Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 105: delicate relationship

  Chapter 105 Subtle Relationship

   Workshop 1 was very busy today, and Shen Man also went to help. Otherwise, everyone will be too busy and have to work overtime.

  She is responsible for helping to record. This is Lin Yu's life, but Lin Yu took the initiative to let her go.

   This person turned his head to help others, and he was quite discerning.

  Shen Man naturally wanted to remember his kindness, and it was impossible to take it for granted. After all, he is also the team leader, and he is in charge of them, so he doesn't have to change jobs with her.

   We were busy until one o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone in the workshop didn't eat lunch.

   I was still too busy, and the workload was particularly heavy at the beginning.

   "Okay, okay, don't be so busy, go to eat quickly." Director Liu came out of the office, and he was not idle.

   Seeing that it was getting late, he waved his hand and said, "Go to the cafeteria today and let the master cook alone, let's go."

   It is true that these people have worked hard. As a workshop director, he still has the right to reward comrade workers. There is no reason why others should not give him this face.

  A dozen people in the workshop were very happy when they heard that they could start the stove alone.

   How can a big pot dish have a separate stir-fried dish? It's delicious.

   If you want to talk about eating, it has to be fried vegetables!

  Shen Man went out with everyone, the sky outside was cloudy, it looked like it was going to rain.

   Seeing that it is almost May Day, it is time to plant the fields, and the weather is slowly getting warmer.

  When everyone came to the cafeteria, the chef knew about it a long time ago, so he prepared meals early in the morning.

  After entering the door, meals were served one after another.

   There are three tables in total, and each table has six dishes, which is quite a lot.

   "Everyone sit down and eat, and go back to work after eating." Liu Hongzhi greeted, then turned and went to the kitchen.

   After all, it’s not time for people to cook, so I still have to take a look.

   What's more, this is all overtime work, and there is no overtime pay.

  Shen Man sat on the stool and filled himself with a bowl of rice. He was really hungry after not eating anything this morning.

   Everyone chatted while eating, and hurried back to work after eating.

   Time is tight and tasks are heavy, and the top priority is to solve these tasks as soon as possible.

  After all the orders from the factory have been received, there is still plenty of time to take a rest after finishing these tasks.

  After going back, Shen Man wanted to continue to help, but Lin Yu refused to let her help.

   "Comrade Shen Man, you've been quite tired all morning, let's talk about it tomorrow. There's not much work in the afternoon, so I'll just keep an eye on it."

  Lin Yu's attitude towards her is not at all the way he treats an ordinary worker comrade.

   It's a bit like treating a leader. Those who didn't know thought Shen Man was the team leader.

   "It's not necessary, I can't watch you work, and I can't sit still." Shen Man thinks it can't be like this.

  It's only been a few days since I came here to work, and I started to show off, so that's okay.

  So I have to work today, and work harder in the future.

   "Go and study your new product, I am looking forward to it very much. I have the final say on this matter, I am the team leader." Lin Yu smiled and waved her away.

   Hearing the words, Shen Man can't say anything more, but it's okay to research new products.

  Now the food factory has just launched a new ice cream, and summer is almost here, so you can come up with a new product while the iron is hot.

  Thinking about it, she turned around and went to study.

   But I thought about making chocolate ice cream before, and the chocolate raw materials are too expensive here, so I might as well make something else.

  She thought about it and decided to use the formula two days ago. Lin Yu also helped her get the ingredients.

   There is one thing she didn't let Lin Yu take, and that was mung beans.

  Nowadays everyone knows that mung beans can relieve heat, but there is no food factory cold drink factory that makes mung bean ice cream.

  Only mung bean cake is a small dessert that everyone often eats, and it is quite popular.

  So Shen Man has been thinking, it’s better to reproduce the mung bean ice cream, the recipe is the same as the red bean ice cream, changing the soup without changing the medicine.

  The red beans are attached to the top of the ice cream, but the mung bean ice cream should be cooked and mixed with large particles in the ice cream before freezing.

   This saves trouble, and you don't have to bother to find other materials.

   Once you have an idea, the next thing will be easy.

   "Leader Lin, why doesn't she work?" Zhang Qiang was tired all morning, and when he came back from dinner, he saw Shen Man sitting and reading a book.


  They are exhausted here, just sit on a chair and write and draw?

  Hearing this, Lin Yu frowned displeasedly: "Zhang Qiang, can you be a little promising? Why do you still stare at other lesbians when they do some work?"

   There is only one woman, Shen Man, in the entire workshop. Even if she has nothing to do, she can take care of her.

   But Zhang Qiang didn't think so, he felt that Shen Man started to be embarrassed because he could make an ice cream.

  If she has the ability, she will continue to do it in the future, so what kind of skill is she to make one.

   "You are the team leader, you haven't said anything, what else can I say?" Zhang Qiang curled his lips, then turned his head and went back to work.

  Lin Yu still wants to educate the other party, but everyone has left, so what else is there to educate.

  After getting off work in the afternoon, Shen Man went back on Gu Chen's bicycle, but it rained heavily halfway.

  The rain in spring was particularly cool, and the coats both of them were wearing were soaked.

   After returning home, I became a drowned rat.

   "I'm going to boil the water." Shen Man couldn't help shivering, it was too cold.

   Not to mention being drenched in the rain, the wind made her feel even more uncomfortable, it was so cold.

   Gu Chen stopped her and pointed to the room, "Hurry up and change your clothes, don't catch a cold anymore. I'll do the fire, please be obedient."

   Having said that, can Shen Man be disobedient?

  She turned her head and went to the house to change clothes.

  Looking at Shen Man's back, Gu Chen suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

   Just now, I obviously saw something that shouldn’t be seen, and I couldn’t help thinking about it...

  Gu Chen raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously, then said in a low voice, "Is it okay to be a little promising!"

   I hate myself for being worthless...

   After entering the room, Shen Man quickly changed into clean clothes, dried her hair before going out.

  But when she opened the door, she blushed when she saw the scene in front of her.

  Gu Chen put the wet clothes on the chair, and then dried them with a towel.

   I didn't notice it before, but Gu Chen's eight-pack abdominal muscles are very obvious, and his wheat-colored skin looks very healthy.

  The strong muscles on the arms make people feel very safe.

   Shen Man couldn't help but take a few more glances. Who can stand this?

   Turning around, Gu Chen also found her staring at him, couldn't help but smiled and said, "What are you looking at? Do you want to come and have a look?"

   After speaking, he was a little embarrassed, but his face was not pale, even if he was shy, he couldn't tell.

  Shen Man coughed lightly: "Ahem, I'm going to make brown sugar **** tea to get rid of the cold."

   After she finished speaking, she went straight to the kitchen, and when she passed by Gu Chen, she took another look at her eight-pack abs.

   thin yo...

   Really greedy.

   But it doesn't matter, she will be hers from now on, so don't be greedy now.

   I don't know if it's because of this incident that the relationship between the two has become more and more delicate.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Ball ball.

   ball, ball, ball



  (end of this chapter)

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