Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 707: Butterfly Spirit

After taking the diet into the stomach, it feels very cold, just like swallowing a piece of ice, but the difference is that this piece of ice did not heat up due to time, but instead became colder and biting cold.

A moment later, Gu Zheng, who was inspecting Feng Weikong's body, discovered that the medicinal effect of diet therapy had begun to take place, and it turned into a gray-white mist, drifting towards Feng Weikong's dantian.

After the gray-white mist reached the dantian where the wind was empty, it directly pounced on the celestial power ball where the wind was empty, breaking down the curse power that was originally hooped on the celestial ball.

Feng Weikong was very excited. If he tried to decompose the power of the curse, he would definitely suffer backlash. But just like tofu in brine, the gray-white mist produced by diet therapy is very restrained against the power of the curse. , the power of the curse did not resist at all.

In just a moment, the curse power on Feng Weikong's fairy ball disappeared completely, and he couldn't wait to force the gray-white mist produced by the diet out of his body, because he felt that the fairy ball was originally bound by the curse power. , is rapidly expanding, and the strength that originally belonged to him is rapidly recovering.

With a long howl in his mouth, Feng Weikong was as happy as a child, he rushed out of the house and danced and danced in the yard.

After tossing for a long time, I even lay down on the ground and beat the wind for a few times, looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Boy, your diet therapy is really good, not only let me get rid of the damn curse, I also can't help it." It’s a blessing in disguise!”

Although Feng Weikong didn't say it clearly, everyone is a cultivator of immortals, and they all know what he meant by getting a blessing in disguise.

Due to the power of the curse that binds Xianliqiu, Xianliqiu is in an abnormal state! In this abnormal state, Feng Weikong's immortal power has actually been increasing, because he seldom practiced intermittently. However, the shackles of the power of the curse make his celestial power no matter how thick it is, the speed it can use under normal conditions is always constant.

Now, Feng Wukong's Xianli Ball is not bound by the power of the curse, his immortal power is much thicker than ordinary people's, and the speed at which Xianli Ball can hold Xianli is also much higher than ordinary people.

Feng Weikong's strength recovered, which made everyone very happy, and Yingfei also took the opportunity to yell about his hunger for a long time.

Without any more gossip, Gu Zheng and Lu Piaoxiang entered the kitchen again. Since today is a day worth celebrating, let's hold a feast with good wine and good food, and let everyone drink to their heart's content.

Lu Piaoxiang originally planned to help Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng wanted to guide her when cooking, so for the sixteen dishes and two soups that were ordered, Lu Piaoxiang would cook the two dishes and one soup, and Gu Zheng would cook the rest. Fight to do it.

Even if it is a fairy chef, it still took Gu Zheng and Lu Piaoxiang a lot of time from processing the ingredients to serving the dishes, sixteen dishes plus two soups. After all, this is cooking for our own people, whether it is Gu Zheng or Lu Piaoxiang, they are all very serious.

Yingfei is happy. He eats the most of sixteen dishes and two soups. He is the one who eats the most, so many dishes are not enough to eat. Yingfei is like a ghost, and he almost licks the plate. .

"What are you all looking at me for?"

Looking at the disgusting crowd, Ying Fei reluctantly put down his chopsticks which could no longer hold anything.

Everyone didn't speak, and collectively rolled their eyes at Yingfei.

Yingfei chuckled, and winked at everyone: "My behavior is actually the highest compliment to fellow Daoists Bai and Daoist Lu! You say, if the food is not particularly delicious, can I do this? It is no exaggeration to say that I ate it tonight I feel that the Xianchu restaurant I went to can't be called Xianchu restaurant at all..."

"Okay, have a drink!"

Feng Weikong glared at Yingfei, who was getting more and more enthusiastic: "I asked you to drink before, and your kid said that you should eat vegetables first. Eating vegetables is a serious matter. Now we have already drank a pot, but you only drank three cups." Now you can be regarded as putting down your chopsticks, we have decided to punish you, this jug of wine belongs to you alone!"

Feng Weikong pushed a pot of 'Drunken Immortal Drink' to Yingfei's face.

