
The ice crystal holy pear is extremely cold, and the pomace after squeezing the juice has turned into ice balls. When the butterfly spirit chewed it, it made a very crisp sound.

"It's delicious. Although it's not juicy anymore, it's at least sweet. The cool feeling is really good!"

When Die Ling spoke, a pear fragrance unique to the ice crystal holy pear wafted from his mouth.

"Seeing how greedy you are, it's cheap for you!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. There are not many reserves of ice crystal holy pears, and he himself has not tasted them yet.

"Master, there is no discarded part of other fairy fruits, why don't you want the pomace of the Bingjing Shengli?"

Although he knew that Gu Zheng must have his reasons for doing so, Die Ling was still curious.

"No pomace, of course it won't play a good role in this food cultivation." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, how do you use the pear juice?" Die Ling asked again.

"Pear juice is used to make sugar!"

The sugar Gu Zheng mentioned was the ant sugar he got in the Shu Ruins before his ascension.

There are also many excipients, such as high-quality sugar, as well. However, for the ingredients to be cooked this time, fort sugar made from honey of flowers is the most suitable.

However, if you want to add fort sugar in food repair, it is only a medium quality fort sugar, and you need to improve the quality.

Gu Zheng added water to the pot and put the fort sugar in it. The solid fort sugar quickly turned into sugar water. Use the eyes of the Tao and the water control formula to purify the ant sugar, and improve the quality of the ant sugar with the way of improving the ingredients.

After a while, the sweet taste became stronger and stronger in the pot. The originally light yellow fort sugar has been boiled to burnt yellow, and there is not much water left in the pot. At this time, the quality of the fort sugar is excellent.

Just good quality is not enough, Gu Zheng still needs to improve the quality of Ant Sugar! And this time, it is not enough to rely on the Five Elements Immortal Art and the power of the law, and it is necessary to rely on a little medium.

Pour the Ice Crystal Holy Pear Juice into the fort sugar, and with Gu Zheng's rapid stirring, the ant sugar and certain substances in the Ice Crystal Holy Pear Juice combine, resulting in a wonderful change.

Transform new substances with the way of transformation, and then upgrade with the way of improvement, the original sweet smell will be more intense, and smelling it will make people feel happy! The scorched yellow ant sugar turned golden yellow again at this time, and it was crystal clear and very beautiful.

Put the purple flower fairy jam, polar snowberry paste and sky lemon fruit paste in a bowl, then pour the boiled ant sugar into it, after some stirring, Gu Zheng sealed the mouth of the bowl with the force of extreme cold, letting the contents of the bowl Jams and soups change naturally at low temperatures.

Add Moro sea salt to the pot stewed with fairy crocodile and three-eyed beef, and Gu Zheng uses the water control formula to control it.

A moment later, Gu Zheng released the extreme cold power that sealed the jam. Under the observation of the eyes of the Tao, he combined the substances in it, and the color of the jam also changed during this process. From the original pink, Turned into pink gold.

Pour the jam into the frying pan, stir fry on high heat under the urging of the fire control formula, the sweet smell permeates, the jam will soon be slightly viscous, and flow down the frying spoon when it rises, Can be pulled out for a long time before breaking. The original pink gold also turned into dark gold at this time, and there are many particles that did not exist in it, just like the kind of thing with a rustling taste in the flesh of a tomato, and these particles that did not exist in the first place are also With their presence, the products of jams that have been boiled into perfection, both the efficacy and taste of food repair can be greatly improved.

A large amount of white mist gathers on the pot, which is the harbinger of the extremely fragrant transformation. It is impossible for Gu Zheng to let the extremely fragrant transformation appear at this time. He will soon pour the jam into the stewed fairy crocus and The three-eyed beef is in the pot. However, before that, some protection must be done, because once the jam is in the pot, the food repair will surely begin.

Immortal power flickered on his fingers, and Gu Zheng placed several restrictions in the void before pouring the jam into the pot.


As soon as the jam was put into the pot, the thick immortal essence in the pot immediately exploded into a huge mushroom cloud. Fortunately, Gu Zheng had set up restrictions in advance, and the rise of the immortal essence mushroom cloud was still within a controllable range.

