Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 624 Battle of the Golden Immortals

For Wangufeng, the first match should be said to be a success, much better than Chang Mei's expectations.

With the ranking of the first battle, even if the final ranking is a little lower, it will not drop too much, at least it will not drop to less than 600. According to Changmei's plan, he wants to stay within the 300th place. If it can be within three hundred, it is a victory.

The sky gradually darkened. Unlike the Earth, there are twelve hours a day that are very stable here, six hours in the daytime and six hours in the evening, and the climate is basically stable and very comfortable.

Even in the mortal world, the climate is basically fixed. Most of them are good climates, and there are also very cold and very hot places, but there are very few people living in those places, and everyone is willing to live in a better place.

There is no rest in the middle of the ranking distribution meeting, even if it is at night, it will continue.

For the immortals, not sleeping for a few nights has no effect at all. The second evaluation is the battle between the immortals returning to the void.

This time it's a double-catch battle, each peak has only five disciples who are in the void-returning state, and each disciple only challenges the peak of the previous level, and the winner can continue to move forward.

A few peaks with very low rankings, not to mention five return-to-the-void disciples, even if there are no five disciples, such a selection can only be given up.

Wangu Peak still has five Void Returning disciples, but they were not the ones who were prepared before. The five people who were prepared before have all fallen this time. Only one of the remaining five Void Returning disciples is in the late Void Returning stage. Everyone is in the middle stage of returning to the void, and one of them has just been promoted.

This kind of competition is basically a comparison in the later stage. In the middle stage, it was purely looking for abuse, but there is no way, Wan Gufeng doesn't have so many disciples, so he can only send five people up.

In units of 100, challenge upwards from below, 3,000 peaks, divided into 30 venues at the same time, Wangu Peak ranked 97 before, in the first unit.

After a whole day of comparison, their group finally got the result.

The result was not beyond the expectations of others. Wan Gufeng fell to the last place and the hundredth place. Fortunately, this comparison is based on hundreds, otherwise they would not have dropped three places. There will be no surprises.

Compared with the realm of returning to the void, Gu Zheng can't help anything, he can only watch the five disciples come to the stage and admit defeat. This is also Changmei's strategy. , there will be no worse results.

One day later, after a short rest for an hour, everyone replenished their energy. Immortals are also human beings. Although they can skip meals, the feeling of hunger is not uncomfortable. It is better to eat some.

The next third comparison is the real key.

The third match was no longer based on hundreds, it became a comparison of golden immortals, but this time the comparison was about swordsmanship, a disciple from each peak stepped forward, and the one who went to Wan Gu Peak was Tian Mingzi.

Although Tian Mingzi is only at the middle stage of Golden Immortal, his swordsmanship is extraordinary, and he was also the one who was chosen before. This comparison has no effect on Wan Gufeng.

Tian Mingzi performed well. Although the final ranking failed to enter the top 100, it was still outside the top 100, at 137th. If the previous rankings are combined, at least Wangufeng's current ranking has not fallen. Too many, still within one hundred and fifty.

But the most important thing is the final comparison, the comparison of overall strength.

The overall strength is the most important, each peak will pay attention to their own overall strength, and Shushan is also very optimistic about the overall strength of each peak, the final overall strength competition is the biggest key, this ranking affects the final 50% of the ranking.

"Prepare the Xuanwu Gate!"

The Xuanwu Gate is the same as the previous Xuanjing Gate, the difference is that the restrictions on those who enter have been expanded, and only Jinxians are allowed to enter, and neither Tianxian nor Daluo Jinxian are allowed to enter.

At first this comparison was for all disciples to enter, but later it was discovered that those disciples of the celestial beings could only provide limited help, and in the end it was a duel between the golden immortals. No matter how you fight, it will not affect anyone.

But this time the comparison is not a melee, because the real overall strength cannot be seen in the melee. After entering this time, it is a challenge.

The challenge can be leapfrogged, and the third can't surpass too much. Only the top of the hundred can be challenged, that is to say, the hundredth can challenge the first, and the second hundred can only challenge the hundredth.

After the challenge is won, you have the opportunity to continue to challenge upwards.

However, there is only one chance to die inside, and once you die, you will not be able to enter again. If your own damage is relatively large during the challenge, the next step will be more difficult, and you may even be lowered by someone else's challenge.

For challenges, only low-level players are allowed to challenge high-level players, and high-level players are not allowed to challenge low-level players. You can refuse to challenge, but if you refuse to challenge, you will admit defeat, and you will be lowered if you admit defeat.

If the challenger wins, he can temporarily obtain his challenger's ranking, exchange the two rankings, and then start a new challenge. Each peak is only allowed to challenge others five times, and he himself has five chances to be challenged, that is to say In theory, each peak has ten chances to fight, but generally not so many, but there are still five or six times. For some highly competitive rankings, seven or eight times, or even ten times are possible.

After all the challenges are over, the final ranking will be combined with the previous rankings to finally formulate the ranking after this conference.

The ranking of the Jinxian Challenge this time accounts for 50% of the total score, which is very important.

