The animals in the Xuanmiao Realm are not afraid of Gu Zheng either. Although they are not close to Gu Zheng, they all follow him not far away.

Gu Zheng was also very curious about these animals, but he didn't seem to see anything when he looked around, so he was still in a stop-and-go rhythm.

Although there is no concept of time in the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng's heart is becoming more and more anxious. This is related to his gaining the control of the seventh consciousness. The seventh consciousness is reminding him in this way that he can The time to stay in the mysterious realm is running out.

Gu Zheng walked faster, and the time he stayed for things along the way became shorter, but he still didn't understand what he was looking for, but as the mysterious realm was about to end, his heart became more impatient.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Gu Zheng's mind. For the first time in this mysterious realm, he had a question. He thought that he had been searching on the ground all along, and what he wanted to find might be in the sky?

Gu Zheng looked up at the sky, and there was nothing in the sky except white clouds.

Not giving up on this, Gu Zheng looked at those clouds with various postures very seriously, trying to find something from them.

As his gaze kept scanning the clouds, Gu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up. He saw a shape of a cloud, which he seemed to have seen somewhere, and this cloud was very important to him, but he couldn't remember it for a while. detail.

Gu Zheng watched Yun Duo motionless, and slowly his eyes widened, he finally remembered why he felt this Yun Duo was familiar, and why he felt that this Yun Duo was very important to him! And when Gu Zheng had such an idea in his mind, there was a "boom" in his head, and the clouds began to change shapes rapidly in his eyes, some of them looked like people, some of them looked like monsters, they were truly lifelike in various poses and with different expressions .

at the same time.

In the real world, Die Ling and the others, who were waiting for Gu Zheng to plunder energy across borders, couldn't help but widen their eyes. There was a strong wind on Xingxu Mountain. This was obviously a vision of heaven and earth blessings!

"Why is there a vision of heaven and earth? Could it be that Mr. has comprehended something extraordinary?"

Miaomiao was shocked. Apart from this answer, she couldn't think of any other possibility.

"Is that true? But the avenues that can produce the blessings of heaven and earth, such as Yin-Yang and Five Elements, time and space, these masters have already comprehended!" The angry man frowned.

"This is the mysterious realm brought about by immortal food cultivation. The master has realized the Tao in this mysterious realm. Maybe he has mastered a higher level of diet. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, the diet is not a It’s the great way, but the master has always regarded the way of eating and drinking very highly, and it’s not impossible that it can really bring blessings from heaven and earth!”

Die Ling's voice paused, and then said again: "Just a few days ago, I just received the blessings of heaven and earth in the Lingwu Palace. Are you going to accept the blessings of heaven and earth again now? This is really unbelievable!"

The discussions and emotions in the real world did not affect the ancient disputes in the mysterious realm at all. At this moment, he looked at the white clouds in the sky, and there was a knowing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The smile at the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth turned into a loud laugh, and the white clouds in the sky also stopped changing at this time, a crack appeared in the mysterious realm, and then it shattered into pieces.

"Sir, what Tao have you realized?"

Seeing Gu Zheng open his eyes, Miao Miao hurriedly asked.

"Tai Xu Nine Changes." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Nine changes of emptiness?"

Miaomiao was still a little puzzled, but Die Ling's eyes widened: "Master has comprehended the way of transformation at the fairy level?"

"That's right!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's affirmative answer, Die Ling and others cheered. They had a lot of guesses when the vision of heaven and earth appeared, but they didn't dare to think about the fairy-level control of Dao, because it was so rare Yes, the difficulty is no less than obtaining the control of the seventh consciousness.

Dao mastery is divided into four types: primary, intermediate, advanced, and immortal mastery. According to Le Xian, the top ten saints all have immortal mastery of a certain dao, but each of them only masters Just one or two. Moreover, no matter what kind of Dao, even the small Dao, as long as the control over it can reach the immortal level, its power cannot be underestimated. It is also because of this that every time one obtains the immortal level control of a Taoist method, there will be blessings from heaven and earth.

It is not too unexpected that Gu Zheng can obtain the fairy-level control of the Dao of Change.

