"Blood Shadow actually transmitted sound to Junior Brother, does he really admit it?" Fairy Huanyin frowned.

"It should look like this." Gu Zheng laughed.

"You can't trust this guy easily. During the banquet before, he still wanted me to eat Anilud's vegetarian dishes." Fairy Xuanyue said.

"Maybe it's because none of us ate Anilu's dish, that's why Xueying made such a decision." Gu Zheng said.

"If Blood Shadow really doesn't want to be an enemy with Junior Brother, will Junior Brother give him another chance?" Fairy Huanyin asked.

"Although the information sent by the blood shadow transmission is not any valuable information, since he did not choose to die with Anilu and the others, then he has won a chance to live for himself, as long as he does not try to die in the future, I don’t need to be as knowledgeable as him.” Gu Zheng said.

"Junior brother is still too kind, it's so easy to soften your heart!"

Fairy Xuanyue sighed, she gave Gu Zheng a helpless look.

"Junior Brother, are you really sure about dealing with Anilul and Xuanyang?"

As for Gu Zheng's ability, although Huan Yin had heard Le Xian say something, she didn't know as much as Xuan Yue, and she was more worried about tomorrow's battle because of this.

"The two senior sisters really don't have to worry! It's not that I'm particularly easy to soften my heart, nor is it my blind self-confidence. I really didn't take those two guys seriously." Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"Junior brother, you should know that the quasi-sages who will be sent to guard the fairy camp are often not ordinary quasi-sages, especially quasi-sages like Anilud and Xuan Yang who have participated in the first chaotic catastrophe." Fairy Huanyin reminded road.

Gu Zheng naturally understood that Fairy Huanyin emphasized the intention of the first Chaos Tribulation.

These quasi-sages in the fairy camp, like Daoist Taiyi, Wudang Madonna, Fairy Xuanyang, and Anilud, are all quasi-sages who have participated in the first chaotic catastrophe. As for Fairy Xuanyue, Fairy Huanyin, Venerable Blood Shadow and others were not qualified to participate in the first Chaos Tribulation due to their shallow cultivation.

Those who were able to participate in the first chaotic catastrophe all had immortal artifacts that had received the blessings of heaven and earth after the first chaotic catastrophe. This is something that ordinary people are very afraid of, because the power of this kind of immortal artifact is indeed very powerful. However, Gu Zheng is not an ordinary person. He has killed more than one or two people with this kind of fairy weapon.

"Two senior sisters, let me tell you something!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said some things about himself, some of which even Fairy Xuanyue didn't know.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Fairy Xuanyue and Fairy Huanyin looked Gu Zheng up and down, as if seeing him for the first time.

"We didn't explain some things at the beginning, which made us worry, and we must have a sparring with you in order to vent our anger!"

"Yes, you must have a good discussion with the younger brother!"

Fairy Xuanyue and Fairy Huanyin gritted their teeth, and each of them smiled.

"Hmph, since it's a duel, don't blame the younger brother for being ruthless!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"You also said it was a sparring session, how dare you be merciless?"

"Not only do we need to learn from each other, but we also have to make delicious compensation for us after the discussion is over!"

Looking at the two 'unruly' senior sisters, Gu Zheng burst out laughing.

The next day, two groups of people left the fairy camp one after another, but they all chose not to bring the fairy general. Regarding this, the rest of the immortal camp naturally wouldn't say anything, anyway, it was the leader's freedom to bring along the immortal general.

"You two, see you in the ice lake!"

Before leaving the fairy camp, Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Anilu and Fairy Xuanyang.

"Ice Lake? Do you think they will leave any arrangements when they left the Ice Lake last time?" Fairy Xuanyang frowned.

"Just be careful, this battle is inevitable no matter where it is!" Anilu said.

"Yeah, an inevitable battle!"

Fairy Xuanyang murmured, and then asked again: "Why didn't you join us when Gu Zheng was in the ice prison? If you joined us at that time, he must be a dead man now!"

Fairy Xuanyang didn't expect that the Blood Shadow Venerable who joined forces with her back then would back down, and the wretched Anilud would become the final partner.

"At that time? Don't mention that time to the poor monk! Didn't you also try your best when you fought against Gu Zheng?"

