Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 103: this must be explained

  Chapter 103 This matter must be explained

   "Comrade Shen Man, this is a new product. You have to taste it." Lin Yu took out an ice cream from nowhere.

  Shen Man quickly took it over and said, "Is this assigned by Director Liu?"

  The speed is so fast, she thought it would be tomorrow to see the finished product.

   "Well, we have tasted it all, and it tastes good." Lin Yu nodded and motioned her to try it.

   Shen Man took a bite and found it to be okay. Although it is not as delicious as her cooking, the ingredients are too different, which is normal.

   It is not easy to use similar materials to make this kind of taste.

   "Very good." She nodded in response.

  Because I stopped eating the ice cream just after eating, of course I couldn’t just throw it away after taking a bite.

   Shen Man returned to his seat and put the ice cream into his tea mug. In this way, even if it melts, you can still drink the soup, at least it will not be wasted.

the other side.

  Ma Xiaoli followed them to Director Qian's office. There were only four of them in the room, and the door was closed.

  Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but snorted coldly in her heart: Isn't it because she was afraid that others would know?

   This shit, really, she doesn't want to get involved at all!

  Qian Yuzhang sat on the chair and gave Zhao Shuying a meaningful look.

   This glance shocked the other party, and immediately shrugged his shoulders and dared not look up.

   "Tell me, what's going on?" Qian Yuzhang looked at them blankly, waiting for a response.

  Unfortunately, the only response to him was silence.

   No one spoke for a long time, he was a little impatient.

   got up and said: "Every day, you just look for trouble, talk about those useless things all the time. You have to let the whole factory see the jokes of our third workshop? Don't you feel ashamed?"

  His voice was loud, and his face was clearly unhappy.

   Seeing this scene, others dare not speak up.

  Wang Meijuan rolled her eyes, walked over and said in a low voice, "Director Qian, don't be angry, this matter is our fault, and we will pay attention to it in the future."

   With her smoothing things over, Qian Yuzhang turned his head in satisfaction, and the matter is over.

  Unfortunately, some people don't want to go there.

  Ma Xiaoli walked over at the right time: "Director Qian, today's matter must be made clear to Zhao Shuying. She said everywhere that I messed with other people and caused great damage to my reputation."

   Hearing this, Qian Yuzhang frowned. What do you mean? She's not done yet!

  Wang Meijuan next to her gave her a tug, "Stop talking."

   "Why don't you say it now? When do you want to say it, tomorrow?" Ma Xiaoli looked at her with raised eyebrows, and smiled meaningfully.

  Wang Meijuan felt extremely uncomfortable when she choked on her. If it wasn't for this, how could she whisper to Ma Xiaoli.

  What is this? And give her a face.

  Ma Xiaoli's attitude was very strange, which made Director Qian embarrassed and Wang Meijuan speechless.

   This made Zhao Shuying dumbfounded, what's going on?

   "What do you mean? How do you want to solve it." Qian Yuzhang looked at her with a dark face.

  Ma Xiaoli was not afraid of such an attitude, and said calmly: "Let Zhao Shuying apologize to me, and promise not to spread nonsense in the future!"

  This requirement is no longer a requirement, and Qian Yuzhang is still very satisfied with it.

  He turned his head to look at Zhao Shuying, "This incident happened because of you, you must apologize. No matter what kind of person Comrade Ma Xiaoli is, you are not allowed to gossip casually, and the same goes for everyone else."

  Hearing this, Ma Xiaoli frowned displeased, what kind of person is she, who is she?

   But she didn't speak when she thought of something.

  Zhao Shuying apologized reluctantly, feeling even more confused.

  Why did Qian Yuzhang not favor Ma Xiaoli? If two people have an affair, they must be biased openly and secretly.

  But judging from the current situation, Director Qian is not pretending to be unhappy.

  This time the matter is over, at least there is an apology.

  Out of Director Qian's office, everyone else has already returned.

  Ma Xiaoli was so hungry that she turned her head to the locker room and found the food she had brought back.

   It's a good thing to have a meal, otherwise she didn't eat at noon today because of this crap, and she wouldn't be able to eat at night.

  After getting off work in the afternoon, Shen Man happened to run into Ma Xiaoli, and took the initiative to ask how the matter at noon was resolved.

  Ma Xiaoli replied: "I have to apologize, I won't accept it without an apology."

   "Every day, you can encounter these bad things every day!"

   Shen Man fully understands what she said next, probably referring to the matter between Wang Meijuan and Director Qian.

   "Miss Xiaoli, come and sit at my house today, I'll wait for you at home." She turned her head and talked about something else.

  Hearing that, Ma Xiaoli thought for a while, then nodded and replied: "Okay, I will go to your house after I get home and deliver the meal. I have memorized the address, just wait."

   "Okay, that's it, I'll go back first." Shen Man waved his hand, and the two separated at the factory gate.

  Ma Xiaoli has to take the shuttle bus back, Shen Man has someone to pick her up.

   "Get off work." Gu Chen walked over with a smile, and pushed the car to signal her to get in.

   The two chatted while going back, and Shen Man said that he would invite his colleagues to his house as a guest.

   "Then I'll go to a restaurant to fry two dishes? At this time, the vegetable shops are already closed." Gu Chen thinks that you should treat guests no matter what, right?

   Now I buy vegetables in the morning, but where do I go to buy them at night?

   Shen Man replied: "No need, I did the grocery shopping in the morning, just go back."

  Actually, she went to the grocery store to buy a lot of vegetables two days ago, and put them in the space, saving herself the trouble of having to buy them every day.

   When the two returned home, Shen Man went to the nearby warehouse to take out the vegetables.

   "I still bought meat? Can I eat braised pork?" Gu Chen's eyes lit up when he saw the meat.

   This is the best pork belly, it would be a pity not to make braised pork.

  Hearing this, Shen Man was stunned for a moment. Today in the cafeteria was braised pork, but she didn't eat it, so she planned to cook it by herself.

   "We want to go together, and I also want to eat braised pork." She said with a smile: "Wait, sit for a while."

  Gu Chen wouldn’t just sit down. He washed his hands and went to help wash the rice, then washed the vegetables and lit the stove.

   Seeing him help, Shen Man did not refuse. Seeing such a heart-warming person, she was very happy.

  It's nice to be pampered.

  This is the first time she has this kind of awareness, and before that, she was always thinking about how to repay this love.

  But now she feels that she doesn't have to pay it back.

  The two of them are doing well together, how can there be so much that they can't pay back.

   Concentrate on cooking!

  Shen Man fried the pork first to remove the fat, and then poured out some of the lard in the pan so that it would not be too greasy.

  Fry the sugar color, then add the meat and then pour the soy sauce, the color looks pretty good.

   "Wow, it smells so good." Gu Chen looked at the pot in surprise, thinking that his wife really has an appetite for cooking.

  In the past two days, they also cooked and ate, but they were all stir-fried vegetables, but the taste was also good.

  No matter what kind of dish it is, it is delicious.

   Asking for a monthly ticket, ah ball (*)



  (end of this chapter)

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