The gap in strength was too great, more than 300 people were slaughtered after only holding on for a while.

The two Wangu Peak disciples followed Gu Zheng, and they were stunned to see Gu Zheng killing people there. Their strength was no different from those ordinary disciples, and they basically didn't even have the ability to resist in front of Gu Zheng.

"Fortunately, we are disciples of Wan Gu Peak!"

I don't know why, but the two disciples felt this kind of rejoicing in their hearts. You must know that they were still upset before, Wan Gu Peak was not bad at first, the top 100 peaks, but they suddenly encountered a catastrophe, and they had to drop a lot.

Eleven people participated in the competition, and only two of them were left without any allies. Before they came, they were very tragic, thinking that they were cannon fodder, and they were going to be killed by others when they came up. They would definitely be the targets of others.

The final count of the void battlefield is not only the remaining people, if the remaining people are the same, then the ranking will depend on who kills the most people.

"Fight with him!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng was flying in his direction, there were more than a hundred people in one wave, and someone in the smaller team yelled, and more than a hundred people rushed up wielding fairy swords. Unfortunately, their strength was too weak. The dragon stepped forward and easily dispersed them, and started the slaughter again.

A total of more than five hundred people were killed by Gu Zheng.

After the disciples who were killed came back, their peaks were extremely angry. Unfortunately, the head teacher had already announced that the entry of the ancient battle was valid. They couldn't make a fuss about this point, they could only come and scold Changmei for being despicable, Let Jinxian go in and kill people.

Their protesting eyebrows were ignored at all, and Gu Zheng was not allowed to go. Their ranking in the first round is definitely at the bottom, which will have a great impact on the final ranking in the future. So what about infamy.

This is not the first time he has done such a thing. When he came out of Shushan to establish Emei, he was scolded by many people, and he didn't care about it.

After more than a hundred people, there was a team of more than two hundred people in front.

More than two hundred people looked at each other and flew back together. They were about to run away. They could clearly see the scene of the massacre of the previous two waves of people. Those two waves of people were not opponents, let alone they were.

But they forgot that this is the battlefield of nothingness. Although it is big, it is undoubtedly empty. There are other teams behind them. Not only that, but behind them is the third-ranked peak.

The third peak has already set up a sword array. Generally speaking, other people will not come to them, only the top ten peaks will, and the third peak has a total of fifty or so people. There are few, but the cultivation base is not bad. The leader is the Void Return Realm, who is presiding over the formation.

After the formation was set up, it was not so easy to move. Those people ran away, but came towards them, which made the person in charge of the formation very angry and anxious.


The formation couldn't be dispersed by them. In desperation, he could only roar, and rushed forward first. In his hand was a purple fairy sword, a first-class fairy sword.

Fifty people, against four hundred people, just fought like this.

Four hundred people were the majority, but they didn't have any fighting spirit. Although fifty people were few, they had arranged a superior formation.

Especially the Void Returning man, with a purple fairy sword constantly flying around, it is difficult to fight against him with more than three moves, either he was seriously injured or killed, killing a dozen people in a short time.

His majesty also attracted the attention of others, and some of them nodded secretly.

Gu Zheng wanted to chase after them, but when he saw them fighting by themselves, he stopped there. After a while, half of the four hundred people were killed, and then ran in other directions, and the fifty people also lost ten. Several people, the leading man who returned to the void was gasping for breath.

He is not as powerful as Gu Zheng, killing so many people is not a problem at all.

"Senior, let us go, we are willing to give three years' income to Wan Gufeng!"

Seeing Gu Zheng flying over, the Void-Returning man yelled hastily, and Gu Zheng stopped there, as if he was thinking.

This is the third peak, and the income in three years must be a lot, and Gu Zheng never thought of attacking them in his original plan, the top three is not their goal of Wan Gufeng.

"That's fine, but can you make the decision?"

The income for three years is not bad, and I can always give Wan Gufeng some more benefits. Seeing that Gu Zheng agreed, the man who returned to the void immediately nodded his head: "I am the son of the master of Luojian Peak, and I can be the master!"

Since he can be the master, Gu Zheng is no longer insisting, so he flies in other directions. What Luojianfeng has gained in three years can be regarded as a small gain.

Outside, the Lord of Luojian Peak breathed a sigh of relief. His son was really smart. Although he lost more than a dozen people by accident, at least the others were saved. The three-year income is a bit distressing, but it is still important to keep the ranking. worth it.

As for the breach of the contract, he never thought about it. His son promised in front of everyone that he could not breach the contract, nor could he.

Before he finished his breath, he suddenly widened his eyes, looked aside angrily, and uttered two words fiercely: "Despicable!"

The fourth-ranked Fengtou saw that the third-ranked Fengtou suddenly encountered an accident, and their Void-Returning disciples suddenly rushed over. There had just been a big battle here, almost everyone was injured, and the sword array was also washed away. The fourth peak suddenly attacked, causing them to lose several people in one fell swoop.

It's not just the peak master who is despicable, there is also the Void-returning man from the third peak, but he can only fight with his sword.