Changmei's goal is to have within 300 people. Now they only have eight golden immortals, but only seven of them can really fight. Gao Shijie wanted to join the battle, but was rejected by Changmei. His strength is no longer enough to participate in the battle. Go in It is also a burden, it is better to stay outside.

There are only seven people, and their ranking is so high, they will inevitably be challenged many times. If they are challenged by a stronger peak, they will give up and admit defeat. As long as they can stay in the top three hundred, it is a victory.

The top 300, plus the previous ranking, the final ranking will be in the early 200s, which has dropped by half. This result is something everyone can bear, after all, their strength has not only dropped by half.

The ranking has only dropped by more than a hundred, which is already remarkable.

Seven people including Chang Mei, Gu Zheng, Tian Mingzi, Wu Chengfeng and *** entered the Xuanwu Gate respectively. After entering, they found a place to meditate and rest without moving around.

This time it's not a scuffle, and there's no alliance. It's just waiting for the peaks to challenge each other after the start.

Many people are staring at the position of Wangu Peak. The other peaks have not changed much. Some strengths have improved, and some strengths have declined, but the improvement and decline are limited. , dropped by almost half.

Although two Golden Immortals were added, the difference between seven and thirteen was still too great.

If there were no such catastrophe, there would be fifteen Golden Immortals at the Wangu Summit, and their strength would have improved a bit. This time the ranking would certainly be able to advance a few steps, not to mention much, it is possible to enter around ninety. It is a pity that they The loss is too great, let alone ninety, three hundred can be kept, it is already a blessing.

This is also what everyone thinks, especially those peaks that are lower than Wangu Peak. Wangu Peak is not good, but it is good news for them.

However, not all peak leaders are staring at them. Many peak leaders have self-knowledge. Those who are particularly interested in Wan Gufeng's position want to get their ranking.

Changmei had already told Gu Zheng these details before, and Gu Zheng understood all this, sat with Changmei and the others, quietly waiting for the challenge from others.

As for whether Wan Gufeng wants to challenge others, Changmei didn't even think about it. Now they want to protect themselves, so it's okay to challenge others, they no longer have the qualifications to challenge others.

The challenge started soon, and the disciples from all peaks were all engrossed in their seats watching the competition of their elders. The battles of the Golden Immortals were far more intense than those of the Heavenly Immortals. These battles also inspired them to some extent. Some people would have breakthroughs after watching the battles. After that, there are always a few people who break through and become golden immortals because of watching the battle.

The low-ranking peaks are starting to challenge upwards, while the high-ranking ones are resting, watching the battle first.

Most of the last hundred gave up the challenge. They basically only have one golden immortal, and many of them are in the early stage of golden immortality. It is meaningless to fight each other. A ranking is basically meaningless, but the last one challenged the penultimate place, wanting to change the fate of the last one.

Challenge upwards one by one, some lose and some win. This time more than 9,000 golden immortals came in, and people died and disappeared continuously, and the number of people inside was also decreasing.

The challenge is very fierce, and the battle is also very fierce. To create such an illusion is to let the disciples really fight desperately. This kind of combat experience will help them save their lives when they are walking outside. They are all from the same door.

But killing is not real death. Everyone knows this, so the attack is extremely ruthless. Many people have exposed their cards. .

Shortly after the start of the challenge, Wangufeng ushered in its first challenger, Die Lanfeng, who ranked 117th.

Die Lanfeng had more female disciples, and they also had thirteen golden immortals, but their overall strength was not comparable to Wan Gufeng before. If Wan Gufeng hadn't lost a lot this time, Die Lanfeng would never challenge them.

The reason why he came to challenge first was that Die Lanfeng also had his own plan.

There is not much difference in strength between them and the top 100. Their goal this time is to get into the top 100, even if they are 100th.

After challenging Wan Gufeng first, we can negotiate to increase the number of Wangufeng. After all, they are 117. They have analyzed that the current goal of Wangufeng is definitely not to keep their ranking, but to drop less. Seventeen is within their acceptable range.

In this way, they can win the ranking of ninety-seven without doing anything. As long as they can keep this ranking, they will have a chance to enter the top 100 this time. They killed other people before they were cleared by Gu Zheng, and they got grades, and the grades were not bad, which gave them the possibility to enter the top 100 this time.

The thirteen golden immortals from Die Lan Peak came together, the peak master was a woman in her thirties, she directly clasped her fists at Chang Mei and said, "Junior Chang Mei, you are very clear that you will not be able to keep your ranking this time, It's better to give up, so that someone will challenge you in the future, at least you can retain your strength!"

The master of Die Lan Peak is right, but the superior tone of his words is unacceptable. It seems that Wangu Peak is much worse than Die Lan Peak. Don't fight, if you fight, you will lose, which is not good.

If Wan Gufeng did not surrender in the first challenge and was killed by everyone, then they would have no ranking, and no ranking will be ranked according to the number of people they killed. It will definitely be lower, and it may even fall below a thousand .

This result is obviously not acceptable to Changmei.

So even though he was very dissatisfied with Die Lanfeng's attitude, but after comprehensive consideration, he was ready to agree first.

"That's right, you are the only ones left, and there is a cripple who didn't participate. What else do you want to do if you don't surrender?"

