Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 112: Who is it (seeking monthly ticket)

  Who the **** is Chapter 112?

  Looking at the silent Shen Man, Lin Yu felt helpless.

  When encountering such a thing, I can only consider myself unlucky. After all, where can I find someone? This is simply not found.

  He suggested: "Go back and redo it first? This matter can't be delayed."

   The new product matter was already boasted yesterday, but it turned out to be a moth today. If you don't do it again as soon as possible, others will think she did it on purpose.

  Shen Man also knew that there was no other way, so he went back to the workshop first to make new products.

  The two of them were busy again, this time she went to deliver the cold storage by herself.

   It's not that I don't believe Lin Yu, but I want to see if there are any suspicious people.

   When I arrived at the cold storage, I greeted the administrator and went in to put the mold.

  Looking at the ice cream stacked up to the roof, Shen Man thought for a while, and directly hid his own mold.

  There are so many ice creams in the freezer, she doesn't believe that they can be messed up this time.

   After putting it away, go to the door and talk to the administrator, and then leave.

  When the mold was placed just now, there was no one else in the cold storage, and the administrator did not go in.

   After all, it’s too cold inside, you can’t get in without a padded jacket.

   Before reaching the workshop, Shen Man saw Zhang Qiang sneaking out of the workshop, looking around and walking out unnaturally.

  This person also has no purpose, he turns around and doesn't know where he is going.

   Shen Man is fine, just hiding not far away to observe. She was thinking, could it be Zhang Qiang?

   This is not impossible. After all, the other party looked at her particularly disliked before, so revenge is also possible.

  But the other party doesn't have much contact with her, is this really the case?

   Shen Man continued to read, only to find that Zhang Qiang went to a dilapidated warehouse next to the cold storage.

  Just as she was wondering, another woman sneaked into the warehouse.


   Shen Man not far away was dumbfounded, what's going on?

  What did she follow here?

  After hesitating for a moment, she decided to wait and see.

   What are you looking at?

  She doesn't know...

  For about half an hour, Shen Man's legs were sore from standing, and finally saw Zhang Qiang come out.

   It was another sneaky operation before, and then returned to the first workshop.

  The next thing was the woman, who looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then slipped away too.

  Shen Man felt that she might be the only one in the food factory who was as bored as she was, so she would observe here for half an hour.

  This is the time to go to work, who would come out to hang out? Just these two... plus Shen Man.

  She sighed helplessly, what reason made her follow Zhang Qiang like this?

  Back to the first workshop, Shen Man glanced at Zhang Qiang, seeing that he was working very vigorously, and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

   Really don't delay messing around at work, I still have time to spare.

   "I'm back, is the mold in the cold storage?" Lin Yu came over and asked.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded: "Let it go."

   Not only released, but also hidden.

  There are so many ice creams in the cold storage, they will definitely not be found.

  The place where it was placed yesterday was too conspicuous, and it was mainly just that one, for fear that the workers who loaded it would take it by mistake.

  Lin Yu asked again: "Didn't you tell the administrator to let him watch it?"

   He was actually very guilty about what happened yesterday. He also sent the ice cream, but something happened.

   Until now, Shen Man has never complained or questioned him.

   Shen Man shook his head and said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, people also have their own work to do."

   At this time, Director Liu came out of the office. He came when Shen Man was out, so he didn't meet him.

  He has also heard about the ice cream. Although it is a bit embarrassing, but what should be done still needs to be done.

   "Shen Man, don't worry about ice cream. Now that the red bean ice cream has just been launched, don't get angry with the new product, just take your time." Liu Hongzhi said helplessly.

  Now there are people coming and going in the cold storage every day. It is really not easy to find out.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "It's okay Director Liu, it's because I didn't think it through."

  She didn't blame anyone, after all, it was her own business.

   It used to be that I was responsible for researching new products, but now it is obviously impossible to find someone else's reason.

  Director Liu didn't expect her to say that, he was stunned for a moment and replied: "Okay, then you can figure it out, and come to me if you can't solve the problem."

  He didn't say much, and returned to the office after a few words of explanation. He still had work to do.

  Lin Yu also went back to work. It is impossible for the whole workshop to keep walking around Shen Man. Everyone has their own work to do.

  In the past two days, he has helped Shen Man with a lot of work, and Shen Man appreciates it.

  During lunch, Ma Xiaoli also heard about this incident and asked her about the situation.

   "It's okay, Miss Li, it's been done again." Shen Man gave her a relieved smile.

  Sometimes you can't think of everything too badly, obstacles will only make her progress better.

  Of course, don’t let her know who did it, it’d be weird not to beat him up.

   Seeing her being so optimistic, Ma Xiaoli said, "You have a good attitude, but that's how it should be. The more people can't see your goodness, the better you should be!"

  She has a deep understanding of this feeling. Others think that she will definitely abandon her child and remarry. But not only did she not remarry, she also raised her children well.

  Besides, it seems that someone intentionally targeted Shen Man in this incident. As for who it is, no one knows.

  Shen Man also agreed with her words, and he thought so too.

  Because the ice cream was sent to the cold storage in the morning, Shen Man went to pick it up during lunch break after lunch.

  The administrator of the cold storage just came back from dinner, and saw her waiting at the door, so he hurried to ask questions.

   "Are you waiting for me?"

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded, "The ice cream can be taken out, I want to send it to the leaders as soon as possible."

  Late changes.

  She doesn't want to wait for a moment anyway, and if she makes up the morning's business, then she won't even think about resting today.

   Rest is the second priority. Shen Man was afraid that he would not be able to control himself, so he insisted on standing at the gate of the factory and cursing.

  The administrator didn't dare to delay when she saw her taking the ice cream, took out the key and opened the door for her.

  Shen Man went to look at the place where the ice cream was hidden, and it was not damaged, but there was some chaos in the cold storage.

   "These workers, how can they do some work without standing at attention!" The administrator also saw the confusion, and immediately said: "It seems that we need to talk more in a meeting. If these people don't talk for a day, they won't be counted."

   That's what he said, but Shen Man felt that someone might want to sabotage it again.

  She was surprised, who is it? So idle.

  She didn't see Zhang Qiang go out again all morning, so this person can be ruled out, so who is it?

  The temperature in the cold storage was too low, so after taking out the ice cream mold, Shen Man left immediately.

  Going back to the first workshop to unmould the ice cream, at this time I entered the house and came back after eating.

   "I brought the ice cream back, let me help you." He said and walked over to help, and the two of them could be faster.

   The ice cream is made of cream, so the demoulding is very fast and not troublesome at all.

   Ask for a monthly pass! It will be updated next month, and it will be updated stably during this time. Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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