Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 109: Don't talk big! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 109 Don't talk big! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Director Zheng attaches great importance to the new ice cream.

  The meeting lasted 20 minutes, and it also talked about future development prospects.

   After a long speech, Shen Man sat on the chair and admired it. She doesn't know how to speak like this, and she's used to it from Director Zheng's appearance.

  Seeing that the other party's mouth was chewing white foam, she couldn't help swallowing, it was really tiring.

Factory Manager Zheng took a sip of tea calmly, then cleared his throat, and continued: "The new red bean ice cream this time is thanks to Comrade Shen Man from the first workshop, who worked hard day and night to contribute to the organization. Only in exchange for today’s results.”

   Shen Man himself felt embarrassed when he said this.

  How can she forget to sleep and eat, and work hard?

   "Comrade Shen Man, thank you for your dedication to the factory. On behalf of Food Factory No. 1, I would like to express my gratitude to you!" Director Zheng expressed his seriousness and sincerity.

Seeing this, Shen Man immediately stood up, "Director Zheng is serious. It is right to contribute to the factory. If the factory needs it, I can stand up at any time! I am a brick in the factory, and I can move it wherever I need it! "

   Yo Ho Ho.

  Shen Man feels that his soul has been sublimated now. These words were read in a book a few days ago, and he did not expect to use them so soon.

  Director Zheng is very satisfied with her performance, as long as she has this sentence.

  Attitude is the most important thing. If you don’t have any attitude at all, what contribution can you expect to make?

   As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause in the conference room.

  Tang Zhenyun is very satisfied with this little girl. Before, she was afraid that the child was too young to be identified, but with such awareness, this person is definitely not bad.

   After the applause ended, Director Zheng signaled her to sit down, and then continued: "I heard that you have been researching new products recently, how is it going? If you need anything, please tell the factory at any time. Director Liu must fully help and cooperate."

  Shen Man thought for a while, and said: "It's going well, and the test product can be produced tomorrow, and I will report to the factory manager at that time."

   "What?!" Director Zheng was stunned for a moment, "You said that the test product of the new product can be produced tomorrow?"

  This development is too fast, right?

  He originally thought that if Shen Man could develop new products by the end of the year, the factory would definitely increase its efficiency again next year.

   Never expected, people have already researched it.

   Shen Man nodded, it doesn't matter if you tell me about it in advance, she has made mung bean ice cream no less than a hundred times, so there must be no difficulties.

   It would be impossible to take it out immediately. Now that Director Liu has recommended it, she must take it out.

  No one else in the conference room believed it, how could it be so fast?

  Tang Zhenyun looked at her and said, "Little comrade, you have to be responsible for what you say, and you can't fool us with defective products. You have to be down-to-earth, understand?"

  She thought that Shen Man wanted to show off, that's why she said that. That's really naive.

  The goodwill accumulated just now is gone now.

   Still too young after all...

Shen Man looked at her and said with a confident smile: "Secretary Tang, thank you very much for your guidance. I have already researched the new product. As for the experimental product, it is just for everyone to taste. I’ve eaten it, so I’m sure I can say it.”

   Such doubts did not make her sad. On the contrary, because of doubts, her things were more expected and the contrast effect was better.

  Seeing how confident she was, Tang Zhenyun didn't say anything.

   It's a mule or a horse, you'll know when you pull it out tomorrow.

   "Okay." Director Zheng was still willing to believe, he said: "Let's talk about this matter tomorrow, it is important to continue the meeting."

  The next meeting has nothing to do with Shen Man. She sat down on the chair next to her and listened carefully. This is a rare and good opportunity. It is not every day that she can come to attend the leader's meeting.

  As long as she can learn, she will not give up these opportunities.

  The meeting lasted for about an hour. After the end, Shen Man followed Director Liu back to the first workshop.

   "Come with me to the office." Director Liu waved to her, and they entered the room together.

  After sitting down, Director Liu said, "What other materials do you need for your new product? I can go and purchase for you if you don't have any."

  General procurement is done by the procurement department. If he can say that, it is very important.

   Shen Man shook his head and replied: "That's no need, I've already made a list, and everything is available in the factory."

   There are ready-made ones in Mung Bean Space, so you don’t need to buy them.

  Their factory does not make mung bean-related food, so there is no stock.

   Seeing what she said, Liu Hongzhi didn't say anything more, "Then go back and do your work, I have nothing to do here."

   Shen Man returned to the workshop, and everyone was watching her.

   In the past, no one dared to provoke Shen Man because he thought Shen Man had a background, and now he dared not.

   Can go to the factory for a meeting, is that something that ordinary people can go to? At the very least, they don't know that except for the director level, they can go in for meetings.

  Not to mention the team leader, there is no chance to get in.

  Lin Yu walked over very naturally, and said, "Shen Man, how is your new product research going? If you have any errands for me, just let me know."

   Last time, he was the one who helped get the ingredients. He is more familiar with these things than Shen Man.

  Hearing this, Shen Man thought for a while, and then you gave him the list in your hand, "Then please trouble Team Leader Lin, I just need something."

   Except for a very few things, she didn't write on the list, and everything else was there.

   Lin Yu was also very surprised when she saw this. She didn't expect that she could really trust herself.

   But this is also good, it proves that two people are inseparable.

  He took the list and said, "Wait, I'll bring things back in a while."

  He went to the warehouse with ease, and he knew where everything was there.

   Shen Man leaned on the chair, thinking about the meeting just now.

   I have to say that Director Zheng is very capable of being a leader.

  Everything is well arranged.

  She looked at other people beside her, and it happened that these people were all looking at her, and they all turned their heads in embarrassment.

   Shen Man couldn't help but want to laugh, as for it? They're all very old men, so they're afraid of being looked at by others?

   Not long after, Lin Yu came back with his things. This time, Shen Man planned to make a dozen ice creams, so there was no need to hide them. Let Lin Yu help, and the two of them would be faster.

  Although this person is a small leader, he has no airs at all, and is willing to run errands for her, which is really not easy.

  Of course, Shen Man knew that the other party was looking at his ability, otherwise he wouldn't be so rushing.

   But she doesn't mind, only with a purpose can we cooperate better.

   Not knowing the purpose makes people feel even more suspicious and afraid to do anything.

  Lin Yu is very grateful that she can trust herself, and she is very serious in everything she does, and she is even more convinced in her heart that she has read the right person.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Ball! Knock one for everyone!




  (end of this chapter)

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