Anilu gave Fairy Xuanyang a white look, and then said: "Even if the poor monk joins hands with you, the so-called cooperation will still not be successful if each of you has a small mind. What's more, you and Gu Zheng The fight didn't last long at all, and the phantom sound has already entered the ice prison."

"Anilud, there are only two of us now, how sure do you think we are?"

Soon it was time for the real battle, and Fairy Xuanyang also had a dangerous premonition at this time, which made her ask Anilul again.

"The poor monk still said the same thing, as long as the two of us don't hide our secrets, they have a good chance of winning against Gu Zheng!" Anilu sneered.

Heavy snowfalls and howling winds are common weather in the Frozen Snowfield.

Anilud came to the vicinity of the ice lake by "meteor chasing the moon", but he only saw Fairy Huanyin, not Gu Zheng.

Anilud was very vigilant. He frowned when he didn't see Gu Zheng, and there was already a white light flashing '卍' on his raised palm. He pressed his palm towards the snow below him, and immediately appeared on the ground. A "swastika" pattern about ten feet long was drawn, which seemed to be a prohibition that could play a protective or early warning role.

"Huan Yin, where is Gu Zheng?"

Imposing a restriction, Anilud looked at Fairy Huanyin.

"I still want to ask you from Xuanyang!" Fairy Huanyin said lightly.

"The poor monk doesn't want to argue with you, we're already here, and you let Gu fight for it, let's have a good fight!"

Anilud's mouth moved, and a bodhi seed that was originally hidden in his mouth was bitten between his teeth. The bodhi seed bitten between the teeth by Anilud is shining with golden light. It is a rare space fairy that can hold people, and Fairy Xuanyang is contained in it.

Anilu blew on the bodhi seed, and a small black dot flew out of it, and landed in the shape of Fairy Xuanyang.

"I've already come out, Gu Zheng, you haven't shown up yet, but are you going to be a shrinking turtle?"

In the face of Fairy Xuanyang's scolding, Gu Zheng in the state of "space hiding" still did not show up. His control over the way of space is already advanced, unless the other party also masters the way of space, otherwise he wants to find him The possibility is extremely low! Obviously, Fairy Xuanyang and Anilud didn't have this ability yet.

"Hmph, do you think I won't be able to find you if you don't come out?"

Fairy Xuanyang sneered, and a golden light flew out of her hand.

The golden light is a golden gourd, it flies above Fairy Xuanyang's head, the gourd cover automatically pops up, and several white rays of light shoot out from it, pulling a brightly colored streamer like flying a kite.

"Calling the demon banner!"

Hidden in the dark, Gu Zheng's heart moved. Although this demon banner had the name of "capable of attracting all demons in the world" in the Conferred God era, it was actually not very powerful. However, after the first chaotic catastrophe, the demon banner that received the blessing of heaven and earth is much more powerful than before! The monsters it can summon are no longer the big monsters that were not considered powerful in the Conferred Gods era, but some monsters from outside the circle that were sucked into the demon banner after the first chaos calamity.

I saw that under the swaying of the demon banner, white light flashed beside Fairy Xuanyang, and four monsters outside the circle appeared in an instant.

"I have long heard that the demon-calling banner is in the hands of the senior sister, but no one knows what kind of changes have taken place in the demon-calling banner that has received the blessings of heaven and earth. Now it seems that this change seems to be good, and it can summon monsters outside the circle! But what is strange to my junior sister is, since my senior sister wants to kill my junior brother Gu Zheng, why didn't I use the demon banner in the ice prison at that time?"

Fairy Huanyin had a pure face, she naturally guessed that the reason why Fairy Xuanyang didn't need to summon demon banners in the ice prison was because there were many restrictions in the ice prison, which itself was a cage for holding monsters outside the circle, and there were many monsters in it. Things like fairy arts and Taoism are not easy to use.

"Look for the phantom sound, ah!"

Fairy Xuanyang's expression was wonderful, and her anger was instantly replaced by panic. She suddenly found that some important things had been stolen by a mysterious force in her storage fairy.

"what's the situation!"

Anilud also screamed out, and some of the things in his storage fairy also disappeared instantly.

The reason why Gu Zheng hides in the dark is to observe the situation of Anilud and Fairy Xuanyang from the eyes of a 'thief', so that his 'space stealing' can exert its greatest power.

