took out the stone kitchen utensils and ingredients from the heart magic bead.

Looking at the stone kitchen utensils that were taken out, Gu Zheng felt a little uncomfortable. Because of the limitation of the laws of the space world, the heart magic orb and magic crystal can only take things out of it, but cannot put things in, so the inner alchemy collected on the road He carries it with him, just like the stone kitchen utensils and the father and son of the monk Hantan. Once they leave the Heart Demon Orb, there is no way to go back. When the time comes to leave this space world, things like stone kitchen utensils will be It can only be taken with you.

At this moment, Gu Zheng is processing the ingredients, and the ingredient he is processing is a red-striped dragon fish of the highest grade. The body length of this red-striped dragon fish is one meter, and it is also possible to make it into a grilled fish for three people to fight teeth. of.

Brother Hantan and his son couldn't judge the grade of the ingredients, but when Gu Zheng told them that the grade of the ingredients of the red-striped dragon fish was excellent, they almost jumped up for joy, no matter how they followed Gu Zheng for so long, naturally I know how delicious it is to cook high-quality ingredients through the hands of Gu Zheng.

High-quality ingredients are very convenient to handle, and soon Gu Zheng processed the red-striped dragon fish.

This is a forest, not a place where ingredients are scarce like the four-way space, so Gu Zheng no longer needs to use fish oil to replace the flames used to grill fish. He forages for some fruit wood, which he will use this time to grill the fish.

The fruit wood has been put into the oven, Gu Zheng flicked his fingers towards the oven, a cluster of flames entered the oven and ignited the fruit wood inside.

Gu Zheng used the fire control tactic to control the flame, and the fruit tree soon turned into a furnace of charcoal, so Gu Zheng put the red-striped dragon fish that needed to be roasted into it.

The fire control formula urges the fire to keep the temperature at the best point for charcoal-roasted red-striped arowana. The water control formula controls the water in the red-striped arowana so that it does not flow out too much, thus keeping the fish fresh and tender.

As the charcoal grilling process continues, the aroma of the grilled fish becomes stronger and stronger. After all, this is a high-quality ingredient, coupled with Gu Zheng's cooking techniques, the aroma is not only mouth-watering, but can also waft for dozens of miles!

If it is in the four-way space, when Gu Zheng cooks this kind of delicacy, he will definitely use the fairy array to block the aroma, so as not to attract any monsters to spoil their mood. But in this spatial world, Gu Zheng didn't set up any fairy formations to prevent the fragrance from spreading. Anyway, he really hopes to see some monsters now, not only for the inner alchemy of those monsters, but also to see if they can You can't attract spirit beasts, and then search for their souls, so as to deepen your understanding of this space world.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool swallowed their saliva frantically. The smell of charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana is really delicious. They have already seen the white mist that can be transformed into a very fragrant form. At this moment, it has gathered above the oven. When the grilled fish is out of the oven, the white gas will penetrate into the grilled fish, so that the aroma of the grilled fish will be upgraded to a higher level, and a magical and extremely fragrant transformation will be produced.

The nearby monsters had already been killed when the father and son of the monks in the cold pool cleared the field, so it was not until the charcoal-roasted red-striped dragon fish was about to be released that the monsters came to make trouble.

There were a total of three monsters who came to make trouble, all of them looked weird, and they couldn't tell what they looked like, and they were all without intelligence.

Brother Hantan and his son had no sympathy for this kind of guy who had no value other than inner alchemy. After they dealt with these guys with thunderous means, they eagerly moved to Gu Zheng's side and waited to eat them. .

Not to mention that the father and son of the Hantan monks are more greedy, in fact, Gu Zheng's appetite has also increased sharply at the moment. The special ingredient of the red-striped dragon fish is very special. It can eat many things in its stomach. Gu Zheng also dealt with it this time. It took some time, so there is no winter in its belly, and the smell is more appetizing.

Finally, the charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana came out of the oven. In addition to being oily, the fish also had a beautiful sauce red color, as if it had been stewed instead of charcoal-grilled.

Originally, the white gas above the oven penetrated into the flesh of the red-striped arowana when it came out of the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish. Appeared, a vivid miniature red-striped arowana was swimming above the charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana. The red-striped arowana still has evasive behavior.


When Gu Zheng cut open the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish with a stone knife, the father and son of the monk Hantan let out exclamations of wonder.

The charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana this time is different from the grilled fish that the Hantan monks had eaten before. The grilled fish that the Hantan monks had eaten before did not have internal organs at all, but this time the internal organs of the grilled fish were preserved. The fish sausage, fish liver and fish roe, the reason why Guzheng keeps these things is because their ingredients are also of good quality, and the cooking method is also the most suitable for charcoal grilling.

A fish was divided into three parts, and Gu Zheng gave two of them to the cold pool monk and his son.

No matter how intoxicated the cold pool father and son are, anyway, Gu Zheng has to concentrate on tasting his food.

