Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 113: Rare talent (seeking monthly ticket)

  Chapter 113 A rare talent (ask for a monthly ticket)

   "Leader Lin, I have troubled you for the past two days. If it wasn't for your help, I couldn't finish it so quickly." Shen Man sincerely thanked the other party.

  No matter what the other party thinks, it is oneself who helps and benefits.

   Aren't Lin Yu helping all the back and forth? This is not something everyone wants to do.

  At least except for this person, no one else has helped.

  Lin Yu smiled and waved his hands: "You're welcome, everyone is in the same workshop, not to mention that you are so busy when you first came here. As the team leader, I should help."

  He didn't care, he just helped run forward and backward, and didn't exert much effort. If Shen Man really made his mark, he might be able to promote himself.

  Just like reminding him to develop a new flavor of ice cream before, a little advice will save him from detours.

   After they said a few words, Lin Yu went back to work.

  Shen Man delivered the ice cream to Director Liu's office, who was reading the documents.

   Seeing her coming, he put it down and said, "Is this done?"

  The ice cream he was holding could not be ignored. To be honest, he had been looking forward to it.

   It doesn’t matter if you can’t make it well. After all, no one is a genius. How can you make a delicious ice cream in one go?

   Shen Man nodded and said: "Director Liu, you should try it first, and then give it to other leaders if you can."

  Ice cream is not like other foods, you can eat it at any time, it will melt after a while, so why eat it?

  Director Liu didn't say much, picked up the ice cream and tasted it, his eyes lit up, "It tastes good, mung beans can also make ice cream, it's really delicious."

  He heard from Shen Man yesterday that when making mung bean ice cream, it used to be made of red beans. Isn't it true that all bean grains can be used to make ice cream?

  What is the taste of soybeans? And black beans…

   "I think these two types of beans are the best for making ice cream, and the other beans are not sweet." Shen Man seemed to have sensed his thoughts.

   After all, the red beans have a somewhat sweet taste, adding a little sugar will improve the taste a lot, and the rest are...

  Hearing this, Director Liu was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "I'll go and send the ice cream away first, you can wait for news in the workshop."

   After eating the ice cream in two or three bites, he took the ice cream and left.

   Shen Man also went out and waited, looking at the mess on the console, and then tidying it up.

  I haven't paid attention to the busy work these two days, and now her operating desk is the messiest in the whole workshop.

  Others saw Director Liu walking away with the ice cream, and knew that Shen Man had succeeded.

  They also couldn't figure out why it was so easy for Shen Man to research new ice cream flavors, but they couldn't.

  After working for so long, I still can't achieve anything...

   Except for the ice cream that was studied collectively, they seem to be working, and they haven’t researched new products.

  At this time, someone came over to express their friendship with Shen Man, but she just responded with a smile and didn't say much.

  Shen Man: In the past, you loved to answer and ignored me, but today you can't afford to look up to me.

  Why do they have to accept it when they come to show their favor? Doesn't that look worthless?

   Everyone didn't care about her reaction, it's true that they didn't take her seriously before.

  Director Liu came to the factory director's office with ice cream, just in time to catch up with another deputy factory director Xiao and Tang Zhenyun.

   "The leaders are all here, so I don't have to run away one by one." After he finished speaking, he divided the ice cream in his hand.

  Director Zheng glanced at the ice cream, there seems to be no such ice cream in the factory, right?

  Suddenly he remembered that Shen Man had mentioned the new product he was researching before, and said, "This is the new ice cream product Shen Man researched? Has it really been made?"

  Director Zheng has an expression of disbelief on his face, so fast?

  He really believed in Shen Man from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't expect this person to do it so quickly.

   "Yes." Director Liu nodded and replied: "Actually, it was made yesterday, and it can be eaten this morning. But I put the ice cream in the cold storage last night, and found that a lot of sand and dirt were put in it in the morning."

  He didn't want to talk about this matter at first, but after thinking about it, such an approach would destroy the production in the factory and the harmony of the organization.

  If he didn't say it, he would be troubled, and he didn't know who was so wicked.

   Upon hearing this, the faces of the others changed. If it really delayed production, it would be a serious crime.

  Director Zheng changed his face and said: "This matter must be strictly investigated!"

   Behavior is extremely bad!

   Director Liu also agreed with this point of view, and he reminded: "The ice cream is melting soon."

  The three of them glanced at the ice cream in their hands, and then tasted it one after another.

  It’s really good. Ignore some people who don’t like mung beans. It’s really good to have a mung bean ice cream to relieve the heat in the hot summer.

   What's more, mung bean soup is originally a magic weapon for relieving heat, and now it is made into ice cream, which will definitely be very popular.

   "Very good." Director Zheng nodded in satisfaction. He likes the texture of this ice cream better.

  Red beans also taste good, but they are a bit sweeter. Mung bean ice cream is more suitable for summer.

  After Tang Zhenyun ate an ice cream, her feelings towards Shen Man improved a lot. I thought this little girl was talking big, but now it seems that she really has this ability.

  The previous red bean ice cream can be said to have been researched by chance, but the current mung bean ice cream is enough to prove that it is not a lie.

  "Factory Director Zheng." Deputy Factory Director Xiao looked at him and said, "This Comrade Shen Man is very powerful. He can be cultivated and make more contributions to the factory in the future."

   For talents, they must cultivate. If you look at the food factory that has not launched new products in recent years, you will know that there are not many talents.

  Hearing that, Director Zheng was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "It is true that our factory has too few talents, but most factories are in this state."

  Who doesn't want talents, but they also have them.

  But Tang Zhenyun on the side disagreed with his words: "Director Zheng, we can't learn from other factories in this state. The more we get into this situation, the more we need to innovate and make big strides!"

  She can now see that Shen Man is an important figure in the progress of the food factory.

  Three men, none of the lesbians dared to dare to do it, which made Director Zheng a little ashamed.

  He nodded with a smile, "You are right, I will talk to Shen Man, we have to keep this person."

   Talents, what if they are snatched away by other factories? So you must keep it!

  Seeing what he said, Tang Zhenyun was satisfied.

  When Director Liu returned to the first workshop, everyone else looked over.

   I don’t know that Director Liu went to the factory director’s office to discuss matters. Today’s ice cream depends on the attitude of the factory.

   If he passes the test, Shen Man will jump up.

  If but...

  They knew Director Liu's face when they saw it, it was impossible.

  Director Liu said to Shen Man with a smile: "The mung bean ice cream has been approved by the factory. Give me the recipe tomorrow, and after I perfect it, I can arrange production!"

   Summer is coming soon, this is a very important opportunity...

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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