'Star Lore' is very powerful, which can be seen from its comprehension difficulty. Qi Ling once said that there are only a dozen people who have comprehended 'Star Lore' throughout the ages.

After learning the 'Star Lore', one can adjust the power of the stars. Under this big extraordinary, there are many small extraordinary, the most of which are the various means of manipulating the divine mind. After all, even the power of the stars can be dispatched, even the tail of the divine will can be cut off, and the divine will can be transformed into something, which is not difficult.

The attack of divine sense is very powerful, and it has the property of decomposition, which can decompose most things in the world. But most things in the world have no ability to harm divine thoughts.

To use an analogy, fairy artifacts are very hard things. With the strength of ancient spirits today, although it is still impossible to decompose high-level immortal artifacts, it is more than enough to decompose intermediate-level immortal artifacts. But unless there is special magical power to deal with divine thoughts, no matter whether it is a mid-level fairy weapon or a high-level fairy weapon, they have almost no damage ability to the divine thoughts.

It is precisely because of the extraordinary power of divine thoughts that when Gu Zheng first came into contact with them, Qi Ling told him that divine thoughts are more powerful than immortal power.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, looking at the crane that had transformed into Gu Zheng's spiritual thought, the eyes of the two demon cultivators instantly widened.

"My mother!"


The two demon cultivators screamed, their hearts almost stopped beating in fright.

It's not that they haven't seen divine sense attacks before. All they can see are divine sense light spots, or light clusters. They have only heard of such divine sense attacks that can be transformed into complex forms.

However, the incarnation of divine thoughts was not the final reason for shocking the two demon cultivators! What made them feel powerless to resist was that the enemy's divine sense attack did not have a tail connected to the main body! This shows what? It shows that the enemy's spiritual cultivation has reached the point of cutting off his tail! Once the tail of the divine sense is cut off, the overall strength of the immortal cultivator will be greatly improved. It is like adding an extra-ordinary-level immortal weapon, and it is even more powerful than ordinary extraordinary immortal weapons!

As long as there is a spirit in the fairy weapon, it is an extraordinary fairy weapon that can fight independently. And the reason why it is said that once the tail of the divine sense is cut off, the immortal cultivator is like having an extra extraordinary fairy weapon. article! But the master of the divine sense can manipulate the divine mind body with his thoughts and make various attacks. The most important thing is that before the tail of the divine sense is cut off, the divine sense is injured, which can have a certain degree of influence on the master! And once the tail of the divine sense is cut off, even if the distributed divine sense is destroyed, the impact on the master will be minimal.

The two demon cultivators were very self-aware. They ran away. They knew that such an enemy was not an opponent they dared to imagine! Such enemies really have the strength to decide how they die.

The flying speed of the Divine Mind Crane was very fast, and it approached the black mist in the blink of an eye.

Silently, any black mist that touches the divine crane is disintegrated instantly.


The female witch who was running away opened her mouth to spurt blood, and her body fell from a high altitude.

The 'Shadowless Magic Needle' hidden in the black mist is the natal fairy artifact of the female demon cultivator, and its fairy artifact is high-grade.

Gu Zheng's divine sense can't decompose the high-level immortal weapon 'Shadowless Magic Needle', but after refining it into the 'Star Lore', his divine sense has many unusual features! He wrapped the 'Shadow Magic Needle' with his spiritual thoughts to temporarily block the connection between the female demon cultivator and the natal fairy. hit hard.


Gu Zheng uttered a word and waved his hand.

After the female demon cultivator's 'Shadowless Magic Needle' is temporarily cut off from its owner, it is like a fairy weapon without an owner. An unowned fairy weapon can be used by anyone who wants to use it, but it's just that if you don't recognize the owner of the fairy weapon, you can't use its magical powers.

For Gu Zheng, he doesn't need to use the magical power of the 'Shadowless Magic Needle', and he doesn't bother to use it. He only needs the hardness and sharpness of the fairy weapon itself. Therefore, when he waved his hand, he activated the gold control formula, and the 'Shadowless Magic Needle' belonging to the female demon cultivator flew back backwards, shot in between the eyebrows of the female demon cultivator who was still in a falling state, and then flew out from behind her head.

The female demon cultivator died, and died under her own natal fairy weapon. This is a very rare way of death.

