There are traces of Dao on the 'Yunwu Vermilion Fruit'. Compared with other immortal ingredients in Guzheng, it has a lot of information about the traces of Dao, and it is relatively easier for people to understand Dao. Moreover, since the 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit' was born in space, Gu Zheng had a feeling when he got it that the Tao represented by its traces of Tao should be the Tao of space.

Under normal circumstances, one can only comprehend the traces of the Tao on the ingredients when cooking. I have not heard of any precedents of comprehending the traces of the Tao when looking at the ingredients. Gu Zheng had watched 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit' more than once before, but of course he found nothing. But this time it was different. As soon as Gu Zheng took out the 'Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit', he was immediately attracted by the dense and magical lines on it, and there was such a difference because of chance. It is also one aspect.

Under the gaze of Gu Zheng's eyes, the magical lines on the original 'Cloud Mist Vermilion Fruit' began to rotate, and its speed became faster and faster, until Gu Zheng's head rang with a "boom", and then he entered a mysterious realm .

In the mysterious realm, the blue sky and white clouds, Gu Zheng stood on top of the white clouds, it was so quiet that even the sound of the wind could not be heard.

Like a normal mysterious realm, Gu Zheng has forgotten who he is and what his purpose is. He just looks curiously at the blue sky above his head and the white clouds under his feet.

Walking around in the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and time passed unconsciously.

Finally, Gu Zheng stopped, and he also had a different idea. He wanted to see what was under the white clouds.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it, Gu Zheng stomped his feet fiercely, and his whole body immediately fell from the white clouds.

In Gu Zheng's original thoughts, he didn't know what was under the white clouds, or he didn't think about it at all. However, when he really realized what was under the white clouds, fear also began to spread in his heart.

Below the white clouds is the void, the endless void!

That is to say, Gu Zheng has been accelerating since he fell, but there is no place to land below, and he just keeps falling like this.

At first it was fear, but when Gu Zheng found that struggling was useless, he suddenly felt a chill as he fell at a high speed, as if he had caught something, closed his eyes and began to experience this feeling of falling.

A moment later, Gu Zheng opened his eyes, and with a smile on his lips, he stretched out his hand and waved his hand. His falling body was fixed in the void, and the mysterious realm was also shattered.

"Congratulations, master!"

Gu Zheng had just come out of the mysterious realm, and Die Ling, who felt his enlightenment, immediately cheered.

Gu Zheng laughed, stretched out his hand and pinched Die Ling's nose, it is indeed a very refreshing thing to be able to realize the Tao.

"Is the master enlightened to the way of space this time?"

Die Ling asked this question because Gu Zheng had heard about the 'cloud and vermilion fruit' beforehand.

"It's the 'space ban' in the way of space!"

"Great, it turned out to be 'Space Ban'!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Die Ling cheered for him.

The so-called 'space ban' is actually air ban. If Gu Zheng could have this supernatural power earlier, he would not have to be so passive by the mud spirit's air ban method when he was in the Rotten Swamp.

After comprehending the 'space ban', Gu Zheng began to cook Shengguo Shixiu.

How to use 'cloud mist vermilion fruit' as the main ingredient to cook holy fruit Shixiu, the recipe in Gu Zheng's heart has always been different with the changes of his Taoist heart and Taoist eye, and now he decided to use this recipe , It can be regarded as polished by time and realm.

In addition to the 'cloud and mist vermilion fruit', there are five kinds of ingredients used in cooking this holy fruit food repair, namely: flat peach, dragon fruit, purple night jelly, desert bloodberry, and white jade honey sticks. The six ingredients are all high-end, among which the desert bloodberry and white jade honey sticks belong to the ingredients of the outside world.

Purple Night Grass Jelly itself has a special fragrance, and Gu Zheng boiled it first when he started to process the ingredients.

Flat peaches are not like ordinary peaches. When they are used in food repair, they don't even need to remove the skin except for the core.

White jade honey strips, an out-of-group ingredient, is actually the root of a rare shrub, which looks as white as jade, and contains a lot of starch-like substances, with a sweet and lingering taste.

