Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 357 The Biggest Winner

Hao Sen was a smart man, without showing any expression, he honestly sent Princess Tana back.

After sending the princess away, Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. The princess of the European royal family will spend the night with him. This is simply an international joke. Who knows if there are any reporters nearby.

Gu Zheng is not one of those hermits who practiced latently. He still cares about some influences on the secular world.

Gu Zheng arrived at the venue early the next morning. Except for Gutrang and Little John, everyone else was there. Little John should stop trying to get into this circle. Gutrang has already been disqualified from this event. So he won't come.

"Gutran has notified me that the property rights of the winery will be transferred to me soon. Do you want the property rights for the other half, or cash it out directly? Don't worry, if you cash it out, I will definitely give you a satisfactory price! "

Sir Brown was in a good mood today. When he saw Gu Zheng, he asked about it. He promised to give Gu Zheng half of the winery that Gu Trung lost yesterday, so he wants to ask now.

"Sir Brown, can you give me the winery, can I give you money?"

After thinking for a while, Gu Zheng suddenly said that French red wine is famous all over the world, and he is also very interested in Bordeaux wineries.

Although red wine is not as good as fairy wine, it also has a unique taste. Gu Zheng also thought about whether he could improve the red wine so that the taste of red wine would become better and more beautiful.

"You want a winery?"

Sir Brown looked very surprised. He thought that Guzheng would retain half of the shares so that he could have dividends. The winery was making profits every year, although the profits were not particularly large.

He also thought that Gu Zheng would cash in and take the money away. After all, the money for half a winery is not a small amount. This amount of money in Huaxia is enough for anyone to easily spend a lifetime. In other words, This money is wealth that many people will never earn in their lifetime.

There are two possibilities, but he didn't expect that Gu Zheng would ask for the winery.

"It's not impossible if you want it, but I have a condition!"

Sir Brown hesitated for a while, and finally agreed, but he also made a request of his own.

"My condition is very simple, I hope you can continue to come here to help me next year, and we will continue to cooperate!"

Sir Brown quickly stated his conditions. He already knew that Gu Zheng's culinary skills were really good. Yesterday's performance had shocked the audience, so he hoped to continue to cooperate next year.

It can be said that if there is an ancient dispute, it is impossible for him to lose, and he will win and make money.

"As long as I'm still in the secular world and China next year, I'll come and help you!"

Gu Zheng didn't think about it for a long time and agreed. It's not impossible to come again next year, but the prerequisite is that he must still be here. With his cultivation speed, he will definitely be able to advance to the realm of immortal cultivators next year. I don't know where it will be.

It may be in Emei, or it may have gone to other places, or it may even enter the prehistoric space.

"make a deal!"

Sir Brown and Gu Zheng clapped their hands. As for what Gu Zheng said was still in China and the secular world, he didn't care at all. He thought it was Gu Zheng's joke. where?

Not in China, but abroad, that is also the secular world.

Of course, the secular world of Guzheng is spoken in English, and the understanding may be slightly different, but it does not affect the general meaning.

Sir Brown agreed, but Gu Zheng still has to pay the money that should be paid. The current market value of the winery is 35 million euros, and Gu Zheng needs to prepare 17.5 million euros for Sir Brown.

Fortunately, there is no need to take the 5% from the Gourmet Association. Sir Brown generously stated that he would pay it.

As soon as the event started, Sir Brown challenged others, but was quickly rejected for the first time. Knowing how fierce the ancient competition was, many people were unwilling to bet against Sir Brown again and avoided him one after another.

Those who were found by Sir Brown still lamented that they were unlucky, but they just thought about it. These people knew that they would be found by Sir Brown sooner or later, unless their luck was particularly bad.

The nobles have a total of ten days of game time. If everyone else refuses, Sir Brown can only find three people at most, and ten days is thirty people. Excluding Little John and Gutrang, there are actually very few people who will not be selected by Sir Brown. few.

By the end of the day, it is estimated that most people will be challenged by him, and some people have even prepared gifts. As long as Sir Brown comes to challenge, they will directly refuse to give gifts.


After receiving a gift, Sir Brown walked towards another person very satisfied. This is a prince from the Middle East. What Sir Brown did not expect was that this prince directly agreed to Sir Brown's challenge.