"My lord, save me!"

The terrified Dreadlock Demon Cultivator, the voice of calling for help has changed. Now he just wants to survive, and he no longer cares about revealing the secret that he still has his companions.

It's not that Dirty Braid doesn't want to escape, it's that he can't escape at all. When the female demon cultivator fell, Gu Zheng had dispatched the energy of heaven and earth to restrain him. Unable to break free, he could only sit in the air, waiting for death to come .

"now you!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, raised Tang Mo and slashed out the 'Crazy Demon Knife'.

"Bang bang bang..."

The three defenses on Dirty Braided Moxiu's body couldn't stop the 'Crazy Knife' from chopping at all. After his defense was broken by the 'Crazy Knife', his whole body was broken into a pile of flesh.

The two pawns were dealt with without much effort. Gu Zheng looked at their corpses with a sneer smile, raised his hand and slashed out the "Crazy Demon Knife" towards the hiding place of the Dark Spirit Venerable.

Having comprehended the profound way of space, Gu Zheng is very sensitive to space, and the Venerable Dark Spirit wants to hide in the dark and attack him, this is simply wishful thinking! Moreover, Gu Zheng not only discovered his body early in the morning, but also discovered the four magic circles he set up.

Venerable Dark Spirit regretted that Gu Zheng was stronger than he had imagined. When he saw that Gu Zheng's divine sense had no tail, he had already given up. He only hoped that Gu Zheng would not find him.

There is always a gap between reality and imagination. When Gu Zheng slashed at him with a knife, Venerable Dark Spirit was so frightened that his soul jumped out of his body! No wonder the other party has never stepped into the range of the fairy array, it turns out that he has already known it! This can only show that the other party is not only abnormal in terms of divine sense, but also possesses a profound way of space. If such an existence is encountered, he will walk around it. Venerable Dark Spirit is really regretful, and he even took the initiative to send it to his door.

Facing the attacking 'Crazy Demon Knife', the Dark Spirit Venerable had no choice but to show up. He wanted to escape for his life, but the powerful knife intent locked him, making him have no choice but to take the blow.

The celestial artifact 'Qongqi Shield' appeared in the hands of Venerable Dark Spirit. He pushed the shield forward fiercely, and the energy of heaven and earth was dispatched instantly, turning into a roar from Qiongqi's mouth on the shield.


There was a loud noise in the void, and the shock wave generated by Qiongqi's roar directly hit the knife energy of the 'Crazy Knife' and turned it into nothingness.

"This fairy artifact of yours is mine!"

Looking at the escaped Venerable Dark Spirit, Gu Zheng smiled coldly.


Venerable Dark Spirit gritted his teeth, and at a critical moment, he decisively threw the car to protect the handsome man, and he threw the Qiongqi Shield, the top-grade fairy weapon, in another direction.


Gu Zheng laughed, as far as he was concerned, if he wanted Qiongqidong, if the other party dared to attack his cave, he would have to die.

The phoenix eagle's wings spread out on the back, and Gu Zheng directly cast Immortal Realm after getting a little closer to Venerable Dark Spirit.


The scene changed from a clear sky to a world of ice and snow, and the Venerable Dark Spirit groaned in despair. The strength of Gu Zheng made people feel powerless.


Gu Zheng didn't intend to say anything more to Venerable Dark Spirit, he was still thinking about Venerable Dark Spirit's Qiongqi Shield, so he immediately dispatched the energy in the fairyland, and while oppressing Venerable Dark Spirit, Tang Mo in his hand slashed again. Out of the 'Crazy Knife Knife'.


Looking at the corpse of Venerable Dark Spirit in Immortal Realm, the person who called Shuang was not Gu Zheng but Qi Ling.

"This is a demon cultivator in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and you have not yet reached the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, but killing him is like chopping melons and vegetables!"

Qi Ling looked at Gu Zheng with excitement in his eyes.

"He is only in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and I beheaded a cultivator in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, do you need to be so excited?" Gu Zheng scratched his head.

"Although I know that you can easily kill Da Luo Jinxian middle-stage cultivators, it's one thing to know, and it's another thing to see it with your own eyes!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and he looked up and down at Gu Zheng, his eyes full of emotion: "It's only been a few years, for ordinary cultivators, it may not even take a long time to retreat, but But you have changed from a mortal to an existence that can easily kill Da Luo Jinxian in the middle stage! Although you have been accompanied by me all the way, but looking back, even I feel, is this a dream?"

