After being cut open by Gu Zheng for protection, Anilu frowned, and a huge phantom of Buddha appeared behind him, and he raised his hand and slapped Gu Zheng.

The five-color divine light burst out behind Gu Zheng, and when the palm of the Buddha phantom touched the five-color divine light, it disappeared as if it had evaporated.

Gu Zheng swung Tang Mo again, and the light of the saber struck Anilud's back again.

Anilud didn't turn his head back, he just wanted to distance himself from Gu Zheng, and swung the two demon pestles backwards with his backhand.

The golden light flickered on the Subduing Demon Pestle, and the magical powers of these two Buddhist utensils that survived the last chaotic catastrophe were activated by Anilud at the same time.

Based on his understanding of the way of space, Gu Zheng sensed in advance that there are extremely strong spatial fluctuations in the magical powers of the Buddhist artifact, so he immediately planted the 'space imprint' on Anilud's body.

The so-called 'spatial imprint' is actually a method of 'spatial ban'. It is different from a large-scale ban. It only acts on individuals, making it impossible for them to escape by means of 'meteor chasing the moon' in a short period of time.

Anilud's two demon pestles look exactly the same, but their supernatural powers are quite different. The supernatural power of one pestle is 'sleeping', and the magical power of the other pestle is 'attack'.

I saw that a phantom of a nine-foot-high Buddha statue quickly appeared, and they formed a circle to trap Gu Zheng in it. Smash it.

The circle surrounded by the phantoms of Buddha statues has a strong 'spatial ban' effect, and the power of the Buddha statues falling from the air is also very powerful. Generally, it would be very difficult for a quasi-sage to be hit in the late stage.

It has to be said that the supernatural power in Anilu's magic pestle is very powerful, and the power of the 'space ban' has reached an advanced level. This level of 'space ban', even if Gu Zheng masters the advanced way of space, cannot break free. However, no matter how powerful the 'space ban' is, it is only a supernatural power in the Buddhist vessel, unlike Gu Zheng who truly masters the way of advanced space and has an amazing understanding of the entire space!

Because of this, even though Gu Zheng was trapped, he still found a flaw in this predicament at an extremely fast speed by virtue of his understanding of space. So, he slashed at the phantom of a Buddha statue that constituted the 'enclosed wall'.

In the eyes of outsiders, the phantom of the Buddha statue that Gu Zheng slashed at seems to be no different from other phantoms of Buddha statues, but in the eyes of Gu Zheng, the arm of this phantom Buddha statue is the space formed by the entire predicament Among them, the weakest node! He only needs to hit there with a knife, and he can rush out of this predicament.

Unsurprisingly, the knife light hit the arm of the phantom of the Buddha statue, and all the Buddha statues shook slightly. Gu Zheng took advantage of the momentary weakening of the 'space ban' and rushed out of the predicament with a teleportation.

Anilud's forehead was sweating, and the time that the Buddhist artifacts and supernatural powers were imprisoned in Guzheng was so short that it was unbelievable, and this time was not enough for him to remove the 'space imprint' on his body.

At this moment, Anilu really regretted his guts. He regretted dealing with Gu Zheng, and he also regretted choosing to fight in the frozen snow field.

The rotten swamp and the frozen snowfield are two of the four great impasses, and there is a contradiction between these two places. The space in the rotting swamp is very unstable, and it can be easily punched out of a black hole, but the space in the frozen snowfield is extremely solid, and it is as difficult as going to the sky to create a black hole!

Anilud wanted to settle the ancient dispute in the ice and snow field, but he did have a little fear that when the ancient dispute felt invincible, he shot out of the black hole and fled. But now, a feeling of being trapped in a cocoon has arisen in Anilud's heart.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded again, and Gu Zheng, who was out of trouble, confronted the two demon pestles thrown by Anilud with Tang Mo.

Although the Subduing Demon Pestle is a special Buddhist tool to survive the first chaotic catastrophe, they have confronted Tang Mo four times so far, and they were both cut off by Tang Mo after the unbearable end.

