Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 706 It Looks Like a Soup

"Although the curse you are in is issued by a witch clan whose strength is equivalent to that of Daluo Jinxian in the late stage, in terms of difficulty, the power of this curse is inferior to that of Lin Dongliang. However, there is a problem with your prescription , if you follow your prescription for food therapy, not only will it not make your curse power subside, but it will intensify it instead!"


Feng Weikong frowned, and his expression became serious: "If someone told me like this, I would definitely feel that I found the wrong person. After all, the person who wrote the prescription is a great elder of the Immortal Cooking School. His culinary skills must be nothing to talk about! But you said it, so I have to ask more, after all, it involves a treasure of heaven and earth with the attribute of yang!"

"The person who told you about Fang Zi has some skills. At least his thinking is correct. It's a pity that his skills are not deep enough to see farther! So he doesn't know. Treasure, when combined with other ingredients in the recipe, what kind of changes will the effect produce!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "The attribute of the curse power on your Xianli ball is Yin, and it is indeed correct to use the natural treasures of heaven and earth as the main ingredient of diet to restrain it. But if you follow the After the combination of these ingredients on the table is cooked, even the most yang attribute of heaven, material and earth, the medicinal effect is not enough to restrain the power of the curse in your body, and the effect will not be the prosperity of yang, but the prosperity of yin Yang decline!"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Feng Weikong frowned.

"I want to change the prescription, and the Tiancaidibao even more. Don't you have a Tiancaidibao 'Xuanming Fruit'? Just use it as the main ingredient in the diet!"

"Xuanming fruit?"

What Gu Zheng said made Feng Weikong's eyes widen: "Xuanmingguo is a treasure of heaven and earth with extremely yin attributes!"

"To cure a disease, there is a way to fight poison with poison, to get rid of the power of the extreme yin curse in your body, and of course it can also be used to transform yin into yin." Gu Zheng said.

"Boy, if it's according to what you said, then my original prescription will be completely overthrown?"

"That's right, after all, the ingredients in your previous prescription are all listed to match the treasures of heaven and earth with the attribute of Zhiyang."

"If you change the prescription, are there any other things you need?"

"No shortage, I have them all here."

Feng Weikong pondered for a while, and then spoke again: "Boy, according to the method you said, how sure are you to get rid of the power of the curse in my body?"

"It's not a question of how sure it will be eliminated, but it will be eliminated!" Gu Zheng said.

"So confident?" Feng Weikong widened his eyes.

"Of course." Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

"Okay, if you can really get rid of the power of the curse in my body, I will give you a gift!"

"Oh? What gift?"

Feng Weikong's solemnity aroused Gu Zheng's interest.

"It's a secret for now, let's see how your diet works. However, I can tell you in advance that you will be satisfied with this gift!" Feng Weikong smiled confidently.

"Okay, then you can wait to take the diet!"

Gu Zheng didn't ask any more questions, turned around and walked towards the kitchen, while Lu Piaoxiang followed immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, I really look forward to your ability to remove the power of the curse from Uncle Kong's body, so that he can recover his original strength."

Looking at Gu Zheng who took out the kitchen utensils one by one, Lu Piaoxiang was full of hope.

Feng Weikong was cursed, which suppressed his Xianli Ball, thereby limiting his cultivation. Every time he wanted to hold up the blockade of the curse and temporarily regain his original cultivation, the price he had to pay was not small , and there will be at least a few days of pain afterwards, Lu Piaoxiang really hopes that her elders can get rid of this pain.

"Don't worry, it will."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "Speaking of what gift he is going to give me, it seems very unusual to see his mysterious appearance."

"I don't know about this, but I have some guesses." Lu Piaoxiang said.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Gu Zheng said.

"The gift that Uncle Kong gave you should be related to his occupation. I won't go into details about the guesswork. I might not be surprised when I talk about it." Lu Piaoxiang covered her mouth and smiled.

"Occupation? Thief?"

Gu Zheng became more and more curious. Could it be that Feng Wukong wanted to teach him something?

"The Thief is just one of Uncle Kong's professions, and he also has a very powerful identity, a master of first-grade weapon refining!"