Gu Zheng pressed down with his palm, and the Xianyuan Mushroom Cloud was pressed back into the pot.

The blue wishing dew in the jade bottle was poured into the pot by Gu Zheng. The restless Xianyuan, after meeting the wishing dew, immediately turned into a dragon-like appearance, looking up and wanting to fly into the sky .


Gu Zheng put the lid on the pot, and quickly placed restrictions on the lid, suppressing the riot of the immortals in the pot.

The pot was restless, even with the suppression of Gu Zheng, it still vibrated slightly on the stove.

While dealing with the food cultivator's crossing tribulation, Gu Zheng used the Five Elements Immortal Technique to complete the final "outline" of the food cultivator, so that the food cultivator could become what he wanted in his heart.

It took a full three minutes to toss, even though Gu Zheng's cultivation was advanced, he couldn't help but see sweat on his forehead after being tossed by the food cultivator. Fortunately, the food cultivator finally succeeded. Wrapped in the transformed white gas.

The white qi is introverted into food cultivation, and the extremely fragrant form appears.

"Wow, it turned out to be two extremely fragrant transformations!"

Die Ling exclaimed in surprise, following Gu Zheng for such a long time, she has seen a lot of extremely fragrant transformations, but like the two extremely fragrant transformations of a three-eyed cow and a ginseng doll, she has never seen them before. seen.

The three-eyed cow and the ginseng doll danced around Shi Xiu, and the fragrance in the air reached a peak at this time.

The shape of Shixiu does not look fancy, nine pieces of three-eyed beef of the same size appear in the shape of a nine-square grid. However, none of the original fairy Scrophulariaceae could be seen.

The color of the three-eyed beef looks very beautiful, with a thin layer of dark golden jam on the outside, exuding an extremely sweet and fragrant breath. Moreover, due to the addition of Wish Power Immortal Dew in this food cultivation, the rich sweet fragrance has a very refreshing taste, and when you breathe it into your nostrils, you will feel clear in your mind.


Rao Guzheng has been tested for delicious food for a long time, but he couldn't help swallowing at this time, the smell of this food repair is really great, it makes people feel very hungry.

"I'm going to start taking food repair."

Gu Zheng looked at Die Ling, who was drooling to the corner of his mouth.

"Master, don't worry, I won't let anyone disturb you!"

Die Ling's expression turned serious, and he left the cave through the teleportation array in the side room.

Gu Zheng began to taste Shixiu, picked up a piece of three-eyed beef and put it in his mouth, the sweet taste immediately spread along his tongue.

One bite, the taste of the granules in the jam is first tasted, these granules are squeezed by the teeth, producing a mellow aroma that is sweeter than the jam itself, which makes people feel a sense of satisfaction, just like three years The alcoholic who has not drunk, suddenly tastes a glass of fine wine, the feeling that the heart is going to be drunk, how wonderful it is.

The three-eyed beef is very tender. When the teeth bite it, the gravy that has been locked in the meat bursts in the mouth. The salty gravy taste blends with the sweetness in the mouth, like a spark. , so that the degree of beauty can be improved in the mouth.

The fairy Scrophulariaceae, which was invisible at first, did not really disappear without a trace. It was hidden in every piece of three-eyed beef. The taste of beef with eyes, soft and glutinous, and the unique ginseng fragrance of Xianling Scrophulariaceae can be released to the fullest! And this wonderful fragrance blends with the original fragrance in the mouth, giving Gu Zhengsheng a feeling of being overwhelmed by sweetness.

The food cultivation has already started to take effect, Gu Zheng dare not taste the remaining eight yuan three-eyed beef. After wolfing it down, he hastened to hold on to his dantian to welcome the coming surging immortal essence.

The caves of the immortal cultivators seem to be in a relatively closed environment, but in fact, this does not delay their absorption of the immortal energy in the air. The reason is that there are special immortal formations in their caves. In the face of the invasion of Xianyuan, it is useless! The Dongfu in Xuankong Mountain is like this, so is the Dongfu in ancient times and now.