'Zuixianyin' is a high-level immortal wine, and it is also Feng Weikong's treasure. If he is not so happy today, he would not be willing to take it out. The taste of this wine is soft and smooth, but it has a strong aftertaste. Feng Weikong and the three of them, who didn't use Xianli to dissolve the wine power, are already slightly drunk at this time.

"Drinking? I like it the most. Just don't have enough of your 'Drunken Immortal Drink'!"

Yingfei was also unambiguous, and directly picked up the jug and poured it into his mouth.

"Don't use Xianli to resolve it, or you won't be able to eat the food we cook during the time you're here!"

Lu Piaoxiang's playfulness almost choked Yingfei.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, are you kidding me? You let me drink a pot of 'Drunken Immortal Drink' alone, and you are not allowed to use celestial power to dissolve it! Now the banquet has just begun, so you want me to drink it like this?" Drunk for three years!"

What Yingfei said is not an exaggeration. If you don't use celestial power to dissolve the "drunken fairy drink", when you are really drunk, it will be too late to use celestial power to resolve it. Let alone three years, it will be thirty years. You can get drunk every year, which is the origin of the name "Zuixianyin".

"I don't feel sorry for the wine yet, but you're scared! Drink yours. After you finish drinking this pot, I won't give you any more!" Feng Weikong laughed.

"No, we are fellow Taoists who lived life and death together, right? It's boring for me to drink too much alone, let's go together, together!"

Yingfei looked at the crowd flatteringly, he knew that they were still playing tricks on him before the 'eating'.


Gu Zheng smoothed things over: "Let's raise our glasses together. First, I wish you all come out alive from the Skeleton Palace, and we all have a good harvest. Second, I wish Fellow Daoist Feng recover his strength!"

"Yes, I hope we are all still alive, and that fellow Daoist Feng regains his strength!"

"Come on, do it!"

The four people's wine glasses touched each other, and after they drank it all, they looked at each other and laughed.

"Nowadays there is wine but no food, so we need to find something to cheer us up."

Feng Weikong took out a pair of scrolls and shook them, only to see landscape pavilions painted on the scrolls, and twelve women in palace costumes carrying flower baskets.

A white mist spewed out from the scroll, filling the entire yard so densely that people's sight was seriously obstructed.

However, the obstruction of sight was only for a very short time. When the white mist subsided, the scene in front of everyone's eyes had become the world in the painting, and they were sitting in the gazebo.

With high mountains, flowing water, and fairy mist, twelve women in palace costumes saluted everyone first, and then placed various fairy fruits in flower baskets on the stone table in front of everyone.

After the twelve graceful women in palace costumes flew out of the gazebo, some of them had musical instruments in their hands, and some of their clothes changed. The sound of fairy music sounds, and the graceful figure dances gracefully, which is even more pleasing to the eye among the mountains and rivers.

"Come, come, drink!"

Feng Weikong toasted everyone.

The sound of wine glasses colliding sounded again, and laughter followed.

the next day.

Gu Zheng and others drank very late yesterday, but they were not really drunk. Later, they drank very slowly in the gazebo, mainly enjoying singing and dancing and discussing Taoism.

After noon, some restless Feng Weikong came to Gu Zheng.

"Boy, I told you to give you a gift earlier, but you really held your breath. You didn't even ask about it. Could it be that you don't expect the gift?" Feng Weikong laughed.

"I'm definitely looking forward to it! However, Fellow Daoist Feng just recovered yesterday. I didn't want you to be too tired, so I didn't ask." Gu Zheng said.

"Don't want me to be too tired?"

Feng Weikong glared, and Lu Piaoxiang who came to Gu Zheng one step ahead of him: "Girl, what did you tell him?"

Lu Piaoxiang stuck out her tongue: "I didn't say much, I just said that you are a first-grade craftsman, and the gift you gave should be related to crafts."

"Fortunately, you didn't say much. Although this kid guessed that the gift I was going to give him was related to refining equipment, he certainly didn't think of the specifics!"

If a naughty boy, Feng Weikong blinked his eyes and asked Gu Zheng: "Boy, guess what kind of fairy artifact I will give you?"

