Chapter 104 Physically Strong

   Shen Man finished the meal, and just as she was serving it, she heard someone calling her name outside.

  Going out to have a look, Ma Xiaoli smiled and waved to her.

  Because the gate was open, I saw it when I came out.

   "Miss Xiaoli, you are here." She welcomed him into the door.

  Ma Xiaoli could smell the aroma of the food from a long distance away, and the smell became stronger as soon as she entered the door, so she knew it was cooking without even thinking about it.

   "Haven't you guys eaten yet? It's really not the right time for me to come." She was a little embarrassed.

   Originally, I planned to come later, but I came out after warming up the meals for the children at home.

  Looking at the time, I feel that people have finished eating, otherwise she would not come.

   Upon hearing this, Shen Man became unhappy, and said: "Why isn't it the time? You came at the right time. Sit down, I'll wait for you, if you don't come, we'll both be hungry."

   After she finished speaking, both of them laughed. At this moment, Gu Chen came out to greet the guests.

  Shen Man introduced them, and then continued: "Miss Xiaoli, you usually leave late. My partner comes to pick me up from get off work every day."

   "I have been in the factory for so many days, and this is the first time you have met."

   Ma Xiaoli was a little surprised when she heard that, she didn't expect Shen Man to have a partner at such a young age.

   It's not because of her young age, and because she thinks that the little girl is so beautiful, it would be bad if she is targeted by a blind person with malicious intentions.

  Thinking so, she looked up and down.

  The young man is handsome, tall and strong, and looks powerful.

   And looking straight at the person with his eyes, he didn't see any problem.

   And Gu Chen also noticed the scrutiny in her eyes, but he didn't have any objection, let others scrutinize him casually.

   and not afraid to look.

   After chatting for a few words, Shen Man asked her to go over to eat. The dishes and chopsticks were already set, and the food on the table was steaming.

  Ma Xiaoli didn't want to eat here at first, but she couldn't bear the hospitality, and finally sat down reluctantly, thinking that she must invite her back in the future, after all, no one's things are blown by strong winds.

  She didn't want to owe too much favor, and on her own terms, she couldn't afford to pay too much.

   "Eat, Miss Xiaoli, I don't know what you like to eat, I made two random dishes." Shen Man served her a bowl of rice.

   Afraid this person would be embarrassed, she pressed this bowl of rice very firmly, almost two bowls.

   "I can't eat so much!" Ma Xiaoli couldn't help laughing as she looked at the protruding rice.

  What is this for? It seems that I am afraid that I will not have enough to eat.

   I have to say that Shen Man will take care of people's emotions. It is the first time to eat at home, and he will definitely be cautious, so he can eat more.

   "Come, have some braised pork, and see if there is any delicious food in the cafeteria." Shen Man pushed the meat towards her.

  The entire table is not too big, so it can be reached by pushing the edge of the table.

  Ma Xiaoli felt warm in her heart, she nodded and said, "I will eat, and you will eat too."

  Shen Man picked up a piece of meat for Gu Chen and asked him to taste it. Both of them have eaten it, so it doesn't matter to add vegetables.

  Looking at the braised pork in the bowl, Gu Chen felt elated, almost bubbling.

did you see? The braised pork cooked by his daughter-in-law is delicious! And give him food.

very nice.

   The three chatted while eating, and asked about Ma Xiaoli's family situation.

  I mainly want to know more about it. Shen Man heard that it was not easy for her to live with her two children.

   Ma Xiaoli sighed and said: "My family has had it for several years, and the child is growing up. Sometimes it is normal to be a little bit tired."

   "But my salary is enough to support them, and I also came from the countryside, so it's not hard."

  With children around, she doesn't find it hard at all.

  Although sometimes there are rumors that she is unstoppable, but the reality is that she has been guarding for several years.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man felt that it was really not easy for her. It sounded like three people could live with more than thirty yuan, but only they knew the hardships.

  Children are all boys, and they are especially good at eating. It is definitely not enough to rely on food.

   Looking at Ma Xiaoli's appearance, you can tell that she must eat less than 80 catties.

   "Miss Xiaoli, it's hard for you to drag the child for so many years. The days of happiness are in the future, and the two young men in the family will definitely get better." Shen Man comforted, thinking the same way in his heart.

   She has two sons, and she is afraid of being bullied. The children will be able to support her when they grow up.

  Ma Xiaoli nodded in agreement, "Yes, I'm just waiting for the children to grow up. I won't be so tired when they grow up."

  After a meal, Shen Man also got a general idea of ​​her situation.

   After the two got to know each other, their relationship got closer.

  In fact, Ma Xiaoli is very easy to get along with, but there are too many gossips in the factory, so no one makes friends with her, and she seems a bit withdrawn.

  She also wants to make friends in her heart, but because no one wants to approach her, so she can only be alone.

   Otherwise, when Shen Man came in, she wouldn't be so eager to make friends.

  It's getting late, Ma Xiaoli walked to the door, turned around and said, "Sister, tell me about anything in the future, I don't have much ability, but it's okay to contribute."

   She dare not speak big words, this kind of help is still possible.

  Shen Man nodded with a smile: "I know Miss Li, if there is something that needs you, I'm sure you're welcome."

  Watched her leave before turning back to the house.

  Back in the house, Gu Chen had already washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

   "You're really diligent." Shen Man looked at him with a smile.

   Two people must help each other when they are together, and Gu Chen is not masculine, and helps out with all the housework, which makes her very happy.

   I'm afraid of that kind of machismo, what old men can't do this job. What's the matter, can the dishwasher be folded? Still sweeping the floor can be lame.

   Gu Chen replied: "That's necessary. If I don't work harder, aren't you tired? I'm an old man with a lot of energy, so it's okay to do more work."

   After speaking, he also showed off his body. He is tall and strong, looks thin when dressed, and looks fleshy when undressed.

  Hearing this, Shen Man burst out laughing, "Okay, okay, you have good physical strength, work more in the future."

   Isn't it good that someone is willing to work? I can still rest.

  It was getting late, Gu Chen chatted with her a few words and then went back.

  Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so it’s okay to waste too much time.

   After seeing off Gu Chen, Shen Man also washed up and went to bed.

  What she hopes most is to have a shower before summer comes.

   It’s not enough to take a bath every day, the main reason is that I feel uncomfortable when I sweat, and it’s not convenient to go there.

  The next morning I got up and went to work as usual, because there was already a finished product yesterday. So now the red bean ice cream is put into production, and the price is the same as the cream ice cream.

  In fact, the price of one more material has not increased too much, and the money must be earned, and the difference is only a few cents.

  Because the production of new products started, the factory also started to get busy.

  The sales department began to push orders, and everything in the factory needed to be run by someone, not assigned.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Ball ball.




  (end of this chapter)

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