Chapter 106 Small body is too thin

   After being drenched in the rain, it is best to take a hot bath.

   It's a pity that there is no such condition now. It is raining heavily outside, and Shen Man can't go to the bathhouse.

   Otherwise, what should I do if I catch a cold on the road?

   "Drink some **** tea, I'll make some food to eat." Shen Man cooked tea and brought it to him, and drank a big cup himself.

   After drinking this hot **** tea, I feel warmed up, and there is still a little sweat on my forehead.

   "Let me cook, what do you want to eat?" Gu Chen went to the kitchen after drinking tea.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "Whatever, let's have some noodle soup, it's hot with soup."

  In fact, I think it is simple, so I want to eat it.

  Gu Chen quickly unfired the stove, then boiled water and cut some side dishes.

  I have some cabbage at home, just cut two leaves, and put a few poached eggs, and a big pot of noodle soup is ready.

   Shen Man looked at so much, but didn't say anything. After all, no matter how much he cooked, Gu Chen could finish it. This guy has a huge appetite.

   After eating and drinking enough, it was Gu Chen who went to clean up the dishes again, very diligent.

   And Shen Man always felt that he was really doing nothing, lying down and gaining weight.

  Seeing that Gu Chen came back after packing up, he said, "It's raining so much outside, why don't you just stay here? I have a quilt over there, if you don't mind, use it."

   "I took it back after washing it. It may not have been in the sun for several days."

  The room next door also has a bed, but no furniture. But it's definitely okay to live alone. Her quilt was brought over and never used again.

   Before moving, Gu Chen bought her a big quilt, which was suitable for the bed. The previous quilt was a bit small, but it was enough for sleeping alone.

  Gu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this, he hesitated a little and said: "That's so embarrassing, I just don't bother you."

  Before he finished speaking, the man went to get the quilt from the cabinet with ease, and he put it himself, so he knew where it was.

   Seeing this, Shen Man smiled helplessly, but she was not disgusted, and the two of them didn't sleep in the same room, so they were afraid of something.

  Actually, she is not a conservative person. She can do anything before marriage, but the original owner is only too old. She has to wait until she is twenty years old.

  Gu Chen ran to the next room to spread out the bedding, and smiled happily.

   Oops, another step forward, nice.

  He is very happy now, and he will try to move here in the next step!

   Otherwise, Shen Man is so beautiful, he is afraid that someone will miss it, what if it is taken away?

  Shen Man saw that he had gone into the room to sleep, so she also went to wash up and take a rest. Today, she was very busy with work, and she was a bit tired in the cold.

  Thinking about jumping in the queue to pick corn in the countryside before, the work was much more tiring than this, but I survived.

  Sometimes she feels that she is very powerful and can endure all kinds of hardships.

   Gu Chen next door tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, hugging the quilt and smelling the special fragrance of flowers on it, he felt a little dreamy.

   Could it be that Shen Man also has this taste?

  He didn't know, it was the smell of laundry detergent, but he just thought it smelled very good.

  Gu Chen kept holding the quilt with an idiotic smile. This was overshadowed by his daughter-in-law, it's really fragrant.

the next morning.

   After Shen Man got up and washed, he found that Gu Chen came out of the room listlessly.

  She asked in surprise, "What's the matter? Did you catch a cold?"

   Even if they have a cold, it’s normal. After all, they got caught in the rain yesterday, so drinking **** tea won’t necessarily prevent them from catching a cold.

  Gu Chen shook his head and replied, "No, I didn't sleep well."

   More than a little bit, I didn't sleep well at all! I didn't sleep until it was almost dawn, and I slept for less than four hours in total.

   "Is it because I changed places and didn't sleep well, go wash your face, I'll make breakfast." Shen Man also had this problem before, so he didn't care.

  Looking at the back of her going to the kitchen, Gu Chen sighed helplessly. He couldn't sleep in another place, it was because he slept in the same house with Shen Man, so he couldn't sleep.

  Probably because the two of them didn't have this problem before.

   "It's time to eat!" Shen Man came out with fried eggs and pies.

  The stuffing is made of pork and cabbage. Just make the stuffing and put it in the space. It is very convenient to take it out and use it directly.

  Seeing the pie, Gu Chen was dumbfounded, "When did you chop the stuffing?"

  I went to the kitchen to cook yesterday, but he didn’t see these things either.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "Yesterday morning, it was kept in the warehouse. I came back too late yesterday, so I didn't say anything."

   "Okay, it smells so good, why is the food you cook so delicious?" Gu Chen salivated when he smelled it, not to mention what it felt like to eat it in his mouth.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "Xiang, you can eat more, come, go to work after eating."

  She pushes a plate of pies, and fried eggs.

   Cooked some millet porridge, and the two chatted while eating.

  The crust of the pie is thin and crispy, the filling is large, and it tastes good.

   Shen Man would not have dared to eat it in the past. After all, it is a carbohydrate bomb with too many calories.

  It's different now, my body is too thin, so I have to eat more and supplement more.

   After dinner, the two went to work separately.

   Arriving at the factory, Shen Man first went to Ma Xiaoli's side and handed over the things in his hand.

   "What is this for? I don't want it!" Ma Xiaoli frowned and refused righteously.

  Shen Man held two bundles of yellow noodles in his hand. This kind of thing is made of cornmeal, but it tastes good and has a strong texture.

  I wanted to help Ma Xiaoli, and people definitely can't take expensive things, so I took this thing.

   Seeing that she didn't want it, Shen Man said: "Miss Xiaoli, this is not something expensive. The corn noodles sent from my hometown, how cheap are coarse grains now?"

  After hearing this, Ma Xiaoli recalled that corn noodles were indeed not expensive, only a few cents a catty.

   Seeing that the noodles in the other party’s hand only weighed five or six catties, he said, “Okay then, don’t give me any more in the future.”

   "It's okay, Miss Li, this is a special product from the countryside, and I can't finish it." Shen Man didn't wait long when she saw that she had accepted it.

  The two separated after a few words, and she still had to go back to work.

  Director Liu is not so busy today. He wandered around the workshop and followed the two quality inspectors to check samples.

  As long as there is no quality problem, he is at ease.

   "Shen Man is here, come with me to the office." When he saw someone coming, he waved his hand.

   Shen Man didn't ask what he was doing, he put down his satchel and went.

  The leader asked you to talk, what else can you ask? You will know if you go there.

   Asking redundant nonsense can only make people more impatient, so she doesn't ask.

  There were only the two of them in the office, sitting on a chair, Liu Hongzhi said, "I heard from Lin Yu that you are researching new products. How is the progress?"

  He also heard about it today, and he didn't take it seriously at first, and he only asked more questions because of Shen Man's ability to study.

   Besides, how can it be so easy to research new products? If that was the case, it wouldn't be so difficult for them in the first workshop, so he didn't hold out much hope.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the world.

   The next one will be updated at night, and I will go out to dinner with my dad during the day.



  (end of this chapter)

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