"You probably wouldn't give me an attack-type fairy artifact. After all, I don't lack this kind of fairy artifact. I feel that Daoist Feng probably wants to give me a defensive fairy artifact, right? After all, among the treasures of the Skeleton Palace, I I got a lot of resources for making high-level defensive fairy weapons, among which there are many, many ancient giant insect skins."

"Wrong, wrong!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's well-founded analysis, Feng Weikong smiled happily, obviously happy that he couldn't guess.

"Boy, didn't you have a pair of wings in the storage belt you received at the end?" Feng Weikong laughed.


Gu Zheng was taken aback: "Are you talking about the wings of the phoenix eagle? Those are fairy ingredients!"

In the last storage belt that Gu Zheng got, there was indeed a pair of phoenix eagle wings. The phoenix eagle was the descendant of the fire phoenix and the sun-chaser eagle. It was extremely rare in itself, and it was also a mutant spirit beast! Its a pair of wings, the food grade is immortal. Moreover, due to the large size of the phoenix eagle's wings, one catty can be regarded as one celestial resource, and this pair of phoenix eagle's wings is equivalent to eight celestial resources!

"That's right, I'm going to use your pair of phoenix eagle wings to refine a natal fairy artifact for you!"

Feng Weikong's words made Gu Zheng's eyes brighten. He remembered that when he was in the Skeleton Palace, Feng Weikong used a pair of wings to get rid of an attack from the phantom of the Thousand Corpse Old Demon.

"Winged fairy artifacts are very rare, and this kind of fairy artifact can only be raised as a natal fairy artifact. However, the good point is that this kind of fairy artifact will not share too much of your fairy power, and you don't have to worry about it. I'm a little worried. Also, if your pair of phoenix eagle wings are refined into immortal artifacts, the effect will be much better than mine. After all, the materials I use to refine the wings are of lower grade than the phoenix eagle wings. Quite a few!"

Feng Weikong seemed very excited. For a master craftsman, seeing very good crafting materials would make his hands itchy.


Hearing Feng Weikong said that the effect is better than his pair of wings, Gu Zheng immediately became excited. Although the immortal resources are precious, compared with such a pair of wings, they are really nothing what.

"Do you need anything else?"

Gu Zheng took out the phoenix eagle wings and gave them to Feng Weikong.

"If you need anything else, I will take care of it. After all, this is a gift for you. You just need to show this pair of wings." Feng Weikong said.

"How long will it take to complete the refinement? How high is the chance of failure?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It will take five days. As for the probability of failure, I can also tell you with confidence that it may be difficult for other first-grade refining masters to refine this fairy wing artifact, but in my case, the wind is empty." Here, there is no possibility of failure! If you want to know why, then I can tell you that my Feng family is in the process of refining weapons, and what I am best at is refining winged fairy weapons! However, we do not refine them externally, so in Few people in the prehistoric world know about it." Feng Weikong said.

"Then I would like to thank fellow Daoist Feng first!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "Fellow Daoist, what grade will the Winged Immortal Artifact be after it is refined?"

"From the material point of view, it must be a high-level fairy weapon!" Feng Weikong said.

"Fellow Daoist, I also treasure the wings of spirit beasts here, can you see if you can help me refine a fairy weapon like this?"

Yingfei also came over a while ago, and now he heard that Feng Weikong was going to refine a high-level winged fairy weapon for Gu Zheng, and he immediately looked pitiful.

"Hmph, just think about it." Feng Weikong said strangely.

"Fellow Daoist, Feng Lao, you can do it! Look at me in the Skeleton Palace, even my own wings have been knocked off. If I want to practice it, it will take a long time. Ah!" Yingfei looked like he was about to cry.

"You boy!"

Feng Weikong gave Yingfei a helpless look: "If it wasn't for Boy Bai who helped me get rid of my stubborn illness this time, and met the requirements of my family's ancestral training, no matter how good my relationship with him is, I wouldn't make an exception for him. ! This is why although my Feng family is good at refining winged fairy artifacts, it is rarely known in the prehistoric world!"

Hearing what Feng Weikong said, Yingfei couldn't say anything more, he could only express his disappointment with a droopy face.

"Okay, isn't it just that the wings are lost? It's not like they can't grow back anymore. As for this look?"