The pores of Gu Zheng's body have been opened, and the huge tornado passed through the fairy formation and appeared directly above the mountain stream, making it visible from a long distance.

The immortal yuan in the high-level gathering immortal formation swarmed towards Gu Zheng, and the immortal yuan attracted by the tornado from the outside world also rushed towards Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng rotated the celestial power ball to absorb the celestial essence. This process required his wholehearted time, and it was only in the first moment. Once everything is on track, the celestial ball in his body will automatically absorb and compress the celestial essence, and he doesn't need to devote himself wholeheartedly. If not, Gu Zheng would not dare to choose to use this special food cultivation to activate the seventh consciousness.

In the internal view, the medicinal effect of food repair is divided into two parts, one part is the pure celestial essence, which rushes towards the celestial power ball as the food repair digests. The other part is a shining clear stream, which gradually gathers with the digestion of food cultivation, until there is no new clear stream to join, it rushes into Gu Zheng's mind suddenly.


There was a strange sound in his head, as if he was standing next to a big bell that was ringing, the humming fluctuation made Gu Zheng feel like he wanted to be dizzy.

As soon as the vision in front of the eyes went dark, the original continuous buzzing disappeared immediately, and the whole world was cleansed, and the vision returned to normal again.

The world in my eyes is very strange. The foggy sky gives people a sense of chaos and uncertainty. There is no land under my feet, and Gu Zheng is suspended in the air. There is a luminous body ahead, but the light is so strong that people can't see what it is.

Before falling into the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng was in an unconscious state, but this time it was different, Gu Zheng was very sober, he knew that he had taken food cultivation, and the mysterious energy capable of the seventh consciousness brought him to this mysterious place realm.

Not knowing what to do next, when Gu Zheng habitually wanted to ask Qi Ling, he realized that he was already in a mysterious realm and could not contact Qi Ling at all. Moreover, in this mysterious realm, Gu Zheng has no body, only thoughts.

"Qi Ling has some understanding of the seventh sense, but she just told me about the details of activation. Everyone activates the seventh sense and faces different situations. There is no experience to learn from or impart. , everything can only depend on myself!"

Gu Zheng settled down, thinking about flying, and immediately felt like flying towards the light source.

I thought that the closer to the light source, the more dazzling the light would be, but who would have thought that the light would become softer and softer, so that the original luminous body could be clearly seen by Gu Zheng.

I thought that the luminous body can be various things, but Gu Zheng did not expect that the luminous body is actually two spheres, one sphere is divided into two colors of black and white, and the other sphere is slightly smaller, with a total of green, red, white, Composed of five colors, blue and yellow.

"Isn't this my Yin-Yang celestial ball and Wuxing celestial ball? Could it be that I'm in my own body now?"

Gu Zheng was shocked. The Yin-Yang celestial ball and the Five Elements celestial ball, which had been spinning slowly, turned faster because of Gu Zheng's arrival, as if they were waiting for him.

The Yin-Yang celestial ball and the Five Elements celestial ball rotated faster, and a stream of shining light slowly emerged above the two celestial balls.

"Isn't this the special energy produced by food cultivation?"

Gu Zheng was shocked again. It stands to reason that it was this energy that allowed him to enter this magical realm, but in this magical realm, he not only saw this energy, but also saw his Yin-Yang celestial ball and Five Elements celestial ball .

Regardless of whether it is the yin-yang celestial ball or the five-element celestial ball, although these two energy bodies are in Gu Zheng's body, because they have all undergone mutations, Gu Zheng always has a feeling that he doesn't understand them thoroughly.

Without waiting for Gu Zheng to figure out what was going on, the spinning Yin-Yang Celestial Ball and Celestial Power Ball threw out the shining clear stream on them.

The two streams that were thrown out merged into one in the air, like rapidly rising fireworks, blasting a hole in the chaos in the air.

Through the opening of the clear stream, Gu Zheng saw that there was a clear sky behind the chaos, and the blue color was really like the sky.

"Since the Yin-Yang Celestial Ball and the Five Elements Celestial Ball are waiting for me, and now they break through the chaos with a clear stream, they must also want me to go to that sky!"

