Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 356 Trust You Once

For many people, Earl Karl's favor is a treasure that cannot be bought with money.

Earl Karl, the family was made an earl more than 500 years ago, and it has been prosperous for so many years. They not only have their own castles and wineries, but also have properties all over the world. They also have a relationship with Rothschild , Rockefeller and other top giants in the world have a deep relationship.

Earl Karl has said so, Sir Brown is of course satisfied, and he has no regrets at all, let alone he won this time.

"Mr. Gu, your cooking skills are really good!"

Count Karl walked up to Gu Zheng again and gave him a thumbs up. He also tasted the chicken blood soup that Gu Zheng made just now, and he also conquered him.

"I personally like cooking very much. If there is a chance, I hope to invite you to my house as a guest. Let's discuss cooking together. I want to learn from you!"

Earl Karl continued, he has been praising Gu Zheng, which made others envious.

Gu Zheng didn't know that Earl Karl rarely invited people, and very few people could be invited to his home as guests. They were all heavyweights. Earl Karl actually invited Gu Zheng, which proved that he had already recognized Gu Zheng.

"Uncle Carl, I'm going too!"

Princess Tana, who had been silent all this time, suddenly called out. She came here for Gu Zheng's delicious food, but unfortunately she came late. Now that Earl Karl wanted to invite Gu Zheng, she immediately asked to follow.

"Okay, let's go together then!"

Count Karl smiled slightly. He had a good relationship with the Dutch royal family. He had watched Tana grow up since he was a child. If Tana wanted to go, he had no reason to refuse.

"Sorry, I may not have the time!"

Gu Zheng shook his head slightly. He didn't know how important the identity of Earl Karl was, but it didn't mean anything to him. He wasn't interested in knowing, and he didn't want to be this guest.

It is impossible for others to force Gu Zheng to do what he is unwilling to do.

"That's it, that's really a pity!"

Carl's face froze slightly, but he quickly recovered, while Sir Brown sighed, regretting that Gu Zheng had lost such a good opportunity.

"Do you want to eat the delicious food just now?"

Gu Zheng didn't talk to Earl Karl, and turned around to ask Princess Tana in a low voice. Princess Tana immediately nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"If you want to eat, I can make it for you alone, but you need to answer me a question!"

Gu Zheng continued to ask with a smile, Princess Tana didn't even think about it, she nodded immediately and said: "No problem, you can ask!"

"Not now, wait until today's event is over!"

Gu Zheng shook his head lightly, the event is not over yet, it is not the time for him to ask, not to mention that he is asking about Princess Tana's body skills, such a question is not suitable for asking in public.


Princess Tana agreed again, Earl Karl frowned, but left without saying anything, while Sir Brown came over, complained quietly to Gu Zheng, and felt sorry for him.

Gu Zheng just smiled and didn't say anything. What they care about, Gu Zheng cares about what they don't see.

The activity continued, everyone tasted Gu Zheng's culinary skills, no one dared to challenge Gu Zheng, others challenged one after another, Sir Brown asked three people to challenge, but all three refused.

If you refuse, you need to come up with a small gift that satisfies the other party. Generally, it is not too expensive. In fact, it is tantamount to admitting defeat. This time, Sir Brown received three exquisite gifts, with a total value of about 500,000. Euro or so.

Five hundred thousand euros, more than four million yuan, just the gift of admitting defeat is so expensive, it really is a game among nobles.

Sir Brown gave Gu Zheng a gift for three points. This is a normal dividend. Gu Zheng was not polite and chose a diamond necklace. This necklace is worth about 150,000 euros, not the most expensive one. .

After three challenges were rejected, Sir Brown was no longer challenging.

This is also their rule. If you are rejected three times and receive three gifts, you can't continue the challenge. You can continue tomorrow. Those who have been rejected before can't challenge again.

This is equivalent to saying that each person actually only has one chance to challenge.

This can also prevent a person from constantly challenging or being challenged. Knowing that he can definitely win, he keeps challenging others and challenging the same person. Even if it's just a small gift, others can't bear it. The gift that refuses to challenge has a limit of no less than 100,000 euros.

In China, this is equivalent to paying millions for one rejection.