Lu Piaoxiang's words made Gu Zheng's eyes widen. There are three levels of refining masters. The third-rank refining masters can refine intermediate immortal weapons. The second-rank refining masters can refine high-level immortal weapons. Immortal Artifact! Even though the prehistoric state is very large, there are still very few first-grade crafting masters, and it would be good if you can find two in one state.

"I didn't expect that he is still a first-grade artifact refining master. But, does he want to refine fairy artifacts for me? I don't really need ordinary fairy artifacts!"

Gu Zheng didn't lie, and now he has several top-level immortal weapons, but there are not many that can really be used in battle. As far as he is concerned, the top immortal weapon that can attract him is either a very good auxiliary type, or it is more powerful than Tang Mo with the "Crazy Knife", or it is an extraordinary type that can fight independently like Fan Tianyin Top fairy.

"Uncle Kong, knowing that you have Tang Mo and Fan Tianyin, dares to say that you are satisfied, then it must be something very extraordinary." Lu Piaoxiang said.

Gu Zheng nodded: "Then we will see the outcome then!"

Soon, Gu Zheng put all the cooking ingredients for Feng Weikong on the chopping board this time.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, do you only use this much?"

Lu Piaoxiang's eyes widened a little. After all, Feng Weikong's curse was very difficult. In the previous diet prescription, there were 16 kinds of ingredients needed, but now Gu Zheng has only 6 kinds of ingredients. , is just a fraction of the total number of ingredients on the recipe.

"You should know that whether it is food or medicine, the more things that can be used to cure diseases, the better." Gu Zheng smiled.

"That's true, but the combination of these six ingredients, I really can't figure out how it can cure Uncle Feng's curse."

Lu Piaoxiang was a little ashamed, after all, she was also a fairy chef.

"Because the ingredients are not presented in a very detailed way in your eyes."

Gu Zheng's seemingly plain words undoubtedly sounded like thunder in Lu Piaoxiang's ears.

"Bai, Fellow Daoist Bai, can it be said that you have opened the 'eye of the Tao'?" Lu Piaoxiang stammered and asked.


Gu Zheng's indifferent answer made Lu Piaoxiang's beautiful eyes widen. She looked at Gu Zheng up and down, with undisguised envy and admiration in her eyes.

The so-called "Eye of the Tao" means that the ingredients will be "digitized" in the eyes to present various detailed information. This is a supernatural power that Gu Zheng already possessed, thanks to the uniqueness of Tiexian Jue. But for ordinary fairy chefs, the 'Eye of the Dao' is the supreme way of the fairy chef. There is a difference between a fairy chef with the 'Eye of the Tao' and an ordinary fairy chef.

Although Lu Piaoxiang and Gu Zheng haven't discussed cooking skills, she still knows that Gu Zheng's cooking skills are much better than hers through some things, but she never imagined that Gu Zheng already possessed the 'eye of Tao'.

"Tiancaidibao Xuanming fruit, high-grade cold mist spirit grass, high-grade purple ice cicada chrysalis, high-grade polar ice, and high-grade Mixiangjiao."

Lu Piaoxiang named the five ingredients, then she pointed to a jade bottle on the chopping board and said, "Fellow Daoist Bai, what's in it?"

"The things in it are some corpse gas obtained in the Skeleton Palace."

"Corpse gas? Do you want to add corpse gas to the diet?"

If it wasn't for knowing that Gu Zheng possessed the Eye of Dao, then adding corpse energy to the diet would definitely make Lu Piaoxiang's eyes widen again.

"That's right! The corpse aura refined by Thousand Corpse Old Demon is extraordinary, and its spirituality is very corrosive. This kind of thing is more difficult to handle than ordinary poisonous ingredients, but it is used in the food to be prepared this time. Repairing the inside, its effect can be regarded as the finishing touch!"

While speaking, Gu Zheng began to process the ingredients.

Roast the polar black ice with the real fire of life, and take it to fry the cold mist spirit grass, and a refreshing smell similar to mint will be emitted.

