Gu Zheng slept all afternoon, and Mumu didn't wake up when he called. It was only in the evening that he saw the message for him.

Gu Zheng himself didn't expect that he wrote a random manuscript to deal with Mumu's reminder, and it would bring such a big influence. Now the manuscript has been published, and he agreed to the challenge, so he can only take a step forward. step.

But so far, he has nothing to lose.

I am very grateful for Mu Mu's concern and advice to Gu Zheng, and I also replied to the message, saying that I am very confident and will not feel pressure.

Gu Zheng is indeed confident. His confidence comes from the ingredients and raw materials he prepared this time, as well as from his cooking skills and immortal power. If the ingredients, cooking skills and auxiliary factors are all ten, Gu Zheng can almost win To nine points, all he lacked was experience, the experience of making duck blood vermicelli soup.

Even if the same ingredients are used, with the help of immortal powers, the taste of the food will not be inferior to that of the chef, not to mention that his ingredients are more than one level higher than the other's.

The gap in ingredients is a gap that the other party has no way to make up for with cooking skills. This is the source of his confidence.

After washing up and having dinner, Gu Zheng entered the prehistoric space again.

Sleeping in the afternoon is a rest when the celestial power is exhausted. Those celestial powers are all used up outside. For these three days, he will use up the celestial power once a day outside, and then use up the celestial power again in the prehistoric space. Xianli can increase a little bit, and the accumulation of less will make more, and the increase in Xianli is also considerable.

In the prehistoric space, the celestial rice and celestial vegetables that were harvested last time have been replanted. The reward that Gu Zheng received is not a one-time reward. As long as new seeds are harvested, new seeds will fly out by themselves and be planted in the ground automatically, which is equal to his future harvest. There will be a steady stream of celestial rice and celestial vegetables to harvest.

This made Gu Zheng excited for a long time.

In addition to Xianmi Xiancai, there are also ten fairy chickens in the corner next to it. The fairy chickens have grown up a bit, and one of them is bigger than the other fairy chickens, three or four times bigger.

The reason why this fairy chicken is like this is because Gu Zheng has been using fairy power to give birth to it for the past two days, so it grows faster than other fairy chickens.

Xianli can improve ingredients, and can also give birth to ingredients. Xianmi and Xiancai were harvested two days earlier because of Gu Zheng’s Xianli overflow, and the same is true for Xianji. Originally, the growth period was 30 days, but Gu Zheng took three days. If you come to give birth, you can directly grow to maturity without any side effects. This is the benefit of Xianli.

"It's so good to improve the quality of ducks, if you want to give birth to a fairy chicken, you can't use it!"

Gu Zheng complained, but his body still came to the fairy chicken, and he grabbed the chicken's wings with his hands, and the fairy power began to circulate slowly in his palm.

It was not Gu Zheng's own idea to give birth to the fairy chicken, but Qi Ling's suggestion to him. After Gu Zheng obtained inferior sweet potatoes and other ingredients, he was lucky to find a duck that reached inferior quality.

The process of obtaining this duck was a bit of a surprise. When he and Du Yang asked a relative of his to help make sweet potato flour, he found it at a family's home in the mountains, and finally bought the duck for 100 yuan.

Gu Zheng himself does not know how to make sweet potato flour, but a relative of Du Yang does. He once heard Du Yang mention it, so he found sweet potato and asked Du Yang to help. For fans less than three catties, Gu Zheng paid an additional five hundred for emergency processing.

Qian Guzheng didn't care about these things. For him, as long as he could win, it meant that he should have completed the test to get the rice marrow fusion method. He could get it through a normal challenge.

In this comparison, he is still the one who earns.

The ingredients are ready, Gu Zheng originally wanted to improve the quality of some ingredients to ordinary, especially the main ingredient duck and vermicelli, as long as the quality of the duck reaches the ordinary level, even if his cooking skills are average, yes The head chef also won an overwhelming victory. The gap between the common ingredients and junk ingredients is too big, and the taste is completely different.

This difference in taste is like comparing the green and astringent apples that have just fruited to the ripe sweet apples, there is no way to compare them.

But Qi Ling stopped him. Instead of letting him improve the quality of the duck, he asked him to give birth to a fairy chicken. Qi Ling's reason was very simple. Since he was guaranteed to win, he didn't need to work hard.

No matter how good the duck blood vermicelli soup is, it is someone else's cooking skills. He has never made chicken blood soup once after learning it. Why don't you prepare it for yourself? This is an ordinary chicken, and the taste of chicken blood soup better.

The obsessed Gu Zhenggui really agreed to Qi Ling, and gave birth to the fairy chicken for two consecutive days. Today is the third day, and it is too late for him to regret it now.

Talking about complaining, Gu Zheng's hand didn't stop. In order to give birth to the immortal chicken, he took a precious immortal pill. Now his immortal power is stronger and can play a greater role.

Early the next morning, the 300-square-meter Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup Main Store on Pujian Road became lively.

For this challenge, the store's headquarters was not open in the morning, not only their chef came to the store early, but also their company's general manager and vice president and other senior executives also came to the scene.

This challenge was launched on the Gourmet Channel, but the focus is not only on the Gourmet Channel, but also from other media. These media are not live broadcast like the Gourmet Channel, but they have also come to the scene, and they will definitely issue a press release when they go back.

Getting so much media attention, if it works well, it will be a live advertisement, so the whole company will pay so much attention to it.

In order to ensure fairness, the Food Channel website specially invited some people from the Food Association to be the judges. They were also worried that the people on the side of the duck blood vermicelli soup would not admit their losses. These judges are all prestigious people in the circle. Rest assured on the site.

This is all the efforts of Mumu and Mr. Wu, and they are supporting Gu Zheng by doing this. As long as Gu Zheng's taste is really good, he doesn't have to worry about being hacked, at least he can be given a fair treatment.

The agreed time was ten o'clock in the morning, and at half past nine, the website, the media, and the judges all arrived, and the store became very lively. The head chef also put on his chef uniform and prepared all the ingredients. Sit inside and wait.

"Mumu, why hasn't Buzheng come yet?"

Mr. Wu, the director of the Gourmet Channel, also came. Seeing that it was almost 9:50, Gu Zheng hadn't arrived yet. Although the competition started at 10 o'clock, he had to come early to familiarize himself with the venue and prepare the ingredients. It will take time, and Gu Zheng hasn't arrived yet, making them all very anxious.

"Mr. Wu, I'm urging you, just wait a moment!"

Mu Mu went out with her mobile phone, ready to call Gu Zheng, but before she dialed the number, she froze for a moment, staring blankly at the three people who came hurriedly outside.

Of the three people, two of them were holding a large box in their hands, and the person walking in the middle was holding a box in his hand.

"It's you, Omelette Master?"

Mu Mu looked very surprised. She was busy these days, and she only went to Shu Yu's shop once. She knew that the fried egg master was not in good health, so she didn't go there. She planned to go to Shu Yu's shop after this challenge was over. Reward yourself, I didn't expect to meet the master of fried eggs here today.

"Hello Mubian, I'm sorry to hide you for so long, I just won't argue!"

Gu Zheng held the box in one hand, and stretched out the other hand, while Mu Mu, as if struck by lightning, stretched out his hand and shook Gu Zheng in a daze.

Indisputable, it turned out to be indisputable, the master of the fried egg turned out to be indisputable.

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