"Of course it's not a dream."

Gu Zheng smiled, and the expression in his eyes turned serious: "I can't be proud yet, just like the master said, I have to improve my strength as much as possible, so that I won't be reduced to a dog when the chaos comes. It just killed a middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian, and the real strength of this demon cultivator can only be regarded as an ordinary middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian."

"I believe in you, I am extremely confident in your growth rate!" Qi Ling said seriously.

Without staying in the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng cleaned up the battlefield of the Dark Spirit Venerable, and then he took over the Immortal Realm, looking for the Qiongqi Shield that was previously thrown away by the Dark Spirit Venerable.

Although Qiongqidun flew quite far, but Gu Zheng remembered its aura, so it didn't take much to find it.

After taking the Qiongqi Shield, Gu Zheng cleaned up the battlefield of the female demon cultivator and the dreadlocked demon cultivator, then gathered the corpses of the three demon cultivators together, and released his divine thoughts to turn them into ashes.

Back in the cave, Gu Zheng began to take stock of the spoils this time.

The female demon cultivator and the dreadlocked demon cultivator each have a storage belt, which contains refining resources, ingredients, fairy coins, fairy artifacts, and some materials related to cultivating demons.

Among the trophies belonging to the female demon cultivator and the dreadlocked demon cultivator, the most worth mentioning are two high-level fairy artifacts, plus ten high-grade ingredients and eighteen blue fairy coins.

Venerable Dark Spirit contributed a storage bracelet to Gu Zheng, which is also the first storage bracelet that Gu Zheng has harvested so far.

The storage bracelet is a more advanced space artifact than the storage belt. High-grade storage bracelets are rare in the prehistoric world. Its internal storage space is 30 times larger than the storage belt with the largest memory in Guzheng today. multiple times!

It is also a storage bracelet, and the internal space is also divided into different sizes. The storage bracelet like the one of Venerable Demon Spirit is already top-grade among similar items. A storage bracelet like this can already be regarded as a priceless treasure. If it is put on the auction, it is conservatively estimated that it will cost more than 10,000 blue fairy coins! After all, the only space fairy artifacts that are more advanced than this storage bracelet are super space fairy artifacts like Primordial Space that can be refined into the body.

It's a pity that Venerable Demon Spirit has such a bracelet with a large storage space, and all his supplies can only fill a small corner of the internal space of the storage bracelet.

But fortunately, although the number of things in the storage bracelet of the Venerable Demon Spirit is not as large as the sum of the other two demon cultivators, in terms of overall value, these things of the Venerable Demon Spirit are worth more than the two demons. The ones that have been repaired are too high!

Twenty-five pieces of high-grade ingredients, two hundred and thirty-four pieces of blue fairy coins, top-level fairy artifact Qiongqi shield, and four high-grade fairy artifacts. other resources.

"I didn't expect to make any money, but they gave me a surprise!" Satisfied, Gu Zheng put away the spoils and said with a smile.

"Actually, it's just that you don't think so! Think about it from another angle. In your current situation, why not set up a trap? The high-level Yuan Gathering Immortal Formation is like a bait, and you yourself are a hunter, specially killing those greedy prey Ah!" Qi Ling said.

"It's true to hear you say that! However, I don't want greedy prey to come over."

Gu Zheng shook his head, his biggest purpose is to practice, he was actually very sensitive to the state of being interrupted by two demon cultivators just now! And this kind of feeling state may also have some insights, but it is a pity that it was interrupted.

I don't know whether to call Gu Zheng lucky or Gu Zheng unlucky, but in the next period of time, no greedy prey will come again.

Die Ling has woken up as scheduled. The last time she received the blessings of heaven and earth with Gu Zheng, her cultivation base was almost at the middle stage of the Demon King. In time, her cultivation has finally entered the middle stage of the demon king, which is equivalent to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian for the immortal cultivator.

Gu Zheng's cultivation has progressed rapidly, which is due to his powerful food cultivation, his comprehension of the Dao many times, and his repeated acceptance of blessings from heaven and earth. As for Die Ling, she is a divine beast that has been mutated by the blessings of the heavens and the earth, plus she can share the blessings with Gu Zheng, and has the food repair that Gu Zheng cooks for her. Her cultivation progress can be said to be super fast. up.