The Mixiang Horn is the horn of the elk deer, a spirit beast. After Gu Zheng sliced ​​the Mixiang Horn, he put it into the soup with the cold mist spirit grass at the right time. Then, the Five Elements Immortal Art was performed in turn. While Gu Zheng was fusing and complementing the characteristics of the food in the pot, he was also removing the chaff and saving the essence, and the fragrance that seemed like medicine but not medicine became more intense.

The Mixiang horn slices and cold mist spirit grass fried in the pot no longer need to be taken care of attentively. Gu Zheng put oil in another pot, and when the oil is 40% hot, Gu Zheng puts three purple ice silkworm into it.

As the temperature of the oil rose, the three purple ice cicada pupae slowly transformed into ice cicadas, and were fried into a purple-gold color, and the appetizing burnt aroma was also raised to the extreme.

Put the fried Zibing Chan out for later use, Gu Zheng began to slice the Xuanming Fruit.

Xuanming fruit is not a berry. On the contrary, its flesh is crispy, a bit like a sweet potato. As for the taste, it is not sweet, but has an indescribable fragrance.

Gu Zheng poured out the corpse gas from the jade bottle, and condensed it into an ice ball before it could spread.

Put a pinch of blue fine salt into the soup, and Gu Zheng boiled the cold mist spirit grass soup in the pot with the Five Elements Immortal Formula.

The salt that Gu Zheng used was mineral salt, which was of high quality and was given to him by the Lin family when he was in Luxia Town. And this kind of mineral salt with excellent quality has a very good freshening effect, which is a relatively rare seasoning.

The cold mist spirit grass soup has been boiled, and the soup has a slight blue color. When it is shaken in a bowl, it can give people a feeling of dizziness, and its special fragrance becomes more and more intoxicating as it is shaken.

Put the chopped Xuanming fruit slices, together with the fried purple ice cicada, into the cold mist spirit grass soup bowl, and Gu Zheng put the soup bowl on the steamer where the water had already boiled.

After the lid was closed, Gu Zheng's Five Elements Immortal Jue was performed in turn. Several ingredients fused and collided with each other, and the fragrance in the air also changed with the fusion and collision of ingredients.

From the initial mixed fragrance to the single fragrance, this process did not take too long.


When Gu Zheng lifted the cover, Lu Piaoxiang took a deep sniff with an intoxicated face.

"A very charming aroma, like the aroma of meat but also very elegant! The taste is a bit like a piece of fat and thin fairy deer meat carefully roasted from high-quality fruit wood, it is mouth-watering!"

Even though Lu Piaoxiang was a fairy chef, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva after sighing.

That is, when Lu Piaoxiang was feeling emotional, Gu Zheng put the ice ball condensed from the corpse gas into the bowl on the steamer, and then covered the pot again.


Lu Piaoxiang covered her mouth violently.

Although the smell of corpse aura is not good, in Lu Piaoxiang's view, it has become half of the food therapy, the fragrance is so strong, it should be able to suppress the smell of corpse aura.

But who would have thought that Gu Zheng had just put the cover on, and the moment he used the water control formula to ignite the fire, an extremely unpleasant smell burst out, instantly suppressing the previous scent completely, making Lu Piaoxiang unable to bear it There is a feeling of vomiting.

"It won't be this smell all the time, this bad smell is just for a moment, blame me for forgetting to remind you before."

Gu Zheng's resistance to odors is better than Lu Piaoxiang's. After all, this is not the first time he has used 'excessive' things to cook food.

"This smell is really special! I have smelled all kinds of unpleasant smells in the Skeleton Palace, and none is as exciting as this!"

Lu Piaoxiang sticks out her tongue at Chongguzheng. At this time, she is no longer attached to the smell of the air, and has chosen to hold her breath.

"The last step of this diet therapy will take at least a while. Regarding diet, if you have anything you want to ask me, you can ask me now." Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, then I'm not going to be polite."

Lu Piaoxiang immediately asked about Gu Zheng, and the two discussed Taoism in the kitchen.

When it comes to eating and drinking, Gu Zheng is naturally much higher than Lu Piaoxiang. Where Lu Piaoxiang was a little confused, after his selfless advice, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

For example, in the food therapy for Feng Weikong, Lu Piaoxiang couldn't see how many subtle changes occurred when the ingredients were cooked together, she could only figure out from what she saw. But Gu Zheng can tell her the changes exactly, even tell her how hot they are.