Gu Zheng patted Yingfei on the shoulder, and then said: "When we are about to part, I will cook a good meal for you. You can use it when you return to your own mountain. It can help you save money." Time for senior officials to spread their wings."

"Ha ha!"

Yingfei's size and appearance are completely different from the disappointment of the previous moment: "It's really good to have a food trainer to eat! However, this is the food trainer you gave me. You won't ask me to contribute any more resources, will you?"

"No, it's just a little consolation from me for losing your wings!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"I knew Bai Dao was a good friend!"

Yingfei smiled, and looked at Feng Weikong and Lu Piaoxiang with a playful smile: "Both fellow daoists and fellow daoist Bai have expressed their feelings about my loss of wings. You two should be fine, right?"

"Hmph, I'm going to refine the celestial artifact, don't bother me if there's nothing important these days!" Feng Weikong walked away.

"I drank too much last night. I'm still a little uncomfortable. I want to sit quietly for a while." Lu Piaoxiang smiled and left as well.

"You two nasty fellows!"

Yingfei glared at the figures of the two, and then bid farewell to Gu Zheng, and the original hustle and bustle finally turned into silence.

After everyone left, Gu Zheng entered the prehistoric space.

A very faint sound of wings passing through the air reached Gu Zheng's ears. Gu Zheng turned his head and stretched out his hand, and a beautiful little thing landed on his palm.

The beautiful little thing looks only as high as a chopstick, and looks like a girl who has been shrunk many times, but behind this girl, there is a pair of blue light wings.

The blue light wings have the color of a metal plate, a bit like the wings of a butterfly, and each has an asymmetrical golden dot on it. The appearance of the girl looks very similar to the girl in Gu Zheng's hometown, except that there are a pair of small dragon horns on her head.

"What the hell were you before? A dragon?"

Gu Zheng caressed the dragon horns on the little thing's head with his hands, and a trace of comfort appeared on the little thing's peaceful face.

"No matter what you were before, after accepting the blessings of heaven and earth, you are a brand new beast, and it's time for me to give you a name."

The little thing in Gu Zheng's hand was his divine beast.

Before Gu Zheng advanced to Daluo Jinxian in the Skeleton Palace, Qi Ling asked him to release the beast egg and receive the blessings of heaven and earth with him. After receiving the blessing of heaven and earth, Gu Zheng knew that the divine beast would break out of its shell in ten days, and he had been looking forward to it.

After leaving the Skeleton Palace, on the way to Sanskrit County, the little thing broke out of the egg of the divine beast. Although Gu Zheng was also very surprised, he also felt a little confused.

Since the little thing was recognized by Gu Zheng when she was still in the egg, she has a kind of dependence and intimacy on Gu Zheng since she was born. However, Gu Zheng doesn't know anything about her, which is not normal!

After recognizing the master of a spirit beast, under normal circumstances the spirit beast will communicate with its owner, and the owner can easily know some information about the spirit beast. But for the little thing in front of her, Gu Zheng can only feel some information from her, she can understand some of Gu Zheng's thoughts, that's all.

Qi Ling fell into a deep sleep, and Gu Zheng couldn't ask her, who knows everything, about this matter. He could only ask Feng Weikong and others about this matter, but they also couldn't tell the reason.

"Let's call you Die Ling!"

Gu Zheng named the little thing, and the little thing looked at Gu Zheng with flickering eyes, and then flew up from his hand, dancing in the air very cheerfully.


Die Ling, who was flying, suddenly made a slight sound from his stomach.

"Are you hungry?" Gu Zheng asked.

Die Ling has also been born for several days, but she hasn't eaten anything yet. On the one hand, she didn't convey the message to Gu Zheng that she was hungry, and on the other hand, Gu Zheng didn't know what to feed him. Gu Zheng also inspected Die Ling's body, but under the inspection of her divine sense, the inside of her body appeared to be a piece of light, making it impossible to see anything at all.

Die Ling couldn't speak, but the intention she conveyed to Gu Zheng was that she wanted to eat the fairy apricots from the fairy apricot fruit tree.


Gu Zheng told Die Ling and was very happy at the same time. She would want to eat, which was a good start after all.

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