Picking up a piece of fish that was grilled to a sauce-colored appearance, put it in his mouth and savored the delicious, tender and juicy meat with a strong barbecue smell on the outside. Gu Zheng closed his eyes and tasted it comfortably.

After tasting the fish meat that made him very satisfied, Gu Zheng began to taste the internal organs of the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish again.

Gu Zheng seldom eats fish viscera, but due to the special reason of the red-striped dragon fish, even the viscera are high-quality ingredients. Some of the substances contained in them make them very suitable for charcoal grilling, so Gu Zheng also made this attempt.

The first thing Gu Zheng tasted was fish intestines. Because Gu Zheng’s cooking skills are strong enough, this kind of thing that should be very fishy has no fishy smell at all. Not only that, in addition to the crispy taste, it also has There is a fresh fragrance that fish meat does not have, and it is really a long aftertaste after eating one.

After tasting cod liver, Gu Zheng began to taste cod liver again. The taste of cod liver is also very delicious. Among them, there are also fish roe that are slightly elastic when bitten down, but are delicious and sticky to the teeth. The taste is really wonderful and makes people salivate.

After concentrating on tasting the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish, Gu Zheng found that the portion belonging to the monk Hantan and his son had already eaten up, but both of them still seemed unsatisfied.

"It's a pity! The ingredients are too rare, otherwise this time I will definitely fill you up!"

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, he just sighed in his heart.

Indeed, ingredients are too scarce for Gu Zheng. After entering the four-way space for the third time, it can be said that the only place where ingredients can be harvested is the void space.

During the period of entering the four-way space, Gu Zheng entered the void space twice through the walrus ivory. The ingredients harvested from it for the first time, plus the stock in the Heart Demon Orb before, Gu Zheng gave himself and the cold pool monk each Cooked a dish for food and repair.

Entering the void space for the second time, I harvested thirteen ingredients. These ingredients are not low-grade, and some of them shorten the interval between food repairs. I never thought that when I was about to leave the void space, I would encounter When it came to the Void Lord, the walrus ivory was broken and left in the void, and Gu Zheng could only cooperate with the giant arm of the ocean, trying to get the walrus ivory road out of the void.

Entering the current space again, Gu Zheng was full of hope at the beginning. There is a large forest here. He hoped that he could make a good supplement of ingredients here. There are no ingredients above the ordinary level!

It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Although he wanted to indulge, Gu Zheng used the high-quality food material red-striped dragon fish to make tooth sacrifices, but the reserve of food materials was still tight, and Gu Zheng had to save some. If you want to practice cooking, then you can only put the indulgence of appetite in the back row, and wait until the food reserves are more abundant.

After tasting the delicious food, Gu Zheng is ready to cook Shixiu. He will cook one for himself first, and then one for the monks in Hantan.

The food cultivation that Gu Zheng wants to cook for himself this time is still Zengyuan Food Cultivation, and his cultivation base was improved only after entering the four-way space this time, because this time Zengyuan Food Cultivation cannot improve his cultivation base It is the late stage of returning to virtuality.

Looking at the ingredients that he had taken out of the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh, this is not a prehistoric place, the ingredients are really scarce, so that the food he can cook now is still Zengyuan Food Cultivator, like There is no way to cook for Danyuan Food Cultivator, Immortal Origin Food Cultivator, Immortal Fruit Food Cultivator, and Sacred Fruit Food Cultivator.

Sighs are sighs, but what needs to be done is still to be done. Gu Zheng used a total of twelve ingredients for cooking Zengyuan Shixiu this time, and among the twelve ingredients, the lowest quality is medium-level. And there are only five ingredients. Among the remaining seven ingredients, one is a special ingredient that can shorten the interval between food repair and taking, and there are six ingredients, four of which are excellent grades, and the other two are high-grade. With a luxurious lineup of ingredients, even if it is an increase in food cultivation, the effect of the medicine is already very powerful.

According to Gu Zheng's prediction, after taking the Zengyuan Food Cultivator this time, taking another one will be able to advance his strength to the late stage of returning to the void, and after the late stage of returning to the void, in addition to improving his own strength, there is another benefit That is, using the Crazy Knife will no longer suffer backlash.

The twelve ingredients have been preliminarily processed by Gu Zheng through tedious steps and different processing methods, but there are still monsters making trouble during the processing of the ingredients. After all, the aroma of the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish that Gu Zheng cooked before really spread so far that some monsters arrived only now! But what makes people more helpless is that among these monsters, there is still no one with enough wisdom.

After processing the ingredients, Gu Zheng began to cook. This time he will use braised cooking method, and the twelve ingredients this time are basically meat-based. These meat ingredients are fried or fried. After roasting, put it into the soup made from plant ingredients for stewing.

The cooking has already begun, and Gu Zheng used the fire control formula and the water control formula at the same time. The fire control formula keeps the temperature at the most suitable level, and the water control formula is to lock or dehydrate the food, or to make several kinds of food The juice is fully blended.

As the cooking process continued, the aroma in the air gradually became stronger.