A person next to the Die Lan peak master said something, and he also raised his head, looking very proud.

But he has the capital of arrogance. Although he is not the peak master, he is the number one master of Die Lan Peak. He is already in the late stage of Jinxian. He deserved the most credit for getting the one hundred and seventeenth place.

"What did you say?"

Tian Mingzi suddenly glared at him angrily. He had the best relationship with Gao Shijie, and Gao Shijie would be the first to be insulted. He couldn't accept it.

"Lord Xiao Feng, our Wan Gu Peak has encountered a catastrophe, but the centipede is dead but not stiff. We still have seven people. If we are really lucky, we will have no problem pulling one or two of you down. When the time comes, we will surrender. I want to know, can you still keep this ninety-seven?"

Chang Mei said in a cold voice, the other party's attitude irritated him, if the other party was too arrogant, they would definitely kill one or two of them with all their might.

Not to mention killing one or two, even if one or two people are injured, the people who are following them will immediately attack and find a way to take the ranking from them.

"You have to know that the price you pay will be even greater, and your ranking may drop even more!"

The Die Lan Peak Master said angrily, but he was a little afraid of Chang Mei's words. Chang Mei was right, they could indeed cause damage to them by going all out, and they had to preserve their strength and meet the final challenge, otherwise they would not be able to keep this nine seventeen.

"So what if you pay the price, it won't make it easier for you anyway!"

Tian Mingzi snorted coldly, he knew that he would have to pay the price, and also knew that it was irrational to do so, if the other party hadn't insulted Gao Shijie, he wouldn't have said such a thing.

"It's just a few of you, hum!"

The person next to the Die Lan peak master snorted again, his strength is indeed very strong, even if Changmei is not sure about meeting him, but the opponent's strength does not mean that he can insult them at will, Changmei also stared fiercely at over him.

"In this case, it is useless to talk more, it is better to start a war!"

This time it was Gu Zheng who was speaking. Although Gu Zheng had no relationship with Gao Shijie, he was a member of Wan Gufeng after all. Wan Gufeng had been insulted like this, and he definitely couldn't accept it.

It's a big fight, he knows that Changmei wants to keep a better ranking, but a good ranking also depends on strength to get it, instead of letting go of dignity and letting others pity them.

When Gu Zheng said this, Changmei and the others all looked at him, while Mao Zedong took a step forward, ready to fight.

The master of Die Lan Peak was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect the matter to come to this point, according to what he thought before, Wangufeng would just admit defeat, so that they could sit on the ninety-seven and wait for the challenge from others.

But Wan Gufeng did not admit defeat. Once they were injured, it was still unknown whether they would be able to keep the ninety-seven in the future, and they might not even be able to keep the one hundred and seventeen.

The Jinxian battlefield not only tests the strength of the whole, but also has enough wisdom, and wisdom is also a kind of strength.

"Senior Brother Changmei, I know your scruples, but if they can defeat us like this, what do you think we will encounter later, with such humiliation every time? If so, what will the disciples outside think of us!"

Gu Zheng looked at Changmei, he understood Changmei's thoughts, but he was unwilling to surrender just like this, he had never surrendered when he was cultivating on Earth, let alone now.

His last sentence made Changmei raise his head sharply. Gu Zheng was right. If the challenger's ranking is not low, they can surrender every time. But when they go back, how should they face their disciples?

An elder who has always surrendered, would their disciples be happy to see it?

Don't talk about them, even I don't want to, Die Lanfeng is a peak that was not as good as them before, but now it is riding on them and insulting them like this, even if it is lost, it must not simply admit defeat.

"Master Xiao Feng, let us compare the two peaks to see who is stronger!"

After making a decision, Changmei didn't hesitate anymore, and looked at the master of Die Lan Peak, but the master of Die Lan Peak couldn't believe it. Chang Mei accepted the challenge instead of surrendering. They also had to fight in the face of 117. Could it be possible? , do they really want to drop to a lower ranking?

"Fight, fight, I will make you regret today!"

The person beside Die Lan Peak Lord suddenly summoned his own fairy sword, and went towards Changmei without saying hello.

However, Changmei has already accepted the challenge, and they are considered to be in a war mode. Although it is a sneak attack, it is not against the rules.


Chang Mei hastily responded to the challenge, and was immediately at a disadvantage. Tian Mingzi and the others also moved their hands, and the other twelve golden fairies on Die Lan Peak also moved their hands together.

Outside, Wangufeng's disciples shook hands nervously. They have been paying attention to their elders. When Changmei and the others were humiliated before, they also felt very ashamed. Many people lowered their heads, but they also knew that they No matter what the situation is, the elders are also doing it for their own good.

Now that the elders are taking part in the challenge, they are excited and worried at the same time. No one wants to rank too low at the peak. This is related to the future cultivation environment and resources. They all hope that their peak can win.

But they also understand that it is really difficult to win. The overall strength is not as good as others. It is already the best choice to be able to surrender for a while. At least let others see that Wangufeng is not something that others can manipulate at will. , Wangufeng can also bite off a piece of meat from other people.

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