A day passed quickly, and Gu Zheng didn't do anything anymore. He kept watching other people's comparisons, and it was no longer interesting.

Today, there are seven pairs of chefs competing against each other, and there are six other pairs besides him. These chefs are not weak, their dishes are very good, and their competition is also very exciting.

Gu Zheng made a simple comparison. Judging from the color and fragrance of their cooking, they are not inferior to the top 30 contestants in the Huaxia Food Competition, or even the top ten.

Gu Zheng didn't taste it, so he didn't know the taste, but he could tell a general idea from the process. The five judges were all notarized, and whoever was better was better, and they would not favor one point.

The day is over, and the ones who have gained the most are Gu Zheng and Sir Brown.

In the whole day's culinary competition, there was no bet comparable to the first bet between Gutrang and Sir Brown. Gu Zheng and Sir Brown won a winery together, which was equivalent to earning more than 10 million yuan each.

Even after deducting the part of the food association, they can still earn a lot.

This also made Gu Zheng feel a little bit emotional, a game, more than 10 million euros, more than in the country, this is more than 100 million, his Guji Chicken Blood Soup business is so good in China, he will take almost a year It takes time to have so many dividends.

Here, Gu Zheng is quite satisfied with earning so much in just one day.

"You can't go, you haven't done what you promised me!"

After the event was over, everyone separated, but Princess Tana followed Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng could have told her before, asked her one thing, and as long as she said it, he would make a separate meal for her.

"Okay, come with me and go to where I live!"

There is no one here, and everything is put away, it is not a place for cooking food, Gu Zheng said casually.

"What do you want to do, why do you let me go to where you live, I tell you, I am underage, it is illegal for you to do anything!"

Princess Tana seemed extremely vigilant, and when Gu Zheng said that she was going to his place of residence, she immediately replied, unnaturally pulling away from Gu Zheng to refuse.

Gu Zheng stayed for a while, and finally said helplessly: "You misunderstood, I can't do it here, I can only let you go to my place to do it, if you want to eat, come, don't worry, I don't treat you Any interest!"

"Okay, I'll trust you just once!"

Princess Tana stared at Gu Zheng for a full minute before agreeing to follow Gu Zheng to his room.

Gu Zheng lives in the presidential suite, which has a kitchen, but no kitchen utensils. If needed, he can ask the hotel for them. Gu Zheng doesn't need these, so he directly uses his own kitchen utensils.

The kitchen utensils he sent to the venue before, after Sir Brown confirmed that he would not be challenging today, someone sent them back to him.

After entering the hotel, Princess Tana has always been vigilant, always in a defensive mode, not only defending, but also attacking at any time during defense.

After closing the door, Gu Zheng's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly thought of making a joke with this little girl.

Just do what you want, Gu Zheng swayed slightly, swayed directly behind Princess Tana, and then grabbed it with one hand, Princess Tana was caught by Gu Zheng while exclaiming, and she could no longer move.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Princess Tana couldn't move anymore, and was picked up by Gu Zheng again, and asked loudly there, but her voice was trembling, and it could be seen that she was frightened.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to tell you that I really want to do something to you, and you can't resist, so don't worry!"

Gu Zheng let go, and Princess Tana immediately hid aside, still in a defensive posture, but remembered that she was subdued before she even saw the opponent's figure clearly, and gradually relaxed again.

She understood that she was no match for this Huaxia chef at all, and defense was useless, so it might as well be like this.

"Who taught you your body skills and movements?"

Gu Zheng took out two bottles from the refrigerator, which he put in the refrigerator before, and they were water from his own prehistoric space, which tasted much better than ordinary water.

"It's our guard captain!"

Princess Tana did not refuse to answer Gu Zheng's question, she answered very frankly, and continued: "Our guard captain is very powerful. I have learned from him since I was a child, and he only taught me, not others!"

European royal families all have their own guards, and there are quite a few of them. However, the current guards are more like decorations, but there are also real elites in them. They are responsible for protecting the safety of the royal family. This guard captain must be an elite.

"Is that captain of your guard a Chinese?"

Gu Zheng asked again, but Princess Tana shook her head heavily and said, "No, he is from our country, not from Huaxia!"

"So, can I see him?"