Gu Zheng is not interested in the third and fourth battles. What he wants is the peak below the 80th, and no one will be left for them.

Gu Zheng continued to fly forward, and those who saw him either ran away or were killed by him. In less than an hour, more than a thousand people were cleared out by him, and there were more people who scolded Changmei outside. No reason.

Especially the original allies, now their intestines are almost green.

You must know that Wangu Peak has golden fairy disciples who can participate in the melee, and their alliance must be retained. With a golden fairy, they can already guarantee that they will not lose and can keep all the disciples.

It's a pity, because of their small calculations, this opportunity was gone, and their disciples became the targets of Gu Zheng.

More than 1,000 people have been cleared by Gu Zheng, and another 1,000 were cleared by their melee. Gu Zheng is killing people, and the others are not unmoved. The worst is the third peak, who was attacked by the fourth peak. In the end, they were all cleared out, and even the man who returned to the void was killed and left.

That Void-Returning man was really powerful. He faced an opponent who was also in the same Void-Returning Stage alone, and there were five late stage Transformation Gods. He resisted for a quarter of an hour before being killed in the end.

The people on the third peak disappeared like this. The peak master was angry and hated. They failed, but he would give back what he had promised to Wangufeng before, and he poured all his anger on the fourth peak. , he already understood that this time the fourth peak wanted to replace them and become the third.

There was still an hour left, Gu Zheng calculated that there were still many people to kill, so he flew over quickly without wasting time.

The battlefield is huge, but it's also small. For ordinary people, two hours may not be enough to run around such a battlefield, but for immortals, it doesn't take long to fly from here to there.

The speed of the ancient battle is even faster, there is no way to escape in the empty battlefield, and those who are targeted by him will basically be cleared out.

"Senior, we are also willing to donate three years' income to Wan Gufeng!"

Gu Zheng was flying forward, when a group of people in front suddenly shouted, this is the seventh-ranked peak, seeing Gu Zheng flying towards him, they shouted in fright.

They knew that they were not the opponent of Gu Zheng, and when they saw Gu Zheng coming towards them, they immediately imitated the third peak and begged for mercy first.

Gu Zheng nodded slightly, and left directly. The people at the top of the Seventh Peak let out a long breath. The evil star finally left. He really wants to kill here, and none of them can stop him.

The two peaks took out their three-year income, which made Gu Zheng a little moved, and he suddenly flew towards a small group of more than 60 people.

There are more than 60 people here, which is the place where the number one peak is located.

"Senior, we are also willing to donate three years' income to Wan Gufeng!"

Before Gu Zheng arrived, the Void Returning cultivator at the head of the first peak yelled. He had seen the horror of Gu Zheng with his own eyes. Even though they had more than 60 people and sword arrays, they had no confidence to stop them. .

Gu Zheng nodded again, turned around and left. After a while, the second, fifth, thirteenth, fifteenth, and twenty-seventh peaks all gave promises. Gu Zheng was like a robbery. In three years, more than 30 harvests were obtained in a short period of time.

More than 30 people add up, they can have a harvest of hundreds of years, and these are all better peaks than Wangu Peak. The harvest of hundreds of years is comparable to the harvest of Wangu Peak in the past two hundred years. Extra money.


The people at the seventh peak rushed towards the sixth peak suddenly, and lost three years of harvest. They had to find a way to get it back from other places. The people at the sixth peak were only one more than them. If there are more people than the sixth peak, their ranking will be higher.

As for the eighth peak behind them, there are two people less than them. As long as they maintain themselves, they can maintain their advantage.

The people at the seventh peak thought very well, but unfortunately there were not many people who thought like him, and the scene became chaotic after a while, and many people from the peak fought together.

There is no fighting at this time, only to chat about a few peaks.

Gu Zheng is still chasing and killing, and the number of people he killed is close to 2,000, that is to say, less than half of the people today were eliminated by him.

After the eighty peaks, there will be no one left. This is the task Chang Mei gave him, and it is also something he must do.

He didn't care about the scuffle in the scene. This is the battlefield of scuffle. He only chased those 80 people who came to the peak before killing them. After more than half an hour, he cleaned up all the fish that slipped through the net, and finally completed the long battle. eyebrow task.

There are already less than a thousand people on the battlefield, and even the people from the first peak joined in the melee. There is no way, no one cares about others in the melee. One of the peaks was beaten by others and took the lead towards them. Come and lead them into the battlefield.

No. 1 deserves to be No. 1. The more than one hundred people who rushed in during the scuffle were cleaned up by them in a short time, and they only lost five people themselves, showing their strong combat effectiveness.

"Unite, unite!"

The people from several peaks shouted there, originally they didn't have so many allies, but the scene was too chaotic, forcing them to find allies on the battlefield, several peaks joined together temporarily, and immediately retaliated against other peaks.

Gu Zheng stopped now and watched them fight.

They still don't know that there are no peaks below eighty on the battlefield.

"Uncle Gu, help us, we will give Wan Gufeng ten years' income afterwards!"

A peak disciple suddenly yelled at Gu Zheng, and their opponent was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at Gu Zheng.

Everyone knows how powerful Gu Zheng is. If Gu Zheng really agrees, they must be the ones who are unlucky.