"Die to the poor monk!"

The natal Buddha artifact was cut off, and Anilu spurted blood and roared at Gu Zheng. Moreover, in the mouthful of backlashing blood he spurted, his bodhi seed was still wrapped!

Gu Zheng originally slashed at Aniluo with a knife, but the other party greeted Tang Mo with his bodhi son, which forced Gu Zheng to take back most of the immortal power injected into Tang Mo. After all, the bodhi seed is a space fairy that can accommodate living things, and Gu Zheng doesn't want it to be destroyed just like that.

Tang Mo cut on the bodhi seed, but because of the ancient struggle to recover the immortal power, he was hit by the force on the bodhi seed and slid backwards.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, Anilud dared to spit out his bodhi seed, this is a great opportunity to hide. His immortal power acted on the bodhi seed, and the bodhi seed flew towards him immediately.

Anilu didn't care about Gu Zheng's ingestion of his bodhi seeds, he formed a peculiar handprint, and wanted to destroy this extremely rare space fairy and inflict heavy damage on Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng sneered, and ripples appeared in the air, and the violent energy fluctuations in the bodhi seed calmed down instantly. He prevented the bodhi seed from exploding with the intermediate method of time.

However, Anilud's original intention was not to explode the bodhi seeds, he did so just for show. After all, it is not a secret that Gu Zheng holds the Way of Time.

Seeing that the bodhizi was about to fly into Gu Zheng's hands, two golden lights suddenly shot out from it!

A golden light gave Gu Zheng a good gravity, and another golden light flew towards Gu Zheng's eyebrows.

Although the gravity is good, it does not pose any threat to Gu Zheng, but the golden light flying towards his eyebrows gives him a sense of danger.

The five-color divine light exploded from behind, and the feeling of gravity suddenly disappeared, and the golden light that flew towards the center of the eyebrows was also brushed by the five-color divine light and fell to the ground.

Just like Fairy Xuanyang came out of the bodhi seed before, all the living things that come out of the bodhi seed have a process of growing from small to large, and the so-called golden light is just their appearance at first sight.

The golden light that gave Gu Zheng a sense of gravity is actually Anilud's mount, which is a unicorn two feet tall, and the thing that wants to burrow into Gu Zheng's eyebrows is a golden monster that looks like a cicada chrysalis.

"You really want to work hard, you don't want Bodhi, but you even want to give up the mount that accompanied you through life and death!"

Gu Zheng smiled coldly, looked at the Qilin that was breathing fire at him, and said, "Hey, do you want to be my mount? This guy Anilud let you out with the intention of sending you to die!"

Anilud's unicorn is only as powerful as the late demon king, if Gu Zheng wanted to kill it, it would be easy.


Qilin answered Gu Zheng with a thick snort, and the smoke from its nostrils had a strong corrosive effect.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Gu Zheng slashed the "Crazy Crazy Knife" at Qilin, and at the same time hit the strange insect that flew again.


The strange insect exploded under Gu Zheng's palm, turning into a poisonous mist that filled the sky.

The green poisonous mist can threaten Da Luo Jinxian, but for a quasi-sage like Gu Zheng, its toxicity is really not enough, even the immortal power protection on his body can't be broken.

The weird bug died, and Gu Zheng's "Crazy Demon Knife" chopped the unicorn into a pile of pieces of meat. The two existences that could threaten Da Luo Jinxian were completely vulnerable to his hands.


Without making a move immediately, Gu Zheng waited and watched the changed appearance of Anilud.

Anilud sacrificed his mount and monster worm just to buy himself some time. In this short period of time, he completed an exaggerated transformation, from a human to a giant carrot-like thing.

"Anilud, I have to say that you are really cunning! You asked me to cook you a vegetarian dish. I thought you were trying to harm me, but in fact you wanted to use me. You can use me to enhance your own strength. That's all, but your ultimate goal is to use a vegetarian dish I made for you to complete such an exaggerated transformation! Why are you so confident? Are you not afraid that I ruined your vegetarian dish back then? Is it?" Gu Zheng asked depressedly.