Gu Zheng bowed his head and thought for a while before finally asking.

Princess Tana's agility is a bit like China's Kongkongmen. The so-called Kongkongmen is actually a thief's sect. There did exist such sects in the past. They are all in good health and their agility is particularly good.

But hundreds of years ago, the Kongkongmen disappeared, and there is no more Kongkongmen. Some people say that this sect was chased and killed by the sect because it stole a treasure from a sect. A powerful immortal cultivator, and finally wiped them out.

Some people also said that there are too many treasures in the Kongkongmen, because they steal very well and accumulated a lot of treasures, which attracted the jealousy of others, killed them to seize the treasures, and finally dissipated.

These are rumors, and no one knows the specific reasons.

Gu Zheng knew this, and he only knew it after reading the allusions of Emei, so he saw that Princess Tana's posture was a bit similar, so he wanted to ask, he didn't have any special views on Kongkongmen.

"As long as he agrees, no problem!"

Princess Tana thought for a while before answering this time. Gu Zheng stopped asking and started preparing kitchen utensils to make chicken blood soup for her.

This is what Gu Zheng promised before. As long as she answers Gu Zheng's question, Gu Zheng will do it for her.

Soon, Princess Tana drank the last sip of chicken blood soup contentedly, then lay on the sofa, clutching her stomach, humming in contentment.

She ate most of a chicken blood soup by herself, so of course she was satisfied.

Not only that, Gu Zheng also made the chicken into a dish, and he also ate most of it. This chicken blood soup was also regarded as his dinner by Gu Zheng, but unfortunately he didn't eat as much as this little girl.

"It's getting dark, you can go!"

Seeing the little girl lying on the sofa watching TV for half an hour without moving, she hummed a song at first, then picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

"You are not a presidential suite, there are still rooms, I will live here today!" The little girl continued to look at the phone without raising her head.


Gu Zheng frowned. It is true that this is the presidential suite, and there is indeed another room, but Gu Zheng never thought of giving up the empty room. He has no habit of living with strangers.

"No, you have to go back!"

Gu Zheng directly refused, and Princess Tana raised her head, pretending to be pitiful: "It's getting dark, can you rest assured that a beautiful princess like me will leave by myself?"

"Hao Sen!"

Gu Zheng ignored him and made a phone call directly to the person who served him.

"You arrange a car right away, I have a guest here, you are responsible for sending her back!"

It's getting dark, right? That's fine, find someone to see you off. In fact, Gu Zheng knows that this is an excuse for her. With her skill, several grown men can't rely on her body, so there will be no problem at all.

"I do not go!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng was looking for someone to send her off, Princess Tana simply played a fool and couldn't get up when she crawled on the sofa.

Gu Zheng was also polite, walked over, and tapped directly on her body, and soon Princess Tana was covering her stomach and laughing there, and couldn't stop.

"You, hahaha...what did you do to me...haha...!"

Tears flowed from Princess Tana's smile, but she just couldn't stop, she understood that this was what Gu Zheng did to her.

"As long as you are willing to keep laughing, don't leave!"

"Asshole...haha...I'm going, I'm going...haha"

Princess Tana couldn't bear it very quickly and could only surrender. Gu Zheng just used Xianli to stimulate her laughing nerves so that she couldn't stop laughing. It was a very simple trick.

Although simple, it is very practical.

As soon as Princess Tana stopped, she rushed into the bathroom to wash her face. When she laughed just now, her face was covered with snot and tears.

"You, you bully me!"

Princess Tana who came out was very angry. Seeing that Gu Zheng ignored her, she continued: "Don't think that I am not your opponent, so you can bully me. I will tell my master, who is our captain of the guard, and let him teach you a lesson. !"

"Whatever, people are here, let's go!"

Gu Zheng turned his back to her and waved his hand directly. Just as Gu Zheng finished speaking, the doorbell rang, and Hao Sen had already arrived at Gu Zheng's door.

Looking at Princess Tana who was going out angrily, Hao Sen was also a little surprised. He recognized the little girl's identity. He didn't expect that the princess of a country was here in Gu Zheng, and even shared a room with Gu Zheng. Most importantly, It's night now, so it's inevitable that people won't think about anything.

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