This time, the food repair of Guzheng Cooking, due to the more luxurious ingredients, the fragrance is actually stronger than the purely delicious charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana before, and it will spread farther. The fragrance of a person's food can be spread for dozens of miles, so the fragrance of food repair can be spread for hundreds of miles.

As time went by, monsters from farther places came over following the fragrance, and all of these monsters that came over were killed by the monks of the cold pool, and no one was left alive because these monsters had nothing to do except contribute to the inner alchemy. For what else.

Watching the ancient struggle of concentrating on cooking and cultivating food, the father and son of the Hantan monks are suffering very much. This suffering comes from the fragrance on the one hand and the mission on the other! After all, there is still no clue as to where the sculpture of the giant arm of the ocean will be hidden. Originally, they also pinned their hopes on monsters, hoping to learn more through soul searching, but until now, No less than forty monsters have been beheaded by them, but they haven't even encountered a monster with a slightly higher spiritual intelligence. The hope of a highly intelligent monster.

The white mist above the pot has become more and more dense, and the Food Cultivation Crossing Tribulation in the cooking process of Food Cultivation will appear soon.

Even though the food cultivation for food cultivation this time will be more intense due to the more luxurious ingredients and powerful medicinal effects, but for a veteran like Gu Zheng, this is not a problem at all.

The Food Cultivation Transcending Tribulation has already occurred, and strange fluctuations suddenly appeared in the pot, so that the ingredients that were originally quiet in the pot wanted to jump up. If it wasn't for Gu Zheng's timely suppression, those ingredients might have jumped out of the pot.

Food cultivation is not a wave. After the strange fluctuations in the pot were suppressed by Gu Zheng, they were all scattered in the food, so that the ingredients seemed to come alive, some jumped up and down, and some bumped left and right. , looks very restless.

Faced with this situation, Gu Zheng directly covered the pot with a pot lid, then put a seal on the pot lid, and used great mana to suppress the ingredients in the pot.

Brother Hantan and his son couldn't see what was going on inside the pot, they could only hear the ping-pong sound of ingredients hitting the lid of the pot, and if they only listened to this sound, they would think that Gu Zheng was frying beans.

After tossing and tossing about the ingredients in the pot, they finally fell into silence, and the Food Cultivation Tribulation has been completed.

Gu Zheng began to cook the food out of the pot, and the white mist that had condensed above the pot quickly entered the food, turning into vivid images flying around the ingredients, and the ingredients corresponding to these images all came from the void space.

Thinking of the void space, the walrus ivory road still left in the void space, and the hateful void monarch, Gu Zheng began to taste the ingredients fiercely, just like biting the void monarch's meat.

There is nothing to say about the taste of the food repair. Gu Zheng still tasted the ingredients that make up the food repair individually as usual. After tasting these ingredients, he began to take the food repair with big mouthfuls.

When Gu Zheng was taking food cultivation, the monks in Hantan and his son were still beheading the monsters that came along with the fragrance, but these monsters still didn't have the kind with high spiritual intelligence, so that Gu Zheng didn't give any hope to these monsters up.

After taking the food repair, Gu Zheng sat cross-legged, and the effect of the medicine soon took effect in his body. The pores all over his body opened up and turned into whirlpools, and above his head appeared a soaring tornado, which was as high as ten feet!

The immortal essence between heaven and earth began to frantically gather towards Gu Zheng's body, and the birds in the forest flew away in shock. Yuan's plunder is a bit too scary.

It took a whole meal for Gu Zheng to end his plundering of the immortals between heaven and earth. At this moment, his cultivation base is still in the middle stage of returning to the void, but it has changed from 30% cultivation base before taking food cultivation to the current one. 80% cultivation base! After all, the ingredients that constitute Zengyuan Food Cultivation this time are more luxurious than last time, and the richness of the immortal essence in the current space is also much higher than that in the four-way space, and it is better to take it in a place where the immortal essence is richer. Food cultivation, the effect is naturally better than taking it in places where immortal energy is scarce.

Another cup of tea was adjusted to stabilize the quick-acquired celestial power, and Gu Zheng took out the ingredients from the Heart Demon Orb again, this time he was going to cook food for the monks in the cold pool.

The food that Gu Zheng cooks for the cold pool monks this time is Danyuan Food Cultivation, and Danyuan Food Cultivation does not require too much ingredients, it needs more inner alchemy, so Gu Zheng used the Heart Demon Orb There are only five kinds of ingredients, but there are fifty inner alchemy. It is precisely because of these fifty inner alchemy that the cultivation of the monks in the cold pool can be guaranteed from the middle stage of returning to the void to the late stage of returning to the void. After all, the strength of each of the fifty monsters represented by the fifty gemstones is no less than that of the late Void Return Stage.

Although the amount of ingredients is relatively small, among the five ingredients, the lowest quality is excellent, and the proportion of high-grade ingredients accounts for two-fifths. Therefore, the Danyuan food repair that Gu Zheng cooked for the monks of Hantan this time, The effect of the medicine is really very powerful, and it also needs to go through food cultivation to cross the tribulation.

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