On the fourth day after Die Ling woke up, enough celestial energy had been stored in the high-level celestial gathering celestial array, and Gu Zheng, who was ready for everything, was ready to cook and cultivate to activate his seventh consciousness.

Immortal Scrophulariaceae, Three-eyed Beef, Ten High-grade Immortal Pills, Seventy Excellent Grade Immortal Pills, Forty Non-Enhancement Pills, Immortal Wine, Ant Sugar, Moro Sea Salt, Sky Ning Fruit, Purple Flower A bottle of Fairy Fruit, Polar Snowberry, Ice Crystal Pear, and Willing Power Serum.

The food that Gu Zheng is going to cook this time is Danyuan Food Cultivator, among which the three-eyed beef is a fairy-grade ingredient, and ant sugar is a medium-grade ingredient. It is advanced.

There are still three pieces of Tiancaidibao-level ingredients, but he didn't use them this time. Less than two months have passed since I took the food repair containing Tiancaidibao for the first time.

Although Tiexian Jue can greatly reduce the interval between taking food repairs for Gu Zheng, it is not completely shortened, and because of this, Gu Zheng has never taken food repairs one at a time, because the time between food repairs The effect of the drug is different, and the interval time will also be different.

Immortal Scrophulariaceae is an ingredient that has been cultivated by the power of pure faith. It does not require special treatment. Gu Zheng just slices it for later use.

Three-eyed beef is a fairy-level ingredient, and it also does not require special treatment. It weighs half a catty and is cut into pieces by Gu Zheng for later use.

For the various tasks that Gu Zheng did, there were very few non-yuan-increasing pill rewards, but this did not mean that his reserve of this kind of pill was very small. Whether it's exploring the ruins, or killing people to seize treasures, he has really gained a lot from the pill resources! After all, immortal cultivators are not immortal chefs, and the things they use to assist their cultivation are basically all kinds of pills.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly as the pot was filled with earth-vein spring water whose grade had been upgraded to excellent. For the food repairs he is doing now, the initial grade is only medium-grade earth-vein spring water, and the effect of using it is not enough. Outstanding, even if it is upgraded to a good grade, in the same water source, it can only be regarded as a low grade.

Although Gu Zheng has a lot of various ingredients, he does not have a higher level of water, which is an indispensable medium for cooking, and this is also a pity in his heart.

Put the Xianling Scrophulariaceae slices and the three-eye beef that have been cut before into the water at the same time, and control the water for preliminary treatment.

Before the water in the pot boiled, the aroma of three-eyed beef and fairy crocodile was already wafting out. They are all very high-grade ingredients, and their aroma is naturally mouth-watering.

When the water was opened, Gu Zheng put all kinds of elixirs into the pot in order, and a large amount of rich immortal essence rose from the pot, but was blocked by the restrictions imposed by Gu Zheng, and did not spill out at all.

All the elixirs had been put into the pot, Gu Zheng added immortal wine to the pot, then covered the pot, and set up a new restraint, let the fairy crocus slices and three-eyed beef stew first.

The purple flower fairy fruit and the polar snowberry were both used by Gu Zheng when he cooked the black hole food repair last time.

The purple flower fairy fruit is a dried fruit, and under the skin is a crystal clear and sweet jam. Gu Zheng removed the peel, leaving only the jam. When I was doing black hole food repair last time, Gu Zheng treated it by steaming it, but this time it needs different ingredients, so the way of processing it is naturally different.

Polar snowberries look a bit like strawberries, with a slightly sweet taste. When cooking Heidong Shixiu last time, Gu Zheng squeezed the juice and discarded the remaining pulp. But this time, Gu Zheng beat the polar snowberries into a paste.

The fruity taste of sky lemon is slightly sour. Gu Zheng made it into a paste and put it aside for later use.

Bingjing Shengli is very small, one is only as big as an egg, and it is considered to be a relatively rare kind among high-quality fairy fruits.


After Gu Zheng squeezed the ice crystal holy pear, he asked Die Ling with the remaining pomace.


Die Ling doesn't dislike pomace, after all, it is a high-quality fairy fruit, and even pomace is delicious.

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