Gu Zheng shook his head with a smile and refused.

He can promise not to beat them, but he absolutely can't promise to help, no matter how much he gives, he knows this very well, his strength is a bug, if he does too much, it will attract the dissatisfaction of the big bosses outside.

Take it when you see it, Gu Zheng knows this very well.

Seeing that Gu Zheng did not agree, their opponents finally felt relieved, otherwise they would have to negotiate to give Wan Gufeng benefits and come to win over Gu Zheng.

But they hated their enemies even more, and wanted to drag Jin Xian to beat themselves together, and they must not spare them.

Gu Zheng took the two disciples of Wan Gu Peak, flew aside, and stood quietly on the battlefield. The two disciples also killed a few people today, and they were seriously injured by Gu Zheng. They couldn't move. They went to mend the sword .

Making up the knife is also considered their record. In this chaotic battlefield, the two of them can be said to be the most relaxed people, and they didn't do much at all.

"The difference in strength is too great, and it really can't be made up by quantity!"

An elder suddenly sighed and said something, and the others nodded silently, all thinking of the East China Sea exorcising demons by coincidence.

In the East China Sea, the demon broke through to Daluo Jinxian, and his strength soared, surpassing the demon slayer's strength too much, and the magic kung fu he practiced was very vicious, so so many demon slayers were killed by the demon , At that time, did you still think that tens of thousands of people are no match for one person? But seeing Gu Zheng killing people on the chaotic battlefield like cutting melons, they understood that tens of thousands of people are sometimes no match for one person.

According to legend, in ancient times, when the demon king caused chaos, the bull demon king blew away one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers with a single blow. This is how it should be.

Shushan has always been proud of having hundreds of thousands of disciples of immortals. Looking at it now, he should be more sober in the future. A real strong man will not put so many of them in his eyes, only the stronger their high-level power , their status will be higher.

In this way, they will pay more attention to those genius disciples, only they will have a better future.

The twelve elders and Master Ziyun all looked at Gu Zheng at the same time, especially the elder who wanted to accept Gu Zheng as his disciple before, and secretly decided in his heart that after this meeting, he would go to Wangu Peak in person, No matter what, he must take Gu Zheng away and become his apprentice.

Two hours, time is up.

The chaotic battlefield finally stopped, and many people suddenly relaxed. More than 4,000 people entered, but only 300 people are still there, and even the first peak has lost a lot.

This is more tragic than every comparison before. In the past, there were thousands of people left, or even more, but this time there were only more than 300 people.

Many people looked at Gu Zheng in the picture. The reason for this was all related to this person. He himself killed nearly half of the people.

Everyone's consciousness quickly left the battlefield. When Gu Zheng opened his eyes, Changmei and the others were smiling at him. Gu Zheng did a good job. Gu Zheng did everything he wanted, and he did it even better. They brought a lot of resources.

The promises made by the more than 30 peaks are irresistible, and Chang Mei will personally go to their peaks to ask for this promise.

"Brother Gu, you did a good job!"

Tian Mingzi came over and patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder, and praised with a smile. Gu Zheng killed all directions on the battlefield. He took a deep breath, not to mention all the breath now, but at least half of it.

Those who watched their jokes were not as good as their peaks, and those who were taller than them didn't care at all, and they were more sympathetic. This time, these people were all cleared out by Gu Zheng.

"Wan Gu Peak, the twenty-seventh place!"

After the statistics, the higher-ups began to announce the ranking of this scuffle. Wan Gufeng actually ranked twenty-seventh. There are no one left, or one or two masters in the late stage of transformation. Although there are few people in Wan Gufeng, there are three people, which surpasses them.

What's more, even if they win three people at the same time, their ranking will definitely not compare with Wan Gufeng, whoever kills can't compare with Wan Gufeng, Gu Zheng is definitely the murderer king in the melee battlefield, killing nearly half of them alone.

Twenty-seventh place was a bit of a surprise to Zhang Mei. He thought that he would be able to keep the 80th place, but he didn't expect to be better than he thought. Twenty-seventh place is not bad.

Another point, this time there are only more than 200 peaks ranked, and the rest of the peaks are all tied for the last.

There is no way, there are only fifty-six people left in the end, and those who have a ranking, but no one stays on the battlefield, because they also killed people before, and they got the ranking based on the number of kills.

More than 2,700 peaks were not ranked, which made them very angry, but it was not absolute. Two of them were laughing, very proud.

Both of these two are ranked below the top two thousand, and their strength is very weak. One went to a disciple, and the other went to two. I didn't expect it to be just these three people. Although they died in the battle, they all killed them before they died in the battle. I don't know how to kill other people. Anyway, they have a record. It's a surprise that their ranking suddenly entered the two hundred.

The ranking of this competition can affect the final ranking. That is to say, even if they can maintain their previous results, the overall ranking will definitely be higher this time, and it will improve a lot. How can they be unhappy.

The peak owners of the two peaks didn't have any resentment towards Gu Zheng, but were grateful. Without Gu Zheng killing inside, they certainly wouldn't have such a chance.

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