After establishing a special connection with Le Xian, Le Xian once used the "Four Seasons Immortal Sound" to give Gu Zheng a chance. In that mysterious realm that represented chance, Gu Zheng understood the high-level transformation method "Xuantian Ten" Eight Changes'. At that time, due to the end of the "Four Seasons Immortal Sound", Gu Zheng, who had not completely escaped from the state of enlightenment, had to withdraw from the mysterious realm.

Later, when Gu Zheng talked about this matter with Le Xian, Le Xian told Gu Zheng that such a situation could happen in the mysterious realm, which shows that Gu Zheng had a fairy-level control over the Tao of change out of chance and coincidence The seed, this seed has a certain possibility of recovery after absorbing the chance of becoming holy after the ancient battle, or when experiencing the mysterious realm.

It has been a while since what happened that day. Gu Zheng used the opportunity of becoming a saint and entered the mysterious realm many times, but he couldn't revive the seed of the way of change, so that he was a little bit dissatisfied with it. Dare to look forward to it.

This time, Gu Zheng didn't gain anything that he should have gained in the mysterious realm that he entered by taking the immortal food cultivation. This is also the first time that he has not made what he should have in the mysterious realm since he practiced Taoism. As for comprehending the way of change controlled by the immortal level, it was just a coincidence that he revived the seeds he already had.

But no matter what, Gu Zheng is still very happy. His control over a kind of Tao has reached the legendary immortal level control. Thinking about it, it seems like a dream. Moreover, according to what Le Xian said that day, if his control over a certain kind of Dao reaches the immortal level, then the holy power he can bring to Le Xian and Tie Xian will be greater than what he can bring by becoming a quasi-sage. There are many! Thinking about it, there should be dozens of quasi-sages throughout the ages, but for the immortal-level control of the Tao, even the top ten holy immortals are only one or two each. What a chance this time.

"Fortunately, the effect of cross-boundary plunder of immortal food cultivation appears relatively slowly. Otherwise, the blessings of heaven and earth are mixed with cross-boundary plunder. I don't know what will happen."

Gu Zheng released the avatar with emotion, the blessing of heaven and earth is about to begin, and he wants the avatar to enjoy this hard-won cultivation base with him.

The mastery of the Tao has been raised to the immortal level, and the amount of blessings from the heavens and the earth also varies according to the different avenues and trails. But in any case, this is after all the blessing of heaven and earth after the mastery of the Tao reaches the immortal level, and its improvement in cultivation will still be very impressive.

Gu Zheng's Tiexian Jue, which was originally more than half of the seventy percent of the seventh floor, has reached the seventy eighty percent because of the blessing of heaven and earth this time.

Die Ling's cultivation base is at the Demon Queen stage. If the period from the Demon Queen stage to the peak of the Demon Emperor is divided into 10%, she is now 20% of the Demon Queen stage.

The cultivation base of the angry man was originally the middle level of the demon emperor. Although he failed to enter the demon queen stage because of the blessing of heaven and earth this time, he is already very close to the stage of demon queen. Gu Zheng only needs to give him a few more food repairs, which can also raise his cultivation base to the demon queen stage.

When Miaomiao was blessed by heaven and earth last time, her realm had just entered the middle stage of the Demon Emperor. If the middle stage of the Demon Emperor and the stage of the Demon Queen were divided into 10%, she is now the 40th percentile of the middle stage of the Demon Emperor.

The one with the greatest improvement in cultivation is still Gu Zheng's avatar! After the last heaven and earth blessing, the realm of Gu Zheng's avatar was already in the late stage of returning to the void. This time, the blessing of heaven and earth has brought him back to the stage of returning to the late stage, and he has been raised to the point where he is about to approach the late stage of Jinxian! This made Gu Zheng sigh with emotion, how much suffering and time it took him to cultivate from a mortal to this level. Fortunately, the avatar is just an avatar, and there is no such thing as crossing the catastrophe, otherwise Gu Zheng would have to work hard for him to cross the catastrophe in some realms.

"It's a pity that I can't let you improve your cultivation by taking food cultivation, otherwise your strength will also be improved because of it."

Gu Zheng looked at the clone and smiled, and the clone immediately sensed what he was thinking, and shrugged helplessly at him.

No longer distracted by other things, Gu Zheng began to prepare to absorb the energy plundered across borders.

