Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 102: I'm doing you a favor

  Chapter 102 I am giving you face

  The food in the cafeteria today is still very good, but there is no chicken rack, and the braised pork is made.

   It’s rare, this kind of oily dish is not usually cooked.

   Meat like pork belly is generally not available, and it is used in large quantities in cafeterias, and it is not easy to distribute.

   "And the braised pork?" Ma Xiaoli saw it and hurriedly ordered one.

  In the past few months, my family has not been willing to buy meat and vegetables. This time it is rare to encounter braised pork.

  Shen Man is not interested in this dish, because he has no shortage of mouth, so he doesn't like to eat this dish.

   After finishing the meal, the two sat in the empty seats beside them.

   "Hey, Ma Xiaoli has found a backer, so she is so busy looking for someone to have dinner with every day."

   Zhao Shuying didn't know when she was sitting next to her with a lunch box, her disdainful expression was undisguised.

  Hearing this, Li Chunhong, who was with her, felt bad, so she quickly pulled her away.

   "What are you doing?" Zhao Shuying glanced at her displeased, and said, "Why, I don't know what other people are doing, and you blame me for saying it."


  Ma Xiaoli slapped the chopsticks on the table, turned her head and looked at her coldly: "What did you say I did, come on, come on, tell me clearly."

  She also has a violent temper. She heard that people were bullying her, how can she bear it now?

  Others were eating, and when they saw this scene, they all slowed down to watch the excitement.

   Ma Xiaoli is indeed beautiful, otherwise there would be no rumors.

  A widow, isn’t someone thinking about her beauty? After the man died, he never got married again, and he had a lot of ideas.

  Zhao Shuying originally wanted to say something about yin and yang, but she didn't expect Ma Xiaoli to be so stubborn.

  The last time she was beaten, she always held a grudge, and wished to get revenge immediately. Because Ma Xiaoli's combat effectiveness is too high, she can only say a few words in crowded places.

  But I didn't expect that people would still talk back.

  Thinking of this, she replied unconvinced: "Why, isn't what I said the truth?"

"Doesn't the factory know that you're messing around with men and women? Do I need to say that? Everyone has a clear heart. If I were you, I wouldn't have the face to ask questions here, so hurry up and find a crack in the ground and sneak in!" "

  Others looked at each other in blank dismay. Although everyone had heard of Ma Xiaoli's question, it must be a bad thing to say, right?

  They don't know the mirror...

  Ma Xiaoli sneered when she heard her words: "Why, did you see it? Come on, tell me who I messed with!"

  She said that last time, but she didn't say one, two, three.

   It was this rhetoric again, Zhao Shuying really couldn't tell the truth, and felt angry.

  At this time, Wang Meijuan came out at the right time, pulled Zhao Shuying and said, "What are you doing? How noisy is it during meal time! The factory is a place for production, not for you to come and gossip!"

  She stared at the other party sternly, and then shouted: "Hurry up and sit down to eat!"

  The size is also a small leader of the workshop, Zhao Shuying still dare not do anything to the other party.

  She came down the steps and sat directly on the chair. Anyway, she has a reason to travel all over the world, and she has no reason to lose.

  Ma Xiaoli was not convinced, she didn't give Wang Meijuan this face today, she still stood up and said: "No, if you don't explain this clearly today, none of us will eat!"

   "Why do I mess with the relationship between men and women, please explain to me!"

  She was so imposing that she almost lifted the table, her eyes were fixed on Zhao Shuying who was opposite, and it was difficult for anyone to speak.

  Shen Man, who was sitting next to him, felt that this should be the case, why should he be a shield for others?

  Last time she found out that it was tricky, and she also felt that Ma Xiaoli was not that kind of person. The two have been together for so long, but no man came to interrupt her.

  Zhao Shuying raised her eyebrows in surprise, seeing Ma Xiaoli's toughness, is she still excited?

   "Oh, are you not finished yet? If I don't say it, I'm giving you face! Don't be shy."

   I was originally taking care of the director, what if I wear small shoes behind my back?

  But after thinking about it, if I said it in front of everyone today, Director Qian would definitely not dare, or else he would be blatantly using his position to trip her up.

"I don't need your face, tell me who is that person? I also want to hear who I am messing with!" Ma Xiaoli looked at the other party with her lips pursed, as if if you don't say it, this matter will never end posture.

  Wang Meijuan thought this matter would be over, but she didn't expect to quarrel again?

  She hurried over to pull Ma Xiaoli, and whispered: "Xiaoli, don't do this? Didn't we agree..."

  Speaking, she said normally again: "It's okay, it's okay, don't talk nonsense. Comrade Zhao Shuying, you can't say such things casually! Hurry up and eat and go back to work!"

  Wang Meijuan's attitude of messing things up made no one else care.

  After all, as the team leader, he definitely can't let the workers under him fight around all day long.

   Harmony is the only way to have a smooth production. Otherwise, you will quarrel all day long, so it’s okay.

  Ma Xiaoli didn't accept her favor, she pushed her hand away and said, "What did you say? I've been pinned on my head, and it's hard for anyone to speak today!"

  As soon as Wang Meijuan said this, her eyes widened. It was clearly agreed before that Ma Xiaoli would be used as a shield, and she would be given ten catties of food stamps every month from now on.

  Why are you still regretting it now?

  Thinking of this, she was so angry that she couldn't do anything after taking the things.

  But in the end, Wang Meijuan didn't care about this matter, so she didn't dare to make a big fuss.

   Today's meal was eaten, and everyone didn't go back immediately after eating, but just watched the fun in the cafeteria.

  Just when Wang Meijuan was feeling bad, a voice sounded.

  Qian Yuzhang walked over from the crowd with a serious face: "You are all full and have nothing to do? The people in the third workshop made the whole factory laugh!"

   As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Shuying, Ma Xiaoli and Wang Meijuan, and said, "You three come with me!"

  I haven't eaten the meal yet, and so many things have happened.

  Ma Xiaoli buckled the two untouched lunch boxes, handed them to Shen Man and said, "Sister, take them back for me first."

   I don’t eat but I have to keep it well, take it back at night and feed it to the children.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded, "Don't worry, Miss Li, I'll send you to the locker room."

  Qian Yuzhang took the three of them away, and the others were a little bit unfinished.

   I still wanted to watch the excitement, but it was resolved like this.

  Shen Man was eating the food that had cooled down. The shredded potatoes were fried very crispy. Although it was cold, it was still delicious.

  After the meal, Ma Xiaoli's meal was sent to the dressing room of the third workshop, and there were other people in the room.

  Diameter went to the cabinet and opened it, and found that it was unlocked, and there was nothing else in it except a suit of clothes.

   It is true that there is no need for locks.

  Put the food in, then close the door, and then she returns to the first workshop.

  Director Liu's office is still closed, and it looks like he hasn't eaten at noon.

  Shen Man admired him very much. He worked so hard and forgot to sleep and eat.

   Ask for a monthly pass, the next one will be in the afternoon



  (end of this chapter)

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