To process white jade honey sticks, Gu Zheng needs to dry them first, and then grind them into powder to remove impurities.

After all the preparations were done, Gu Zheng took out the purple night fairy grass boiled in the clay pot and poured the boiled soup into the pot.

Just like thickening the soup, as the purple-red slightly viscous soup was put into the pot, a wonderful fragrance became stronger in the air, making people want to drool when they smell it.

After the purple night fairy grass soup was put into the pot, Gu Zheng first put the flat peaches and desert bloodberries into it and boiled. Under the urging of the Five Elements Art, the flat peaches and desert bloodberries in the pot quickly melted, and the soup became even stronger. While sticky, the color is also changing back and forth between purple and red, and the different aromas of the three ingredients are also constantly rising and falling in the air.

After a while, the food in the pot was completely integrated, and the color turned into light red. After the aroma was integrated, the sweet smell was intoxicating, and the fruity aroma was particularly refreshing.

Yunwu vermilion fruit and Tianlong fruit were put into the pot together by Gu Zheng. The addition of the two kinds of berries changed the color of the food in the pot and the fragrance in the air. There was already a thick white mist on the pot. Developing towards the point of extremely fragrant transformation.

While Gu Zheng is controlling the food, he is also controlling the appearance of the extremely fragrant form, because the completion of the whole way of food cultivation is only 50% completed now, if he cannot control the extremely fragrant form at this time Appear, then this way of food cultivation will be abolished.

The last ingredient was put into the pot by Gu Zheng, which was powder ground from white jade honey sticks. The addition of it made the already sticky Shixiu in the pot even more sticky.

Under the action of Xianli, the food repairer in the pot was turned by Gu Zheng as if stirring batter, and the overall appearance was a crystal clear light red.

"smell good!"

Miaomiao and Die Ling, who were watching from the side, couldn't help expressing emotion almost at the same time.

Indeed, the sweet scent in the air at this time is the strongest among the food that Gu Zheng has cooked. This sweet smell not only makes people salivate, but even a cultivator whose cultivation level is only in the Golden Immortal realm, smells it. Can be drunk for a month, after all, this sweet taste is also a kind of Tao.

However, for Gu Zheng, the completion rate of food cultivation is only 60% now, and when it reaches 70%, there will be a "moment of youth", and after the "moment of youth", it will be 80%. It is 90% after crossing the catastrophe, and 100% after the completion of the extremely fragrant transformation.

The Holy Fruit Food Cultivator will have a "Momentary Fanghua", which is what Gu Zheng knew when he had the formula in his mind. He naturally has a way to deal with the "Momentary Fanghua" that will appear at that time. Moreover, when this Dao Food Cultivation is made, the medicinal effect is stronger than the best 'Black Hole Food Cultivation' he has ever taken.

All the substances that make up the ingredients are clearly visible in the observation of Gu Zheng's eyes and the induction of Dao's heart. Several substances seem to attract each other, and they are not controlled by Gu Zheng's close contact. Also present at this moment.

'Instant Youth' is a relatively rare change in the way of eating. If this variable is not handled properly, the food will deteriorate. If it is handled properly, the taste of the food will also be sublimated. However, for this ancient dispute that "Instant Youth" had a way to deal with, he had already widened his eyes as early as the beginning of "Instant Youth".

The appearance of 'Installation of Youth' is completely different from that deduced by Gu Zheng before, and the reason why this variable is called 'Installation of Youth' is because its bloom is only an instant.

In a split second, Gu Zheng didn't have time to figure out how to deal with it, but fortunately, he has a relatively high level of cultivation now, and he still has ways to deal with such a very dangerous emergency.

With a move in his heart, Gu Zheng used the way of time to stop the time around him! Fortunately, Gu Zheng's Dao of Time is now at the intermediate level. If he is still at the elementary level, it is simply impossible to suspend the food cultivation in "Sha Na Fang Hua".