To say that Immortal Food Cultivation is really miraculous, even though Gu Zheng cooked it himself, he still doesn't know anything about how it can plunder across borders. At the same time, it is precisely because of ignorance that Gu Zheng was able to see a wider world in the way of eating and drinking! He is full of longing for that magical world, but he just doesn't know when he can really touch it.


Thirty-three days away, which had always been silent, suddenly had a strange noise, and a huge hole appeared in the chaotic void.

The holes that usually appear in the void are black holes that are so dark that they can swallow people's sight, but this time the holes that appear in the void are bright enough to be dazzling 'white holes'.

The 'White Cave' is the entrance of the energy outside the circle to the prehistoric world. Looking at the thick energy pouring out of it, Gu Zheng was really shocked beyond words! This so-called cross-border plunder really opened up the space, and transmitted the energy of an unknown world outside the circle in this way.

The scene was very spectacular, like a waterfall of energy falling from the 'white hole' thirty-three days away, and landed directly on top of Gu Zheng's head, allowing Gu Zheng to absorb it at a speed like a whale.

The out-of-circle energy attracted by the immortal food cultivation itself cannot be directly absorbed by Gu Zheng, but due to the peculiar effect of the immortal food cultivation medicine, when the energy enters Gu Zheng's body, it is automatically transformed into immortal energy , saving the process of transforming the ancient dispute. Moreover, the quality of the energy outside the circle is extremely astonishing, which is the only thing that Gu Zheng has seen in his life. The same amount is one drop, and the immortal essence is just one drop. But if the energy outside the circle is converted into immortal essence, the amount will become a bottle, which is more advanced. The difference in the energy of heaven and earth between the lower plane and the lower plane.

Die Ling and the others stared wide-eyed at the shocking scene of "Galaxy Falling to Nine Heavens". The expressions of the ten great saints in the "Stars of the Heavens" were also very exciting. Although they were maintaining the "Great Stars of the Heavens", But for some things that happened in the outside world, there will still be inductions, not to mention that this is an anomaly that comes from thirty-three days away.

"Congratulations, brother, for accepting a good apprentice! Now, brother, I still remember the shock it gave me when my brother cooked immortal food!" Lao Tzu smiled at Tiexian.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother!"

Primitive and all-powerful.

"Congratulations brother and sister!"

Tianwu Shengxian congratulated Tiexian and Lexian.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister, Senior Sister really admires what Junior Sister is betting on!" Emperor Wa said in a strange way.

"Some things should be let go. We are all saints. If we can't let go of the things that should be ignored, we can only swallow the evil we planted."

Le Xian naturally knew the meaning of Wahuang's words, but she was too lazy to say anything more to Wahuang, and her words were not only for Wahuang, but also for the other saints who did not make a sound listen.

Naturally, Gu Zheng didn't know what happened in the 'Stars of the Heavens', he only cared about experiencing the pleasure of accumulating immortal power.

Immortal Food Cultivator, which can plunder energy across borders, has a good medicinal effect, and it is not comparable to the Black Hole Food Cultivator that Gu Zheng took last time.

The process of energy plundering lasted for half an hour. Before Gu Zheng's 7th and 80th percentile Tiexian Jue, now it is one-third of the 80th percentile.

In any case, from the beginning of this culinary fairy food cultivation, the surprises have been around the ancient disputes, first comprehending the "space hidden", then comprehending the "nine transformations of Hunyuan" triggering the blessings of heaven and earth, and finally experiencing the crossover of food cultivation. world plunder.

From the perspective of the realm of diet, Gu Zheng has now reached the "two begets three", although he has not really touched the higher level of diet, but from the substances that form "momentary youth" and immortality Among the effects of food tasting training, he can be regarded as seeing the shock of a higher level of diet, which will help him in his future growth in diet.

On the surface, he seems to be in a daze looking at the 'White Cave' that disappeared thirty-three days away. In fact, Gu Zheng is using his thoughts to make Tiexian sense him. This is a way for him to find Tiexian without meeting him.

Tiexian is a holy immortal, and he can sense Gu Zheng's thoughts calling him. Even if he is in the "star formation of the heavens", as long as he is not too busy, he will spare time to communicate with Gu Zheng's thoughts for a few minutes. sentence.