"You are a proud fairy chef. Letting you cook food is also a challenge for you. Will you spoil the dishes that you can do well?"

When Anilu said these words, there was a hint of joy in his tone.

"Eat a pit and gain a wisdom, you taught me a lesson in this respect!"

Gu Zheng laughed, but he didn't care about Anilu's ridicule.

"After I kill you, I will take a good look inside your fairy storage device to see if there is any radish-like ingredient you gave me. If there is, maybe I can get something from it!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Dreaming, the poor monk wants to save you, you damn fellow!"

Anilud roared. He was in a carrot state, and immediately waved the roots all over his body.

"Do you really think you'll be invincible if you become a carrot?"

Gu Zheng rolled his eyes and slashed at Aniluo with a knife.

Anilud, in the form of a radish, is as tall as three feet, with countless slender roots on his body. Facing Gu Zheng's slashing knife, the filaments of electric light emitted from the roots instantly formed a huge light network, which not only dissolved the knife Qi slashed by Gu Zheng, but also moved towards Gu Zheng.

If it is said that the Buddha statue that fell from the sky could threaten the late quasi-sage when Anilud's Buddhist artifacts were displayed before, the light net emitted by Anilud after transforming into a radish is more destructive than the Buddha statue! This kind of optical network, which does not seem to be particularly peculiar on the outside, gave Gu Zheng a strong sense of locking. Under the influence of this sense of locking, even evading by teleportation is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

However, Gu Zheng didn't intend to dodge. The five-element celestial ball in his body vibrated, and a huge fire dragon transformed by the high-level "True Fire Way" appeared out of thin air, and flew towards the light net with teeth and claws.

When the light net was about to touch the fire dragon, the huge body of the fire dragon moved in an instant, and after avoiding the light net, it bumped into the huge carrot.

Although the radish is huge, it is still much smaller than the fire dragon. After the fire dragon hit him, it turned into raging flames and surrounded it.

At the same time, the light also fell on Gu Zheng's body, causing a scene that Anilud did not expect. The powerful destructive optical network did not cause any harm to Gu Zheng.

"Damage absorption!"

Anilud's eyes widened, and he cried out in horror.

"As for being so surprised? Don't you know?"

Gu Zheng frowned, and then it dawned on him that Kong Xuan was the only one in Buddhism who had seen him harm and absorb supernatural powers, and the relationship between Kong Xuan and Buddhism was not very good. What happened last time in the rotten swamp, Kong Xuan Xuan probably didn't tell Buddhism! Otherwise, Anilud wouldn't be so surprised at this time.

"The poor monk wants to see how much you can absorb!"

The big radish burned by the flames roared like a beast, his huge body shook, and as the roots danced back and forth, the blazing flames that originally surrounded him rose from him and turned into a huge fireball with electric lights .


Anilud roared, and he threw the huge fireball towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng frowned, he could see the electric lights sealing the fireball, which contained most of the energy of Anilud's transformed state, and the power would be very huge.

However, Gu Zheng's five-element celestial ball is very 'empty', and he didn't absorb much damage at all in this battle, so he can still absorb this powerful 'electric light fireball'.


The lightning fireball hit Gu Zheng, who did not dodge or evade, and made a loud noise that shook the world. However, the effect it produced was just a loud bang, and even the remaining prestige did not spread out, and it was completely absorbed by Gu Zheng.

A scream that didn't resemble a human voice came from Anilud's mouth, and the despair that had been hidden in his heart finally broke out completely at this moment.

Gu Zheng mastered the way of high-level space, which was the seed of despair planted in Anilud's heart. Because Anilud understands that the way of advanced space plus the primary control of the seventh consciousness will have a huge impact on the fairyland, and the fairyland, which is not often used in their realm, will become terrifying because of this!