Even though there was a difference in the 'Momentary Youth', which forced Gu Zheng to use the method of time, Gu Zheng's face was full of excitement. With his current state in the way of diet, unexpected things will happen, which can only show that this variable comes from a higher state in the way of diet.

With time standing still, Gu Zheng began to deduce how to solve the variable of "Instant Youth". As the deduction continued, the excitement on his face became more and more intense.

Finally, Gu Zheng lifted the state of time stillness, and then he dealt with the variables caused by the "Moment of Youth" with flowing movements, and the food repair also jumped from the original completion degree of 70% to the completion degree of 90% after this link. Complete, only one step away from the extremely fragrant transformation step can reach 100%, completely skipping the link of food cultivation and crossing the catastrophe!

The sweet smell in the air has reached its peak, Miao Miao and Die Ling are swallowing their saliva, even Gu Zheng has a feeling of endless saliva.

"Master, why didn't Food Cultivator Transcend Tribulation show up?"

Die Ling couldn't help being curious when he saw that the extremely fragrant white mist had shrouded the cooked food repairer.

"There is no food cultivation to cross the catastrophe, that's because it was replaced by 'Installation Fanghua', and the reason why 'Installation Fanghua' can replace food cultivation to cross the calamity is because it is not a food cultivation in the traditional sense, but a Immortal Food Cultivator!"

Rao Guzheng has experienced strong winds and waves, and his voice is trembling at this time, what does it mean to cultivate immortal food? It means that his realm in the way of eating and drinking has truly entered the "two begets three" and he has truly achieved the level of standing side by side with Tiexian!

Gu Zheng said that this is a fairy food cultivation, Die Ling and Miaomiao were stunned for a moment, and then screams and cheers rang out.

Listening to the screams and cheers of the two women, Gu Zheng also felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. However, when the realm reaches "two begets three", Gu Zheng's culinary skills will not be improved by actually cooking ordinary food, because the so-called "two begets three" can only be regarded as allowing Gu Zheng to enter a cave. Instead of letting him be in the wide world outside the cave, but compared to those who have not yet entered the cave, Gu Zheng, who has already entered the cave, is at least closer to the exit of the cave.

"Master, tell us quickly, what is the difference between immortal food cultivation and ordinary food cultivation." Die Ling asked curiously.

"There are many differences, and there are two obvious points. One of them is that every immortal food cultivation is an opportunity to enlighten the Tao. If you take the immortal food cultivation, you will definitely be able to enter the mysterious realm of enlightenment!"


When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the two women couldn't help but open their mouths wide. It was still a bit too shocking for food cultivation to trigger the mysterious realm.

"Sir, what about the second point?" Miaomiao asked hastily.

"After taking the normal food cultivation, the pores of the whole body will open and turn into whirlpools, devouring energy crazily. Whether this energy is immortal essence or energy in a black hole, it still belongs to the energy in the prehistoric. However, immortal The energy devoured after taking the Food Cultivation comes from outside the circle, that is, every time you take an Immortal Food Cultivator, it is a cross-border plundering experience!"


Even though they had just been shocked, Miaomiao and Die Ling opened their mouths wide again. It was hard for them to imagine how a food cultivation could allow people to plunder energy across borders.

"Sir, cross-border plunder, this, this is very far away!"

Even knowing that what Gu Zheng said is true, Miaomiao still finds it unbelievable. After all, it is difficult for quasi-sages to pass through the outer space. Ancient dispute here.

"This is the wonder of the diet!"

Gu Zheng murmured, feeling an indescribable shock in his heart. He is now in the realm of "two begets three" in the way of eating and drinking. He has seen many things that he couldn't see before.

"Huh? How did this food cultivator become like this?"

The extremely fragrant mist has completely entered the holy fruit food cultivation at this time, and Die Ling couldn't help but exclaimed.

The shape of Shengguoshijiujixiang after transformation looks like a purple-red ball, it has a thin layer of skin, so that everyone can see that it seems to have a lot of juice inside. However, when Gu Zheng put the food repair out of the pot, there was not much water in the food repair. This is a fact that both Die Ling and Miao Miao have seen with their own eyes.