"Teacher, congratulations!"

Gu Zheng had just called Tiexian with his mind, and Tiexian's voice had already sounded in his mind.

"The apprentice has now reached the realm of 'two begets three', and the teacher is finally no longer alone in this realm. If it is not inconvenient now, the teacher really wants to communicate with the apprentice about the immortals The matter of food cultivation." Tiexian said with emotion.

"When will the apprentice see Master next time?"

Gu Zheng also wanted to exchange food and drink with Tiexian, but he knew that due to the need to maintain the 'Star Array of the Heavens', there were not many opportunities to really meet each other. As for some things on the way of diet, it is not appropriate to just communicate with spiritual thoughts.

"Four and a half years later, the master will join hands with the other saints to open the 'Battlefield of Chance'. At that time, we, the master and the apprentice, will be able to meet each other."

It is not the first time that Gu Zheng has heard of the "battlefield of chance" that Tiexian said. The last time they met, Tiexian said that Gu Zheng should not worry about the fall of the quasi-sage. That will happen five years later The place where it opens is what he now calls the 'battlefield of chance'.

"Teacher, what are your plans next?" Tiexian asked Gu Zheng.

"Next, I want to go to the 'Frozen Snow Field', and I also want to ask Master about the 'Frozen Snow Field'." Gu Zheng said.

There are four dangerous places in the prehistoric world: desert, turbulent sea, poisonous swamp, and frozen snowfield.

He has been to the desert, the turbulent sea, and the rotten swamp, but he has only heard about the frozen snowfield, and has never set foot there.

Gu Zheng's going to the ice and snow field was not a whim, it was a plan already in the rotten swamp.

In the rotten swamp, after killing the first clay spirit, Gu Zheng got a rare inner alchemy containing the information of the mud spirit way. If he wants to get a chance from this inner alchemy, he must use the ' Jade Meteor Spring' water soaks the inner alchemy, and 'Jade Meteor Spring' is in the frozen snowfield.

It is precisely because he has been in contact with three of the four dangerous places that Gu Zheng understands that there are secrets that ordinary people do not know in the so-called four dangerous places! Therefore, after deciding to go to the Frozen Snow Field in a while, he wanted to ask Tiexian about the situation there.

"There are also secrets in the Frozen Snowfield, but this secret is not like the one in the rotten swamp. As a teacher, you can tell your disciples in advance..."

Tiexian told Gu Zheng some things about the Frozen Snowfield. Through Tiexian's narration, Gu Zheng also had a real understanding of the secrets in the so-called Frozen Snowfield.

Before obtaining Xingxu Mountain, in Gu Zheng's perception, it was very difficult to go to the outside world, not to mention how far the journey is, the danger along the way alone may cause the quasi-sage to fall. However, after learning the secret of the frozen snow field, Gu Zheng realized that it is not as difficult as going to the outside world! Because, in the prehistoric world, there is a black hole that directly leads to the world outside the circle. The entrance of this black hole cannot be closed at all, and it is in the frozen snow field.

Through the black hole, capable immortal cultivators in the prehistoric forces can enter the outer world, and capable beings in the outer world can also enter the prehistoric world.

As for the entrance of the black hole, Heavenly Court has always sent people to guard it, so even if they have the ability, the immortals in the prehistoric world still need permission to enter the outside world through the black hole. As for the life outside the circle, it is also not easy to enter the prehistoric world through the black hole.

Most of the main force responsible for guarding the black hole on the Honghuang side are quasi-sages. Senior Brother Han Yue and Fourth Senior Sister Xuan Yue, whom Gu Zheng has never met, are also performing guarding tasks in the Frozen Snow Field.

After finishing the communication with Tiexian, Gu Zheng was even more excited about going to the Frozen Snow Field. The senior brother and fourth senior sister who had never met before were there. If it wasn't for the fact that Xingxu Mountain couldn't be taken away, Gu Zheng really wanted to take Xingxu Mountain with him, after all, he had reserved quotas for the use of the Xingxu Mountain Mission Palace for his brothers and sisters.

If he wants to go to the Frozen Snow Field, this is not something that he will leave immediately. Gu Zheng intends to leave in half a month. He still needs to spend some time to stabilize some of the things he has gained around the immortal food cultivation. .

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