"Space hiding" can make Gu Zheng hide in the space, but the use of "space stealing" will undoubtedly expose his location. And once the location is exposed, and under the concentrated attention of quasi-sages like Anilud and Fairy Xuanyang, it is already unrealistic to continue to use "space hiding" to obtain any miraculous effects.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After appearing, Gu Zheng laughed, he was very satisfied with the harvest of launching the "Space Stealing".

"I said Xuanyang, why do you have so many good things on your body? Baolian Lantern, Lei Lingzhu, these fairy artifacts that were famous in the Conferred God era, are all here with you. It seems that Emperor Wa thinks highly of you!"

"Anilu, you don't have any fairy artifacts that have become famous since the time of conferring gods, but the things you stole from you are not bad. There are even things that originally belonged to the outside world, but were also blessed by heaven and earth after the first chaotic catastrophe. Immortal Artifacts that have been passed! Moreover, there are as many as three such Immortal Artifacts, you are really very rich!"

Fairy Xuanyang and Anilul's faces were ashen, they both bit their lips and stared at Gu Zheng, really wishing to have his skin cramped. However, they are even more afraid of the ancient battle in their hearts! Before the real fight started, Gu Zheng used inconceivable means to steal their important fairy artifact, which was a bit too much of a loss.

"It's a pity that the fairy artifacts that have received the blessings of heaven and earth can only be used by oneself. If you die, they will be useless and can only be reduced to garbage!"

Gu Zheng continued to irritate Fairy Xuanyang and Anilu, he said with a hey smile: "But even if it is garbage, they are the reliance of the two of you. Is it very heartbreaking for you to lose your reliance? Are you very unconfident? If so, Then I'm very happy!"


Anilu laughed back angrily: "Do you think that's all we have to do?"

"Oh? What other means do you have? Is it about the vegetarian dish yesterday? If you have it, use it quickly, or you won't have a chance after the war!" Gu Zheng said.

"You're mocking the poor monk, didn't you all eat that vegetarian dish?" Anilu said.

"Of course not, although at first I thought this dish might be trying to harm me, but when I saw you and Xuan Yue both eating that dish at the banquet, I thought of another possibility, that is you The insidious guy took advantage of me!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Since you know that the poor monk has used you, you can still laugh? The poor monk has never seen such a brazen person!" Anilu shook his head.

"Of course I can laugh! With my current practice, it's rare to find something that can give me insight into the way of eating! I also want to know what kind of effect you, an insidious guy, can have by using me!" Gu Zheng Seriously.

"I'm really curious, where does your confidence come from?" Anilud narrowed his eyes.

"Confidence comes from all aspects, this is the gap between us!"

Gu Zheng pointed Tang Mo at Anilu and Fairy Xuanyang, silently urging them to act quickly.

A burning incense appeared between Anilu's fingers, and the curling cigarette was inhaled by him and Fairy Xuanyang.

Gu Zheng has been watching Anilud and Fairy Xuanyang. Although there is a "swastika" array on the ground, the biggest function of this array is to resist conventional attacks, so it cannot resist the "space stealing" before Gu Zheng , nor can it affect the observation of the ancient eye of fighting for the way. Therefore, Gu Zheng could see some mysterious changes in the bodies of Anilud and Fairy Xuanyang after smelling the cigarettes! The benefits of this change seem to be many, but for now, it can speed up the celestial balls of Anilud and Fairy Xuanyang! And the faster the Xianli ball is running, the faster the shooting speed will be, and the higher the fighting power will be.

Dazzling golden light and fire burst out from the bodies of Anilud and Xuanyang, forming a flame that persisted on their bodies, and they were about to launch an attack on Gu Zheng.

"Om, Zhimo Yasaled!"

Anilud's voice was like rolling thunder, and the eight-foot-tall golden characters printed towards Gu Zheng from eight directions.

The crisp bell rang, and Fairy Huanyin rang the chime in front of her. Although the strange and long bell was not as shocking as Anilud's eight-character mantra, the eight golden characters of Zhang Gao exploded in the bell.

"Phantom sound, you are courting death!"

Fairy Xuanyang, Jiao Zha, raised her hand and slashed at Fairy Huanyin with a shocking sword light.