"Because the 'momentary youth' experienced by the immortal food repair will completely change the quality of a food repair! It can be said that the current food repair has nothing to do with the ingredients I used before. It is completely It is the result of a mysterious power!"

Seeing that the two women were confused, Gu Zheng explained the details to them.

Tiexian said before that even for him, immortality and food cultivation are rare, but Gu Zheng couldn't understand this sentence at the time.

In Gu Zheng's understanding, as long as one can cook an immortal food repair, it can be redone with the same ingredients in the future. However, after truly seeing the Immortal Food Cultivation, Gu Zheng finally understood what it means to meet something but not to ask for it.

The variable that led to the eventual emergence of Immortal Food Cultivation was the 'instant youth', and the contact of several substances that formed the 'instant youth' was not within Gu Zheng's prediction and control.

In Gu Zheng's understanding of the way of diet, the contact of several substances is inevitable, but the order of their contact is different from that deduced by Gu Zheng in advance, and Gu Zheng is unable to change it, thus triggering A different 'moment of youth'.

With Gu Zheng's cultivation, even small matter can't be controlled. This is obviously the effect of Dao in it. Their unreasonable touch is also completed by Dao's control, and this mysterious power of Dao comes from A state that has not yet been reached in the ancient competition.

Therefore, there is what Tiexian said before, because it is possible to find the same two pieces of common ingredients, but it is almost impossible to have a second piece of natural treasures like 'Yunwu Zhuguo'. exist! And the substances that caused the change in the "Momentary Youth" all came from the "Cloud and Mist Vermilion Fruit".

Moreover, after Gu Zheng cooked the immortal food repair, he also had a kind of understanding in his heart. This kind of understanding made him feel that even if he found all the ingredients for cooking the holy fruit food repair this time, it would be impossible to cook again There is a fairy food repair. Because the touch of the special substance is completely affected by the power of the mysterious way, and the power of the mysterious way will appear at that time. In his clear understanding, this is simply an unrepeatable stroke of God!

However, there is nothing that cannot be traced. Even if the power of the mysterious way can only be regarded as a stroke of God by Gu Zheng now, if there is another chance to cook a fairy food repair, Gu Zheng may have a new discovery maybe. Moreover, since Gu Zheng cooked the Immortal Food Cultivator, his own realm has entered the "two begets three", in fact, there are still some benefits to him, one of which is that if he still meets in the future, it will lead to He can sense the difference in advance when the "Momentary Fanghua" of Immortal Food Cultivation appears. This is an essential difference between those who have experienced it once and those who have not experienced it.

Gu Zheng is about to start taking Immortal Food Cultivator, and he also has a kind of expectation in his heart, hoping that the mysterious realm triggered by it will allow him to get in touch with more advanced ways of eating.

After one bite, Gu Zheng didn't have time to taste Shixiu's smooth and soft skin, so he quickly sucked/sucked the sweet juice.

"Sweet and smooth, with a long aftertaste, I have never eaten such a delicious thing in my life!"

When Shixiu finished eating, Gu Zheng, who was still full of thoughts, gave the highest evaluation of food in his life.

In the past, because of the difference in sweet and salty taste of the food itself, and the difference in meat and vegetables, Gu Zheng never said such extreme evaluations after he reached a certain level of diet.

But now, he couldn't help giving the supreme evaluation, because the taste of this food cultivation made him feel that compared with those things he had eaten in the past, it was not at the same level at all, and there was no comparison. I don't know, there is a kind of sweetness in the world that I want him to indulge in and never come out again.

Gu Zheng still had deep emotions on his face, but in fact, when his words fell to the ground, he had already entered the mysterious realm brought by food cultivation.

Blue sky and white clouds, mountains and waters, grass and flowers, beasts and birds, the mysterious realm that Gu Zheng experienced this time looks like a mountain forest that is inaccessible.

Just like a normal mysterious realm, Gu Zheng caught in it doesn't know who he is or what he's going to do. He's just curious about everything, walking and stopping from time to time, occasionally looking at the scenery along the way daze.

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