He actually agreed, not to mention Sir Brown, and everyone else was surprised.

Everyone has tasted Gu Zheng’s chicken blood soup yesterday, and they all know the taste. Their chefs can’t make this kind of taste. It’s simply the top delicacy. The Middle Eastern prince agreed, either he’s stupid or he The chef is very good, and he has the confidence to win the ancient competition.

Whatever the case may be, for everyone else, there's good news ahead.

"I want a share of your team!"

The Middle Eastern prince quickly stated what he wanted to bet on. Sir Brown raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

Sir Brown owns 30% of the shares of a Ligue 1 team. This share is not a small amount, worth a full 60 million, which is much more valuable than the winery he gambled on yesterday.

Moreover, the team he owns is currently doing very well. This year's league is expected to compete for the championship and has already qualified for the Champions League.

This team is also one of the most valuable properties in the hands of Sir Brown.

Sir Brown hesitated a little, not because he didn't believe in Gu Zheng, but because the team's shares were very important to him. He was a fan of the team. He helped the team when the team was in trouble, and won a lot of money. After buying the team's shares, he promised the team and the fans that unless he went bankrupt, he would never sell the team's shares.

It was because of this promise that he hesitated.

"His Royal Highness, can we change to another bet, one of the same value is fine!"

After a while, Sir Brown said that he is a person who respects his promises, so he doesn't want to gamble with the team's shares, although betting is not a sale, strictly speaking, it is not a breach of promise.

"No, I only want the team shares!"

The Middle Eastern prince shook his head. He insisted on the team's shares. If Sir Brown didn't want to gamble, he could only give up the challenge.

Because he is the initiator of the challenge, not the challenger, if he refuses now, he will have to pay half the value of the other party's bet, that is to say, if he wants to give up, he will have to give the other party 30 million euros.

This result was obviously unacceptable to him.

Others also noticed Brown's embarrassment, especially those who knew Brown well.

"Wouldn't this guy know Brown's promise, so he deliberately took this matter to embarrass him?"

"It's possible. After all, Brown made a public promise at the beginning, and many people know about it!"

"This man is too bad, and now Brown is in trouble!"

"I like this prince, so I should embarrass Brown like this, and see if he dares to continue to challenge everywhere arrogantly!"

Many people were discussing there. Gu Zheng didn't know about Brown, but he could understand after casually inquiring. The object of his inquiring was Princess Tana. This little girl also came today.

"Brown has such a commitment to prove that he is not a bad person!"

Gu Zheng nodded secretly, and promised the team and fans that he would never sell his shares in the future, unless he went bankrupt, which meant that the shares would remain in his hands forever, even if it rotted, he would not sell them .

In this way, both the team and the fans will feel at ease, and the team can operate normally and well.

Gu Zheng looked at the Middle Eastern prince again, to be exact, at the chef behind him.

The prince of the Middle East brought their royal chef. He is the most famous chef in the Middle East. He is a top chef. This chef looks ordinary on the surface, but he really cooks very good dishes.

If not, he would not have entered the royal family and become an exclusive chef.

The political situation in the Middle East is somewhat different from that in Europe. Many royal families enjoy real power. That is to say, some parts of them are still implementing dictatorship or semi-dictatorship systems. The royal family has great power. Unlike Europe, the royal family is just a symbol. .

In this way, their royal chef has a higher gold content.

"Sir Brown, promise him that if I lose, I will bear half of the breach of contract!"

Gu Zheng suddenly said something to Sir Brown, the so-called breach of contract means that some bets cannot be sold or gifted. Sir Brown lost 60 million euros, and he didn't want to pay the equity, so he had to pay the other party 120 million in breach of contract damages.

As for cheating, that's impossible. People here don't allow cheating. If they cheat, everyone will attack him in groups. With so many people together, he must be bankrupted.

Brown turned his head, looked at Gu Zheng in surprise, finally turned his head, and said to the Middle Eastern prince: "I promise, I want 10% of the shares in the Lotus Oilfield under your name!"

Brown agreed, and made his own request. The prince of the Middle East has three oil fields under his name, and the Lotus oil field is a medium one. Even if it is medium, the market value is 500 to 600 million euros.