There are a lot of things to talk about just around a diet, and when Gu Zheng has finished talking, the diet for Feng Weikong is also done. In this process, the smell of food therapy is also changing, from unpleasant to attractive, and finally reaching the level of intoxication.

"It's unbelievable. It used to smell so bad, but now it smells so good! If Fellow Daoist Bai hadn't told me the details of the ingredients' changes, I wouldn't have believed that the smell could reach this level! "

Lu Piaoxiang sniffed the wonderful smell in the air greedily, and Gu Zheng, who had already taken out the bowl, said again: "After all, there are ingredients at the level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. As long as the details such as the heat are correct, it is not easy to completely disappear the smell. What a problem."

Even though it wasn't even time for a stick of incense to cook this diet therapy, Feng Weikong still waited a bit eagerly, after all, it was to get rid of his stubborn illness.

Gu Zheng put the bowl on the table, and Feng Weikong couldn't wait to lift the lid of the bowl. The white mist that had covered the bowl immediately penetrated into the food therapy, and soon appeared an extremely fragrant form.

"This looks like a soup!" Feng Weikong said.

Indeed, the diet this time looks like soup. The cold mist spirit grass soup with a little blue color has now turned into a maroon color. This is because the Xuanming fruit and the purple ice cicada have completely melted . Because of this, the soup looks a bit viscous, and the color will change when it is shaken slightly, which looks amazing.

"Boy, what kind of food is this?"

Feng Weikong curiously pointed to the extremely fragrant object above the soup bowl. It was a dexterous ice silkworm, but it had a skull head.

"I added some corpse aura into it, so the thing formed by Jixiang looks a little weird."

"Corpse gas?"

Gu Zheng's words made Feng Weikong and Yingfei feel weird all over their faces. They wanted to ask if this thing could cure diseases? But thinking about the self-confidence before Gu Zheng, they had no choice but to put a trace of doubt in their stomachs.

"Boy, do I need to do anything after taking this diet?" Feng Weikong asked.

"You don't need special exercises to cooperate, you just need to wait for the effect of the diet therapy to dissolve the power of the curse, and then force the effect out of the body." Gu Zheng said.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, this is a food therapy made with heaven, material and earth treasures. How much cultivation can he add to Fellow Daoist Feng?" Yingfei asked curiously.

Gu Zheng shook his head and said, "This is just a dietary therapy for curing diseases, not a food cultivation for increasing cultivation! The ingredients of Tiancaidibao that can improve cultivation have already been transformed into medicinal effects in this dietary therapy."

"Okay, this really can't have both!"

In Yingfei's sigh, Feng Weikong raised his neck, and he poured all the soup in the bowl into his mouth.

Like drinking medicine, Feng Weikong swallowed the soup without tasting it carefully.

Seeing the reaction of Feng Weikong, Yingfei laughed and said, "Fellow Daoist is really a waste. The fragrance is such a human food therapy, and there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures in it, why don't you try the taste?"

Feng Weikong naturally knew that Yingfei was joking about the corpse aura, but he was a little repelled because of the corpse aura, so he didn't taste it carefully.

Originally, Feng Weikong wanted to take a look at Yingfei in vain, but then he thought about it, wouldn't it be inferior? So he also chuckled, then smacked his mouth a few times, and said with a very intoxicated expression on his face: "It's really good, it tastes so good! Don't tell me, this food therapy cooked with corpse gas, after eating What remains between the lips and teeth is the taste of the skeleton palace, I think fellow daoist Ying should really taste it!"

The fragrance that came out of Fengweikong's mouth was obviously fragrance, but he deliberately mentioned the skeleton palace, which made Yingfei feel nauseous.

"Since Daoist Feng is so obsessed with the smell in the skeleton palace, those things used for refining corpses should not be completely destroyed. You should keep some of them for you to enjoy aftertaste."

Yingfei gave Feng Weikong a vicious look, which made Feng Weikong laugh out loud, and Feng Weikong stopped saying anything, and began to close his eyes and concentrate on feeling the medicinal effect produced by the diet.

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