Chapter 108 I like my wit

   After get off work, Shen Man followed Gu Chen home.

   On the way, Gu Chen talked about what happened when he was treating guests to dinner tomorrow. He planned to find Li Jinyuan and his wife for dinner after moving, but he was busy with work, so he never looked for them.

   "I'd forget it if you didn't tell me, look at my memory." Shen Man was a little annoyed.

  In the past few days, I have been thinking about the work in the factory, and I have been studying how to make ice cream all day long.

   Li Jinyuan and his wife helped her so much, but they didn't even invite her for a meal. Isn't that heartless?

  Gu Chen said with a smile: "It's not your fault, I'm just as busy, how can I get used to it so quickly when I first joined the job, don't think too much about it."

   While talking, the two returned to the small courtyard. There were many old men and women sitting at the door to enjoy the shade on both sides of the road, waiting for their children to come home from get off work.

  The smell of food wafts from every household, especially the breath of life.

  For Shen Man, living in a lively environment can really make her feel safe.

  Maybe because I have been used to loneliness since I was a child, so I especially want a lively environment.

  Back home, Shen Man watched Gu Chen go to the kitchen to light a fire, then turned around and went into the room to change clothes.

  She wears loose cotton home clothes at home, and the gray ones are also dirt-resistant. Otherwise, I always feel constrained and not used to it.

   "What's for dinner tonight?" Gu Chen came out of the kitchen, and it seemed that the fire had already been lit.

  Hearing this, Shen Man thought for a while, and then said: "Shall I eat dumplings? I made noodles, and there is a piece of meat at home. How about you chop stuffing?"

  Yesterday, she ate a piece of pork weighing more than a catty. She soaked it in water and put it in the warehouse again.

  It is really inconvenient not to have a refrigerator, because she doesn't go out to buy vegetables, and there is no way to explain the extra things.

  Once or twice is fine, but if there are too many times, it is inevitable that Gu Chen will not think too much.

  Gu Chen likes to eat dumplings, so he naturally nodded in agreement. I turned around and went to chop the stuffing. I still had half a cabbage at home, so I was eating pork and cabbage dumplings.

   Both of them worked quickly, and the dumplings were already made in less than an hour.

  Since Gu Chen eats a lot, Shen Man made a lot of dumplings, and the two of them made them together quickly.

   "Why do the dumplings you make look so good? They are the same as the ones in big restaurants." Gu Chen was very curious when he saw the dumplings that looked like ingots, and he didn't understand after looking at them for a long time.

  Ordinary small restaurants only need to squeeze a few times to make dumplings, but the dumplings in big restaurants are made like Shen Man's, which are very beautiful.

  Wearing the words, Shen Man said: "It can be squeezed out in one click, just watch, just like this, and then like this, it's done."

  Gu Chen:? ? ?


  Closing both hands, the dumpling was finished, and he didn't understand anything.

   "Come on, I'll teach you next time, let's cook dumplings." Seeing that he couldn't learn it, Shen Man stopped teaching.

   The dumplings can be boiled in the pot for three minutes, and there are six plates in it, which is a bit spectacular to put on the table.

   In the end, there were two plates left, Shen Man only ate half of the plate, and Gu Chen ate the rest.

  It didn't rain tonight, Gu Chen walked out step by step, looking back, very reluctant.

  When can we live together? He is lonely and cold alone!

  Shen Man pretended not to see his eyes, smiled and waved him away.

  Not now, let’s talk about it when I’m twenty next year.

  When she came to the factory, she sat next to the operating table, looking at the list in her hand and knowing it well.

   It is definitely not possible to make samples directly today, it is too early.

  Let’s talk about it tomorrow. After all, I just finished talking to Director Liu yesterday, and the other factory is too busy working on red bean ice cream.

   One more thing, everyone is going crazy.

   "Shen Man, you go to the meeting with me." Liu Hongzhi walked out of the office with a notebook and pen in his hand.

  Director Liu will go to the meeting every day, and all the directors and above in the factory must go to the meeting.

  But I haven't heard that ordinary workers can go to meetings, so not only Shen Man was stunned when he heard this, but everyone else looked over.

  What is the situation?

   "Why don't you leave?" Seeing that she was not moving, Liu Hongzhi urged her again.

   Shen Man quickly stood up, wanting to ask what was going on, but he didn't ask.

   Forget it, what’s the use of asking now, if you go there, you’ll know.

  Since Director Liu asked her to go, there must be a reason.

  Following up quickly, the two left the workshop one after the other.

  When the other people saw the person leaving, they whispered to each other, guessing what was going on.

  After Lin Yu was surprised, he knew it in his heart. This time, the new product came out very well, and the leaders of the factory held a meeting, and they probably talked about this.

   It is normal for Shen Man to go.

  But now that Shen Man's development prospects are getting better and better, it seems that his choice is still right.

  Back when Shen Man entered the first workshop, everyone ignored him, but he offered to show his kindness and even helped with the work.

   In this way, if we establish a good relationship, it will definitely be beneficial in the future.

   Lin Yu praised his wit, he is very discerning!

  Here, Shen Man followed Director Liu to the office building. A few people just entered the conference room on the first floor. It seems that it is not time for the meeting yet.

  Director Zheng didn't come over either, and it was less than 8:30.

   "Sit over there." Liu Hongzhi pointed to a row of chairs against the wall.

  There are two secretaries holding notebooks and pens over there, and they seem to be taking meeting minutes.

   Shen Man nodded and passed away. She could still see that the people sitting next to the big table in the conference room were all directors and leaders, and she was not qualified to sit there.

  After sitting down, the two little girls next to her asked her if she was the new secretary.

   Shen Man shook his head and replied, "I am a worker in the first workshop."

  What kind of secretary? She doesn't work as a secretary.

  As soon as they heard that she was a worker, the two of them lost interest in talking and turned their heads away from her.

  Basically, those who work as secretaries are technical secondary school graduates with majors.

  People like them still look down on workers, because workers are all junior high school graduates, the highest high school graduates.

   Even if they graduated from high school, they have no interest. The current technical secondary schools are very highly educated, and they have their own arrogance.

   Shen Man has no emotion about this, why? What should she do?

  My future sister is going to go to college, and the technical secondary school is just a few years old, so what an air.

  Many people entered the conference room one after another. Finally, Director Zheng rushed over with his secretary, followed by Deputy Factory Director Xiao himself, Secretary Tang.

  They came together, and they probably were together before they came, and the leaders will definitely have a chat before the meeting.

  Of course, only when there is a big event, otherwise we have meetings every day, do we have to chat every day? No matter how big the factory is, there are people in charge of every job position, so it really won't be a big event every day.

  Sitting on the chair, Director Zheng glanced around and saw Shen Man, but he just glanced at it, and then began to speak:

   "I called everyone to a meeting today, mainly to talk about ice cream."

   "Everyone knows that our factory recently launched a new red bean ice cream, which received a good response and many orders."

   Ask for a moon ticket (*)



  (end of this chapter)

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