Gu Zheng was a little excited, and he immediately flew towards the sky with a thought. However, just as Gu Zheng flew a certain distance, the chaos that had been blasted apart began to heal.

Fortunately for Gu Zheng, judging from his flying speed and distance, when he passes through the unknown chaos, basically the gap in the unknown chaos will be completely healed! Fortunately, he saw that Chaos Unknown didn't hesitate when he was blasted, otherwise he couldn't get past Chaos Unknown, and he didn't dare to think what kind of loss it would cause.

The unknown chaos healed behind Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng came to a new world.

The sky is very blue, with clouds floating on it. Originally chaotic and unknown, it became the land below Gu Zheng. After looking around, Gu Zheng found that the only special place in this space was a luminous body in front of him.

"It's a luminous body again, what will it be this time?"

Gu Zheng was curious, and flew towards the luminous body with his thoughts.

It was the same as when he was close to the Yin-Yang celestial ball and the Five Elements celestial ball before, the light became softer as he approached, and Gu Zheng finally saw what the luminous body was.

Shocked, when Gu Zheng saw what the luminous body was, he was shocked again!

The luminous body turned out to be a person! With his back facing Gu Zheng, his naked/naked body was young and immature, he looked like a six or seven-year-old child.

As if sensing Gu Zheng's approach, the person who had his back turned turned around.

"You came."

The young boy who turned around looked at Gu Zheng and said very plainly.

Shocked again, this person who made Gu Zheng wary looks exactly like Gu Zheng when he was six or seven years old!

Gu Zheng took a deep breath to calm down the mood of being shocked one after another.

Although Qi Ling once told Gu Zheng that the seventh consciousness is called the soul, also called the real self, but in Gu Zheng's imagination, this thing should be a light group, which may have the ability to communicate, but it should definitely not be the soul in front of the eyes. In this way, it is like a real person.

"I am coming."

Gu Zheng said it was a little difficult, even though he calmed down, he still felt that his head was a bit big, and he couldn't think of where to start.

Gu Zheng's answer did not make the child's expression fluctuate. He turned around and looked at the white clouds floating in the sky.

Gu Zheng's heart was really calm when he didn't look directly at this "childhood self", and his mind began to tumbling rapidly.

"Seeing this little guy should be the activation of the seventh consciousness! Qi Ling once said that controlling the real self is related to the achievement of a lifetime. If you control the real self, you will not be sticky to cause and effect, and you will be detached from things. But how can I control it? What? Threats and temptations?"

Gu Zheng regained his composure and suppressed his turbulent thoughts.

"what are you doing?"

Gu Zheng wants to try to control his true self through communication.

"Do what I have to do."

The child turned around, the expression on his face remained unchanged, he looked like a dummy.

"What are you supposed to do?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I don't know what I should do, I just think I should do it."

The child's expression finally changed, it was an expression similar to bewildered and thoughtful.

Even answering the question like this, the communication also gave Gu Zheng a feeling of being unable to start.

"Then do you know who I am?"

Gu Zheng changed the angle of public relations.

"You are someone related to me, I can feel it." The child said lightly.

"Then is there anything you want to tell me?"

Gu Zheng was depressed, the child made him feel so ignorant to the extreme, he really doubted how to communicate with the child normally.


Looking at Gu Zheng's indifferent sentence, the child turned around again, which also made Gu Zheng's feeling that he had nowhere to start was even stronger.

"Would you like to be controlled by me?"

Since he didn't know how to communicate, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth and went straight to the point.

"Why should I be controlled by you?"

The child turned around for the third time, and his expression changed again, with a hint of displeasure and guard in his eyes.

Dislike and wariness, these are not good emotions, Gu Zheng's head is completely big, I feel that this kid is a guy who doesn't like oil and salt.

"Because I am you, and you are me!"

A smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face, just like when he was courting Qi Ling.

"Flaty, insincere."

The child's voice was still flat, his fingers flicked twice, and two light spots flew into the distance.

"You should go, you have things to do."

The child spoke again, and following his voice, Gu Zheng heard a strange sound in his head, the effect of the food cultivation medicine was over, and he had to control his body to finish it.

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