The fairy weapon in the hands of Fairy Xuanyang is a fairy sword carved like a spar, and it is also a fairy weapon that survived the first chaotic calamity, and the sword light split by it, in addition to carrying an extremely domineering In addition to the sun's aura, it also turned the flying snow in a huge area into raindrops, and flew towards Fairy Huanyin.

Fairy Huanyin concentrated on ringing the bell, as if everything was just floating clouds.


With a loud noise, the sword light from Fairy Xuanyang was blocked by a transparent barrier rising in front of Fairy Huanyin.

However, although the barrier withstood Fairy Xuanyang's sword, cracks had already appeared all over it, and as soon as the raindrops from behind fell on the barrier, the whole barrier immediately shattered.


The monsters outside the circle summoned by Fairy Xuanyang's demon banner roared and attacked Fairy Huanyin. They wanted to take advantage of the broken barrier to take down Fairy Huanyin in one fell swoop.

Five-color light flashed from behind, and Gu Zheng, who had already fought against Anilul, wiped away most of the demon attacks that attacked Fairy Huanyin with five-color light.


With a miserable strange cry, a monster outside the circle that was originally flying towards Fairy Huanyin was cut by a black light, and its body was cut into two halves during the flight, and fell to the ground.

The person who beheaded a monster was Die Ling who was also in the 'space hidden' state before. Gu Zheng gave Die Ling the task of protecting Fairy Huanyin. As long as there is no problem with Fairy Huanyin, Gu Zheng can concentrate on dealing with Anilu.


Anilud swung out the air waves with two demon-subduing pestles at the same time, which almost offset Gu Zheng's 'Mad Demon Knife'.

It has to be said that the speed of Anili Xianli ball has increased, which has improved his own strength a lot. However, when he really fought against Gu Zheng, he realized that Gu Zheng was terrible. The strength of Gu Zheng was very different from what he knew. He had reached the late stage of quasi-sage, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe it!

Anilud is a middle-stage quasi-sage. Even if the speed of the Xianli ball becomes faster, he can't be the opponent of Gu Zheng. This is because he uses two top-level Buddhist tools and swings the air wave at the same time to block Gu Zheng's attack. it's easy to see! After all, Gu Zheng cultivated the Tie Xian Jue, which requires more immortal power than ordinary cultivators. Naturally, the level of immortal power is not comparable to that of immortal cultivators at the same level, not to mention Anilud's The strength is only in the middle stage of quasi-sage! As for the running speed of the Xianli ball that Anilu has improved through special means, it is the same as Gu Zheng's current speed of the Xianli ball. These are the gaps between the two sides!

"If you don't come up with some dry goods, you will die a miserable death!"

Gu Zheng appeared after disappearing, and he who appeared behind Anilud, slashed at Anilud's back with a knife.

Anilud was shocked. When he saw Gu Zheng disappear, he, who was also good at the way of space, immediately launched the "space ban" to force Gu Zheng out. However, his 'space ban' was useless to Gu Zheng, which made him instantly understand that Gu Zheng's control over the way of space had reached an advanced level.

Faced with Gu Zheng's knife, Anilud, who was lucky, also launched teleportation. He hoped that although Gu Zheng's control of the way of space has reached an advanced level, he does not have the supernatural power of "space ban".

It's a pity that Gu Zheng is very good at 'Space Forbidden', and the level of Dao Power is higher than that of Anilud, which makes Anilul's body not disappear at all when he encounters a 'hitting a wall' after launching teleportation.


Gu Zheng's knife slashed the golden light protection on Anilv's body surface, and the "five elements illusion" attached to the knife light produced a good defense-breaking effect, making the original complete golden light protection on Anilv's body instantly torn There was a hole.

Anilud was sweating coldly. What he was afraid of was not Gu Zheng's power, but Gu Zheng's advanced control over the way of space.

Wanting to kill Gu Zheng, it's not that Anilu didn't think about the worst-case scenario. His final hole card is the excellent escape magic power of "meteor chasing the moon"! Once he feels that there is nothing he can do, he can instantly escape through the 'meteor chasing the moon'. However, Gu Zheng's control over the way of space has reached an advanced level, and there is also the nemesis "space ban" of "meteor chasing the moon", which makes him full of fear, and he also understands what Gu Zheng said before the battle, the gap between them It's all about the reasons.

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