Anilud also knew that Gu Zheng was using him to train his hands, but he was anxious to get rid of this situation because of his fear, so he turned into a huge carrot at all costs. And by doing this, he can not only make himself stronger, but also prevent being absorbed by the fairyland. This is also the last extravagant hope in his heart to defeat the ancient struggle!

However, the emergence of such a domineering damage absorption made Anilud completely desperate. He didn't think he had any chance of defeating Gu Zheng! After all, in his transformation state, Gu Zheng can easily absorb his powerful blow, and after his short transformation, Gu Zheng can easily kill him in a fairyland.

No matter how desperate Anilu was, Gu Zheng had already directed the absorbed and transformed energy towards him.

The violent energy appeared in the form of a palm, and the desperate Anilud resisted like a trapped animal. His roots danced wildly, and a blue barrier blocked him.


The phantom of the palm shattered the barrier, and it landed on Anilud's body unabated, sending his body flying.


The huge radish spat out bright red blood, and the energy that made up his palm was after all his strongest blow in the transformation state. Even if a barrier offset part of it, it still caused a lot of damage to him.

Gu Zheng shook his head, with killing intent in his eyes. He thought that Anilulu and Fairy Xuanyang must have some special means to deal with him, but he didn't expect that their courage was more due to their ignorance ! Since there was nothing that could make his heart tremble, in his opinion, it was time to end all of this.

The body disappeared in place, and Gu Zheng, who reappeared again, appeared next to Anilud, wrapped in the sword energy of "five elements illusion", slashing at Anilud's body one after another.

Gu Zheng didn't show mercy anymore, and the gap between Anilud and him became very obvious at this time.

The saber qi hit Anilu's body one after another, and Anilud screamed strangely as his blood spattered.

Although Anilu has a variety of attack methods in the state of turning into a radish, but with the cooperation of the five elements of the ancient struggle and the way of space, his resistance is really like a mantis arm blocking a car.

The black knife light was like a wave, and the wildly dancing roots on the big radish were cut off in large numbers.


The big radish opened its mouth and spit out a glow towards Gu Zheng, but there was no sign of Gu Zheng where he was originally staying.

"Anilud, prepare to die!"

Gu Zheng, who reappeared again, appeared at a height of more than two feet above the ground, and he slashed at the scarred neck of the big carrot.

One of Da Luobo's 'arms' was raised, and he wanted to block Gu Zheng's knife. However, Gu Zheng's body disappeared again, and he appeared in another direction, finally beheading Tang Mo on Da Luobo's scarred 'neck'.


The head of the big radish flew out, and the standing radish was like a fountain, with bright red blood spurting out.

"It's a pity to die so soon!"

Gu Zheng, who killed Anilud, shook his head. He wanted to gain some combat experience from Anilud, but in fact he just witnessed Anilud's cunning.

"In fact, there is not much to gain, and it is not an accident. From the moment your way of space was upgraded to an advanced level, your strength has increased dramatically! With your current cultivation base, no matter you meet Kong Xuan again , or Venerable Cold Wind, it will be much easier for you to kill them!" Qi Ling said.

"Indeed, mastering the way of space has improved my strength a lot." Gu Zheng chuckled.

"Increasing strength is a good thing after all, and you don't need to regret that the opponent Anilud is too weak. Although a strong opponent will give you more combat experience, it will also bring you a lot of crisis!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then said again: "You'd better go and see Fairy Huanyin and the others, don't have any accidents."

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents!" Gu Zheng said.

Fairy Huanyin and others have long been out of Gu Zheng's sight. When Gu Zheng escaped from the magical powers of the Anilu Buddha Artifact, Fairy Xuanyang seemed to know that she was helpless, and she decisively started running away! However, Fairy Huanyin and Die Ling would not let her wish come true, and they immediately chased after her.

Although Fairy Xuanyang and the others were no longer within Gu Zheng's sight, Gu Zheng learned from the induction with Die Ling that the situation was still within the control of Die Ling and the others.

When Gu Zheng rushed over, Fairy Huanyin and Die Ling were still fighting Fairy Xuanyang.

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