Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 114: don't think about anyone

  Chapter 114 Don't think about anyone

  Hearing Director Liu's words, the whole workshop was in chaos.

   "Isn't that amazing?"

   "My God, it's all about research? You don't even need to change it!"

   Listening to other people's discussions, Shen Man came back to his senses and said, "Director Liu, the recipe is ready, and I'll give it to you now."

  The sooner it is perfected, the sooner it can be produced.

   When the time comes to cater for summer, the efficiency of the food factory will get the highest return.

   Seeing that she prepared so quickly, Director Liu was also very satisfied. When meeting such a subordinate, what more could he ask for? It's too late to have fun.

  Bringing the recipe back to the office, Director Liu began to prepare.

  Shen Man had nothing to do this time, and he didn't plan to continue launching new products, so he went out for a stroll.

  The weather outside is very nice, and it is getting hotter every day. Now she is wearing a thin coat.

   It won't be long before I can only wear shirts.

  Walking on the small road in the factory, Shen Man suddenly saw Zhang Qiang sneaking around not far away.

   I'm sorry, does this person like to go out and play secretly?

   She met this person yesterday and went to the warehouse alone with a lesbian, and today she went to that warehouse again.

   Seeing this, Shen Man was speechless.

  In fact, she was a little curious. She usually listened to people chatting in the workshop, saying that Zhang Qiang was single.

  The **** he was playing with didn't look like he was single. At first glance, it looks like a young woman in her thirties, or she may be a widow. This cannot be said to be a broken shoe.

   Seeing the young woman go to the warehouse, Shen Man boredly turned her head and left. She's not interested in listening to the corner, it's too bad.

   "Xiaoman!" Ma Xiaoli saw her from the side, greeted her and walked over quickly.

   "What are you doing, it's working time."

  Hearing the words, Shen Man smiled and replied: "It's not that there's nothing wrong, come out for a walk to relax."

   After two consecutive days of continuous rotation, she was a bit tired to be honest. This is not physical tiredness, but mental tiredness.

   Seeing what she said, Ma Xiaoli nodded, "You really have a lot of things to do this day. How is the ice cream? Has anyone made trouble?"

   "No." Shen Man replied: "If someone makes trouble again, then I will have to scold them."

  She couldn't take it anymore, if she caught someone, she would have to beat him up.

  Seeing her ferocious look, Ma Xiaoli couldn't help laughing: "I see that you are usually quite quiet, but I didn't expect you to have a very violent temper. Don't worry, if you have anything to call your sister, she will definitely help beat someone."

   "Ma Xiaoli! Can't go to work yet!" Not far away, Wang Meijuan shouted angrily.

  During working hours, are you still chatting here?

   Hearing that Ma Xiaoli turned her head and glanced at her, the atmosphere between the two of them is very delicate now, and sparks are faintly bursting out.

   Seeing this, Shen Man still can't understand? She knew there was some conflict between the two of them.

  So I didn't talk to you, so just say whatever you like.

   But Ma Xiaoli was not used to the other party, and said sullenly: "Group leader Wang, do you think you have become a big leader? Did I delay the production or delay your affairs."

   She bit down on the four words about your business.

  Seeing this, Wang Meijuan was immediately discouraged, and she turned her face away unnaturally, "Whatever you like, I can't control you, can I?"

   After speaking, she left without looking back.

  Ma Xiaoli looked at her back with an inexplicable expression, and unconsciously clenched her hands into fists.

   Seeing this scene, Shen Man thought to himself, it seems that he has been suppressed for too long, if this continues, no one will think about the day of the explosion.

   When talking about Ma Xiaoli's situation, she actually understands it. If you offend the group leader and the director, you won't be able to continue messing around in the days to come. It's a small matter to wear small shoes on your feet, but it's a big problem to let you get out.

   If there are some mistakes in the arrangement, Ma Xiaoli will definitely not be able to do it with her status as an ordinary worker.

  The arms can't hold the thighs, so why are you still struggling?

   "Miss Xiaoli." Shen Man walked over and said, "Do they often have eccentricities with you?"

   Not referring to "she" alone, but to them.

   After all, there is still Director Qian, who holds a chicken feather as an arrow, domineering all day long.

  Hearing this, Ma Xiaoli shook her head, "I don't have any skills, so I can't beat them."

  She just speaks a little bit harder, and wants to confront the leader. Maybe she could do it before, but she is not afraid.

   But it’s not working now, she has two children to support, if something goes wrong, she will be fired, and the children will starve to death in the future.

   It's not that Ma Xiaoli thinks too pessimistically.

   Although it is difficult to fire regular workers, it is not impossible.

  The leaders want to make trouble, can people like them avoid it?

  Seeing that her face was not very good-looking, Shen Man said: "If it doesn't work, I will talk to the director of the first workshop and transfer you here."

   It’s not impossible. There are not enough people in the first workshop. Besides, not everyone needs to be able to develop ice cream, and there are other tasks that can be shared.

  Ma Xiaoli didn't expect her to say that. While being moved in her heart, she refused on the face: "Sister, sister knows that you are kind-hearted, but I need to solve my affairs by myself. It is impossible for someone to help me all the time in this life, right?"

  She is an adult, and after the man is gone, she has seen too much of the warmth and warmth of human relationships and the inconsistency of the world.

  So relying on someone is worse than relying on yourself. Only when you are strong can you be truly strong.

  Shen Man is very optimistic about her, as long as he is more ruthless, so what if the two are leaders? Get him down anyway!

   But the specifics are still up to Ma Xiaoli, she can't get involved too much.

   Looking at the time, Ma Xiaoli went back first. Although it was quite tough just now, it is okay to take a break occasionally during working hours, and you can't fish outside all the time. That's not giving someone a chance.

   Shen Man didn't continue to wander around, and looked back at Zhao Shuying not far away, staring at her, which startled her.

  Standing there motionless like a ghost, who wouldn't be startled?

  She rolled her eyes, and then went straight back to workshop one.

  Other people in the room are resting, and today's work is over in the morning.

   Afternoon is the rest time. We have been busy for several days, so everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

  Shen Man sat on a chair, watching other people come to talk to her, feeling too lazy to deal with them.

   Just a few words of "ummm", and everyone left in a sensible way.

   "Shen Man, come here." Director Liu's office door opened and he called out.

   Came to the office, Shen Man stood opposite the desk: "Director Liu, what's the matter?"

  Director Liu motioned for her to sit down, then put the formula on the table, and said, "Can you see if there are other substitutes for this?"

  He points to an ingredient above the recipe.

  Shen Man thought for a while and asked, "What other food additives are there in the factory?"

  She had never been to the warehouse before, so she didn't know how many kinds of food additives there were in the factory.

   After all, the chemistry is not yet mature at this time, and she tries to simplify some things as much as possible, so as not to delay the taste of the ice cream.

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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