One-tenth of the equity, the value of 50 to 60 million euros, the bets of both parties are equal, there is nothing wrong with it.

Betting is not random, you can only ask for as much as others ask for, but not much, otherwise they offer you something worth several million from your side, but you want a treasure worth hundreds of millions, so what? possible.

The bet is completed, and the match between the two sides is about to begin.

"Mr. Gu Zheng, we won this time, and the bet is the same for each of us, come on!"

Just like yesterday, Brown distributed half of the bet to Gu Zheng, but this time he gave it willingly. After all, Gu Zheng was willing to help him bear half of the breach of contract damages.

Sir Brown doesn't know if Gu Zheng has so much money, but he knows that Gu Zheng has a very profitable business in China, and he has a very good relationship with a top family in China. It is 50 to 60 million euros, which is really no problem.

The other party was cooking Middle Eastern dishes, and Gu Zheng specially identified the other party's ingredients. Three of the other party's ingredients were ordinary, and the rest were inferior.

Enjoying the power of a country, and they are so rich, it is not surprising that there are so many high-end ingredients.

The ingredients are good, but it's a pity that all the ingredients on Gu Zheng's side have been normalized. That is to say, he is making food now, and there are no ingredients below the normal level. In terms of ingredients, Gu Zheng wins.

As for cooking skills, Gu Zheng believes that even if the other party is a fairy chef, he can't compare with Tie Xian's cooking skills. Gu Zheng has absolute confidence in cooking skills.

Ingredients, cooking skills and ancient disputes are all worrying, and he also has immortal power to assist, which means that he completely takes care of the worry, and there is no possibility of losing, even if the other party uses tricks, unless they can hide the past ancient disputes.

Gu Zheng is a cultivator in the late stage of the fifth floor, and his strength is already comparable to that of a junior immortal cultivator. It is impossible to play tricks in front of him, so Gu Zheng has absolute confidence that he will definitely win this time.

What Gu Zheng did this time was fish, the fairy fish of the prehistoric space.

The fish meat is of normal grade, and the accompanying celery is of normal grade. All the ingredients are of normal grade. The fish is divided into two parts, and one part is sent out for the judges to taste.

This time, Gu Zheng was the first to do a good job.

All the judges nodded unanimously after eating the fairy fish from Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng did not disappoint them. The food they made this time is that kind of top-notch food. Even though they have been judges for so many years, they have never eaten such delicious fish.

Among the fish they had eaten, what Gu Zheng cooked this time was the number one.

The Middle Eastern chef's dishes were quickly brought up, and the judges nodded as well.

This Middle Eastern chef's skills are indeed very high, much better than yesterday's Egyptian chef. In China, if he goes to participate in the Huaxia Food Competition, he will definitely be the top three masters, and he may even win the first place.

It's a pity that he met Gu Zheng, the number one with the highest gold content.

In the end he lost, and he was very unconvinced when he lost, so he made a request to taste the delicacies made by Gu Zheng.

This request was rejected by the judges, who did not believe that a reconsideration could be proposed, but they would not allow him to taste alone. The Middle East Prince gave up the reconsideration and was willing to admit defeat.

It was the first time for this Middle Eastern prince to participate in this event. He understood that if the reconsideration failed, he might not be able to integrate into this circle in the future, and his loss would be too great.

He would rather admit defeat than reconsider. Besides, he had tasted the delicious food made by Gu Zheng yesterday, so he knew that Gu Zheng's strength was indeed very strong.

Another point is that he did know Sir Brown's original promise, so he took the opportunity to fight back. If Sir Brown gave up, he would win without a fight, and he would get 30 million for nothing. If Sir Brown agreed, then let his chef compare with Gu Zheng, Not without hope of winning.

Unfortunately, in the end it was the last result he wanted.

After two battles in two days, they all won, and the bet reached 90 million euros. Sir Brown couldn't control it anymore, and grinned.

90 million euros, even if half of it is allocated to Gu Zheng, he still has more than 40 million. This is a huge harvest, bigger than the previous events. With such a harvest, he has basically booked this time The biggest winner of the event.

The third update will continue tomorrow

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